Saturday, October 31, 2015

Strawberry Kiss || Ch.2 - Pure White Dragon

A gentle breeze came inside the room; fingers twitched with feeling that breeze. Against a pillow or so she had thought. Eyelids slowly opened seeing skin; noticing a male face like figure. Raising up into a sitting position quickly, lips trembled when two hands would touch onto her face. The last thing from memory had been Toshihiro had his fangs inside her neck. No, or did he? The memory was faded like a cloud was making it hard to see what happened. All she felt was something hot. Hot as lava burning onto her flesh.

"I...I should go before he wakes up."

Ayaka slid from under the covers, two feet touched the ground where the air felt cold as ice. Seeing her clothing had not been touched. Still what kind of demon would sleep with a human? He is a strange demon and declaring that she was his. "...Why?" That question filled her mind over, and, over again. Repeating like a broken tape player.

Walking to the door there was a force; suddenly her body got shot backwards when landing on the ground. "O-Ouch!" Her trembled voice was echoing when suddenly feeling hands had touched her shoulders. It was Toshihiro who had woken up. His long snowy like hair covered on top of his broad shoulders; the chest area had a six pack where he was large around that area. "Trying to escape huh? Even if you tried...there be no way you last the winter."

Feeling his hand lightly touch on the left side of her cheek, he moved his hand away when he helpd her stand up by holding her shirt. "I should get you some clothing. Your clothing is flithy and for a smell." Hair stood up on Ayaka's strand of hair, cheeks puffed out in a childish matter whens he lightly hit his chest with her hands. "W-Who fault is that? You're the one w-w-w-who bit me!"

The lips curved upward when he smirked in a sinster way; two hands touched her shoulders in a gentle motion. "Should I have bitten you more?" After he asked that, he moved so fast Ayaka could not react with him leaning closer to see her close her eyes with the cheeks on Ayaka was dark red as cherries. Pulling away the male walked over to the door; removing the spell which he noticed Ayaka had stood there watching him once her eyes opened. "Come...we shall eat."

Rushing to go after the King; both her hands raised to her chest where she felt even away from him a pain. The feeling of burning when he moved so quickly making Ayaka walk faster after him. Most people would question why she has not left. Where could she go? He destroyed the only home she had. The life of peace between humans---even he had taken away the people she loved. How angry she felt toward his kind. Yet...why did he keep her with him? He could of thrown her in the dungeon like any demon would.

Once they arrived there was a main hall, stairs was located up ahead where a upper level, another level and so on. How big was this place?! Lifting her head back, eyes moved upward to see the stairs go on for hours. "Surprised how big this place is?" He finally made the silence disappear. It was only then Ayaka tried to answer.

"Yes. It is very tall even for a demon to have." Her hands folded behind her, seeing he walked forward down another corridor. Dragging her feet across the floor, leaning against the wall when she noticed Toshihiro had stopped to bump right into him. Noticing he did not wear a shirt even outside of his room. "Y-You!" White eyebrow would raise, lips looked at her finger where she pointed at his chest. "Oh, I always walk around like this. You have to get use to it, Bubble gum head."

Furious the girl hair stood up once again, both five fingers into each of her palms where she shook them. "My name is Ayaka Nashiko do not forget it!" Both her cheeks shade a light pink, feeling his nails lightly rubbed against her cheeks. "I love bubble gum head better. It suits you for being so pink and bubble cheeks." Removing his hands from her cheeks; turning around to walk ahead again.

W-What is his problem?! First he orders me around and then takes me here under my will. This burning sensation from my neck. It...burns if I am not close. Why do I feel like I should reach out? He ruined everything and yet...yet, yet, YET I want him.

"O-Ow...!" A right hand covered over her right side of her neck; seeing Toshihiro walked further up ahead to hear Ayaka screamed. "Wait...! Ow!" Leaning foward the female felt the pain was more intense. Toshihiro turned half way, his eyes narrowed with the mark power being so strong. Walking over to Ayaka where he stood next to her. "It be wise to stay by my side. That mark is like a leash for humans only for special ones." When he spoke; his words sounded even more like a sexy voice. It was deep but soft.

"Special...why did you choose me?" A hand reached up to grab Toshihiro's leg, fingers dug into his fabric. "I-I don't understand. If you want me to bring back your Father t-then what else is it for me?! I...I had a family, a home. You ruined it!!" Her eyes was fierce when she stood up feeling better. "I will escape even if this mark kills me!" The voice was full of rage and hate towards him. "Why? You didn't listen to my orders. Humans do when that happens I can control them. Thus you are my...." He bit his lower lip; seeing Ayaka was still listening even after all her yelling. "Y-Your what? Well, spit it out snowball!"

His finger would flick at her head, hearing a soft ouch come out from her lips. "Bubble gum head, only I can call you a nickname. After all... you are..." He heard the chef interrupt which his dark teal color would surround him. "...Be quiet human." The human silence themselves when they walked back in the other room without even complaining. "Hiro...kun?" Two eyes went soft when hearing that name. "Hiro?"

"A-Ah! W-Well, you said snowball wouldn't work so from now on I will call you Hiro!" Both of her hands would touch over her chest; feeling inside the heart was beating rapidly. Closing her eyes the female cheeks got brighter with each passing second. Lifting her chest, suddenly breathing in some air before releasing it. "Calm down, Aya. You ae fine by my side..." Toshihiro spoke in a soft velvet voice before seeing her open both eyes. "What I took was to use you that was true. However, no human ever disobeyed me. My Father told me that meant we have powers to find just our soul mate by their disobeying."

A soft laughter came from his lips; two hands would lightly touch Ayaka's cheeks to see her eyes soften. "Whenever I touch you...your eyes change into lust while deep down you never want me to touch you. Or is it because we are so beautiful to your human eyes?" Suddenly Ayaka eyes returned to normal with smacking his hands down; both her cheeks got dark red. "I-I-I...!" Turning around the white haired male moved toward the corridor. "Hiro-sama, wait!" Ayaka followed after him when seeing his face had a warm smile on it.

