Monday, July 27, 2015

Mirror Edge || Chapter 1 - A Changed Fate

A chill ran through the air of England, London during the month of December. Chime from the clock tower were ringing. Ding-dong! They rang to tell the people of London that the day was gone. Another day to behold. One family had enjoyed the year almost coming to a end. Especially after the recent deaths. It was this time to celebrate coming together of what left.

"Oh, sweetie you don't have to help out. Why don't you go visit your friend?" A adult size female stood by the desk where all the tools were used for operation. Color of blonde hair ran down to the woman waist. In a one bun her hair would rise up to the middle of her back. Eyes were the color of the blue ocean, lips were colored a red color with her body slender with little fat on the sides.

The man standing next to her had broad shoulders, his chest was a little bit with abs and muscle. His bangs came down to his left eye, wearing glasses in front of his eyes which his appearance looked like a genius. His body frame was skinny with little meat on his bones on the side. "Hannah.. if she wants to help out why don't we let her?" Hannah looked at her husband with sorrow in both of her eyes. "Adams..."

The male eyes were the color of green like emerald, his lips were skinny with looks that bring in other ladies. Hannah sometimes have to just smile at the other females. It makes other Mothers mad.

Hannah had one a long blue dress, the length went down to her ankles where underneath was white ruffles. On the arms there was ruffles near her wrists, where white ruffles were underneath the blue fabric. On the top there was buttons which lead down to her stomach; for the back there is a large blue bow. Near her legs she wears long white stockings which the shoes are boots with high heels.

A white t-shirt was worn on the male, down the middle of his shirt had black round buttons. His collar was folded over, for the pants they were a black color which gone down to his knees. For his shoes they were flat with the front part chipped with a golden clip on the front. On the top of his shirt; he worn a long lab-jacket for a doctor. Adams had lightly pat his wife shoulders, in a gentle matter he saw his sixteen year old daughter finished sexing a dress for children. "All done, sweetie?"
The teenager lips formed a smile toward her worried parents. "I did it! I made enough for the children who don't have a home." Her tone was cheerful before looking at her Mother; eyes filled with sorrow when standing up. Many said that Daughters look like their Mother and it was true.

Long wavy hair waved back and forth, approaching her parents the female smiled warmly with a gentle laugh. Color of her hair was blonde with her eyes ocean blue mixed with sky blue kind of color. Lips were thin with little make up having them be pink. Body frame had been skinny with little meat but, some say she looks like a doll. "Isabelle! Oh my you did it." Hannah moved her arms around Isabelle, gently bringing her close for her to go out. "Will you do this tonight?"

One nod came from Isabelle, her lips remained a smile when both parents embraced her in a group hug. Isabelle felt blessed with her family who was the only ones left of The Bloome family. "I will, Mama and Papa! I have to give it to them."

The young teenage wore a pink and white dress, on the skirt there was lace like stripes, the body of the dress was white with the lace stripes to be white. Underneath the skirt was white ruffles where her pants were out like poofy. Like her Mother there was white leg stockings where she wore flat, round black shoes with a golden piece on the top where the stripe of the black came in. Like a buckle.

For the jacket she wore had a long jacket, it was black with golden buttons on the sides. "Wear this sweetie." Adams helped her wear the jacket, putting her arms through the sleeves where he had the buttons attached to another. Hannah looked at Isabelle with a warm smile before embracing her one last time. "Make us proud!" Their lips both touched Isabelle who cheeks were turning dark red.

"Mama, Papa!! I...I will be fine." Waving her hands at her two parents, their kisses still continues which from her Mother left lipstick on her cheek. Using a napkin; the young teenager wiped away what was left. Taking the basket full of clothing and jackets she made with her Father. "I will be quick!" The two parents were embracing one another when seeing their daughter left on her trip to the orphanage which they had little resources. Thanks to the Bloome's they had more with a building enough for them.

Down the brick road, it arched to the right then left where they lived in the west-north direction. The orphanage lived on the east side. A long way to walk but it was worth it with all the news about the deaths. It didn't cloud Isabelle's mind like others they hurried home. Two of her black shoes clicked against the ground, when skipping all the way with using short cuts till she reached the building where the orphanage lived.

Approaching the doors her hand would raise, lightly giving two knocks where the light inside was dim. Due to little money they had; using little of it would save them from losing it completely and the heat. A teenage woman stood there in the door way, her body was skinny like Isabelle's only she had little meat due to the lack of food. Also who was abandon by her parents. "Azumi!"

