Thursday, August 15, 2013

D i p p e d L o v e || Chapter 1-Fears

Deep within the land of darkness there was a place humans would never wish to go. A world where everything was dark with a great will to kill. A deep desire where everything goes into anger and pain that never left their soul. That pain---was in Hell. Hell was where everything was crumbling apart. This place… was a torture chamber only lead by the leader of evil himself. The one male who was feared by all in the human world. 

Toshiro Hitsugaya…

In the brunette arms, there laid the baby of the future in Hell which he had been sleeping peacefully. Many demons roared with excitement having a new child to grow up in hopes of taken over their King. After that, he does that the next, the next, and the next child after creating a generation. 

“Darling, you have to look at our child!” A soft voice called from their room which was up on the balcony of the castle in Hell. All around was either fire or more other platforms down below where demons fought knowing they can’t die. Bound by a chain on them. Even if they did die; going to the human world was pointless with a guardian watching over who give you the painful death of being stabbed. The black haired male walked over to his wife whom had just born a child of great importance. He was at least 6’0 at a tall height from his wife. “Hinamori… do you think you can stay up a little longer?” 

“Sweetie, I am not some human who needs you to care for.” Her tone was angry at how much he babysat her with care. It was here where he took control of this throne of defeating the male who had it. He been banish to another place where he could not threaten them. “Alright… if you feel weak just let me know. Our child should be cared for and you as well.” Two pale cheeks went out toward his little remark. Of course she was fine! Yes, she was tired. That was to be expected. The child was no easy task to create. It was with their love that this could happen. 

“Goo-goo gag a…” The small child murmured from his lips in moving his small fingers around her thumb. He enjoyed feeling his Mother’s cold touch against his own. Inside his mouth were little baby fangs which he was growing more quickly then any human child would. Momo knew that his life would be short and fast with not many things to explore. “You’re so cute!” Her finger would tickle his stomach in hearing soft laughter’s. He enjoyed watching his Mother’s eyes while he breast feed from her. It was a bonding he never wished to give up ever. 

Hinamori continued watching her son grow throughout the years knowing that someday he be an evil child for the rest of his life. For whoever he marries will too have that title as Queen after she passes away. That would not be for a long time though she hoped it was soon. Watching humans be brought here for food was sickening. No, it was not right. Not even the slightest in wishing that killing them was the right thing. Silent Hinamori continued to let her son know that if he could escape to do it before his Father starts his training. To leave here…leave and never come back.

At the age of fourteen the boy who named was not announced had grew up into a fine child. His black, spiky hair was to his shoulders in need of cutting it. Though he did not mind it at all with his crimson eyes glowing in the dark as he ran over to his Mother who called him to the balcony. Toshiro was gone out on the hunt for more humans which she planned the perfect get away. “Mama!” Toshiki ran over to his Mother with arms out wide in embracing her. The brunette wore a long, maroon dress that went to the floor with her hair up in a bun with braids in the back going to her waist. Her skin was pure white snow with eyes red as the blood. “Ma…ma?” He noticed her eyes were not full of happiness but, a full sorrow over what she intended to do.

“Toshiki, my son I do not want you to suffer.” He raised his black eyebrow toward his Mother’s words in confusion. “Nani, what are you talking about Mother? I am not in pain nor am I upset.” He grabbed onto his Mother’s hands with one of his warm smiles upon his features. “Do not lie to me. Have you not even noticed the screams? The painful humans getting cut into limbs by your Father?” Crimson eyes opened up wide at her words in fear. “S-Stop, Mama! You are scaring me about Father. H-He never do such a thing!” Hinamori grabbed her son for an instant in teleporting over toward a cell. Inside laid millon of human bodies who were either cut up or just attached to the wall by a chain hooked to their ankle.