Suddenly Ayaka stopped near the doorway; inside was a long rectangle table with ten chairs that fit for each side on the wooden long table. Plates, forks, knives, and spoons were laid out by the plates with seeing maids were lined up. "Hiro-sama...y-you smiled."

The moment she said that the demon lord had walked over to his big chair. On the top there was dragons wrapped around, the chair was made out of ice which made Ayaka stare at him. "What? You love my smiles don't you? Now come on in, Bubble gum head." The pink haired cheeks puffed out again; hearing the maids laugh at how cute she was. "She so adorable!" The other maids whispered with seeing Toshihiro had looked at them. They suddenly got quiet with standing up straight. Ayaka felt the burn in her neck when moving inside the room; walking over toward where Toshihiro had taken his seat.

Seeing the maids pulled out the chair, helping Ayaka take a seat with letting her push in the chair. "The food is ready sir! You ready for us to bring out the food?" The chef peeked from the door to notice Toshihiro nod his head. "Yes, bring it out." He said calmly with seeing trays of food came out, in a elegant style where the woman and man had horns with their tails showing. Most of them were demons which she never thought to be good cooks. Don't they eat humans?

Toshihiro had lightly touched Ayaka's hand; his eyes soften when he noticed his plate was covered. "Do not worry. I know you fear that I eat humans. It is a nice taste however, in front of you I will just eat what you humans do. They have stew, and some soups. Well we have some tea and milk. I know it isn't much...there is bread as well." He spoke in a calm voice before lifting his big plate to be of a pig that was cooked. Ayaka eyes widen with seeing the pig; blue lines appeared at the side of her face.


His eyebrows would raise, lips opened when he started to use a knife with cutting into the pig. A hand would cover her mouth with trying to not throw up. It was good he didn't eat human or she be terrified. He...what kind of demon is he? "Hiro-sama?" His knife had stopped when seeing Ayaka looked at him with curious eyes. "Yes?" Ayaka looked concerned when leaning closer, her hands touched the table. "Hiro-sama, what kind of demon are you? I hate to ask but...." His cheeks suddenly felt hot, lips opened a bit when he saw she leaned closer. "Aya....well, since you asked in such a cute matter. I shall tell you."

He had finished the pig with not even lasting a minute. " ate so fast. You can get sick, idiot!" Her body stood up with moving over to him. Two hands would touch his face, moving her head down toward his chest. Listening to his heart beat; a couple beats would be sound with nothing in pain. Toshihiro had smelled Ayaka up close even though she didn't take a bath. Her scent was gentle, almost like a angel. "Ayaka...y-you're close. Also, I am a demon thus I do eat fast however I am fine." He spoke to her seeing she sat up quickly.

"I-I-I am so sorry!!!" Ayaka stood up with returning to her seat; grabbing the bowl with her fingers, slowly using the spoon to eat the beef stew. "Do not worry, Ayaka. I am glad you worry for me. For a human it shocked me because our kind is hated...I know I should have not killed your family but, I am ruthless and for some reason I feel like being so kind." A sudden change in Ayaka's expression had a small warm smile; her hands would touch Toshihiro's feeling his nails. "You aren't so bad...I-I mean, perhaps I could only make you friendly at least a li---" That was when Toshihiro eyes changed to be cold. "I can't. I can't be friendly only...." His whole face was red, he looked down with feeling Ayaka body heat was making him go crazy. He moved his hands around Ayaka's small fragile hands.

"I will only with you, Ayaka. Be this kind even if I save my Father. He is ruthless, cold, and would kill humans even you. I must not allow it! I did mark you...he won't kill you once I already marked you." He looked worried almost like his life depends on it. Whoever his Father was; he was dangerous even more than Toshihiro. "Hiro-sama...I know you will protect me. Your Father will...I know, I have you and even if he has tests I will pass them because you have...well, we may gotten off on the wrong foot but I..." Toshihiro leaned close when his hands were on Ayaka's face, his nails were careful to not harm her while his lips touched hers gently.

Two pink eyes were gentle; her lips were feeling like giving in. Two hands had grabbed the table when feeling Toshihiro had pulled away with his whole face red. "S-Sorry! I-I..." Ayaka moved a finger to poke his nose twice, in a gentle motion with laughing softly. "Oh, Hiro-sama! You didn't tell me what kind of demon you are."

His eyes widen when he opened his mouth; suddenly his laughter was gentle which made the other maids smile. His teal eyes looked at his tail that came out once again. The horns on his head were still there since he met her. The wings he did not let out unless needed. "I am a... dragon demon. My Family came a long time to take over this part of the land. My little brother owns the other. He is in the sourthern part while I am in the western. Where the mountains resides." When he explains the tail was wagging, like a little dog excited from their owners back home.

Ayaka finished her soup when putting the bowl back own; moving on the floor where she moved her fingers against his light blue tail. "Aaah...wait." Toshihiro felt a sensation like he never did before. His cheeks were dark red, the breathing was accelerating. "Hiro-sama? Does that make you feel weird? I am sorry!" Her hands moved away when seeing Toshihiro was breathing again normal. "No...I think it because your my soul mate. It felt like I was tingling all over. I...I loved it." His long hair was on his shoulders, he would stand up with walking to Ayaka. "I want you to take a bath. We will need to see my brother."

His little brother... I wonder if he just the same as Toshihiro. Well, he isn't evil to me, but to others he must not care. Their Father must of trained them to be heartless.

"Yes, I really would love to take one! Do you have strawberries?"

His eyebrows raised, couple of maids carried two baskets full of strawberries. "Yes, what do you need them for?" Part of Ayaka's hair covered her eyes, turning to look at Toshihiro with a smile. "I love to bathe and eat them while I take a bath! It is a nice scent although...what do you want me to wash with?"

