Thursday, August 15, 2013

D i p p e d L o v e || Chapter 1-Fears

Deep within the land of darkness there was a place humans would never wish to go. A world where everything was dark with a great will to kill. A deep desire where everything goes into anger and pain that never left their soul. That pain---was in Hell. Hell was where everything was crumbling apart. This place… was a torture chamber only lead by the leader of evil himself. The one male who was feared by all in the human world. 

Toshiro Hitsugaya…

In the brunette arms, there laid the baby of the future in Hell which he had been sleeping peacefully. Many demons roared with excitement having a new child to grow up in hopes of taken over their King. After that, he does that the next, the next, and the next child after creating a generation. 

“Darling, you have to look at our child!” A soft voice called from their room which was up on the balcony of the castle in Hell. All around was either fire or more other platforms down below where demons fought knowing they can’t die. Bound by a chain on them. Even if they did die; going to the human world was pointless with a guardian watching over who give you the painful death of being stabbed. The black haired male walked over to his wife whom had just born a child of great importance. He was at least 6’0 at a tall height from his wife. “Hinamori… do you think you can stay up a little longer?” 

“Sweetie, I am not some human who needs you to care for.” Her tone was angry at how much he babysat her with care. It was here where he took control of this throne of defeating the male who had it. He been banish to another place where he could not threaten them. “Alright… if you feel weak just let me know. Our child should be cared for and you as well.” Two pale cheeks went out toward his little remark. Of course she was fine! Yes, she was tired. That was to be expected. The child was no easy task to create. It was with their love that this could happen. 

“Goo-goo gag a…” The small child murmured from his lips in moving his small fingers around her thumb. He enjoyed feeling his Mother’s cold touch against his own. Inside his mouth were little baby fangs which he was growing more quickly then any human child would. Momo knew that his life would be short and fast with not many things to explore. “You’re so cute!” Her finger would tickle his stomach in hearing soft laughter’s. He enjoyed watching his Mother’s eyes while he breast feed from her. It was a bonding he never wished to give up ever. 

Hinamori continued watching her son grow throughout the years knowing that someday he be an evil child for the rest of his life. For whoever he marries will too have that title as Queen after she passes away. That would not be for a long time though she hoped it was soon. Watching humans be brought here for food was sickening. No, it was not right. Not even the slightest in wishing that killing them was the right thing. Silent Hinamori continued to let her son know that if he could escape to do it before his Father starts his training. To leave here…leave and never come back.

At the age of fourteen the boy who named was not announced had grew up into a fine child. His black, spiky hair was to his shoulders in need of cutting it. Though he did not mind it at all with his crimson eyes glowing in the dark as he ran over to his Mother who called him to the balcony. Toshiro was gone out on the hunt for more humans which she planned the perfect get away. “Mama!” Toshiki ran over to his Mother with arms out wide in embracing her. The brunette wore a long, maroon dress that went to the floor with her hair up in a bun with braids in the back going to her waist. Her skin was pure white snow with eyes red as the blood. “Ma…ma?” He noticed her eyes were not full of happiness but, a full sorrow over what she intended to do.

“Toshiki, my son I do not want you to suffer.” He raised his black eyebrow toward his Mother’s words in confusion. “Nani, what are you talking about Mother? I am not in pain nor am I upset.” He grabbed onto his Mother’s hands with one of his warm smiles upon his features. “Do not lie to me. Have you not even noticed the screams? The painful humans getting cut into limbs by your Father?” Crimson eyes opened up wide at her words in fear. “S-Stop, Mama! You are scaring me about Father. H-He never do such a thing!” Hinamori grabbed her son for an instant in teleporting over toward a cell. Inside laid millon of human bodies who were either cut up or just attached to the wall by a chain hooked to their ankle.

“….” Toshiki stood frozen at the sight with many humans without limbs or even have the will to move on. He could sense their fears, their agony, praying to be set free by someone. “This is why you should leave. I do not wish for you to go, however I-I hate to watch you turn into a monster who does this for fun.” Squeezing her fingers into her skin, tears would leak down her cheek becoming a light red tears like blood. “P-Please just go to the human world! Never come back to this place. O-Or you will become like this. An evil lord like him with a woman of his choosing. It will not be love! It will be a sorrow life you will be chained to.” Hearing voices coming closer near them the female opened up a portal in pushing her son.  


His voice was cut off without even saying goodbye to his Mother in not knowing what would happen. Would Father kill Mother for telling and letting him go? No! He had to believe that things would work out. Father, why would you do this? You taught me that humans could be our friends. Why did you lie…? I know that this isn’t how it should be. Cut up like animals to make them cry out in pain. They are not ours to keep yet you continue to act as if it is okay.

When the light surfaced he noticed the trees all around with a small city up ahead. “Mama…please still be alive. I-I do not want to wait for you and find you died by his hands.” How painful he hated his Father in agony with Hell loving that anger it feeds off of it. His crimson eyes scanned the area for anyone he could feed off of. This head was unbearable. It was crushing him like a rock had just fallen. “So hot…” 

The stroll happens to take hours within the forest over getting lost. He never been here his entire life where Father gathered humans by his charm perhaps. He looked like a sexual God from those stories you read. Or those perfect beings that were born to be models. He too had that look at a young age where woman be into those cute-young ones. Where would I find shelter? I do not wish to trick humans, but I am in need of nutrients. 


His feet hit the sand slowly with noticing the ocean was nearby. Oh how the water looked beautiful here. Everything was magical from the ocean, to the trees; even the sky was not dark and gloomy. The human world was perfect more than he could imagine. Mother, this place is amazing how I wish you could join me! His body suddenly fell forward finding the sand to be burning his skin a bit. Would I burn up and rot…? Perhaps that would be better than becoming some evil lord. He could not bear the fact if Mother’s plan had failed. 

So hot…so very hot.