“….” Toshiki stood frozen at the sight with many humans without limbs or even have the will to move on. He could sense their fears, their agony, praying to be set free by someone. “This is why you should leave. I do not wish for you to go, however I-I hate to watch you turn into a monster who does this for fun.” Squeezing her fingers into her skin, tears would leak down her cheek becoming a light red tears like blood. “P-Please just go to the human world! Never come back to this place. O-Or you will become like this. An evil lord like him with a woman of his choosing. It will not be love! It will be a sorrow life you will be chained to.” Hearing voices coming closer near them the female opened up a portal in pushing her son.  


His voice was cut off without even saying goodbye to his Mother in not knowing what would happen. Would Father kill Mother for telling and letting him go? No! He had to believe that things would work out. Father, why would you do this? You taught me that humans could be our friends. Why did you lie…? I know that this isn’t how it should be. Cut up like animals to make them cry out in pain. They are not ours to keep yet you continue to act as if it is okay.

When the light surfaced he noticed the trees all around with a small city up ahead. “Mama…please still be alive. I-I do not want to wait for you and find you died by his hands.” How painful he hated his Father in agony with Hell loving that anger it feeds off of it. His crimson eyes scanned the area for anyone he could feed off of. This head was unbearable. It was crushing him like a rock had just fallen. “So hot…” 

The stroll happens to take hours within the forest over getting lost. He never been here his entire life where Father gathered humans by his charm perhaps. He looked like a sexual God from those stories you read. Or those perfect beings that were born to be models. He too had that look at a young age where woman be into those cute-young ones. Where would I find shelter? I do not wish to trick humans, but I am in need of nutrients. 


His feet hit the sand slowly with noticing the ocean was nearby. Oh how the water looked beautiful here. Everything was magical from the ocean, to the trees; even the sky was not dark and gloomy. The human world was perfect more than he could imagine. Mother, this place is amazing how I wish you could join me! His body suddenly fell forward finding the sand to be burning his skin a bit. Would I burn up and rot…? Perhaps that would be better than becoming some evil lord. He could not bear the fact if Mother’s plan had failed. 

So hot…so very hot.

“Are you okay?!” A sweet tone came to the boy’s ears who wore a very strange clothing to him. Her dress was blue with white stripes near the bottom of the skirt. Underneath it looked like some round ball stretched out the dress. While the top looked like a soft fabric with something showing. Her soft delicate skin that was beautiful to his crimson eyes. Even being in the sand; her scent was something sweet he could devour in a second. Instead he refused to sink low like Father in killing this beautiful woman.
Long black hair ran down to her waist; with her violet eyes glancing down at the boy who seemed to have nice clothing made out the finest silk. He must be rich to be out here, but why all alone and not with guards or something. This girl could not figure out his story at all. Reaching down, her hand would touch his arm in pulling him up so his other arm would hang low so the two could walk. 

“Hold on! I-I will save you. Don’t die!” The voice continued to call out to him each time they walked from the sand into the forest which he found quite better not in the hot sun. “L-Leave me here and go… you only get killed.” His eyes shifted to her neck once more. Why did he have to get Father’s desire? He did not want to kill this girl for helping him. She was innocent!” Stepping on his shoe, he felt a incredible pain raising throughout his whole body. “Baka! You think I leave you here to rot? I am not like that even if you aren’t with your family. You look as though being a Prince at least! M-My moto is to save everyone even if they are poor. No one deserves death---not even you mister raven boy!” 

With that said; she did not listen to his pleading in warning her it was not safe. He warned her, warned her constantly though still she continued to carry him. He have to scare her somehow with hi fangs. They be sharp enough to pierce her skin in running away. That had to do it. “I am thirsty…” Black haired female would put the boy right underneath the tree where shade could be found for the both of them. 

“Be so easier out of this dress! I hate how Father tells me to look like a Princess. I wish to just wear pants and a shirt or a skirt that isn’t so long I could fall over.” Complaining out loud she noticed the boy eyes were beautiful. Staring into them made her lose herself inside those crimson color. It reminded her of blood with remembering the way Father had said war had started. Demons attacked their people in stealing only a few for the Lord in Hell was having fun. Catching a thing that wasn’t fun---not at all. An image of her species being cut open like some sick thrill in watching them die.