His arm was around Ayaka, lightly moving her out of the room to let the other maids clean up. "Just use the soap I am sure...wait. My Mother has a scent or...well, she is traveling to find a way to bring back her husband." A look of sadness appeared on her face; seeing inside another large room was for two people. "In here is my Mother's scent. She does love peaches but, there is strawberries here." He handed Ayaka some soap with strawberries mixed in. "Thank you, Hiro-sama." Ayaka spoke to Toshihiro when following him back to his room.

"You can take it in my bathroom. I shall go check on everything and if you need me please call me." His hand would lightly stroke Ayaka's head. "Y-Yes...I-I will!" Her whole face was red; a smoke came out from Ayaka's forehead to be steam. "Heh...such a cutie I could eat all night." He teased before leaving to stop for a moment. His eyes closed when he looked at Ayaka who felt a little pain. "I forgot about...that."


Ayaka lifted her head, two of her eyes looked at him in shock. "I can't leave not unless your with me so..." Her head would nod, the thoughts ran through when she finally understood. "Y-You have to...bathe with me?!" Moving backwards into the bath room; inside the basket of strawberries some were cut in the tub which had soapy water while it was warm. The other basket was set aside. Inside it was clean, the soap was stacked neatly when hearing Toshihiro entered the room. "I mean I can't leave or you will feel pain."

Deep down Ayaka didn't want him to leave. Inside her heart, feeling that he was there for her. Well, her heart still ache for her family to come back. They were harmed and the whole village while she being kept here agianst her will and why did she fall for him? They just met and he kissed her!! "Hiro-sama, could you wait outside I-I need to change then get in." Toshihiro eyebrwos narrowed, he grabbed Ayaka's shirt then skirt to rip it off. "H-Hiro!!! You can't just do tha....." Seeing she was already undressed to be picked up in bridal style. "P-Put me down right now!"

He slowly put her in the water; his hands released her when he rips up her dress. "I have clothes for you and I shall pick them out. Mother always seemed to show me her outfits. You can wear one of her clothing." He seemed so ruthless. Even to rip off a girl's clothing. He walked out of the bathroom to go look in his room. The mark on her did not hurt since he was here. This seems painful for him. "The mark...can't you take it off?" Her lips trembled with wanting to help him. "I won't run away. There no where for me to go. S-So...I---" Seeing Toshihiro returned with his eyes normal. "No."

"No?! You can't even do what you want to, you have to drag me around everywhere. Doesn't that bother you?!" Her cheeks shade a dark red, using the bubbles to hide her chest. "Once I bit you, that was our bond like a contract but for eternity. You can't escape it. No matter what. Fate chose us together and I met you by fate. Also rumors of how you can bring someone to life." He took a seat on the floor where his hand moved to his mouth.

Listening to him speak about the bond and fate. It seemed like the stories she read, some believed demons were to enslave and just used the woman for sex. Some woman wished for the Hitsugaya's to just do that. Make them theirs. This is different. I am in a bond with him. This mark is like a way to bring their soul mates together. It made sense why it had a test and if you separate the mark will burn you. The pain was so horrible it wasn't like anything she felt. At least not with what woman get.

Using the soap that his Mother had, her hands had got the soap all soapy where she cleaned off her body with it. Seeing it was liquid which had her widen her eyes. The time passed by where seeing Toshihiro had not looked at her at all. His dragon tail was slowly sliding on the ground, a hand would be on his chin when he would lay down with his arms underneath his chin. The tail would curl around him to notice his eyes close. A color was near his black eye lash on the side of the eye corners. It was a dark teal.

After a while the female had washed her hair when she finished; the bathtub seemed like magic due to the water being drained. When she stepped out, her foot hit the bath tub where she landed on the floor just before Toshihiro carried her in his arms. Opening her eyes slowly; both her cheeks shade a dark red. "S-Sorry! I didn't notice, uh..." Trying to find a excuse it made Toshihiro only smile. "Do not apologize. Now let's get you dressed then you can come with me to prepare things."

"I-I can dress myself!" Her arms flailed around, like a child who was just picked up and forced by dressing with their parents. "Can you figure out a elegant dress?" His voice was soft; lips formed a warm smile at her reaction. It froze. "I...I...don't." Being placed on the bed, feeling females had begun to dress with putting on her bra and underwear, then after it was white leg stockings which she had noticed the bra and underwear was lingerie which made her feel embarrassed.

Toshihiro had stepped back with his arms crossed, he stood with his eyes closed not even peeking. Both her eyes watched him; after being dressed her red elegant dress had sleeves that are near her top of the elebows, below had wavy like design. "We have to go do your make up now!" The maids all surround Ayaka when Toshihiro claps his hands. "Enough! She will go like that. No need for extra touch up. To me...she is beautiful the way she is." His words came out a surprise to the other maids who laughed. "W-What are you laughing at?!" Suddenly the maids ran off; their hands over their lips.

"So annoying..."

Ayaka walked up to Toshihiro with her hands on his chest; lightly she touched his upper abs to feel he was ripped in a good way. The body was large but, her parents would despies her for this. Their war between humans and demons always will go on. It will never stop.

When they walked outside; Toshihiro had her wear a big blanket that could wrap around her arms, he picked her up bridal style with using his big wings to fly out toward the skies. They traveled in air, it did not matter if it had been in air. This time she felt safe. Deep inside her mind she felt like betraying her own kind. What draws her to him? What makes her want to be at his side? Even if...he had taken everything. Nothing could separate them now. Should she hate him?

Toshihiro noticed that Ayaka was being upset about something. His eyes narrowed slowly, moving toward the sourthern Kingdom that the demons conquered. His feet landed to have his wings slowly go back where his back returned to normal. "Now talk. What is bothering you?" Two eyes would widen, seeing Toshihiro was looking at her. Anime sweat tears appeared by her right side and left of the face; the anime tears started to appear above her head.

