Monday, August 5, 2013

B l o o d L a d || Chapter 1- A New Visitor

Dreams came from inner thoughts of other humans toward their goals. One dream of mine was to be a popular singer in Japan. Through success it wasn’t helpful with school and her parents making sure every class was passing. Many said her dreams were worthless. Being a singer have problems later on if you lose your voice it only cause depression if you really loved it. The dreams inside of this heart would never die. Never ever would she let them cause her dreams to die. Even if secretly would practice within the forest. How she wish to be free like the birds to escape the cage that locked her inside. 

Nothing could free her…

It was forever locked to be her heart begged to be free. Would her heart be free from this pain? It was something she so desired her heart rather run away from school than suffer under stress not being able to freely do what she loved best. That was to sing. Would anyone hear her cries?

Birds chirped early on the Saturday morning. The young teenager sat up in her bed seeing her hair was sticking up a bit with hands grabbing the blankets. “I wonder if I can sing today. It probably won’t be long before my parents call…” Her blanket was thrown off of her feeling the stress was being added as her feet moved onto the ground. The time had said five A M with a few clouds in the sky. This early her parents wouldn’t be up till nine in the morning. 

“I am thankful this school has our own dorms… it be horrible if I had to stay at home with my strict Step Mother.” A finger would touch her lips feeling they were chapped. “I-I should get my lips fixed!” She grabbed some pink lipstick which was with a shiny lip gloss. Moving the lip gloss, her lips would feel the watermelon scent onto her small lips. It tasted nice and ready for her rehearsal. “I am ready to go!” Hikari noticed her pajamas were still on with cheeks turning bright red out of embarrassment. “At least should change into something more acceptable.” With her pajamas off of her body, only thing left was her bra with her panties showing inside of the room. The yellow dress was found inside of her closet with many other outfits she had picked herself. Some were given by her with a special friend she met recently in this school. 

Azumi Hanashia was her name with the long brown hair, blue eyes full of beauty it was wonderful to watch. Her slender body was perfect to be a model. Except she is dating a popular male named Gin Ichimaru who came from England. How nice it was for her to be dating. Hikari felt it was new for her to even try finding someone perfect. It was not possible for love to come toward her way.
The yellow dress would slip onto the female’s body as her blonde hair was pulled from underneath the fabric from putting it on top of her skin. “Now all I need is my headband.” She moved in her dresser to find a few accessories to use for her head. There was a flower one along with many plain colored ones. Grabbing the light golden color headband, it be placed on top of her head with a rose next to it as the design. “This should work!” Running out of her dorm, she moved down the road toward the forest where a secret route would be. 

Deep within the forest; her feet would walk over toward the place where she could be free. It was there--- her eyes spotted something red appear on a male with white hair. Oh, no! Her feet moved quickly up to the boy who laid there in his own blood. A panic scream would echo in the forest where her hands touched the male’s skin. He laid perfectly still with his eyelids opening slowly. Golden orbs would stare directly into the female’s blue eyes. He felt it was heaven with her beautiful being standing right beside him. “An angel…” 

Eh? Why does he think I am an angel? I do not think he is awake quite yet. At least he is alive! A warm smile appeared on her lips. “You are not in heaven. Nor am I an angel. W-Well, I am actually happy that you are alive!” The male boy watched the girl cry tears over happiness. He could not remember what had happened in appearing in this world. Is this…his home? He did not know. All he knew was this girl had found him and out of fear wanted to save him. 

Moving her arm, she wrapped around his back in helping him stand up slowly with all her might. The boy laughed a bit at her expression in trying. He walked with the girl back to the dorm where she was staying. It be for a few days at least until he was done healing. “Thank you…” Hikari cheeks blushed slightly feeling her skin got warm by his voice. No one had thanked her before in her life. Many did over her writing them notes for the tests. It was something she always done for everyone. This time it was different… she saved a human who was near death. 

When reached inside the room; there she spotted her friend Azumi. “Ah, Hikari-chan you---“ Her eyes widen seeing the male was clinging to Hikari. The brunette moved over to strike when Hikari moved the boy away from Azumi’s deadly kick. “No, Azu-chan! He isn’t harming me at all! It is the other way around…you see his clothes they are bleeding!” Her voice raised out of concern for this boy. She had to save him with what medical kit inside this room. Azumi let out a few laughs at her excuse from watching the two. 

