Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Frozen World || Chapter 1 - Dreams

The spring blossoms aroma came through the window when the brunette eyes remained closed from her dreams. Dreams of something darker than any nightmare could happen in this inner world. Inside that world there was someone waiting for only me. Her words, her actions seemed to be the same as mine. Only difference we aren’t the same in one thing… Time was the difference in this inner world. It could be an illusion all made up to confuse the girl from reality. She had to confront Toshiro about the truth. What she saw… it was something that frightened to her very soul. 

Shiro-chan…would you do this?

The world had crumbled into nothing but ice with bodies lying around after the damaged that was done. A ice castle was in this world that came to the brunette’s eyes. Why…? What has happened here? She would question around her afraid to hear the truth. Could someone with other ice powers attack the Soul Society? It was all a fake dream to scare her. Or why would she dream such a thing…? It was then that a girl with short hair appeared before her with a warm smile. Thus her eyes opening up widely in letting out a grasp of air. It…can’t be! Her mirror had appeared right before her. Could it be….a clone? 

The older Hinamori hair would swing left to right in watching her younger self stare with shock. “Have I scared you?” The girl laughed softly in watching her reaction. “Yes…I am you. This is our future of the Soul Society.” After her words were uttered there was a great sadness behind those words. “…It is something you will find out in your life if you choose it. You can’t escape it even if I were to warn you now.”  She took one step forward in watching the ground carefully to not slip. “Also the Shiro you know is not the same in your world. He is….well; you will see soon enough what he has become.” The younger Hinamori whole body began to shake by her words. ‘Shiro-chan you know is not the same in your world…well; you will see soon enough what he has become.’ Nani…?! What he has become? I don’t understand what she means by these words. It can’t be! Shiro-chan is Shiro. He never change! Never…he told me he would not. 

“You’re wrong! He never change just because you say so. Even if you are me in the future or whatever this is. Shiro-chan will remain the same. He is my….” Her words paused with the two tears streaming down her cheeks. “He is my Shiro-chan! Always will be no matter what you say.”  

The other Hinamori turned to raise her hand toward the robes gently. “Go see for yourself…go see what you can not here.” Once she said that the world instantly started to change. The girl started to fade in disappearing into ice as the brunette opened her eyes there was her third seat. Haru Akarui was recently seated to this rank in a month after the battle with the full bringers. He was lazy along with her Taichou and also picky when his work will be done. “Hina-chan…are you feeling alright?” The brunette eyes were red in watching him. She must have been out of it from that dream. How could she not answer…? He must have been pounding in her room constantly to hear for her answer. “Ah, gomen Haru-san… I really must have been out of it.” A warm smile showed up on her face. “I be up in a moment…could you give me a minute?”

Haru warm smile appeared with her one request of the matter. Without a single word he left the room with that goofy smile he always wore when seeing Hinamori. Feet would stand up from her bed in moving over toward the bathroom that was in place inside of her room thankfully she could just wake up and take a quick bath. Sliding her feet across the floor there she heard her small cat. The few meows would echo in the room with the orange little kitty following quickly after her. “Miko… I need to get ready.” The soft giggles would leave from her lips. Miko did not listen and continued to meow after her. Hinamori let her cat stay in the bathroom as she took her bath. The soft purring kept her calm in the words that older Hinamori spoke of. The words of her own friend being different. She didn’t believe those words… no way would he change. Why would he change when he been by her side this whole time. She didn’t want to believe. No… she wanted to ignore what that girl said. He won’t do it. But deep in her heart she wondered what that older self could mean…. 

The bath did take fifteen minutes with her scrubbing her hair till the soap got all through her long hair. It was something she thought about maybe a haircut. Would that look cute? She would have to ask Rangiku for some help in that opinion. “I have to get to work now…” Those words were easier said than done as her two men in her group always tend to give her trouble. Using a towel against her body there would be her cat Miko meowing at her to get some food. “Miko… I will get you your food in a second.” The brunette would sigh in listening to her cat meow around the room. 

Walking inside of her room there was the scent of the rain mixed with the flowers she planted around the fifth division. Outside there was a light coming from the window with giving gentle warmth to the world from within her thoughts that kept bothering her after another. Picking up her white kimono, she would slip it through her arms in placing it still on her shoulders. Once the clothing was set just right her hands got the black robe on next in tying both of them together with the white sash in a tight bow. The only thing left now is to fix her hair which she had felt that a bun today would be the normal hair style. “I think today two pony tails be perfect!” The brunette chirped happily in moving over toward the bathroom in grabbing two pony tail holders. 

One was purple while the other pink. Grabbing her brush, the handle felt soft and squishy that was bought in the world of the living. It was quite useful being here and unable to buy another. “I wonder what Shiro-chan will think. No, no! I can’t think like that.”  Her eyes closed for a moment in thinking of the other girl. What did he do that was so serious? Why would he eve--- The thoughts stopped when Miko scratched on the door of her room. “Miko, stop that!” She yelled in frustration with her eyebrows narrowing.  Wrapping the ponytail around each hair; she could see in the mirror it was perfect for going out with her hair in a manner of going out. “I am ready now!”  Swinging her hair, she marched right toward the door in opening it slowly with a creak. Her cat Miko ran off to cause some mischief somewhere else. “Miko….that cat better not cause some trouble.” She whispered softly with her cheeks puffing out a bit. 

“H-i-n-a-m-o-r-i-c-h-a-n.” A voice would come up in front of her with the shadow covering her vision of sight. It was Haru who came up close with his arms around her. “You look cute today.” His body would move against hers in wrapping his arms around her slowly. “H-Haru-kun! What are you doing? We should get to work… I need to see someone today so I will leave the paperwork to you.” She moved away from Haru. “Who would you need to see…? Who do you have to see, Hina-chan?” His arms still remained around the small petite. A pout appeared on her face over his actions in still holding her close. As always Haru wasn’t the type to give up so easily. “I want to see Shiro-chan. I need to ask him some things that occurred to me. I am worried about something and he may know what to do.” 

Haru eyes opened up with concern over this person. “Shiro-chan…?” Hinamori looked up at Haru surprised. She did mention of this to Haru didn’t she? He probably spaced it since he sleeps everywhere. Her lips would press upward toward him. “Shiro-chan is my best friend. We went to live together in the Rukongai back when we were little. Toshiro Hitsugaya is his name. You often call him by this nickname.” Hinamori spoke with a soft tone from her lips in thinking over the past. “I don’t know anyone by that name, Hina-chan. Are you certain you got their name wrong?”  Two big chocolate orbs widen by his choice of words. No…that can’t be right! She was certain Shiro-chan and her were together. How could she get that wrong? “There ain’ been anyone by that name that I know of. Could ya have got it wrong, Hina-chan?” 

The whole world began to circle around her in the words Haru spoke of and her future self. What is happening…? Why is she hearing such lies? Eyes opened wide toward the truth of his words. Shiro-chan….never existed? How could this be possible?! 

Shiro-chan… have to be real!

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