"Hiro-sama, I was just thinking about my is strange how I feel about you now." His cheeks suddenly became red, lips came together when he listened to her. "To actually love the demon that killed my parents and took everything. It is wrong...I...I feel weird like it was meant to be. Had it been different, had you came to me instead of killing my parents. Then...humans would try to kill you and that terrifies me the most. I feel so bad for betraying my parents like this!" While she spoke; tears came crashing down both side of her cheeks. Toshihiro bangs hid behind part of his eyes, moving his hues to look at how much she cried. How much her heart was speaking out. It was then he had to stop her from calling herself names.

"I am so bad I am a ba---" Suddenly without notice her lips was pentrated by his lips. Only his tongue slips through which made her heart race. Pulling her close, he let out a moan to hear her moaning had started since he kissed her and played with her tongue. After a minute he stopped to pause for air. "Do not speak of yourself in such a matter. Blame me for the lost of your parents. I took you away because I was selfish had I known you were my soul mate. Perhaps had my Father taught me better...I would of been better to approach. He taught me how to take what is meant to be yours. That is why..." His whole face was red near his nose. "If you love me do not heistate. Your heart is following what you love most."

His words always seem to say the truth even now she wanted to kiss him and never stop. It was then that a small fourteen year old child with a dragon tail moved his wings to close. "Nii-san, I knew you be here..." He spoken with his eyes soften, lips formed a small smile with kindness. "What I ask you to do is not to make out on my land. Go back home." His eyes saw a human which surprised him. He opened his mouth; seeing the girl hid her face in Toshihiro chest.

"Oh, did I upset you little one? Well, don't pay anything by it." Toshihiro put Ayaka down when he walkd foward. "Long time no see. Little brother.." Her head leaned forward when she bowed twice, hands touched her legs. "F-Forgive me, my Lord! I-I-I did not mean, I mean...I...oh what do I do?" The young child laughed when he heard Ayaka stand up straight with a confused look on her face. "Such a kind, woman. I can't believe you love this brute." Toshihiro eyes narrowed, "What did you say?!" He grabbed Toshiki collar in a tight grip with anger. "Calm down, Nii-san. Don't make my statement true by being angry. Just like Father..."

He released Toshiki the young brother when seeing Toshiki moved to Ayaka. "Ah, what a lovely human is she for dinner?" Toshihiro moved in front of Ayaka, his lips formed a straight line. "She is not! We came to visit not eat." Suddenly two teal eyes widen, his lips formed a warm smile. "Oh, the great Toshihiro doesn't bring humans to eat no more? How shocking!" The older brother lips formed a smirk when he grabs Toshiki chin. "Stop the games, young brother. Of course I did that before but...she is my soul mate." Toshiki eyes soften; he looked at Toshihiro with a joyful smile. Ayaka felt her cheeks shade red with how cute Toshiki is. He seemed just like Toshihiro but, she felt he was hiding something.

"Nii-san, you mean she is....?!" Both Ayaka pink eyes blinked; seeing he suddenly changed with moving to push Toshihiro aside with grabbing Ayaka's hands. "Nice to meet you, Ayaka is it? I can read your mind and you did notice. Such a smart girl." Toshihiro felt jealous that Toshiki could hear her thoughts. It meant that Toshihiro could not deny she was his soul mate. However, he didn't know this but Toshiki changed his tune. "So, I suppose...were you hiding something from Father and I?"

"Well...yes. After he made me come here to take over. He did visit before his tragic death. Humans are so tricky but, they had a powerful angel on their side. We must be careful. We are in hiding until he returns." Two eyes closed slowly, he raised a handf or them to follow after he let go of Ayaka's hands. "Ayaka, do not feel threated I am sorry for ever saying about him eating a human. I can see my nii-san loves you. He never stands for any human no matter what." He opened his eyes with a gentle look in them. "I am glad he changed. So glad..."

When he walked away the sudden expression had changed. "Hiro-sama...?" Ayaka leaned foward to look at Toshihiro, her lips formed a smile when seeing he had tears down his face. " little brother is happy I changed, huh? It won't last but he actually is happy."

"Isn't that a good thing? Were you two not close before?" His eyes looked at Ayaka before watching his brother walk ahead down the long trail next to a few green trees. "No...we hated each other because he was more towards being with humans. Here the humans do become enslaved but, I always knew of my little brother. He faked it all and if Father knew he would kill all the humans and make him come back. That castle is my Father's we are staying at now..."

The two of them walked foward when following after Toshiki. The load trail lead to a few houses where the humans stayed. They bowed their heads until they saw Toshihiro; quickly they started to work harder. "S-Stop...Father is not alive and besides this girl is his soul mate" Toshiki explained to the humans who stopped to congratulate Toshihiro. "Nice one! Have you two have sex yet?" Ayaka sudden cheeks shade dark red, seeing Toshiki laughed at Toshihiro. "You explained this to humans?!" He saw they all laughed knowing Toshihiro had been happy and showing emotions.

After all, Toshihiro was having a red color on his cheeks. All that made him walk foward with Ayaka following after. "Stay a while we should have a party!!" Toshihiro had held his hand with Ayaka's careful to not scratch her with his long nails. "Toshiki...!" The young demon laughed when he walked more down the trail, up on a hill was a large castle where flowers were in bloom. It was different from Toshihiro's well, their Father's. Snow and ice. Perhaps their Father loves the cold?

Once they approch there was maids wearing kimono's with their hair up in buns however, there was one girl who stepped out of the castle to have long black, shiny hair which was glowing. Ayaka stopped to feel her cheeks blush; seeing this girl was like a small doll. Two purple eyes would shine with the bright sun. "Shiki-kun!" The young maid would run to Toshiki with her arms wrapped around, suddenly rubbing her cheek against his chest.

"Ali-chan, I told you to wait..." His arms moved around Alice, his hair was white like Toshihiro's, teal eyes were soft almost like a child. His outfit had been a navy blue long sleeve shirt, the collar was up, his zipper was down a bit showing his chest, wearing light blue shorts which go to his knees. Shoes were long black boots where he had short nails and his body was skinny. "Would this be your soul ma---" He felt Toshiki hand over his mouth but only the tips of his fingers. Hearing Alice fell from him moving too fast. "A-Ali-chan!!! Forgive me I..." He saw she was dizzy from knocking her out of his arms.

