Friday, November 16, 2012

Bleach - Lace Affairs - Ch.1-Meeting A Prince

Chapter 1

“Meeting a Prince”

In the town of Cold Stone there was every year that prince or princess would come to visit this small town. The castle resides on top of a hill behind the city of Cold Stone. That is where I use to play as a child with my friend Azumi. We both would play house as though we were sisters. It did say owned by—but the words were craved off to whoever did own it one hundred years ago. It was off limits now due to the police hearing girls being taken there at night only to be killed in this late day in age. It was terrifying to some woman who would take them of their life. In this town nothing seemed to be peaceful any longer… The town had begun to rot to the ground after someone had changed it to their nasty ways. The gold propitious town was no more. 

It was raining on April 1st with the year 1900 in Cold Stone. The rain dripped on the grey tiles that were fading away from its beautiful color. The two girls ran down the street to try and get on time for their job at ‘Little Bakery Café’ the job their boss both let them join together as one. This would be where they are maids at this job. He seemed nice to allow them to come—however his intentions were so much more. The two girls ran down the road, holding hands while they reached up to the shop. The building was arched into the sky; a big window was in the front of the main lobby. “Bri, next time please wake up on time or the boss will chew us out.” Azumi breathed heavily as she spoke. It was cold outside only to be in the twenties. “Sorry…I stayed up worrying about our job with people and…” I started to shiver not from the cold but from the people who I deal with. The brown haired girl hand rose up on top of my head giving it a soft pat. “Come on! We have to go inside or we be marked absent.” 

When we both entered the door a bell rang a couple times to let everyone know someone has entered inside. A large woman ran over to the door in a hurry. “There you guys are! You’re so late…the boss was getting worried.” Her hair was wavy down to her waist, the maid outfit she wore was black with an apron tied on the front. Her shirt was opened enough to show some of her breasts which none of the other girls wore them like that. We often thought she liked showing off her body that way to customers. Some whispered to her as being a whore for show. Or one of those girls that sell off her body to the people around her. Azumi and I left down the corridor of the back where there was the bathroom on the left then on the right was where his office was held. We opened the door to find a male sitting at his desk with a note pad right in front of him. The writing seemed to have names of who had to do what for the day or night. Both Azumi and I worked all day to help pay for food and other things. We always were together. Never splitting apart from one another not ever! We made a vow to never be split apart. The male raised his head up to the two girls who walked inside the room. “Ah, you two have showed up! I was worried you got hurt.” He calmly stated. Azumi did not like the way he stared at Bri or her for that matter. She wanted to get their uniforms, get out of the room and start to work. The sooner they get today over with—the better. “Sorry we are late sir. We did not get hurt by anything or anyone… just woke up late. It won’t happen again.” She lowered her head down toward the man to show respect. Bri soon copied Azumi movements. She was terrified to be alone with this man. He looked at her full of lust. It had bothered her to the point she wanted to find a different job. Everyone else had stared at the two girls with hate in their eyes. They did not think of them as adults. They were like kids to their eyes. The adults here were cruel and cold hearted like the grey stone. “Do not worry about that Miss Hanashia and Miss Haku. We have both positions for the both of you to work in. I had you both work in the café during the day which you two can work together. I have arranged you two to split up once someone wants the room to be cleaned you are ordered to go there. Do you understand?” Azumi throat had a lump in it. Leave Bri side from anyone to hurt her. That is not acceptable. She hated this job! But if they don’t do it… they be thrown out on the streets. “I understand.” The male was tall for his height about 6 feet. He had broad shoulders with large hands. He seemed muscular on the chest part of his body and his arms. “I got your uniforms right here.” He turned toward the locker to take out two uniforms. They both matched with leg stockings to go with. The skirts were short as Azumi had feared this man probably had each woman wear different ones. He was truly sick. Azumi had thought to herself. She held onto Bri’s hand the whole time they were in the room. 

