Monday, October 21, 2013

My Star || Chapter 1 -The Princess Belongs To Me

Being a pro at modeling made him quite popular around everyone he knew. Not just that it was bad, he felt that his life had changed quickly when he first started out. It was good to have fans that cheer you on after each time you won that medal or trophy. It felt great to follow your dreams. But after a while it was making things tiresome. That is how this one boy felt. He wanted a new life. One that had at least something that excites him. He wanted some way to get out of this life, one place that could take him there.  He wished that one thing could be here quite soon… Everything was changing before his very eyes.

“Shiro-chan, wow you are amazing!” A small brunette girl would look at his twenty trophies that he had got just today from being the top in the modeling career “It nothing special, Hinamori…” He would answer in a calm tone with taking off his big jacket that was placed on a hanger inside his closet. “Nothing special?! Shiro-chan, this is great for you! Even if you find this career pointless, your family always loved how good you are!” Touching the glass with her fingertips, gently pressing her cheeks into the object in looking like a clown. “Stop doing that! You look like an idiot…” His teal orbs shifted away from her knowing the one person he wanted to impress was her. It seemed anything he did, she only see him as a child or some brother. What could he do? 

Voices upon voices made his headache get worse after joining something called the ice academy. It was a flyer he saw in the window for people to join. The school was interesting to teach about skiing. Sure, it was stupid to join something with learning how to use a pole with ski boards that fit on your two ski boots. Many thoughts ran through his mind knowing he must be ready to learn. That wasn’t the problem only that seeing the man with Momo had caused his blood to boil. He been through this during school and now off to the academy here it was something he wish to break. On the bus, he noticed students talking to one another which a sigh would leave his lips. It was a six hour drive to his destination where he sat in a seat by himself. As usual he would be alone. Though it didn’t bother him much. Really he loved sitting on his own with the thoughts running through his mind. “Ah, Hitsugaya-san you look tense. It shouldn’t be hard for you to learn this sport.” The male had approached with that smile he knew Hinamori would love. Her soft giggles escaped her lips when he noticed that, part of his heart was broken knowing she never see him. Never notice how much he fought just to let her eyes go on him.  It always ended like this…

“Hello, Aizen.” His voice was cold with eyes staring into the other with anger he felt something hit his head. Momo used her hand to smack Toshiro seeing he was being rude. “Shiro-chan, be nice to Aizen! He was only acting like a normal human would.” With a growl he was thankful that the ride to where they needed had stopped. In the mountain area there he saw a field of snow. The most favorite season it had come. Pressing the button for his seatbelt, quickly he would leave the bus after the students hearing Hinamori call for him. He ignored it… knowing that she just complained to him later. Why did it have to end like this? Why is it always him? 

Gathered at the front gate, a black iron bars would slowly creek when opening which a mansion would be the place where they sleep or have room mates. Great… if he had some weirdo or even Aizen then he demanded to switch. It would bother him to have Hinamori come over and that would be his Hell. It was times like this he rather give up on being beside her. She was fine, he wanted to believe that and yet, why did he feel that Aizen was using her? Whatever if she wants to be with a man like that---so be it.

A tall brown haired woman would walk up to the gate with a cheerful smile upon her face. “Good evening you all!” Bowing her head, many of the people would whistle while others just complained for them on the bus toward this place. “I am sure you all are tired. First you will rest then we will send you off to your rooms to await your room mates or maybe you would be lucky to not have one.”  Many grumbles would be heard from the group of newbies which Toshiro just shook his head and followed the group.
The long corridors were long with many paintings on the walls of the previous groups that came here. Seeing the ski equipment as art on the wall was interesting to him. The only problem was Aizen and Momo were right in front holding hands and sharing kisses while they walked. Great… Nice thing to be into or at least right in front of. He had enough of this and wished Momo the great luck in being in love. At the point of his heart it was about ready to snap or break. All his effort was in vain all she saw him was some brother. Letting out a sigh, slowly he look away to see they took a right to the two doors inside was three long tables which had food served on it. This somehow reminded him of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. How funny if they were copying the same idea. The academy wouldn’t have any magic at all which was a bummer. 

His legs would walk to the middle table where he noticed their name tags were around. Supposedly they had places of sitting which High School was happening all over again. So, long he doesn’t have to be near those love birds then all is fine. At the end of middle table he felt perfect here without much trouble. Next to him the name tag had said ‘Haku’ which was odd he never heard that name. At least not in High school here most of his students were there which he was quite well picked on due to his height. Which pissed him off completely. Grabbing his chair slowly he pulled it out to take a seat where his name tag had been placed in front of the white plate. On the first table Aizen had sat next to Momo in having a perfect spot which he was annoyed at. 

Hinamori waved at Toshiro who had a bright smile across her face. Using his hand, slowly he wave back with a small smile. Only that Aizen put his arm around her waist in pulling her up to his chest. Hinamori then blocked out Toshiro’s view which turned her attention on Aizen. 