Inside the castle was the long corridor to the stairs, but inside a large room had been Alice's. The girl name was Alice Kazuki. "It all your fault, Nii-san!" One eyelash rose from Toshihiro forehead, he let out a soft chuckle. "My fault? Shouldn't you have told her about that?" He saw Toshiki whole face was red from the thought. "N-NO!" A finger raised when he saw Alice move to grab his shirt. "Ali-chan...she is important to me. I am not like you or Father I wait until she is ready. Let me stormed in and murdered that girl family to use for something. Your just like Father. Your ruthless and take what you want!"

Two pink eyes watched Toshiki, his expression was like humans almost like he was no demon at all. The kindest child she seen and demon. Not all of them are bad now she seen that. "Toshiki..." Her words came out to correct herself. "M-My Lord." Toshihiro glared with pulling on her left cheek. "You can only call me by that name."

Two arms would raise from Ayaka's head, waving them back and form from her cheeks being pinched. But then hearing the young demon speak calmly. "Call me Toshiki, okay?" Toshihiro let out a deep sigh when he let Ayaka go. "I know you don't go by formality but once Father..." Toshiki looks serious when he bit his bottom lip. "ONCE Father is awake guess where you'll be?! You be serving him like your his bitch! So don't give me that crap. Even Ayaka will have a different living setting she could even be forced to have your children! Do not not care about her at all?!" His anger was rising with his demon tail coming out, his eyes changed with being a diamond color. The teal eyes begun to glow brightly.

A demon's rage. No. It was a human who had been born a demon. He regrets being one...

The two stood there watching Toshiki have tears down his cheeks in fear. "Once he lives...our lives be hell." Toshiki voice continued until Toshihiro had walked over to embrace his younger brother. "Calm down, little brother." The younger brother would puff out his cheeks; struggling out of his older brother grip when he held him into the embrace. "I know how worried you are of humans but...Alice is the only one needed on your mind. Ayaka is on mine now just forget all the others." The young teal eyes widen when he felt a sigh from his lips. "Baka, Nii-san...but, I know Father will make me kill again once he lives. I...I do know who I want and I have yet to order Alice." Toshihiro let go of his brother, lips formed a straight line. "Then lets do it now."

"W-Wait, Nii-san!!"

Toshiki arms reached for Toshihiro but he saw Alice had sat up from her little knock out. A loud gulp was heard, his very thoughts were nervous. What if she wasn't the one? He had to find the soul mate. No, she was the one even if not... He loves her with all his heart.

"Shiki-kun, is your brother here for dinner?" Both her hands would rub each of her eye, lips formed a smile when she got up. "What would you like?" Toshiki shook his head when he stood in front of Alice; lips formed a nervous smile with a hand behind his head. "I order you to go kill a human for me!" His voice was loud with knowing anything else she could do. Anything. J-Just don't listen... If you do, I have to...I can't...

"Kill...?! K-Kill someone why would...oh, you are a demon b-but..." Alice started to tremble when trying to find a small blade for her Master. "If you ask m-me too. I-I-I will!" Stuttering in her voice made the two demons know she was scared. It wasn't under a spell at all. Ayaka let out a sigh in relief; happy that Toshiki had found her even without knowing. Any other woman wouldn't be a tragic end.

"No, do not kill I had to test..." He looked at Ayaka then Toshihiro when wanting the room for him and Alice. "Come on, Ayaka. We will wait." Toshihiro wrapped his arm around Ayaka's waist, moving out of the room to give them privacy. "Did...I scare them? I-I should apo---" Two hands would lightly stroke against Alice's cheeks, "Alice... I have to tell you something as you know I am not human." The horns on his head were small however, his nails were growing from the happiness in his heart. She was his. His own soul mate.

Alice nods her head twice, seeing the nails grew out more with seeing his fangs were small. "Shiki-kun?" Toshiki moved closer to her ear, "We have a system where we find our soul mates. Do you know how?" He felt Alice move back, rubbing her ears from his voice. "When I ordered you, what you should have done was to do it with a blank stare. You freaked out and still would do it for my sake." His hands would slowly rub her shoulders, moving closer to see her two cheeks was dark red.

"S-So...I-I am yours?"

His head nod once; lips would open slightly when he moves to pick up Alice in his arms. "I want to give you something for a little mark that shows you are owned by me." His fingers would carry the small girl, laying her on the bed gently. "Hold still, okay~?" Alice whole face was red with feeling nervous; nodding her head with a small smile. "You can bite me. I want to be with you forever and to think I am your soul mate." A gentle laughter came out of her lips, raising her hands up above to let him embrace her.


Toshiki felt nervous not doing this before; it was then his eyes were in demonic form with a diamond in the middle of his eyes. Moving down toward her neck, feeling Alice's hands rub through his hair which made him shiver through out his body. Ali-chan... I am so glad! His mouth would open, fangs bit into her left side on the neck. Hearing Alice's moans made him feel happy. Knowing the pain was a little bit. Releasing that pain; his hand would move down to rub her sides. Alice let out another moaning; the minutes seemed to past with feeling a burning sensation. "T-Toshiki, i-it burns! Aaaaah!!!" Her fingers would rub through his white fluffy hair, lifting her legs up to feel his body up against her.

His fangs would pull out; the mark would be a snowflake only small with another to have a circle around it. "This mark I should tell you the effects. If you are far away it will burn." Toshiki moved to sit next to Alice, seeing her sit up with wrapping her arms from behind him. "I wouldn't want to be away from you too long. Unless...a shower! Oh no! What do we do?!" His lips formed a smile; cheeks turning dark red when he moves to stand up. "Then let's take a b-bath! We can get use to it."

Both their cheeks were red, hearing a knock on the door when Toshiki let out a growl. "Damn, Nii-san!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" The elder opened the door when he points outside to see a rebellion was full of humans. "Seems they are mad at you." It was confusing why they be mad when earlier today they weren't.