“Are you okay?!” A sweet tone came to the boy’s ears who wore a very strange clothing to him. Her dress was blue with white stripes near the bottom of the skirt. Underneath it looked like some round ball stretched out the dress. While the top looked like a soft fabric with something showing. Her soft delicate skin that was beautiful to his crimson eyes. Even being in the sand; her scent was something sweet he could devour in a second. Instead he refused to sink low like Father in killing this beautiful woman.
Long black hair ran down to her waist; with her violet eyes glancing down at the boy who seemed to have nice clothing made out the finest silk. He must be rich to be out here, but why all alone and not with guards or something. This girl could not figure out his story at all. Reaching down, her hand would touch his arm in pulling him up so his other arm would hang low so the two could walk. 

“Hold on! I-I will save you. Don’t die!” The voice continued to call out to him each time they walked from the sand into the forest which he found quite better not in the hot sun. “L-Leave me here and go… you only get killed.” His eyes shifted to her neck once more. Why did he have to get Father’s desire? He did not want to kill this girl for helping him. She was innocent!” Stepping on his shoe, he felt a incredible pain raising throughout his whole body. “Baka! You think I leave you here to rot? I am not like that even if you aren’t with your family. You look as though being a Prince at least! M-My moto is to save everyone even if they are poor. No one deserves death---not even you mister raven boy!” 

With that said; she did not listen to his pleading in warning her it was not safe. He warned her, warned her constantly though still she continued to carry him. He have to scare her somehow with hi fangs. They be sharp enough to pierce her skin in running away. That had to do it. “I am thirsty…” Black haired female would put the boy right underneath the tree where shade could be found for the both of them. 

“Be so easier out of this dress! I hate how Father tells me to look like a Princess. I wish to just wear pants and a shirt or a skirt that isn’t so long I could fall over.” Complaining out loud she noticed the boy eyes were beautiful. Staring into them made her lose herself inside those crimson color. It reminded her of blood with remembering the way Father had said war had started. Demons attacked their people in stealing only a few for the Lord in Hell was having fun. Catching a thing that wasn’t fun---not at all. An image of her species being cut open like some sick thrill in watching them die.

Toshiki noticed her eyes changed from admiring him to sorrow which he could feel their emotions just by standing a few inches away. She saw death which was pouring out from her body like a faucet. How sorrowful… so she had also lost people to her. Still he had to get her close enough so a little nibble would scare her. Maybe then his death would be quick and painless! “I need you to come closer.” He ordered the female in staring into her eyes breaking whatever memory she had at that moment. “If you come, I will reward you with a little nibble, human girl.” His lips turned into a smirk which he grabbed part of his button on his white shirt where he unbutton a few in showing his chest.

A blank stare watched Toshiki who was flirting or trying to get her closer. Something was weird with this boy who wanted sex so soon. He acted like some male who wanted to see if she was interested and probably refuse when she did want it. “Um… what are you doing? You shouldn’t be doing that! Flirting with m-me when we just met.” Turning her head, avoiding his eyes she would not be effected by his spell.

W-What is going on?! This usually works from what Father taught me! I-I know I did the right thing. Had his spell been weak by the sun rays? That must be it! It had to be… She was not a normal girl that’s for sure. He had to get to the bottom of this and fast!
“Listen I am not interested in a tomboy like you. I rather find a REAL Princess to sink my teeth into.” He was speaking out loud with his desires in being hungry. Though it came out wrong as seeing the female just suddenly turned into an apple. “P-Pervert! You man just think about sex don’t you?” Toshiki raised a hand through his hair feeling like he watned to just die right now. Why is this happening?! He should be able to control her, make her his slave, do anything yet…she hasn’t fallen to him! What is it that makes her different?! 

The young boy would fall forward feeling his head hit on top of the rock which he laid down with his cloak from behind cover part of his cheek. Alarmed the girl ran over to him in helping him sit up. “Idiot! You shouldn’t do that when you are very weak. It must be the sun…I have to get you out of here.” Still his eyes would glance over at her knowing this be the perfect time to feed on her. She was close! 

Arms would wrap around her, pushing her body against his he felt she tried to struggle away from him. He sat up with his tongue running against her left side of the neck. He had to do this…he has to bite and then leave her so he may continue on. This girl was foolish to not see what was before her. “Idiot…” He would open his mouth quickly moving his fangs inches away when he felt something was wrong. What was this feeling? He felt that the girl did not refuse him. Or did she simply just knew that death was upon her? No, he heard of Mother’s stories about how his kind can find that one soul mate. It happens where they can’t read their minds. Nor control them no matter what they did… 

“A-Are you afraid? Is that why you are embracing me, Raven boy?” The girl would tease feeling her arms wrap around his back thinking this was a embrace. She did not know his fangs were out and a demon her Father so wishes to hunt. “It is alright. We will find your family and you can be safe.” Toshiki bit his lower lip with feeling afraid of biting someone he felt that might be that one his Mother spoke of. She told him this one simple thing… “Toshiki, if you run into that special someone treat her right. If you two fall in love then your bond be special as once you bite her. Or him depending on which one it could be… you mark her for eternity which is a rare occasion to happen within our kind.” Momo raised her finger while she spoke to her son with a picture behind it explaining everything. 

His memories came flooding back with what she had said. Mother, if she is the one…how or what do I do to treat her right. I do not know how.” The black haired female laughed softly seeing his cheeks blush slightly at something. “You’re cute um, what is your name?” He let out a sigh from his lips not wanting to keep their bodies together. “Toshiki Hitsugaya and you?” 

Her arms would remove form his slowly only to feel he kept his grip on her not wanting to let go. “Alice Kazuki is my name, Toshiki-kun. Let’s be good friends, okay?” After she said those words a angelic smile appear on her face with a laughter of the angels coming from within. 

Toshiki felt frozen by just her laugher and the way she moved and acted. He was starting to feel something was wrong with him. He didn’t feel the need to take his prey and do what he wanted. She was a beautiful person that he only wanted her. Only her alone… He was sure of that now whatever or whoever she was---the ribbon wrapped around their fingers were starting to form…

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

B o n d s || Drabble - HitsuBri -

A loud pounding would be heard in the hallway of fourth division. White hair bounced with each footstep he took in reaching the room where she be held. 

