Tuesday, September 24, 2013

R o y a l B l u e s || Chapter 1 - I Shall Protect You

In the country of England there was a tradition the Princesses at coming age go to a school to learn. Once sixteen years old they learn the ways of how to become a Princess. The tea parties, way you walk, the way you dance. Everything to learn how to take over as Queen after their Mother’s has passed along with a rightful Prince chosen by the parents. The laws were strict with these rules that the girls as children were now growing up. Many had regret being a Princess instead of a peasant. It was to this day that this rule will always be in the world of London.

In the 1830’s around London there it was in the middle of Spring. Rain came falling down from the grey clouds that hovered over the huge city. The top ceilings had been wet from the heavy rain that has fallen on top of us. In this world if you had not a great job you would not make it. Many peasants had worked so hard just to live off by the little money they had. The King and Queen of this land were very high class. Many had wished to be like the royalty in being protected or saved from death. They would not wish to be in royal. It is not as nice as you may think… 

“Bri-chan, it time to wake up, Bri-chan.” A middle age woman would use her finger to poke the pale cheek from the Princess who laid in her Queen size bed. On top of the bed had her stuff animals which were nit neatly by her maids. Since childhood they always been her best friend. Many of the children were too far away to interact with. Which she had sent letters to them all in a slow way sometimes it didn’t come in months. It scared her to send it and not realize how long it could take to receive. In training she had a white owl that was sent for the letters to arrive quickly. It seemed to work until her parents scolded her sending an owl out without the permission of them. It didn’t make sense they have her send it the old way when flying in the air could be so much easier.

 “Bri-chan, you must open your eyes and wake up.” Feeling the poking on her face she would slowly open up her small eyes in seeing the maid at her bed side. “Mm…” Her tone would sound soft with arms stretching above her head. “Mistress, it is time for you to get ready. Today is the day you leave to the academy.” Academy… was it already this day? The day I leave the house toward a mansion of learning of becoming a Queen someday. First needed of training of being a Princess which that day for her has come.
“Is it time for my ducky bath yet?” The young petite would say in a drowsy tone out of her dreams they always tend to be odd. Shaking her head the blue haired female maid would walk over to the bed. “Come on, Mistress we must hurry. I have packed your clothes, you need to get up and take a shower. Or do you wish to smell bad for all the other girls to see?” 

A hand raised up toward her maid slowly. “Gomen, It just so sad to see that you won’t be at my bed side no longer.” The blue haired female smiled warmly at the young Princess. “Oh, Bri-sama you do not need to be sad. I am sure you would be safe there as I heard it is a learning process.” A few tears fell from the young petite face about the maid words. “I will miss you a lot, Emmy.” The words the Princess spoke were sweet. Emmy knew that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw her which knowing this she loved her with a Mother’s love. “I will too, Mistress. I will a lot.”

With the words spoken; the young petite Princess would leave to the bathroom with the pair of clothing she would wear just to go to the academy. Most of her clothes were already packed by her maids which deep down she didn’t want to leave. This castle was her home where she grew up in. Right now everything was being slowly taken away from her. One thing she hopes is that her friend that always mail to her would be there. That is what she hoped… 

Thirty minutes passed with her coming out with a sky blue dress already tied in the back. Emmy came with her bags already taken out to the carriage. “Mistress, I can only braid your hair other than that I must hurry.” Her Parents must have wished for her to arrive early instead of being late. That would show she was willing to learn. Right now she didn’t care much for it. It wasn’t worth it. 

“Don’t look so sad, Mistress. I will be able to send you letters when I am able. You can write us anytime and shall receive our letters.” With a small smile the blonde haired female nod he r head with hearing a deep voice. “So, finally growing up into a fine woman, huh?” The voice came from her brother who put his hands on top of her chest. “Eek!” Jumping up away from the bench with a pink round pillow attached to it. In front was a mirror with all her accessories for Emmy to use. “Jallel-san, you never change do you?” Emmy shook her head back and forth at his actions in seeing his little sister grow up. Placing two hands on her chest, a frown would appear on her lips at watching her brother. He wore his noble clothing ready for school which he already grew of age. As a Prince he was required the same though he was off to boy academy. Each year they would go until they reach a certain age and then learn from that. Or if required; the parents choose whom they would marry once returned.
Many thought you had a life free from the laws of noble. It wasn’t the truth, not at all. You had a life in riches; but that life is chosen by you with parents choosing who you love. 