Toshiki eyes widen when he runs to go outside on the balcony. "KILL YOU DEMONS!!!" The humans yelled with shocking it was the entire southern humans. They were happy what could have happened? Toshihiro looked at Ayaka who was shocked. "All of them... are..." Alice stood by Ayaka with a hand grabbing Alice's hands. "Ayaka-chan, it will be alright. Our Demon Kings will fight them off!" Toshiki looked upset over this delevopment. It was then Toshihiro shook his head when he had a feeling someone did this. "No, Alice and Ayaka. I sense this is a set up." His arms were crossed in front of Toshihiro's chest. "What?!" Toshiki turned his head when their yelling got louder. "KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!!!"

It made the two demons thinking who could of done this? Well, whatever. They won't last long whoever is controlling must be a high level demon and with Father gone. It had to be someone else... He will find out who and solve this for his little brother. It does piss him off however, he will end this and go back home! Whoever you are, I will find you and kill you with my bare hands. NO ONE messes with my brother!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Strawberry Kiss || Chapter 1 - Rainbow Kisses


✿--A war was brewling around this world, like a plague waiting to finish off the humanity that is left on this world. What could be left? Nothing. Despair for those who been lost, searching for hope, a light. Anything that free them from this death and destruction. One world, two striving to survive over the other. A struggle like a rope being pulled to see who lasts out. That is the world today... It is a tug of life.

A decent breeze blew around the field, a colorful light was shining down with the trees around in a open field. Cheerful chirping was heard around the land of Aniela. The year was back in the 500 where the only transportation had been wages or carriages. Underneath a tree there was a child; a teenage girl who sat under a large oak tree. Sound of the tree leaves lightly swaying, a soft music that put the world to sleep. Feeling a light touch on the skin of a female leg; her two eyelids opened to reveal two pink orbs. Lips opened wide, a small drip of saliva fell from the right corner on her lips.

"There she is!"

Two panicked voices called out; a older female and male rushed over. Suddenly her heart sank knowing that her parents were worried. "Oh this isn---" A tall female stood behind the young teeanger girl. "AYAKA!!" A loud yelling came from the Father who had crossed his arms over the other. The long wavy pink hair, a darker pink with her eyes also a pink color. Which hense made people know they were related in a way. No one here really had pink hair at least not in human race. It still did not bother her Father. He loved Ayaka's Mother too death.

"M-Mama, P-Papa...I-I.." Both her feet stood on the ground, hearing the yelling caused her body to become panicked with standing up and to turn and face them. "Sweetie, you can't just run off or lay around! Do you know what we are in?!" Hina spoken with her words in panic and anger over how her daughter just wanders off. Ayaka knew the danger of going off. The nature around here put her at ease over what could happen. She knew... of course. "Yes, Mama I know but the nature here puts me at ease. I know that I must stay in the village and this was out of the village b-but...I love it!" Her explaining had both parents stare at each other. Haru had been the Father who had his hair long with the color of black, in both of his eyes was ocean blue which had stolen a few ladies from not able to not stop staring.

Hina had worn a short sleeve light blue shirt, the bottom was a skirt was had been a dark pink skirt, a white lace aprin was tied on the front. The style of hair had been two braids at the top, they connected with a long braid down while her Mother's hair was long down to her waist. Her sleeves were wavy near her elbows, when arms wrapped around the panicked girl. "Please just don't wander off again, okay?" The right eyelid would close on Hina before her lips pressed against Ayaka's forehead.

Two cheeks on Ayaka's face puffed out; her lips made a frown almost into a pout. "Maaaama...Paaapa. Not fair you treat me like a child!" The two parents looked at each other for a few seconds, their eyes both relaxed with turning to face Ayaka. That told them she was acting like a child. "Oh, Ayaka!"

Haru Ayaka's Father had his hair down; the male wore a long sleeve white shirt,the collar was hung down with his buttons not put in to show his chest half way. For his pants they were baggy to his knees, his shoes were brown to be round. "Come on, Ayaka let's go home." The cheeks let out the air before her lips curved upward; the smile was warm where her cheeks were red a bit. "Yes, Papa, and, Mama! I am ready to go home."

The walk on the hike road wasn't far; it took ten minutes to return back to the village. Greeted by everyone who knew that I had problems staying in the village. "Went out again, eh?" One male spoke with wearing a straw hat; he had dirt on his shirt and pants. The man was eldery but full of life where he was a farmer with his wife. "Ayaka, you always make this village fun. Come again and I shall bake you apple pie."

We walked by with laughter over our village; it was a small with spreaded out. My Mama and Papa lived on a hill toward the lake. We both went swimming there where we cared for it. Never was it dirty or stinky due to us making sure to help out. It was dinner time when my Mama made some beef stew. Eating it together made her feel at home; since birth her family been traveling to find the right home. This place---Aniela was perfect. It only----the bad thing was demons.

"Mama, I hope we can win the war." Ayaka stated with a warm smile across her face; both her parents laughed with nodding their heads. "We can help them by learning more herbs. After all your their top medical and I hear they want to show you as the hero with all your help. We saved lives and even...brought back a dead person." It wasn't normal for a human---more like a gift. Hina nods her head, lips formed when she pats Ayaka on top of her head. "Let' s just hope we can."

Helping clean up the food with a empty pot; it took ten minutes with us all having our own magic to take a shower. The humans had a guardian who was a protector against such demons. They are at war now. was scary to think we all would fail if they die. The demons love destruction and death. They never could understand...I wish I could know why they do this.

"Good night, Mama and Papa." Her arms wrapped around them both; rubbing her cheeks against their chest while they returned the embrace to have their arms around her. "Good night, my sweet girl." Haru had pat on top of Ayaka's head only in a gentle matter. "No more escaping to the forest, okay? Unless we are around to protect you."

The female head nodded twice with excitement, her release on both of the two adults. "I will! I promise." Once entering her room, there was a bed with some things she collected. Moving on the bed, gently her legs would curl before closing her eyes to have a dream about peace. It was her goal in wanting to help the demons and humans not fight. That dream...was the one she wished could come true.