“Where is she?!”

His voice rose with the doors pushed aside seeing the Taichou fourth division was standing. Turning around, her eyes would smile at him in warmness. “Do not be worried, Hitsugaya-Taichou. She is here resting in the bed.” His feet rushed over to Unohana seeing that the female with long golden blonde hair was there. Snowy-white skin would appear within his third seat. The female was in a peaceful sleep from her expression up0n her face.  On her arms there laid dark blobs along her legs as well. Her right arm was wrapped in a bandage which had a white strap over her shoulder that laid on top of her chest.


What had happened to you? Who did this? If it was the members in his squad again, he must have to solve things straight between them. It would not be a pretty sight in seeing this. I will protect you… I won’t let you fall into a deep coma. Not like, Hinamori. I promised that to the both of you. Yet… why am I so useless? So weak as a Taichou in protecting?!

“You should not push yourself so hard. Hitsugaya-Taichou, you know she did this in showing her true strength. Yes, a broken arm and a few broken bones. However… those wounds can heal within time.” Unohana words were in a soft tone with a bit worry in her voice. “Some others are from not hollow wounds which I fear someone else with human hands have caused this.” 

Teal orbs widen slightly at the words Unohana just uttered. Clenching his fists, teeth would grind against each other feeling the rage was rising with each passing second. A meeting will be held after he returns with all his members besides Rangiku, and, his seventh seat. In knowing those people would never case harm toward her. 

“I am thinking that one of my members had this all planned to make her get killed.” His voice would whisper softly in a tone that resides in anger. A raven eyebrow would rise at the words he spoke, “Are you certain it is him?” Teal orbs shift up toward Unohana who stared down full of worry. “Yes.” Turning around; his haori would whoosh with the wind slightly blowing with his quick turn. “Can you protect her? I will find the culprits and put them into the cell for even daring to attack a subordinate as they are my men.” 

Nodding her head, the tenth Taichou left using one of his shunpo’s in resolving this matter quickly in return of his third seat---or so he hopes. “Hitsugaya-Taichou… do not lose your emotions to whoever done this. If you do find out, then please do it as a Taichou would.  Do not let your anger feed your emotions… Bri will not be proud if you killed someone with that feeling of protection. You have nothing to hate yourself for.”

Outside of the fourth division onto the tenth was the white haired Taichou who jumped from building to building. A light breeze blew through his hair which made his robes dance with that wind. Hold on, Haku. I promise I will find who did this and set them straight! Even if, I have to kill them. You won’t have to worry no more… I will protect you!

Two feet landed on the flat surface; he waited there seeing a few of his members give him the worried expression. “Taichou?” His head would shift in meeting their eyes. Eyes cold of the intention in killing whoever did this to his third seat. Without a word said; he left down the corridor toward the meeting room for tenth division. The meeting twenty-four hours ago was placed for hollows attacking the rukongai. He told everyone even Haku who was here without a scratch on her. Who would have set this up? 

The blonde haired female walked down the corridor with a worried expression. Taichou, why did you leave so suddenly? Was it Hinamori again? She did not hear news the fifth Fukutaichou was out of commission. It had to be a rumor that some sicko had spread. That’s it! Now she just has to find him so he can believe her. During his absence she went on a quest in finding him. He wasn’t in his usual place which was the main office. Odd… did he hear the news and march straight to that place? One other mystery is their third seat has gone missing. Could that be why he left? Hinamori and Haku both missing? Well, that wasn’t the case now since Hinamori was fine with her new Taichou. 

Taichou, where have you gone? Have you gone out looking for that evil who took Haku’s life? You know she never approve of you wasting their blood on your sword. Neither would Hyorinmaru which you know emotions get in the way. So, why do you leave? Taichou… you know that this isn’t right for you to get revenge. Whoever did it is now gone thanks to whoever saved her. She was sure Haku was fine in fourth division.

Her eyes spotted white hair from the room where they all met during missions. There he is! Rushing inside, her feet would slowly touch the ground in meeting her Taichou. Blonde hair was cut shorter to her shoulder length; pink scarf was still attached on the top of her shoulders. The black shihakusho was same length with on the left side being cut in two with her legs being able to move freely. With her coming next to him; the tenth Taichou was deep in thought over who could have done this. Not aware Rangiku was in the room with him. 

“Taichou, have you gone to see Haku?” The female voice caught his attention which he turned his eyes in meeting her hazel eyes. “Matsumoto, what are you doing here?” Ignoring her question was one thing, but to change it with another question seems he had seen her. Now he is plotting to find out who did this in a way which would not end well. “Taichou, I have been searching for you. I heard about Haku’s injuries, but to plan revenge is not something she would like! You know Haku will complain when she hears of it.”  A right hand would touch her right side in feeling upset seeing him like this. It was not like him to act this way—okay maybe a little when Hinamori gets hurt. But this isn’t what Haku would want… 

“I want her safe from harm. I heard her wounds came from a hollow and hands by a human. In other words someone had planned this out for her to get killed.” Hazel pearls would widen from hearing what he just said. No… that isn’t possible! Why would someone threaten toward Bri? She was the sweetest girl in the Soul Society. “That is why I want you to gather everyone by my orders. I will get to the bottom of this.” 

Later that afternoon there was a gathering with every member in the tenth division. Inside the meeting room was where the Taichou and Fukutaichou would wait for everyone. A few whispers would heard inside where many complained about wanting to get work done before nightfall. “I ordered you here for the rumor of Hinamori and Haku whom is in fifth and tenth.” He breathed in slowly, his hands would fall at the waist in taking in what he heard from Matsumoto. “Hinamori Momo is not harmed in that incident which you heard. However, Haku Bri third seat in our division is now resting in the fourth division. I have heard news she alright only need rest.” 

Warm smiles appeared on a few members who loved Haku with their hearts. She had gone through so much to reach to that point which the attack scared them. “Thank goodness! I hate to hear she died from such a hollow that could of taken those children lives. She risked everything to protect them.” The Fukutaichou raised her lips toward the half of the members while the others were grown with boredom. They be tested on if they harmed her or will speak up and acknowledge their reason for almost causing her death.