“That’s rough.” A red haired male sat across from Toshiro which a glare would appear on his face. “Sorry. I think you should just give up on her. There no chance she ever take you out on a dat—“ Suddenly a foot would bump right into the tall male who yelped in pain. Reaching for the bowl of jello, gently he would place it on top of his plate in eating it slowly with picking up by his fingers. “Renji, can you not act like a asshole? How do you know nothing will change between them?” Renji would glare at the black haired female who just kicked him. “R-Rukia…! You should be nice to your best friend.” Raising a black eyebrow, her eyes would roll in taking a seat beside Renji. “I don’t recall ever being your friend.” Reaching for a green apple, her eyes would look at the name card next to Hitsugaya. “Seems she must be new around here in Japan. I do not know much but, it seems she came from London.” Renji eyes widen at hearing the news which he looked at the name tag only to feel a cake smashed into his face.
“HEY! What was that for?!” Rukia looked away only to feel pressure by Renji moving in closer with frosting all over his face. 

London huh? Well, at least it isn’t anyone else though he can’t be certain she was his roommate. It be nice if it weren’t Hinamori or Aizen. Not that he hated her, it was something he must not encounter in having her go out to see him. Knowing he never get to have that chance. In a way, Renji had been truthful about her knowing that he can’t have her as of now she has chosen Aizen.
The others has begun to find their chairs where they sit when coming to eat or he thought that how it works. When the head master came in it was all beginning to make Toshiro feel this was Hogwarts. “Welcome to the academy for Skiing you have come to learn. Though it won’t be easy, we will have you learn step by step, which can be difficult though let us give each of you your key to the room. The person you sit next to will be your roommate.” Rukia eyes widen seeing Renji was smirking like a dork which she looked away. “Great I get stuck with you for hours and hours. I rather be with my Nii-sama!” One of the males was the teacher which he was Byakuya Kuchiki along with his Wife Hisana Kuchiki who had sat beside him knowing her sister was upset. 

The rest was explained by paper which Toshiro had looked at the empty chair that seemed so lonely. Had she found out about him and ran away? Maybe she wasn’t coming and somehow escaped the fate of meeting someone. No, why should he care? She would show up or he gets the room to himself. Works out for him in the end away from what pain he been suffering for years.
When they were dismissed his legs would move forward then back to where his room be. It seemed to be the very top stairs which he found that be quite far from the front entrance. Using the key in the door, slowly he would turn it in opening it finding the room had a large bed with huge closet for lots of clothing. The bathroom was located inside using a door he found that it was going downstairs to a hot springs or taking it to a large rectangle area. When he came back to see the large door was pushed open t another room that was exactly the same design as his was. Large enough for the two people to live without too much trouble. How big was this?! Had everyone got a big room before? This can’t be right… Well, whatever it was a room and he shouldn’t be complaining. The view from the window was exquisite he really was fond of this room. 

“I should take a shower before bed.” Talking to himself the male would put the key in his suitcase with the door closed to lock it. No one would be bothering him including Hinamori who probably will have a fun time with her boyfriend. He was itching his skin with anger. The word ice had melted on him ever since he felt pain through his heart again, and, again. He wanted to find someone that accepts him. No matter what he did, how nice he was, people still had pushed him aside. Why is that…?

Grabbing his towel on it the design has a dragon with him walking toward the bathroom door. He would turn on the light finding the stairs was quite fashionable. “This is just like Hogwarts…” Once he ended up there; the shower would be on the right where many sizes were found. It was quite new for him to take in being in a Foster home where he lost his parents so young. A Grandmother had found him alone which she took him in without questions. Taking off his clothing, he would open the glass door to step inside with the water turning on warm. Everything was there for him to use in washing himself. 

Meanwhile a limo pulled up with a girl having blonde hair to her waist, blue eyes with the butler opening the door for her. “Miss it seems we are late. Should we go back?” The petite girl came out with her blue dress with ruffles at the bottom while her eyes looked up at the tall mansion. Surely someone had expected her to come. She sent word of it by letter which was slow though sending a day early they should read it. When approached the butler pressed the button with hearing a voice speak into. “Yes, are you the last student who sent a letter?” Nodding her head, the butler would answer for her which the teachers came up to the door having the butler carry her things. “Oh, welcome! I was afraid you got lost Miss.” Bowing her head the young girl hated the way she be treated. 

Bowing her head back she would feel a couple rain drops finding the adults had not paid attention to her. Where had that room be? Searching forever be a waste of time. “I will find a way myself.” She told the others in rushing across the courtyard. The map given to her was secretly by her parents in case she got lost and her butler could not help. The strong breeze stopped their vision with the wind thrashing around. Using her strength she pushed through seeing this place was quite tall. “I know!” Grabbing the wall she used her strength in climbing which luckily she had found this easy and quite fun. Not aware the troubles she be into for doing such a act.