Azumi eyes were sky blue with a little dark blue inside of her eyes; her hair was straight with having a big blue bow in the back to hold her hair up. "Isabelle! I didn't know you were coming." Both her arms opened up, wrapping around her best friend which Isabelle returned the embrace. "Oh, Azumi I shouldn't keep the heat from you. H-Here!" Isabelle handed the basket to Azumi with the jackets. Both Azumi eyes lit up with joy; lips formed up into a smile when she laughs. "Oh, Belle-chan! You didn't...oh thank you so much!" The joy in her voice was heard with them both hugging each other.

Azumi dress was a long white dress, hers was wavy at the bottom with polka dots that was a navy blue color. The polka dots were all over her dress with the bow on the back. Under her dress was white ruffles where her stockings were black instead of white.

"Are you sure you can't stay?" Azumi head tilted when she laughed, a hand raised to her lips with missing her best friend. "I-I...guess I could stay for a bit. I didn't tell my parents I be staying just to drop it off." Isabelle was sure some time wouldn't cause them too much worry. Her two legs moved inside the small home, lightly bowing her head to Azumi. "The children already went to bed. I just, I can't believe you...oh they love it!"

The two spoke much about the days away from another. Hardships, working hard, and work. Isabelle mention about her parents finding a cure that could stop this problem with deaths. Azumi eyes widen when in shock, hands claps together with she jumps up and down. "That is good news, Belle-chan!" Isabelle eyes sparkled in joy with nodding twice with her head. "Yes, yes! They were going to appeal to the Sosuke's respond. They sent a letter and everything."

The Sosuke's run the city with their rules meant approval must happen. Orphanage was hard to battle but the whole city said they should let them. Seeing how the Bloome's had change how people live. They said to approve and now it works. It was there that they have authority over every London citizen.
A cheerful expression showed up on Azumi's face. Her eyes sparkled when moving two hands to grab Isabelle's hands. "That is great news!! I am sure they are just busy and can't answer." Isabelle nods her head twice, a gentle smile appeared with the two girls jumping up and down. "What if they do the cure? I-I mean it be good for all of us. Clearly they can't deny that your family saved us all." Releasing her hands, both of them had spoken for one hour to thirty minutes.

"Belle-chan, I am so so, sorry!" Azumi stood up when she saw the time was very late. "I shouldn't have kept you! I-I hope your parents aren't going to go searching for you." Isabelle stood up quickly with a worried expression. "No, no! I am sure I should get back now." The two hurried toward the front door, exchanges their kiss on the cheeks as good bye.

"See you later, Azu-chan!"

Feet moved quickly out of the house to go down the road; using her back hand to wave toward Azumi. A laughter left Azumi's lips when she shut the door to lock it. "I hope she is home safely..."

Down the road there was no one seen in sight; rumors of people dying at night was heard of lately. Isabelle feet clicked on the ground, raising her arms up and down to go through the city. It was then she heard voices of saying there was a fire. However, those people words were clouded out. F-Fire?! Where? Isabelle rushed even quicker before long she saw the road to her house. It was then it settled it.

Two round orbs started to widen even more, her jaw had dropped when Isabelle stood still. A blaze of fire that was swallowing around. Swirling in a wind like motion; with showing the peaceful house, her home was gone. "MOTHER!!!!! FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Panic was set when she tried to run up to the stairs, it was then the police men grabbed her arms. "You can't go in there, miss!" They tried to hold her back with seeiing the girl had tears down her face. "Wait...are you Hannah's daughter?" He saw inside that the entire house was burning with no way to enter inside. "No, no, no, no, nooo! This can't be happening...Mama, Papa..." Falling to her knees, a loud thud was heard before the many tears fell.

There her beautiful home was gone with nothing left but her. Their memories, their dreams, and goals. It was all---gone.

"I am sorry...we have to say goodbye." Their lips were showed of a straight line with nothing. Isabelle could not leave this place. She couldn't! Her body wanted to stay there for a long time. One of their hands grabbed her arm, it was then when their bodies was slashed in half with blood spilling out.

A teenage boy with a black cloak was covered on his body. Isabelle two eyes were blank with no emotion till hearing their screams of the order cops around. Fingers gripped on the ground, scratching her nails slowly. "Mama...Papa!! I will rescue you I---" Feeling a hand grabbed her arm, struggling her body was taken to a back alley. Will she die here? NO! She can't let it. "Be you want to die?" He had his hand cover her entire mouth when a couple of people walked by only to show a carriage. Horses were parked with a familiar voice. The Sosuke's.