“With that said I wish to find out who really sent her almost to the grave.” He crossed his arms across his chest with a serious look upon his features. “She has a few broken ribs due to the hollow and a human hand. I am sure someone in this room had done it.” Many eyes widen at the news wondering why they done it. Whispers were beginning to get louder; words spoke with fear of who be next. 

“Taichou, why don’t we just drop this? No one is going to come out and say it. I am sure you know that why would they announce in front of everyone?” Her whisper would echo right next to his ear. Nodding his head, eyes would narrow slightly toward all his members. He knew this. He knew that no one would be confident in saying ‘I was the one who put her in that bed’ That is why he did this to be sure in knowing they are cowards. “I can see none of you were the culprit. If you know who did this. Come see me at once! You all are dismissed.” 

Matsumoto could not put a finger on what the Taichou had planned. He did this meeting, but knew that someone would not say it out loud. Why waste the time? He must be planning on confronting them alone. With no leads; he sure to not give up so easily in meeting each person. “Taichou…why do you do this? How about you just be at her side until she can tell you who done it?” Shaking his head, his arms would cross with leaning against the wooden surface. “I will be seeing her tonight. I have things to tell her even if she can’t hear me.” Hazel orbs would shift to the ground at his words. “Don’t worry. I am not going to cry, Matsumoto. I know this is painful, but she is a strong woman who gone through a lot to get to this position. I will not let her down so easily. My oath is to protect her!” 

“Taichou…” Matsumoto raised her lips into a warm smile at his words. Perhaps she could get through to him quickly without having much trouble. “Go home to rest. I am thankful for what you done today. I will go see her and rest myself so this is an order from your Taichou.” Closing his eyes, he left Matsumoto knowing she follow him perhaps in making sure. He made an act to show he did not need to be babysat. He needed to find this out on his own for Haku’s sake.

Approaching the fourth division; he noticed a nurse was checking up on her status which in term lead to her in a coma state. Just like Hinamori… Her wounds were more severe with the wound to the chest and emotionally were wounded by her Taichou she respected and loved. Aizen Sosuke… He had been locked up after the battle happened in the winter. It had been seventeen months along with the full bringer battle being over as well. “Haku, I have not given up on finding who did this to you. Do not worry. I will find them and make sure they pay for what they done even in death.” He took a seat on the chair next to him were the blonde slept in peace. 

Memories of the past were come flowing back to him. The memories of that day he met the clumsette third seat whom had been alone. It was back before the whole human becoming a shinigami in rescuing Rukia. The betrayal of Aizen where things were peaceful without the big lie that leads to a great war. It was then he had a mission in the human world which is where he met---Bri Haku the clumsy oaf. 

March 5th in the middle of spring at that time he had met her. The strange female whom was a soul on an accident little did he know that she be his third seat later. Deep within he felt something about her was off. Her soul had a familiar presence of his powers being like hers in a way he thought in need to keep her safe, keep her from harm. Why he felt this way? Deep in his mind there was no answer. Just a mission to fulfill that was it. 

He had saved that soul whom he did not know of her name. Even though he met; there was something about her that gave up the feeling he wished to help. Suddenly the memories kept coming back to when he did find her. The roller coaster ride they went through was intense. He had not dealt with such a difficult woman. How difficult she was to not trust him in believing he protect her. He promised that, yet he remembered her running away had upset him. It was then he forced her to make that promise. That one promise he never want her to give up on. 

Friendship, compassion, protection, he kept all these things in mind to her. Hearing out that her goal was to become his third seat in tenth division. That day when her powers outburst in making it snow was quite usual for her to go to the academy. That was their promise, their oath in keeping the bond remaining strong. He still remembers those strong words which made him give off one of those warm smiles.

“I will become your third seat! Just you wait, Toshiro-kun. I will not fall and someday I will be at your side once again.” Those words echoed in his mind while he was playing the scenes over, and, over again within his mind. To hear her back then was a gift to behold. She was young and naĂŻve with wishing to give up everything. He would not let her do that. Not when he could give her that reason to live. 

A young girl would skip down the road with her blonde hair swinging from side to side. “I am ready! I will fi---“ THUD! Her head fell right into the lake where the red, white robes clinging to her body tightly. Wiping water off from her hair, a soft chuckle would be heard from the distance. “Fell in the water have we?” It was her friend Toshiro Hitsugaya who caught her tripping once again. Two cheeks puffed out in anger at his comment. “I-I am not! It just looked pretty so I wanted to go for a swim.” Turning away, her cheeks still would puff out from his childish comment. Holding out a hand, he kept it out towards the young female. “Come on, you will be late if you continue to swim with the fishes.” With her hand touching his; standing up on her feet with their hands holding on. “Yes, Hitsugaya-Taichou arigatou for everything. I am truly grateful you saved me over, and, over. I happy to be your friend and toward my goal in becoming your third seat.” Lips shifted upward in a warm smile at her words. “If you continue to act like a child, you won’t be able to become that third seat.” Letting go her hand, he continued on ahead with that teasing smirk on his face. 

“Wait!” Haku ran out of the lake in following after him. His laughter was soft with looking back at Bri. She always seemed to make him enjoy time instead of looking grumpy. She and Hinamori had that light that was precious. If anyone were to harm that light---they would see the anger side of him that would not be a pretty sight. 

Those memories started to fade when he realized the body he sat beside was still asleep. “Haku…” Leaning forward, his hand would grab tightly onto hers. Intertwining their fingers, he felt her chest lift up and down with each breath against his cheek. “I will protect you. I promise you that I will not lose you.” Loosening his grip on her hands; orbs would look out toward the window having a nice view of the sky. 