The shower took long than he expected which the white haired male would step out with grabbing his towel. He noticed robes were folded neatly which those had be used for Queens and Princesses. “Seems I am royalty not that I mind.” Looking at his towel he grabbed the robe to put it over him in tying the string across with walking up the stairs to his room. No sight of his roommate which he hated to share this alone. Having no choice he has to sleep. “All I have to do i---“


Jumping alarmed he noticed a girl right outside the window area which a balcony was there though the wind was quite strong even for her she be knocked down. A long way down would be a gruesome death here at the academy. That idiot! Who was she and why is she here?! “What the!” Moving to the window he opened it seeing the girl had moved her foot in losing the footing. Quickly he reached for to grab her arm, pulling her toward him slowly he wrap his arms around her hearing the butler and two adults sigh in relief. “Are you Hitsugaya-san?!” They yelled at the top of his lungs with a nod he would answer back. “Thank goodness! We shall be up there shortly to explain. Please forgive us for putting you up to this.” Rushing away the butler and the two adults hurried quickly inside with no effort to explain. 

What…? What had they meant by that? He wasn’t going to babysit some girl was he? If so, then he did not sign up just to make sure she passes. He would pass on his own and herself. 

Arms would wrap around Toshiro for warmth when she felt he pulled her inside with shutting the window. “What are on earth were you doing?! You could of died!” He noticed the girl was soaked by being out in the rain. Clothes…? What could he give her that would be better than that outfit. Was she back in the 1900’s? Who even wore that kind of thing? “I-I am sorry I ju---“ Taking a step forward she would trip over her own shoes in landing face first on the ground. His eyes would blink just slightly with moving over to help her sit up. “Just stay here till I find you clothes or those people come.” 

“I am sorry…” The blonde haired girl would use her fingers to rub the tears out from her eyes. Feeling bad he would sit beside her with letting out a sigh. “What’s wrong?” Teal orbs would shift over to her where he had not even changed into clothing and now was wet thanks to her attempt in getting inside. “PRINCESS!” The door would open suddenly with the silver haired male rushing to her side. Wait…did he just say---Princess? 

“Oh, Hitsugaya-san I am quite happy you were assigned to her hearing so much about you!” The butler would smile happily at the boy with checking for any wounds on the girl. “Wait…what is going on here? I did not hear that the girl be a Princess.” He raised a eyebrow, looking puzzled at the girl and then seeing the two adults enter. “We are sorry for not telling you before. You left so suddenly we should have informed you in person. Though well, you be guarding her during this process.” Excuse me? Guarding? I have no time to guard some Princess. Isn’t that his job?! And why did it have to be him? Of all people. 

“I really am no babysitter you think I got time to watch over her? Why just me? Am I so special that you couldn’t pick someone else?” The petite girl felt her tears came out with troubling him knowing she could handle herself. “I can do it myself! I told you no one wants to help me. I-I always tried so hard to make others see me, but when I do they always run away. He is the same! HE IS…just like them.” Covering her face the small girl would cry with feeling guilty for having this happen. “T-Take my things to a room or the dungeon anywhere tha---“ A finger would touch the female lips being the white haired male who felt like a asshole. He truly can’t believe she was crying over a rejection. Clearly she was spoiled in the least he would have to think of this. “You aren’t deserving of being in the dungeon.” He noticed her hands removed from her face which now she looked like a mess. Letting out a sigh, he would grab a tissue to move it toward her nose when she blew into it. 

“You got that? I will agree only because I am sure anyone else would treat you badly.” Teal orbs would soften when hearing her words played over, and, over again. She was just like him…alone and trying so hard. Is that why he wanted to help her? Still she was a Princess and that meant her ways of things would be harsh on her. “Arigatou, Hitsugaya-san! You will be awarded for this. I assure you we won’t let you down.” Toshiro shook his head at the butler who said payment or awards never would make him happy. “I will do it or accept when she passes here. After all, we have to teach a Princess how to ski. That is no easy task now is it?” With a chuckle the butler would cover his lips knowing that she never done this before. “H-Hey! I am just fine on my own I to—“ Toshiro hand covered her mouth gently with shaking his head at her. “Remember? I am your guardian that why you won’t be alone---not anymore.” 

Tears came pouring down her face which she embraced the boy around his waist in laying on his lap. “I shall bring her things and then use this bird for any emergency I will come quickly.” The male gave him some paper with the owl in the cage. Yes, this is just like Hogwarts. He truly thinks this be nothing different. When her things had been placed in the other room. He had let the girl go knowing she have to get use to on her own. He promised to be at her side but, maybe this time she will succeed. “What is your name?” His voice was soft with a bit sorrow behind it. “You wish to know mister Hitsugaya?” He used a finger to flick her forehead finding that former stuff was out of his normal life. “Just call me Toshiro.” The girl would stand up walking over to her room with fear. Turning to face Toshiro with a warm smile on her face. “My name is Bri Haku, it is nice to meet you, Toshiro-kun!” His teal orbs widen at the light shining in front of him that made his heartbeat. No one has ever done that even if Hinamori had. This girl had a light he never seen before. 

Was he getting attached to her already…?