"What monstrous....Master Aizen! It seems the monster has been through here." One of the servants spoke when the man who name Aizen was the two parents of Aizen had also spoken. "Clearly the Bloome's were murdered by such beasts. I can't believe they are so trusting." The female voice was heard by Amelia. Isabelle did not like how she spoke or even spoken to her parents. She sounded like a cold hearted witch. Not caring for her people. Why was she Queen?

The Husband to Amelia name was Michael. He also had the heart of stone where he also didn't care. It was lucky that they got approval on the orphanage. In her mind, there was no way that her parents would be killed. Unless they were out looking but why would monsters set a fire? That didn't make sense.

The man released his hand from her mouth where he held her close. Feeling his chest against her back. She felt safe in his arms which if he did kill why would he care for her? "Please tell me what happened..." Isabelle whispered when she saw he raised his finger up to his lips. In a 'shh' motion she knew right now it wouldn't be good to speak with their carriage right there.

Aizen had worn a jacket that was a navy blue color with his hair styled short which had a curl hanging down. The color of his hair was brown with matching his eyes. His pants were black that went to his knees, the shoes were flat with a clip that allowed a buckle to go through the golden accessory. The coldness in his eyes was brown as well. Lips were in a straight line before he walks up to the house which now he had told the fire men to shoot the water on it. "Mother...let us pray for their deaths. They have died but where is the daughter?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders who also had worn a royal like clothing. Her dress was a red color, which the collar would be huge from the back of her shoulders. Her dress was of the finest silk. The large dress had gone to her feet, where she wore red high heels. "Such a shame...I really loved what they done to our city. To sacrifice for others. Pity...I wanted to speak to her about the cure." Footsteps moved to the carriage where she walked inside, another footstep followed which Aizen had climbed inside.

The horses had started to ride again with the conversation over. Had the Sosuke came in person? It didn't make sense and once the fire was out Isabelle was going to run when the grip on the boy was strong to pull her back against his chest. "W-Wait!" He spoke in a quiet voice for her ears only. His skin looked light, but in the darkness it was hard to see. "Please...I have to go in there." His head shook back and forth, the color of his hair was white as snow. It was hard to see with this dim light.

It was then she noticed his eyes were teal with a deep color bringing her in. "I can't let you harm yourself. The fire was harsh on the house...I...I am sorry." He spoke the words she did not want to hear. How could she not rescue her parents? Always a road block. The harsh truth had to be settled in. "My family was very fond of yours. To cure those and be a set up. It truly is a work of monsters."

That occurred to her when hearing those police men lose their lives. No one could just rip them open. No one! "T-Then how did those men die? They were...r-r-ripped..." A hand touched her lips to be her own from thinking of the image. The young boy let out a sigh when he let Isabelle go. His arms only went under her legs, then against her back when he moves up on the roof. Jumping from roof to roof, he had moved quickly away toward the east side. "W-Wait!! Where are you taking me?!"

No answers came from the boy while he carried Isabelle to a estate like place that sat on the hill. The house of the Sosuke had been away from the city only to be on the other side of town. Surely they could have come sooner. It was a month before they came. What was so important?! Tears began to fall from her cheeks again before she noticed he had set her on the ground again.

Both of his hands moved inside of his pockets, he had worn a nice clothing like the Souske. " family will explain everything. Believe what you wish, Isabelle." He walked forward with his black jacket blowing in the wind, the shirt was like a vest with white sleeves. His pants were black that went to his middle of the legs, before his flat black shoes had no buckles only he walked to the doors which the long road lead up to it. Their home looked open with not many flowers in the front yard.

Isabelle feet clicked against the ground after the boy. "W-W-Wait!" Her hand reached out to his arm when feeling he flinched. "I am sorry!" She spoken again in her kind tone. The boy had his cloak still on when his lips were smiling. "Don't worry, clumsette." Her cheeks puffed out in a childish matter, both her arms were straight down. "I-I am not clumsy!"

The black skies were glowing with stars all around. Their walk up toward the couple of stairs, lightly walking up she heard the doors open with a woman rushing out. Arms were wrapped around the young boy. Embracing to hear the young teenager had tried to struggle. "Mom! L-Let go!!" Her black dress was long, a elegant dress that flow in the wind with a light reflecting to show her skin was pure white. With her hair flowing in the wind, having orange hair. The color of her eyes was chocolate brown. Lips were painted red where she stopped to see the girl. "Isabelle!"