The heart monitor was beeping at him with a signal that she still lived. Unohana said it could take time for her to recover from the injury that was received. Eyes would burn from staying up so late just watching his third seat sleep. Would they come? He couldn’t let them have her. Not take away what friend he made from the time they met. Not her… 

“Hitsugaya-Taichou!” Two nurses ran in with fear in their eyes. “What is it?” The white haired Taichou sat on the chair watching the stars glow from the window. “A hollow has appeared near the tenth division with Matsumoto on the edge with the members.” On his feet, eyes would widen in shock with what he just heard. “What?!” Turning his head, he gazed at Haku with fear of leaving her. “We will protect Haku. Go defend your division! She will be alright with Unohana-Taichou here.” 

“Alright. Make sure you keep your eyes on her.. I fear the ones who attacked her is still out there!” Using shunpo once he left quickly over toward his tenth division. The two nurses were dolls under control by a member whom laughed in a dark tone. “Such a stupid Taichou. You actually believe hollows could come in without being noticed?” The dark haired male had a black cloak over his head when he approached the blonde. 

“Thanks to you he has suspected his members. I was shocked when he actually called us all to the meeting. Think he can protect you forever?” Shaking his head, a sword would be pulled from his sheathe on the right side. “I don’t think so! I will end your life and show that everyone be happy with you gone.”

The heart monitor would beep faster at each second. He noticed something was forming from the monitor with ice having a sort of barrier. He swung his sword down to cut it when the kido had golden chains wrap around the sword, moving to his legs, quickly the male tried to do a kido when another one was shot from behind him. 

“You think I didn’t see what you were planning?” A calm tone entered the room with his hand pointing out toward the kido that now wrapped around the member. “Ren Aishido is it not?” Keeping the kido onto the male; he sent in other members with Rangiku grabbing Ren’s arm. “You’re going to be sentenced for attacking one of your one.” Her voice was serious with a glare staring at the male.

“Damn you, Taichou! How did you know? I know you couldn’t have planned this alone.” The blonde female holding onto his arm laughed softly. “Foolish boy. You think he had others? I didn’t even know this plan would turn out so easily. Lying to get him away, keeping him here would ruin your plan. You are so pathetic. I hope the higher ups kill you for creating this plan in getting rid of her. Haku-san, is a great shinigami who worked hard. You on the other hand is something that should be banned from our society.” 

The white haired Taichou closed his eyes slowly feeling it was a waste of time telling him about his plan. “Matsumoto, take him to central forty six while I capture his subordinates.” The kido was reset in case his buddies planned on appearing when Ren shook his head. “There is no one else. I planned this with my zanpakuto that can summon hollows. It was a new ability that was not known to you foolish idiots.”

“I see. Now you can be judged your fate by the ones who control the Soul Society themselves.” Closing his eyes, he turn toward the bed where Haku was laying. Rangiku with other members moved Ren out of the room quickly with no time to let him speak about how Haku was the one who made it up. Toshiro knew Haku for years now in knowing how much she never harm people. She was someone who could not even hurt a fly even if she wanted to. That is the person he admired who stood at his side. The one who had believed in him when he almost lost Hinamori. She was there… 

Cursing down the hall; the male voice was yelling which made Toshiro feel he won something. He saved his third seat from death and losing her forever. Humans can be quite cruel; however he is a shinigami like us. What was his motive? To kill her and hide the body? He would know no. Unohana-Taichou would know about this whole thing in arresting who touched her body with their reiatsu. 

After that incident; Ren had been sentence to leaving the decision to his Taichou which he did not keep him alive. The male killed him up on the Sogoku Hill where he did not wish to kill own subordinate. He yelled in fear that it was the last time in being alive. Toshiro walked toward the red haired male with a cold expression. “You leave me no choice, Ren.” Raising his blade, he would use flash step in moving behind Ren who turned around too slow in feeling his sword slash down at him in cutting him in half. His body turned to ice in shattering slowly up toward the sky. 

Ten years passed since that time it made Toshiro get lonely without hearing much of Haku’s injuries. She was on close guard by Unohana’s subordinates while Toshiro had to wait. He had grew a lot of inches since that time. Gaining his height in a tall height over not being 4’4. His height now was 6’2 which many had noticed he was not a small Taichou no longer. 

He hears Matsumoto complain about it constantly with her being now short and not able to hug him. Still she could try though he is aware around him as when his height was tiny. His dream goal had come true with growing the height he wanted however, now it was hard to be in tiny places with things to hit. The tenth division got loud with parties happening with Rangiku ignoring his orders in doing work. He ignored her not wanting to deal with someone so childish. 

Haku…I do hope your injuries heal so you can wake up. It may be new, but you are always in my thoughts. Even if I do not admit it. I really miss having you in the office with working together and going to that house we shared during your soul adventures. Do you remember? I still remember where it is. Silly thoughts of thinking you be there would be foolish to wish come true.

March 5th happened to turn today which the time had been midnight where he had heard about this day being important. Parties happened around the division which bothered him from not getting any work done. A angry mark would appear near his head at yelling. When suddenly the door opened showing the drunk fukutaichou with her eyes full of tears. “TAICHOU!”

“What is it, Matsumoto? No need to yell, hurry up! I am quite busy as you can see.” His hands would show the huge stack of paperwork. “Bri-chan, she woke up! Taichou, Haku has woke up from the coma!” Dropping the pen on the table; the tall Taichou would leave the room quickly moving toward the fourth division to the room where Haku was being held. “Good evening, Hitsugaya-Taichou. I am sure you came to see her. Inside here…” Unohana eyes closed with a bright warm smile at the news. It was thankful she was best at healing or Haku life would have been lost. Moving a hand toward the hole, he slide the door open in seeing the blonde watching from outside with her hair grown quite a length. Her body looked quite healthy with getting good when sleeping for years. 

The blonde would turn her head over toward the tall Taichou. Blue orbs widen at the very sight in her Taichou not being small no longer. How long had she been away? What had happened? It felt as though yesterday was the time she got hurt. That battle with the hollows and then….! “Taichou! Ren he…he attacked me an---“ Her words were silenced with two slender arms wrapped around the petite female. He pressed her head up against his chest where he had a couple abs onto his albino chest with the robes opening in showing some skin. 