“Hikari-chan, you just want him to have for a sex buddy. Have you gotten that lonely?” A finger would press against her lips gently. “You can just make love in the bed without anyone knowing.” Hikari quickly placed the boy on the bed feeling her whole face was turning dark red. “W-What are you talking about?! I can’t just do that with someone I met!” Her voice would raise in the room. “N-Now, please can you act normal for once?” Azumi let out a few giggles when Hikari was red as a cherry. “Oh, Hikari-chan. You don’t need to be embarrassed! I will help you of course.” Her bag was filled with a medical kit for bandages with some medicine for cut wounds. “Though do you know he can be trusted? I mean, what if he attacks you while you sleep. Some men can’t be trusted wi—“

“Do not worry. I have no intention of attacking her in my state nor would I do that to a woman.” His chest would lift up, then down after his breath had left his chest. Inside of his body felt pain all over with a sudden urge to let out his instincts to howl. That is odd for him to even do right at this moment. “Though you both are pretty cute. To be surrounded by you both must be a dream…” This is bad. Very bad if they took that the wrong way in his state he be killed. Azumi lips formed into a huge grin at his words by thinking of them being angels. “Hikari-chan, I want you to take care of this. I-I have to go. All you have to do is use the medicine then bandage his wounds.” 

Blue orbs would widen by Azumi words in leaving so suddenly. “Wait!” It was too late as the brunette had ran away to the outside of her room. Would she be able to cure him with just this? Only time will tell if she could or not… Grabbing the ointment she would pour a few on top of a small cotton ball. “This will sting a little. I-I do not know of your name mister snowflake.” A soft chuckle would leave from his lips at her polite matter though that name would not be needed. “It’s Wolf. Just Wolf will do.” 

Wolf? It sounds like his parents were into wolf’’s which made him seem like those species. “Wolf-kun… then I will call you that.” The male would suddenly take off his shirt without even thinking of the situation. “W-W-Wait! You can’t just take it off.” Wolf eyes blinked a few times in confusion. “Why not? What is the problem?” His clothes had been ripped by some claws of some sort. “I am a girl who is in this room. What if somebody came in with you half naked?!” The golden orbs would gaze right at the clothes the female was wearing. Indeed she looked like an angel from the heavens with her hair, her eyes, the slender size of her body that shaped perfectly. However he isn’t the type to force himself onto anyone. Such a beautiful being…yet, he felt himself feeling bad. “I am sorry if I embarrassed you with my chest, but how else are you going to fix my wounds?” 

Hikari let out a sigh knowing he was right about this. She just had to get it over with and then hopefully find him some clothes. The medicine on the cotton ball would be gently pressed against his few cut and bruises. It was quickly noticeable that the bleeding had stopped quickly after she found him. What kind of magic was this? Did her medicine do the trick? Usually even when she fell; there were times she had to be in bed for a day from some of the wounds after being so clumsy. “Can I ask you something?” Wolf eyes were on the girl who name he did not know of his savior. “Yes, what is it, Wolf-kun?” Her eyes would gaze right into his feeling her heart was beating a bit fast. His eyes had some power inside those golden orbs. Deep inside she felt a sudden urge to keep staring. 

Wolf kept glancing at her with his eyes shifting away in breaking the gaze they were sharing. “What is your name? I don’t wish to call you cherry-chan. Or do you prefer that I do?” Hikari face turned bright red at his comment about her color on the pale features. “H-Hikari Shimizu is my name. You can call me Hikari.” The color on her face would slowly disappear toward the two puffs on her cheeks. “Hikari… that is a pretty name for you. I say it fits very well for someone who saved me being a stranger.” He noticed Hikari had put bandages on his arms and part of his chest. The pain was fading away quickly than expected. All he had to do now was figure out what mysterious behind this attack meant.

The morning was spent with Hikari practicing her singing right outside the dorm where Wolf had listened to her. It was something he never heard before. With a wave of her hand, his cheeks felt a slight blush appear while he felt she was very kind towards him. In getting him tea, some food from the dorms since men aren’t allowed down near this area. What kind of place was this? She was not in her own house? He only could see a few memories coming back. They were of his childhood of waking up alone. Deep inside he wished that she had been there for him since a child. He would wish to protect her even now that was inside of his heart. 

“You want me to sign up and go to this academy?” Wolf started to eat the meat off of a chicken that was cooked by Hikari with some mash potatoes and corn. Hikari worked so hard in making that for the both of them while the rest of the dorm had cookies which they asked her if she wanted some, but her excuse was to make food herself. Many were curious why she was stuck in her room all day. “Yes, you at least get your own dorm instead of being here.” Wolf took a bite out of the potatoes in tasting it was soft with the brown stuff on top of the white fluffy pile of white. “This is delicious!” He noticed Hikari was still waiting for his response on something other than her cooking. 