Toshiki noticed her eyes changed from admiring him to sorrow which he could feel their emotions just by standing a few inches away. She saw death which was pouring out from her body like a faucet. How sorrowful… so she had also lost people to her. Still he had to get her close enough so a little nibble would scare her. Maybe then his death would be quick and painless! “I need you to come closer.” He ordered the female in staring into her eyes breaking whatever memory she had at that moment. “If you come, I will reward you with a little nibble, human girl.” His lips turned into a smirk which he grabbed part of his button on his white shirt where he unbutton a few in showing his chest.

A blank stare watched Toshiki who was flirting or trying to get her closer. Something was weird with this boy who wanted sex so soon. He acted like some male who wanted to see if she was interested and probably refuse when she did want it. “Um… what are you doing? You shouldn’t be doing that! Flirting with m-me when we just met.” Turning her head, avoiding his eyes she would not be effected by his spell.

W-What is going on?! This usually works from what Father taught me! I-I know I did the right thing. Had his spell been weak by the sun rays? That must be it! It had to be… She was not a normal girl that’s for sure. He had to get to the bottom of this and fast!
“Listen I am not interested in a tomboy like you. I rather find a REAL Princess to sink my teeth into.” He was speaking out loud with his desires in being hungry. Though it came out wrong as seeing the female just suddenly turned into an apple. “P-Pervert! You man just think about sex don’t you?” Toshiki raised a hand through his hair feeling like he watned to just die right now. Why is this happening?! He should be able to control her, make her his slave, do anything yet…she hasn’t fallen to him! What is it that makes her different?! 

The young boy would fall forward feeling his head hit on top of the rock which he laid down with his cloak from behind cover part of his cheek. Alarmed the girl ran over to him in helping him sit up. “Idiot! You shouldn’t do that when you are very weak. It must be the sun…I have to get you out of here.” Still his eyes would glance over at her knowing this be the perfect time to feed on her. She was close! 

Arms would wrap around her, pushing her body against his he felt she tried to struggle away from him. He sat up with his tongue running against her left side of the neck. He had to do this…he has to bite and then leave her so he may continue on. This girl was foolish to not see what was before her. “Idiot…” He would open his mouth quickly moving his fangs inches away when he felt something was wrong. What was this feeling? He felt that the girl did not refuse him. Or did she simply just knew that death was upon her? No, he heard of Mother’s stories about how his kind can find that one soul mate. It happens where they can’t read their minds. Nor control them no matter what they did… 

“A-Are you afraid? Is that why you are embracing me, Raven boy?” The girl would tease feeling her arms wrap around his back thinking this was a embrace. She did not know his fangs were out and a demon her Father so wishes to hunt. “It is alright. We will find your family and you can be safe.” Toshiki bit his lower lip with feeling afraid of biting someone he felt that might be that one his Mother spoke of. She told him this one simple thing… “Toshiki, if you run into that special someone treat her right. If you two fall in love then your bond be special as once you bite her. Or him depending on which one it could be… you mark her for eternity which is a rare occasion to happen within our kind.” Momo raised her finger while she spoke to her son with a picture behind it explaining everything. 

His memories came flooding back with what she had said. Mother, if she is the one…how or what do I do to treat her right. I do not know how.” The black haired female laughed softly seeing his cheeks blush slightly at something. “You’re cute um, what is your name?” He let out a sigh from his lips not wanting to keep their bodies together. “Toshiki Hitsugaya and you?” 

Her arms would remove form his slowly only to feel he kept his grip on her not wanting to let go. “Alice Kazuki is my name, Toshiki-kun. Let’s be good friends, okay?” After she said those words a angelic smile appear on her face with a laughter of the angels coming from within. 

Toshiki felt frozen by just her laugher and the way she moved and acted. He was starting to feel something was wrong with him. He didn’t feel the need to take his prey and do what he wanted. She was a beautiful person that he only wanted her. Only her alone… He was sure of that now whatever or whoever she was---the ribbon wrapped around their fingers were starting to form…

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