“T-T-Taichou, w-w-wa---“ Wet tears fell from his cheeks on falling onto her pale, white cheeks which left her in silence. “I have waited for you in so long. Do not worry about Ren-san. I have gave him the judgement for even trying to get rid of you. I thought I lost you, Haku.” His hand would place against the back of her head. With the other hand would be wrapped around her waist in keeping her against him. He would not let her go. Not ever again! 

“…Taichou, please forgive me. I did not mean to leave you in this pain of waiting.” Her cheeks would turn bright red at him being so close. What had happened since her wounds appeared? He grew so much! He is tall! A-And he seemed to have gotten stronger since the last meeting. 

Hitsugaya smirked at the third seat knowing she was out for so long and very confused. “Haku, I will give you quite a gift and accept it willingly.” Haku eyes opened up wide at this gift for being out for so long. How would that…. Her words cut off when seeing his face came closer to her lips. Pulling back, her body landed on the bed which his lips followed in giving her a gentle kiss against her very own lips. 

Haku could feel her whole body shiver with tears falling from her eyelids. With her small hands; they would wrap around her Taichou’s back feeling his haori was still on his back. He was the Taichou in the division she admired with staying at his side along Matsumoto-san. Their lips pressed against each other for a while in surprise with both their tears falling in happiness of the reuinion. “Taichou, arigatou…b-b-but why the kiss?! I do not understand your motives. Have your growth made you act high and mighty? It does not seem ri---“ He placed a finger against her lips with knowing she had feelings for him. He could not deny it either. Perhaps the kiss was over board, but this was his third seat. The one who respected him since the day she told him not to give up. Hinamori was in a coma and when he was about to give up. That time she stayed at his side saying to get stronger. Keep gaining the power in protecting who he loved to protect. Haku always believed in her and now he must tell her the same.

“Get stronger, Haku. I will not let you give up when you recover we have so much to go over. I do hope you are prepared…” His smirk continued to stay knowing his eyes, mouth, everything always caused her cheeks to blush. They were great friends which remained bonded by their work relationship. This now must stay hidden the kiss and what he just told her. “That kiss is only for you to know. Haku, can you keep it a secret?”

Hiding under the blanket, her eyes would close tightly remembering the kiss was played over, and, over again. “Mhmm. I will not say a word.” With that said a hand would appear at her right cheek with him pulling the blankets down in leaning forward. Another rkiss was placed on her lips this time he knew she would not be so surprised. This was the best gift she could receive from him. 

IT was a promise for her to keep living even after this incident she will remember it for a long time. Even if she has to slowly recover. He would be at her side where they both will continue to improve their powers even with him being secret about his kiss. She only worried that failing the person who looked up to her. That was her fear, but everything was fine now. She kenw that he would stay---right where her heart called out to him. He has answered her…he heard her calling and their love had grown even more.

I love you, Toshiro Hitsugaya… you are the reason I am alive today. Even if you do not remember I will always remember with my heart and soul. Nothing will make me forget what you taught me in becoming stronger. Arigatou…

Sunday, August 11, 2013

B l o o d L a d || Chapter 2 - Missing Memories

In another place, another realm there was a world that many would not find at all. If many looked deep inside the inner world there be a way inside. That is how a unexpected gateway for a human to come---that story is how a relationship is formed. A relationship you do not expect or even to fall deeply in love with. That world where human and demon could come into the path of destiny. 

One love…one path toward hands gathering this is how stories begin. 

It has been quiet in the West of the world of demons. Many demons found it odd no beating had been happening with their boss taking over in this section. Two demons had opened the door in the Wolf’s room to find it empty. “Boss…?” Silence appeared in the room with not even a footstep or noise. Crickets would chirp inside the room signaling that he was nowhere in sight. “Boss, this isn’t funny!”  

The two demons had seen glass on the floor where they noticed broken glass from the window being broken by a body going through it. “Look at this!” One of them pointed at the window as evidence that he jumped out. “Idiot! Why would he jump out the window?” Toby eyes narrowed at his friend who accused him of being stupid. “Listen, he always does crazy stuff! He never tells us what he doing, always going off and now he gone.” His arm would move out toward the window. Fuji let out a sigh with his bang hanging down. “Toby, stop thinking stuff up. We just have to find him is all. He must be around here somewhere. I am sure he is! Let just ask his friend, Staz.” 

Moment of silence for the thought of seeing that vampire rival made their skin boil. Why did they have to go see him?! Obviously their boss had to go somewhere alone. The other demons were wondering where their leader had gone off to which Toby and Fuji had to make something up saying he sick today. Staying in bed or something that would not throw off he was gone. When they told the other demons thought it was strange, but it probably was true with them dealing with these two idiots. “Probably got tired of you two always fucking everything up!” One demon would yell out loud with his arms crossed on his chest. 

Toby was about to protest when Fuji stopped him in nodding his head away from the group. “Come on!” Toby spit out some saliva as he followed to call for a carriage to go to the east of the demon world. In this world; there were other regions that were taken over by other demons which if one boss is defeated then they own the region. Fuji and Toby had a important mission in finding their boss. Wherever he was! Even if asking Staz for help. That thought made them sick to think a vampire could strike him down. Still it was possible they fought and he killed him. “Let’s go, Toby! We shall find him alive I am sure Staz that vampire brat wouldn’t even kill him.”  Toby nod his head as the blonde hair would sway back and forth on their journey to the carriage where they gave the two tall bird demons their money. Only problem was---they count slow, but run as if they were the new cheetah’s at the fastest speed in the demon world. 

The new journey would continue until Staz told them what they needed to know until they found their boss. Probably be shut down by them knowing no lead if they didn’t know. Then he was in trouble by some other kind of evil that was after his position. Whatever it was…they will find out who did it and kill them! 

Back in the human world; there was buildings all over with a great view of the sky in Japan at night. Hikari looked through the men clothing seeing their boxers. A bridge of red color would appear across her nose. Why did they wear this? Or even their underwear is different! Still she had promised to get him new clothes to wear instead of what he has---ripped clothing. “Wolf-kun, what about this?” Her finger would reach toward the shirt with a cat on it when his hand would grab onto hers quickly. A low growl left from his lips making a low tone. 