“I do not mind where I stay. In fact if staying here would be just fine.” Hikari cheeks felt the sensation of being very hot. “Y-You, can’t be here! I do not wish to push you out, but if someone sees you will be kicked out. Not being a student who is close by the academy.” Wolf let out a sigh from his lips finding this rather difficult. “Your rules seem very strict. I do not wish to make any effort. Besides you brought me here when you could of taken me to a hospital.” Her fingers were shaking at the tone of his voice in getting angry. What could she do? If he is caught then she be in trouble in bringing a boy. The news would come out with him being accused of her boyfriend or worse! 

“Please think about joining if you wish to stay. If not, then I can help you with finding where you need to go.” Somewhere deep inside of her heart was telling her he needed help. Thus why he hasn’t left yet to go on his own. Rather he wishes to stay here at her side for some reason. She had nothing else to do but keep studying. “Hikari… you do that for me? What about your classes?” He placed the plate right on the floor with his hands lying on top of his lap. Still shirtless she avoided staring at his chest. “Well, I wish to help you. Classes won’t start until two weeks later. So I am very free for right now at least until then. I suppose it won’t be bad for you to stay here since we have nothing but free time.” Lips pushed upward in showing a warm smile toward Wolf.

His cheeks turned dark red at her smile towards him. Hikari was something else that he now knows she was kind hearted. Why else would she risk her time to help him? It made little sense although he has no idea where he came from. It take time to gain back what has been lost. “Hikari-chan, thank you for helping me. I believe that will start to regain my memories after that attack I have no clue who I am.” He gripped the cup tightly feeling lost of who he was before this. Her mouth would open wide at what she just heard. A memory lost…? This can’t be good! He must of lost it during whatever battle so serious that he lost so much blood! “That’s terrible! To lose something so precious in who you are. I would be scared if I was in your shoes. Ah, well feet since your shoes and half of clothing are ruined.” Wolf let out a soft chuckle at her seeing what has been lost. He did not need sympathy knowing if he found out who he really is. Would he be able to say goodbye to her…? 

That part made his heart ache with just thinking about it. He just met her, yet he feels clinging to this woman as a new friend. “I want to ask of you in going shopping. I hate to be such a burden with you caring fo—“ Hikari put a finger right against his lips in silencing him. “Do not say that! You are no burden as of right now it is my duty to help you find things you need. I will be at your side no matter what.” The strength in her words was very strong that she had felt very courageous in fighting what has attacked him. Right now she will do whatever in her power to help. 

Hikari let him borrow her jacket which was big enough to hide his chest or part of it. Still he had kept his eyes on the lookout for any danger. “Wolf-kun, it is alright. You do not have to be so cautious. This street is perfectly fine wi—“ Hikari noticed Wolf moved in front of her with his right arm wrapping around her with his other hand grabbing a male’s knife. Pressing against his chest; her eyes widen feeling he was very warm just by being out here with him. She noticed the male had his eyes on Hikari. “Just let me hold her, smell her, touch her just this once! I-I won’t bother her again, Hikari-boo!” The small girl face would hide into Wolf’s chest without acting she could tell that male would be angry. Inside her mind it was Wolf who protects her with his arm wrapped around her. “She not interested back off.” 

His tone was serious with a slight anger inside of it. “If you don’t, I shall break your arms so you can’t have any use in touching her.” His grip on the male’s hand was very strong as he pulled the guy forward a bit, letting go of his knife he swung his fist right at the guy’s face. It was then Hikari peeked to see he went flying across the street in hitting a few trash cans along the way.
S-So strong! Who is this person? Why would he risk protecting me? He could have left me while that guy had his way, but deep down she knew he wouldn’t leave Hikari like that. His eyes were set on protecting her. He just met her and yet, he wishes to protect her? Why is that…? He was sweet to do this even though she knew it wouldn’t last long. 

Wolf spit out from his lips with that boring expression. “Next time make sure you learn from this. Not every woman will allow you to touch them. No matter you love them or not!” Hikari tugged on the jacket feeling he had her right against his chest which he felt something soft. “I am sorry!” He pulled away to give her some space. He was feeling happy that she was safe in his arms where he could know that no one would sneak up and stab her from behind. “Wolf-kun, no need to apologize I was j-just surprised by your attacks is all.” His cheeks were burning with her not yelling at all. “Hikari, shall we go? I thank you for the kind words, but I will do anything to keep you safe.” With his right hand, it softly brush against her cheek as he rubbed her skin softly.

It was shining from above the white light that showed my knight who came to my rescue. I did not know of what would happen. Together we would take on anything with his shopping being the next challenge ahead of who he is. What he is. Even if the truth hurts me---I will fight to protect him no matter what he is! I will not back down from those who wish to harm him. Just was he did for me today… I want to keep him safe.

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