Mimicking her actions to the boy now shifted to Isabelle. Her chest touched Isabelle when she started to cry. "Oh, Isabelle! I did not wish to hear of your parents that way...." The voice sounded was sorrow. It was when Isabelle cried as well into the woman chest who seem so familiar. But that can't be she never met them before. Or had she? "I am sure you don't remember as a child...but we use to see your family all the time. It we are strangers."

Suddenly footsteps walked down when he saw Isabelle was not harmed. "Thank goodness...Miss Isabelle." The voice sounded velvet, adult like with a charming tone. He saw the confusion was on her face when he laughed. "Come on inside, Isabelle. We shall explain and you can ask all the questions then." When he turned around; his jacket was black the same as this boy. Without the cloak he had on a long sleeve shirt, it was navy blue with a vest over his shirt. The pants were to his knees which was a tan color. His socks were white where he walked with black boots. The color of his hair was spiky with white hair, the color of his eyes had been teal the same.

This family said they know of her parents and...her. It didn't make sense. All of this, it didn't make sense at all. At least she wasn't alone and surrounded by those Sosuke. Whatever happened she will find out later surely. "We have tea, Isabelle." Tea sounded nice after what she experienced. Although deep down she wished returning home was like any other. It was now empty inside.

They all entered inside to see a long row that was a alley like road till seeing stairs. They had a teal like carpet up ahead. On the right, there was nothing else to be seen. On the left there was another alley way. Once they reached to a fork in the road, only to go to the left where they walked to the dinning room. There lays a row of plates with food on them. " don't have to do this. Just explain and let her decide for herself. I am sure she choose Sosuke over us anyway." The Father head turned quickly with a intense glare. "TOSHIRO!! Let her decide! You had over stepped your authority. If they find out what you done...I can't even begin.."

When the name was spoken a small vision from a boy with white hair, the same eyes was following after her. These two parents were with her family. The vision faded with feeling the image was blurry.

Shaking her head, the visual disappeared when seeing they already had her sit down. "Please eat, Isabelle you look so pale." A hand touched her face gently, feeling the touch reminded of her Mother. "M-Mama..." Isabelle whispered out those words when seeing the female had pulled Isabelle in a embrace. "You must be strong for her! Strong for your parents..." That is right. Her parents are gone from this world the only family line was her.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to call you Mama." Her arms would wave when seeing the woman let her go. "My name is Aurora Hitsugaya and do please not apologize. I understand you are under I would." Her tone sounded soft, almost gentle with how she presented herself.

"My name is Ryuji Hitsugaya, as my wife spoken we are not expecting you to be happy. This...has shocked us as well. We were going to visit your family when this news came about." The male voice was a little low toned, his hands hand folded under his chin. "What we are about to say is something you must understand." The boy sitting next to him had taken off his cloak, his skin was the same color as his parents. White as snow with a beautiful skin color that was hard to look away.
"My so---" Toshiro interrupted his Father when he bowed his head forward. "My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya. My parents said was true...what Aizen and his pathetic existence is a lie. All of it, no monsters were there. I...may seem like a monster or not human. Like you said, no one could rip someone open. They were going to take you away Isabelle. I can't let that happen!!!" He suddenly slams his hands into the table with his fingers in the wooden long table. "NOT after what those bastards did to your parents!"

Isabelle swallowed nervously seeing how upset he was over her parents. This family did care for them. It was clear that she could see that. "Toshiro...Aurora...Ryuji. I can't deny that I never seen others grief for them. I-I am sure others would but, I, I...did not see you kill them. Only briefly saw their bodies ripped." Ryuji hand raised when he hits Toshiro over the head. Seeing he was forced into the wall. It made Isabelle jump up when she ran over without thinking.

"T-Toshiro! Are you okay?!" Her hands slowly moved down when seeing his Father had also been shocked by her movement. "Isabelle....I-I am fine. Please go sit back down." He had blood down his lips. Look of shock was on her face before she wraps her arms around Toshiro. "N-No your not fine! YOUR NOT!!! No..." Waterfall of tears fell from her face, shaking from her arms as she held him close. "Isa...belle...please I..." Toshiro could not move from her embrace. Both his cheeks were shading a dark red, his hands was about to touch her, but he let them drop at his sides.