A shocked expression would appear on her face when noticing he did not seem to like cats. Not many did love these creatures which she understood, but to growl at it. That was very strange! His healing, his growling, sounded like a dog of some sort or something more. Could he be someone from another realm? No, that isn’t possible! Swallowing down a large gulp, her hand would remove from the cat shirt. “S-Something else then, Wolf-kun. What would you like to wear?” He kept his hand around hers tightly afraid of another attack within the store. Hikari did not mind he held her hand, but it was embarrassing to be holding hands. At least he has not kept his arms around her like before. That sensation made her heart beat fast inside of her small chest. 

“Something that doesn’t have those disgusting rodents on it.” He utter softly out of his lips while his hand ran through his silver hair. Walking away from the cat shirt, her feet came across a picture of a wolf which she noticed Wolf eyes opened up wide with joy. “This!” A grin spread across his lips causing a small giggle to leave her lips at the sight of watching him get excited. Perhaps he into wolves more than cats. A dog lover maybe? Well, she wasn’t here to judge. Here to help him get back on track---whatever that was. 

“I can get this with some pants at least. I-I mean, we can’t have you go around half naked.” Wolf nod his head finding the right size in the shirt while Hikari looked around for the pants area. When she spotted the section; there was a few teenager boys who stood in front of her in blocking her path. “Where are you off to little girl?” Hikari felt her heart skip a beat with how tall these boys were. Half her size even! If Wolf noticed them they be punched or even broken arms from the last guy. “E-Excuse me, I am trying to shop. Can you please mo—“ One male’s hand would grab onto her dress, picking her up off the ground without ease. “What was that? You telling us to move little girl? In your size you be fun to mess around with!” Hikari felt her whole body shake in being off the ground. Why did they keep bothering her? Was it how she looked or even dressed. No! She didn’t want to experience this again. Wolf-kun…please help! 

The boys behind the leader fell down without making much noise. Hikari could see that Wolf had done all of that. Wolf-kun… Tears came falling down her cheeks, her lips pushed forward in smiling no matter what she knew he come. Except that this time he was furious. So furious that he raised his right fist at the guy’s cheek that caused her to be free. A right hand was reached out in front of her. Two arms would wrap around the small petite with not much effort. He could feel she was very light which was easy to move her over to the bench. A few bystanders watched the male who got punched rub his cheek. “Bastard…” He whispered in watching Hikari stare at the male who saved her. Wolf held her close for a moment with his hand touching the top of her head. “Hikari…I am sorry for not paying attention.” Both of his arms would wrap around her back tightly, biting his lower lip, he could smell her scent was very refreshing. The idiot males smelled like something out of the trash can. To touch something so precious made him angry…Hikari was about to say something when he removed his arms away from her with the shirt on her lap.

 “Stay here.” He ordered her with a serious look in his eyes. It was the intent to kill. “Whoa, whoa there fella! You know I was just joking around. B-Besides she looked lost that is all. I wish to help her.” Golden orbs would narrow toward his words that was spoken. “Help? You wanted to help her? I find your words just laughable. How can you help someone if you force them off the ground hmm?” He stretched his arm out in front of him with the other arm doing the same. This time he hold back for Hikari sake. Right now he could kill the guy for making her cry. 

Wolf stared down at the male who now was on the ground with a bruised face. He didn’t realize how much strength he had, but to touch something that was precious to him made his blood react to it. “Touch her again and you will not be breathing.” The tall male stared up at Wolf with his eyes a bit scared. “I-I get it! Sorry for attacking your girl  friend. I thought she was alone so that’s why I wanted to hit on her.”  Hikari could feel a sudden air that gone cold with the hands at Wolf’s side shaking. Oh, no…she had to do something. To stop Wolf from killing this man and ending up in jail. That is what that baka wants. She knew he would do it! “Wolf-kun, wait!” Her feet got off the ground moving over to stand in front of the other male. “Please don’t do this. You protect me. I-I know you want to kill him, but all I want is for us to be together.” Golden orbs would widen at Hikari’s words as he remain calm by her being there. “Hikari…” Wolf breathed in slowly to calm his urge in punching this guy till he stopped breathing. 

Hikari grabbed Wolf’’s hand, walking away with his shirt in her hand, the two walked toward the pant section hoping for no one else to bother them. The security guards walked to their friends with serious expressions on their faces. “Let’s go.” The others were taken to go home in taxi by their friend who still remained awake thanks to Hikari. Whoever that male was he was not human. He was about ready to kill him which many humans do not have that will to strike. 

The rest of the time they found couple of clothes for Wolf which Hikari paid for the clothing up at the front desk. She was picked up by some giant which saved by Wolf anger and urge to kill everything was fine. So, far she knew that Wolf had a feeling of protecting her. They just met and now he seemed ready to love her. What was that feeling she had earlier? She could of let him kill that man, but something told her that she wanted to stop him. If he ended up in Jail it wouldn’t be a good thing. Hikari felt that he was different from the rest of them. His strength was impressive over like one of those demons who were really strong! 

“Thank you, Hikari-chan. If you had not stopped me I do not know what would of happened…” Hikari knew he was thankful for that whole speech she spoke of. More importantly they had to go through this together even if she was being targeted. He still raised his fists in protecting her when he could flee. “It was nothing. Actually you end up in Jail if you strike that man or even killed him.” Her voice was low with a bit of laughter leaving from her lips. “Usually it safe, but for some reason they been attacking me. I-I do not understand why this has to happen. I…am scared.” Fingers would wrap around the handle on the bag she held. 