Loud panic voices interrupted her thoughts; the dreams faded like clouds burned from the sun's hot rays. "Ayaka! Ayaka! Wake up, Ayaka!" Two arms would shake her by the shoulders; two pink eyes stared into reflection of her own. "M...Mama?" Raising up with her right hand against the eye, lightly rubbing until the two eyes came into focus. "We need you to find some herbs. The guardians have requested! Can you go? We shall help them and you should be safe there." Hina had created a barrier around this village that no demon could break.

"Y-Yes, Mama! I will go right away to get them." Ayaka felt this was serious if they need herbs. The female stood up with changing out of her pajama's which was a long pink dress. When putting on her clothing, the shirt was to her middle of the shoulders, a light blue color was of the shirt. The skirt was pink which was long to her knees. Round navy blue shoes where she stomped quickly outside. Hearing the pounding of each shoe; quickly moving with a brown basket in hand that she had made herself.


The forest inside had animals that were not dangerous. Some were small critters, the others were large but harmless. Ayaka had a list where she gathered the herbs knowing them by memory. "This....and that. Then this." Taking her time the female had finished with grabbing the herbs. Whistling a happy tune, her legs moved slow returning to the village with a long trail road. It was then a small smoke appeared in the sky, both her eyes widen with shock when hearing screaming.

"M-Mama....Papa! NO!"

Panic came into her mind before she ran with the herbs held to her chest, quickly with each foot moving faster till entering. The demons were all around with the barrier easily broken. No.... how could this have happened? The flames were raising with the farmers who she saw yesterday. Already killed with their heads chopped off. ", no, no!" All she could do was keep saying 'no' before her mind became empty. That was when hearing the scream from ahead where her parents lived. Moving her legs forward, the screams were loud where rushing to slam the door open. That was when two large demons were pulling out the blood and guts out from Hina and Haru.

Both demons stopped when they noticed Ayaka; their heads turned to know their mission was to eat and destroy. "Mama.....Pa....." They started to speak in a different language where she could not understand. "She is the one he wants." The other demon licked his lips when Ayaka had felt tears fall down. "No....Mama and Papa! murders!!" Holding the basket against her chest, turning around to run outside when the demons quickly rushed out to warn everyone. The gruesome images of the village so peaceful from yesterday; had quickly turned to death and fire. Flames so tall that the buildings resemble the worst.

The wavy pink hair swayed when she rushed out of the village; moving to escape from the nightmares. Knowing her parents were gone. Already ripped apart and nothing could she do against them. Hearing the demons and the entire group running after her. Why? They seem like they want her. It was then a black horse stopped to block Ayaka path. The tall male stepped down from the horse where the eyes glow a teal bright teal color.

"No! S-Stay away!!!"

Ayaka tried to yell out when they surround her; everything was happening so fast. Trembling in her skin, feeling hopeless without any hope left. The flames burned the village showing nothing was left but her. Abandon by what she had was a home. The male stepped into view to have spiky white hair, his eyes was teal where he showed some fangs. It was then she heard that no one had seen him. Could he! Why would the demon King come here?

"S-Stay back!"

Her voice yelled again with stepping backwards, her thoughts ran amok with knowing that running away be her last breath. Thinking her body be stabbed to be eaten as food. "Stay back? You are frighten child...even so, I do not wish to kill you just yet." His body moved up close; grabbing the basket to toss to his servant who appeared at his side. He also had white hair which was straight, two golden eyes stared with a diamond in the middle of his eyes. It was like a cat eyes staring only his hands had burned the herbs and basket.

"W-Why?! Why would you come here?" Tears fell from her eyes, a hand would grabbed her chin when the demon stared. "You will do nicely...I know I would find you and those human guardians had no idea I come here. Having them go somewhere else to be thinking they found me." His words were soft like a voice that had calmed her. She couldn't explain why all the tears had stopped. Was it fear? The near death...but he had said he came here. "F-Find me...?" His head nodded once, one arm would wrap around Ayaka who struggled when he got back on his horse to put Ayaka in front of him. "Stay still, my pet. I need you to be still for me..."

Hearing those words the spell did not work; he felt shocked when Ayaka tried to struggle again. The servant looked shocked when he saw Ayaka was not listening. "Master..." He suddenly saw the demon had his horse go in the sky, leaving a ice trail where the demons had followed to have a control of flying. " not worry. I shall keep going even if she must kick and squirm."

Two pink eyes widen, seeing the ground looked smaller where her eyes looked up at the male. He had large horns on top of his head, the chest area was buff a little where he had his arms close. Even at this height she could not move with fear of heights. The travel took a few hours where she wondered where she be going. He did not speak in her language only in theirs. Not knowing if they use her then kill her off.

When a castle was approaching; the white surface was over the mountains where Ayaka felt cold. The chilly wind had her freezing when Two arms wrapped around her to pick her up again, carrying over his shoulder to feel the girl skin was getting colder. "So...humans can't handle the cold. Ah...maybe I should warm you up later." The girl whole face was red when she lightly hit his shoulders. "P-Pu....Wait don't touch my butt!" Feeling his hand on her butt to lightly rub it, feeling she was hopeless with his strong grip. Once they were inside the demons followed; two pink eyes still felt exhausted with grief.

The male walked to his throne where he put Ayaka on top of his lap where he had bracelets go around her ankles to have chains attached to them. He had a large chair where it would fit two people. The armor he wore was black, on the shoulders was long sharp silver. He had on long black sleeves, the pants were to his knees where he wore stockings to have black boots on. "This is my castle, my pet. I shall make sure you enjoy yourself however, I called you to be found once I was confirmed you lived there. Ripping you out of their grip was hard. They were easy to squash."