They took a moment when coming back with sitting at the table. "Forgive my son by his rudeness and recklessness. I did not mean to frighten you. It is clear to me that you also have a care for my son. Maybe more." Suddenly Isabelle body posture sat up more straight, her cheeks were shading red. "I-I just...I do not know what came over me really. S-Sorry..." Grumbling came from Toshiro when he moves closer to suddenly be next to Isabelle. He used his two fingers to flick at her forehead. It was then she saw this inhuman actions was shocking.

He moved so quickly and then left before she could do anything. Another hit from Ryuji had not surprised her how rude he was. Yet...he was kind. "Excuse my son.. but, there is a reason for that. We must not speak of the past only what we can do together. You will need protection as you saw the fire set a blaze. That was no accident. My son...did you see who set it?" Toshiro nods his head, he had his teeth grind together. "Those police men were part of it, Belle-chan. Ah, I mean Isabelle."

He heard Aurora giggle from her sons actions. Making these two alone in a room wouldn't be wise. "Dear...I think it clear they like each other. Our son left so suddenly from dinner we were worried. But he went ahead and by the time he got there the fire was set and he had seen them starting to set it while your parents..." Her voice stopped when Isabelle looked scared. "S-Should we not tell what we know?" Her head shook back and forth, lips formed a smile. "P-Please tell me...please!" In a begging tone; the blonde haired female head bowed forward.

A deep sigh left his lips, seeing Isabelle was scared but curious. "I only saw who lit it but to say the Sosuke involvement would mean so little. Those police men boss are the Sosuke. I only know connection. Which is why I killed them when I saw you appear. I was hoping I could save your parents...and you. When seeing you were not harmed I was relieved. But...such a monster to wish for your safety more than theirs. Your parents would want you to live. I know that their minds had that. I read them just before they burned alive."

His hands were folded on top of each other, he held them right under his chin. Isabelle listened only to look in fear. "...T-They killed my parents?!" Aurora hands touched Isabelle shoulders before rubbing them. "We do not have clarification of that. If they did...we would see that they be punished." Isabelle knew that no one could stop them now. "I...I can't stop them even if they did do this. They have authority. They have over us. Over everyone...!" The tears began to go again when her breathing was heavy.

What they took never be gained back. The light of this town gone like that, like those darkness had swoop down to take what she loved. It was then when feeling a hand touch her only to move. Toshiro had felt it wasn't right he comfort her. "I will make them pay! I will rip out their hearts and make them all die." His words were fierce when Isabelle look Toshiro in the eyes. Noticing something that caught her eye.

A white fangs were shown when she now put everything together. His wound from before already gone. "Fangs..." Toshiro hands covered his mouth when he looked away. "Isabelle...don't look! I...didn't want you to see." Two of her blue eyes blinked, lips were opened when leaning foward to try and see more.
His parents were smiling over how Isabelle wasn't running for the door. Most humans would however, perhaps Aizen seemed like the monster. No, the Sosuke did. "Please Toshiro do not take life more than what they did...It would not bring them back. Yes, justice must be made b-b-but like I said they have authority."
Ryuji laughed softly when his shoulders moved slightly. "They may have in London but I have authority over the entire world. Right now I do not wish to take their lives until I have proof. Why we did not know of this till now. To strike...Toshiro you already made it worse on us." He saw Toshiro cheeks were blushing from his actions for Isabelle. "He killed them to save you which is enough. We couldn't let you die by their hands. They would have done to say you killed yourself over your parents death."

The words he spoke would have made sense. She was lost without Toshiro guidence. "Thank you, Toshiro. You really have saved me..." Standing up she made the chair have a small sound of a screech. Pushing the chair back with her shoes clicking, slowly moving herself lover to Toshiro. His body leaned against the chair when he saw her move. It was different in his eyes. He could see her full dress it looked cute on her. In darkness he could see her; the look of her eyes, the way her lips trembled. Right now she seemed more calm and breathing was gentle. " need to thank me. I would of done it for your parents."

"I know you would! I know." Isabelle had both her arms reached out, fingers rubbed against his cheeks when he saw their parents leaned in to watch. Lips moved to touch his cheek on both sides. "Thank you..." Toshiro body began to shake with a tremble feeling. His mouth was wide open showing that fangs again. Isabelle leaned to look when he turned around. "Don't look, b-baka!" "Baka?" Her head titled to the right, hearing a word she did not understand.