One arm would wrap around Hikari, pulling her against his chest, he kept her there for a long while wanting to protect her. “I promise to protect you from anyone who wishes to touch you. I do not want to see you cry. Nor be frightened like that ever again. You…have saved me. Now I will protect and save you even if I die.” His last words made her eyes open up wide in fear. D-Die…? No! She wouldn’t want that. Even if he had died that would break her heart. “NO!” Wolf was startled by her sudden outburst. He pulled away a little feeling Hikari lay her head against his chest. “I do not…want to lose you, Wolf-kun. Even if you die, that leave me alone without being able to help you. I-I want to save you from whatever attacked you before. Those wounds you have that healed already. It must have been dangerous for you to leave your home. I do not want you to be alone anymore!” Raising her voice, she noticed a few people stared at them while they walked by. Wolf grabbed the bag from Hikari, his hand would reach under her legs, the other arm would touch her bag while he carried her bridal style. 

“Then…I must promise to live so you won’t have to see me die. I will not die, Hikari-chan. This is a promise from me. I am sorry for saying such a thing to you.” He moved his lips up against her forehead where he left a kiss. A gentle kiss that was a promise to her in staying alive so she can see him return back home. He made an oath now to keep himself alive just for her to be able in helping him. That he promised to her---only to her alone.

Hikari remained silent while Wolf carried her back to the academy with not much ease in seeing anyone. He knew many went back home while Hikari stayed here at the dorm. Only a few students were around which brought their attention why a boy was staying with her. Hikari hoped they wouldn’t think she was dating him. Still her worries were raised high when he put her down by the door. Opening it; the two walked inside where she closed the door quickly in thinking what to do now. 

“Hikari-chan, I will go sleep outside so you won’t worry about what will happen.” Grabbing his sleeve, she stopped him from moving any further. “No…please do not sleep out there. I am afraid whatever attacked you will return. Sleep with me instead I do trust you enough knowing you will not do anything.” Wolf cheeks flushed deeply a red color at her words. “Hikari-chan…are you sure?” 

“I-I know it’s selfish, but I really find that it is fine if you sleep besides my bed is big enough for two.” Hikari whispered in a soft tone with her heart pounding deep within her chest. Wolf ran a hand through his hair at her comment toward being selfish. “No, Hikari-chan you are not selfish. You want to protect me very well I feel I do repay you, but today you saved me yet again. Usually I go and beat people up who piss me off.” A anime tear drop fell down at the right side of her head. That wasn’t really a good thing…however he was that type of person. Perhaps he really enjoys fighting which is why he loves that. 

“I-I will not do a thing, Hikari-chan. I promise you that with my heart and soul you can kick me out if I do anything strange.” Arms would wrap around Wolf gently in bringing him closer to her chest. “Please do not worry, Wolf-kun. I believe in you completely that you do not a thing like that.” Close comfort against the soft chest made the white haired male nose shoot something red. “W-Wolf-kun…?!” Hikari shook him gently seeing he had fainted by just being that close to her. “WOLF-KUN!”
Five minutes of panicking she had laid him on the bed with a wet cloth on top of his head. What could happen if he never wakes up? Many would wonder why she decided to stop coming outside in tending to him. Staying by his side, her head would plant on top of his chest. Lying on top, her hands would touch his chest lightly feeling a peaceful atmosphere.  It was quiet in the room with nothing but soft breathing echoing each second. 

In the demon world; the two demons had finally got their ride to where they go toward East. The place where Staz had control and is a boss there. He was a vampire who was noble from his family of other vampires. The two demons from the west felt the ride was very bumpy in the least they got there within time to explain everything. When arriving they heard some scream which was Staz being ran over. 

“Staz-kun!” The young female ran over to see the carriage had arrived. Her eyes were full of tears. “Staz-kun, wake up!” It was then her eyes glared at the two demons that came out. “E-Eh, long time no see huh?” Fuyumi eyes blinked twice in remembering these two from that time of meeting Wolf-san. “Oh, you guys are…” The black haired male sat up with a death glare in his eyes. “…YOU GUYS!” Toby and Fuji both swallowed slowly with their arms out toward the vampire demon. “W-Wait! We can explain, Staz-kun!” Staz growled in a low tone toward the way his name was pronounced. “Don’t call me that!” 

Fuyumi helped Staz up with her skin a white color of snow. Toby noticed she no longer was a ghost with disappearing legs at least that was fixed. “Why are you here?” With his eyes glaring, quickly they explained in very detail what had happened in Wolf’s room. “What, he is missing?!” Fuyumi voice was loud enough to cause a few demons looking their way. Staz pointed to the cafĂ© store so they would not distract even more. 

When they walked inside; there a small rodent with two round ears was sitting on top of his owner. “Welcome back I—“ He jumped seeing Toby and Fuji walking inside. “What are they doing here?!” To his eyes there Wolf wouldn’t show up which was odd. “Where Wolf-san?” Staz shook his head in taking a seat with Fuyumi and the two demons. “Why did you come to me? I could easily take over his place if I wanted. Though since he gone… I suppose you wish to find him without much trouble.” Nodding their heads, fear looked inside of their eyes afraid what happens if they got news of this out around the world. “Staz-san, I know you do not want to help. Though he helped you in the problem you had with that girl.”  Toby pointed a finger at the girl who just sat there clueless. 

“Leave Fuyumi out of this. If you want to find your boss then do it yourself! You think we got time for that?” Staz would feel his cheek being pulled. “Staz! You should at least help them. I-I mean he is your friend. Don’t make me have to leave with them.” Staz let out a gasp from his lips. “Y-You want to help?!” Her eyes narrowed toward his question. “F-Fine! Only this once I will ask my friend to fill in for me. Or my region be in trouble if both got taken.” Toby and Fuji both smiled happily at them agreeing to help instead of sending them away. “Thank you, Staz-kun!” Laughter filled the room besides Staz who got angry with them being so friendly. “It’s just Staz. Not ‘kun’ now remember that as we go to where you last seen him.” 

A dark figure would be standing right outside of Hikari’s window where he smirked dark. Wearing a black cloak, his hands would be inside of his pant pockets. He could sense the male inside had no idea that he was here. He did not care! All he wanted is to fight which is what he get when he approaches. Only that there was something off about where he came to. 

“I have come, Wolf-san. Be ready for your head on my wall!”