“I hope you gain some knowledge in this subject so you can get married off. I hope the guy isn’t as dumb like you!” Bri puffed out her cheeks in feeling angry. “I-I won’t become dumb! Why are you always so mean?” Turning her head away, a voice would call from downstairs. “Jallel, you need to leave your sister alone! She only has fifteen minutes!” The voice was the Mother of the two children who grew up together. Back then it was so simple; now it is as though her life is changing around her. Being clumsy she never make being a Princess. Not at all…Why can’t her parents see that?

“Hurry up, squirt. Or you be late which put a bad name on our family!” Jallel smirked at his sister watching her make that angry expression. He really would miss her the most in being worried. Would she really fit in? He hoped that the parents would see she just a mess. Though it is time for her to grow up and stop dreaming like a kid. She won’t be able to just be a kid forever like he hoped to be. Stepping down the stairs, his eyes would shift away from his parents who smiled happily. “Do not worry. I am sure she will not fail.” The sweet tone came from the female with blonde hair down to her waist. Her ocean blue eyes would fill with warmth. “Mother, I doubt you are even worried, however she just a kid. You should wait another year till she ready.” Jallel noticed his Father step in the room with his arm wrapped around the female waist. “Son, when you are old like us with kids you understand.” His Father had his hair to the shoulders with his blue eyes shifting toward the stairs. 

Up on the stairs; slowly taking one step at a time, a hand would hold onto her that would be by Emmy in making sure she was safe. Once the last step was taken; her feet tripped over each other in falling forward which the skirt part lifted up enough to show her underwear. “Nice panties.” Jallel spoke with seeing her blue berry panties which a hand would hit him on top of his head. A low growl left Jallel’s lips in walking toward the door. “I still say you guys are rushing her out the door. Stupid idiots you guys should learn she is not ready.” He grabbed the door handle in twisting it so he could open it. Once he did, a sorrow look was on his face with not seeing his sister for a long time. “Good luck.” He said just before exiting out of the door in slamming it behind him. 

“Jallel…” Bri felt tears down her cheeks at how angry he was in seeing her go. She knew deep down he was angry at forcing her to leave early. “Ignore that fool. He obviously doesn’t learn from his school that you both have a duty to fulfill.” Shad crossed his arms across his chest with shaking his head. “My dear, are you alright?” A sweet voice came over with hands touching her shoulder. “Mother…I am fine.” Inside her mind she wasn’t fine without her brother it was hopeless. He always was there to help her. Now she on her own as a child growing up she must now get out of that reality. “Mother, Father I will do you proud in becoming someone better.” 

The two parents were shocked by her not complaining in begging why she had to leave. They must know she had to do this for their family. “Darling, you don’t have to think of it like that. You never were a bad child that needs to change; more over you need to learn how to be a Princess.” Lips would press against her forehead softly. “Mother…” A hand would stroke his Daughter’s head softly with ruffling her hair. “Your Mother is right we do not want you to change. Now go have fun!” The hair in front of her was sticking up thanks to her Father. “Yes, I shall go have fun! I will miss you both quite dearly.” With her last words the two adults had embraced her daughter. With kisses on her cheeks there she would notice Emmy. Standing still until she was allowed to walk over. “I will miss you, Mistress. Never forget that we all will be here for you.” 

Nodding her head slowly walked toward the door in opening it once again. Being alone was one thing she could not stand, but this was her path in becoming a great Princess. Even if small, she shall do what can be done in being her best.
The door would slowly close with the driver smiling warmly at her. Helping her inside she would sit on the chair with her thing inside. Feeling the carriage slowly pulled down the road toward the academy where she stays most of her days. Waving to her parents the last time she sees them for a long time. The trip toward the academy had taken at least eight hours which lead into a deep forest. Inside the carriage looked safe though her eyes shifted to the bag. It had filled with many things mostly her clothing along with letters stuffed inside. 