Snake stepped in the room where he lit the huge fireplace which was on the left. Ayaka saw how royal he was, the way he speak had her upset. He didn't care that they were killed. "You had to see your poor parents ripped to shreds. I thought you would save them but you ran." Ayaka eyes widen with shock, her lips opened to tremble. "I-I would have! I just....they were already dead with tears of shock. I...I will escape from here and go back!" Her hands felt his where seeing his long nails. "Really? You think walking off a mountain is safe? You get lost or get cold it very cold here, my pet." He said that name again which she was about to say her name.

A sinister chuckle left his lips, his eyes were calm where he had a hand behind her head, pulling her closer. The family tradition was to eat humans no matter what. This one he would keep. Still how frighten she was trembling and struggling on his lap. He already had her ankles together even if she did run. It was then his long white hair had shown his skin was white as the snow. Teal eyes gazed into her pink eyes which he admired how scared she was. "Ayaka was it? Oh, how I love to see you tremble some more. However...I have use of you." He knew doing this would piss off his parents but no human could not avoid his spells.

Yet, she could. What was going on?

"W-What use of me? You already destroyed what is left...I will get the guardians an---" His finger touched Ayaka's lips with seeing from her reaction a shock went through him and this human. It was a connection wanting to be breaking the barrier. He knew she felt it. " can't escape me. I will be sure of that." Snake was panicked when he walks up to the throne. "Master Toshihiro, do not think of doing that! You know Father if he was here that would be denied! Now just make her revive your Father and quickly!"

Suddenly his eyes became cold, almost glaring at Snake who suddenly felt fear. "...Do not order me around, Snake. I will rip you to shreds. I will do what I want whether you or Father likes it." His right hand went against the back of Ayaka's head, pulling her closer where he moved his lips near her right side of the neck. "...I won't let anyone take you away." Suddenly feeling the fangs enter her neck, Ayaka's mouth opened wide when she moaned. Hearing herself made it worse where she tried to pull him away, his grip was too strong where both hands grabbed onto his armor.

"...N-No please! Please don't...aaaaah. It so hot! It burns..." Her hands tried to push against Toshihiro who held her against his chest. It felt weird to be wanting him to hold her like this. "P-Please...." Snake watched the human girl struggle but something changed. Humans always fall to his prey but, never do they disobey his orders. That means this is his soul mate. This girl... "Master, that girl...." Toshihiro pulled his fangs out, lips formed a smirk when he saw Ayaka closed her eyes to faint being exhausted. His arms were around the girl. He saw his mark was on her that he placed.

"Yes...she is my soul mate. Father, he always thought humans were nothing but weaklings. I did too...I been searching for so long, but if she is the one...I must keep her here as this mark will be her prisonment." The golden eyes stared at the snowflake on Ayaka's right side of her neck.

His long fingernails lightly rubbed the right side of Ayaka's cheek; he carefully moved his other hand to grab the bracelets on her ankles to pull them off. "Y-Your Majesty?! What are you doing? She is a prisoner You can't ju----" The cold gaze turned when his sudden dark aura pushed Snake back into the wall to go through with him coughing in pain. "I told you, Snake. If you keep interfering I will have to kill you. Now...she is going to be useful that is true. I want to make that clear. She will be sleeping with me. You know of our mark don't you?"

The silver haired male sat up slowly, using his hands on the ground for support. Blood drips down his forehead, lips formed a straight line to see his King hold onto Ayaka closely. "...Yes, your Majesty I do know of it...she will find out that her leash has become bigger."

Down the hall there was portraits along the walls, on the floor there was a teal carpet where the walls were a dark color of teal. His Father had loved the color however, Toshihiro thought of changing but in his taste he loved it. Walking with carrying the girl in his arms, he held her bridal style with looking down to see her sleeping face. So pure, so innocent he just wished to hear her moan again. The word she was going to say was for him to not stop. He wished for that....
Gently laying down the girl on his King size bed, the covers were a dark teal while the pillow was a light blue. He took off his shoulder armor, the next was the chest area while he wore just pants. "I should of taken a shower. All this human blood will put a stain." Toshihiro grumbles just softly, he laid the blankets on top before walking to his door, grabbing the door knob he shut it before using his aura to seal it so no one could come in.

Knowing all the demon girls and boys be furious of a human girl and smell her. With his scent he could fool her. Taking off his clothes, moving toward the room across from his where a bath would be shaped in a oval like with a dragon neck up to the ceiling. Made out of ice he had everything besides the bed out of ice. He quickly had taken a bath with washing his hair which sometimes the horns got in the way. "...Stupid horns!" He felt something come out which was his long scale like tail. Being a demon had it good qualities and bad. This was one of them... As a young demon dragon, his tail would wag around to smack the other demon kids.

After washing his hair and body, he stood up to feel the water drip down his chest, slowly tracing down his abs toward his waist. His long hair was never a bother really. Thinking of getting it cut would make him look younger and perhaps maybe different. Taking his new pants, he moved to put on his underwear. The pants slid on to be black where he saw Ayaka sleeping soundly. The mark was not harming her until he goes far away. It was a control mark which he can remove the pain until she stays. He must get her to revive his Father...he doesn't know if he even can love her. A human is selfish and greedy. He shall see...what she will do.

Moving his legs over, he walked up to the bed. Seeing Ayaka legs curled up a bit, her face looked so angelic. He couldn't help himself. Crawling on the bed he felt his tail wag which made him grab it instantly. "Damn it!!" The demon had moved under the blanket, his arms would move around Ayaka. Suddenly both his teal eyes opened; seeing the human girl scoot closer to be next to him. Wearing no shirt had him not worried; his heart had felt a shiver which he never had before. Does this human have this power? No....

" will freak out when you wake. You are so amusing to me." He whispers right into her ear, softly but gently with his hand at the right side of her face. It was then his eye lids slowly close when watching her sleep. He had no intention of making her love him now. Thinking of power and what his Father raised him. "I should at least....see what she will do." His eyes fully closed when he had fallen asleep to dream of his Father again. This time he could see he was smirking.

Father, are you proud? Did I make you feel amused? I will make you live again...soon. I will. I think it time I go visit my younger brother. Perhaps it time he should start to learn how to kill humans.
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