The two parents laughed when hearing Isabelle laughed with them over his cute reaction. Toshiro turned around quickly hearing her laughter over tears was better. He knew that she could not stay at home. "Miss Isabelle...we have decided you can stay here. There is enough room for you and the Sosuke's will not come. We already know they won't. Seeing how we never was in public too long." The cloak tonight made sense why he didn't want to be seen.

"That is why I wore the what we were to conceal and we move faster than you. You may hear of myths of us. Yes, we aren't human..." Toshiro eyes was looking away from Isabelle. Seeing she only looked closer. "Not so close!" He had pushed his hands out to Isabelle which his hands felt cold as ice. It made her skin have shivers when she pulled away. "S-Sorry!"

He saw she almost stumbled but it wasn't from him pushing away. It was the shivers. Why did she feel them?!

" want to stay? We could arrange a place although we b---" Isabelle shook her head when she turned to face them. "I be happy to stay with you. I-I...couldn't think it be safe in town and put you guys in danger." Aurora claps her hands together, a warm smile appeared when she laughed. "Oh sweetie. We always have ways to hide ourselves. Either way but, this would be safe for you mostly."

After dinner the food was eaten quickly by Isabelle. They allowed her a tour for tomorrow just right now she wanted to rest. But Aurora had her bathe since she did get blood on her face a bit. Toshiro already had left to his room which was upstairs. She had no idea where she be placed. Only a new life, a changed fate. It was what taken affect.

The bath was soothing with soap that she never seen only it sooth her skin. Almost put her to sleep with maids who were fixing her hair and drying off her skin. Getting use to this would be---weird.

"You can explore tomorrow um, how about we let you sleep with Toshirio?" The instant face color on Isabelle was all red. "No? Hehe! You are blushing all red, Isabelle. He wouldn't want that either." Hearing that made her feel glad he wasn't some pervert. He did want her alive over her parents. It showed some care in her, maybe too much.

"I am glad he wanted...well, he should of saved my parents b-but I understand he wanted me more alive." Isabelle felt her cheeks still was shading red. It was too much at once. The death of her parents and the truth. Aurora head slowly nodded before she spoke. "I understand your worries and wishing he could the time he did all his thoughts were---you." Aurora lead her down the hall from the dining room. Up to the fork road, there was stairs that lead up then to left and right again.

Isabelle followed when she saw Aurora had smiled to point right was at the end of where she saw Toshiro room. "He sleeps in there if you ever want to sneak in." Her cheeks shade red again over the thought. To see him sleeping would be cute. "!" Aurora giggled when walking down the hall where she have a room across from his. "How about just a room next to? He would feel at ease." Her head would nod with a sudden heart beating fast. Being next to was hard too. Although a room with him would be even worse. Well, not worse but, he would not like that.

"That would be fine, Aurora."

Explaining everything the female Mother had left with a kiss on her forehead. Walking down the hall where she would leave. Isabelle quickly walked inside when she closed the door with already seeing her pajama's neatly laid on the bed. It was Queen sized with a pink curtain hanging above on the top bar. "W-Whoa!!" Her body would jump on the bed where she started to take off the dress. feeling it felt nice to actually wear something new.

The dress had got blood on it which she had tossed in the dirty basket. Changing into the night gown which was pink with seeing the dress went to her butt. "A-Aurora!!" Isabelle saw there was luckily pants to wear underneath. Although felt silly to wear those. Not like he would come check up on her. Laying under the covers, seeing the light was turned on when she kicked the thick blankets off, then moved to see the light would flick off with a press from the button.
Her body tried to not stumble over anything on the way back, eyes were scrunching to just see the bed when bumping into the bar. "O-Ow!" Ignoring the pain she moved on the bed and moved her legs under the blankets that were kicked off by her before. Resting her head on the fluffy pillow. The colors were pink matching her night gown. It was nice to have a home, have a place after all of this.

Her life had changed but her parents were hoping not to have her die. What she wish was to be at their side and die with them. At least give them peace. If this truth ever gets the story filled. Isabelle just wanted to rest and figure it out later. If they had done it, she would not rest till they are put in jail or worse. No, no, no! She can't wish death even if they took away her happiness.

Mama, Papa... I miss you so much. Michi, Kei. I will miss you all! I have a new home now but, I am not scared. This new family they know us. All of us and...I want to find out the truth of how to aven--- No. To put your minds to ease. I am safe. You do not have to worry no more...

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