They took their uniforms in their hands and left to go change into their new outfits. “Bri, if some bastard tries to touch you or asks to have your clothes removed; do not do it! You understand?” She turned her head over to Bri, “I do not want them to touch you like that! You are here to do your job and clean. We are here to serve the customers here. That is all…”  I nodded my head twice. “I understand.” I answered with my hands shaking. “This boss guy…he seems scary.” I walked down the hall with Azumi. We held our clothes in one hand and the other our hands gripped onto each other in a tight firm hold. “I know. He is a fucking creep.”  She hated the guy already and it’s their first day. When they reached the bathroom doors, the stalls had a couple sets of five. Instead the two girls went to the larger one to use for themselves. Azumi had to help Bri into the uniform. Hers had a blue ribbon on the two stockings. They were white with blue stripes down the top of the shirt part of the uniform. There was a small apron on the front. The sleeves were poofy in a circle instead of long sleeves. “They look kawaii!” I yelled in excitement. Azumi narrowed her eyes at me as she held hers up in front of her face. “No not really, Bri.” She started to take off her pants with a button. “Look at how short the skirts are! I mean it’s like the guy clearly designed them to let the customers see our panties.” She scowled. This was the worst. Steven Hockward was the worst boss ever. She wanted to protect Bri from being called all the names that woman had been called. She didn’t care but Bri cared about her appearance. Next was her shirt which wasn’t too difficult. Bri had already got her clothing off to wait for Azumi help for the uniform. “Bri… I see your tummy.” She reached her hands over to Bri slowly with a grin across her face. “Ah, wait!” I started to run around in the bathroom stall as Azumi fingers traced against my left and right side. She tickled me till I fell down to the ground. “Bri!” She laughed with Bri as they continued to mess around. We played till we heard someone walk inside with shoes clicking on the ground. “Bri, Azumi…you’re taking too long. Hurry the fuck up!” A woman yelled in the bathroom hoping it was them. “If you’re not the two I just mentioned ignore this.” The woman left suddenly out of the bathroom with her shoes clicking down the hallway. Azumi glared at the door full of hate towards the people she has to work with. “That girl will never find a husband.” She whispered under her breath. The two girls got dressed in a few minutes leaving the bathroom to go to the café for their morning work. We both were serving orders to customers in our outfits which some men stared at us with those eyes. Azumi gave them the glare and they gaze somewhere else. The woman earlier was prancing around with her boobs bouncing up and down with joy. “You two girls will have to be on your best behavior we are getting nice guests.” The woman said in a cheerful tone. “Sadly to say…I don’t get to serve them.” She looked upset towards the other girls. “Who is it?” Azumi asked. The women nod her head at Azumi and Bri. “You two.”  She said full of hate. “Lucky…the boss wants you two armatures to do it. If it were me; I would be able to do it no problem. No mess ups. Natta.” Azumi hated being called armatures in front of her and Bri. They just started and this girl hates on them as though these people are really important. “We are only doing this job because we want to get paid for important things like food and a place to live.” She let out a low sigh from her lips. “Unlike you; we aren’t here to have sex with every male that gives us the eyes.” Bri sensed the girl was about to raise her fist towards her when the bell on the door rang twice. 
The door opened with two men walking inside of the front door with all eyes on them. “Is that Prince Hitsugaya and Prince Ichimaru?” A few customers started to whisper amongst each other. They continued to whisper at the same time over the two standing there. Azumi looked over toward the two men. No way are these the guys the ones they are serving. No way! They looked well-dressed enough to be at a party or rich. She hated rich snobby people. All they want is money. The woman pushed the two girls over to the guys to help serve them something. “Don’t screw up.” She turned around with a soft snicker leaving from her lips. Azumi and I had no idea what would become of us.  I never thought I have a job where we get to meet the Prince. They are rare to run into unless you are lucky. I knew Azumi hated them for being rich and snobby. She knew what they did to her parents; she was grateful for that. She got to get away from the Hell. It was truly a honor. My parents…they were murdered by people which I was saddened. They truly loved me. I wanted to not lose them…however my only family now. Would be Azumi for she is my sister. We stay by together—Always will be together for as long as we live.

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