The driver outside kept going even through the rainstorms that passed by. The young Princess worried for his health though he told her it was alright. During the trip she would notice a unicorn which quickly pressed her cheeks against the window. It was magical to find creatures like that. In London she didn’t think it be possible. With this place surrounded by water it seems other places appear out in the open. On the trail her eyes spotted a city which had been a market of some kind. Down the road even further was the huge academy. Around were houses that placed for the princesses there. “We are almost there , mistress.”  
His voice spoke which she heard from the door being open near the front where she been sitting. Once he spoke those words; slowly the carriage would arrive at the academy where they all be meeting. Their rooms be selected with a roommate. Roommate?! Why didn’t she think of this? If someone was mean to her as a roommate there was no telling what she do. 

The negative thoughts would not help in this situation. Reaching down already the bag was disappeared from her site. Was she robbed?! A robbing in a carriage would be quite odd. Though the driver already had taken her few bags inside to be placed with butlers taking them to her room.  “Mistress, I have already taken them inside. You may find your way in which I do warn you to not get lost.” His hand would be offered for her for some help out of the carriage. Taking his hand gently in her own the blonde haired girl got out of the carriage. “Thank you…” Leaning her head forward would bow just before she rushed over to the huge doors that were double. Grabbing the handle quickly it would be turned in pulling the door towards her. When stepping inside there was a long hallway that lead with stairs on the left. Upstairs it seemed like doors were everywhere. Oh, where should she go? It would be her first time and now she may just get lost…

Up at the top there was a chandelier which had a beautiful design. A few adults were walking around with many males wearing these butler outfits. They were getting prepared for this year Princesses it seemed. “U-Um…” Her voice was soft with approaching the male when he had showed his fangs towards her. F-Fangs?! Wait, why did he have…? Turning to the right, feet would hit the ground heavily in running away. This was a bad dream! Bad, bad, bad. She had no way to get back home unless some way to call. Rushing to the wall her body was breathing heavily hoping to never see that male again. His eyes looked evil with a deep desire to harm her. “Mistress, have you gotten lost. You shouldn’t wander around alone.” A calm tone came from behind her which her body slowly turned to face him. 

The boy had teal orbs with his small slender body reaching a hand up toward her cheek. He wore a black butler uniform which looked very elegant. A white shirt was shown as the first shirt; a black tie would be near his neck, teal vest like top with buttons running down while his black long sleeve shirt with black pants would be shown with nice black shoes to go with it. Using a finger he wiped away the tears that fallen from her face. “Mistress…has anyone hurt you?” He checked her entire body which made the pale cheeks turned bright pink. He kawaii! Super kawaii I can’t keep my eyes off of him. At least he isn’t like that other male who almost wanted to bite her. Wait… that only is a fairy tale with vampire’s right? 

Arms wrapped around the boy tightly in fear that she would be killed if he had not shown up. Rubbing her cheeks against his soft fabric, tears came falling down her cheeks to where she should be going. “Ah, Mistress you shouldn’t cry. I love it if you smile at least for me it be beautiful.” Teal orbs glared at the male down near the entrance. He knew that man had scared her in showing something she shouldn’t have seen. Had he no manners as a butler? He worried bringing that guy out from his home was foolish. The master of this school was required for each of them to help the Princesses not to scare them. 

For five minutes she cried when he stroked her head the tears slowly subsided. “Mistress, how do you feel now?” His words were soft with kindness. Lifting her head, two blue eyes would look right into his kind smile that would brighten the room. “I-I am fine now. Gomen—I cried for a long time in fear that man w-would eat me.” Those words upset the young boy who wrapped his arms tightly around the female. “I promise you no one will have you for dinner. If anyone tries I will kill them.” His words whispered right into her ear softly. K-Kill…? He no needs to kill someone over that though it protect her. Surely he would not need to do such a thing.

“Please do not kill. I do not require to see such bloodshed. If you promise those words then I will believe you.” Shaken her hands would touch the cheeks of her own. Shifting his lips into a warm smile the male grabbed her hand gently. “Of course, Mistress. We shall go to the dining hall to await what be told for you. I do hope I get to see you again.” His words were like a bitter goodbye or that she wouldn’t see him. 

Walking down the hall they would reach toward a room further down from the opposite way she went. The whole building was confusing which her eyes shifted away from others. When she approached the two doors there inside hearing many female voices. “You may walk inside to find a seat, Mistress.” He took his hand away from hers slowly. Bri face looked sad with seeing him let go of her hand. “A-Ah, wait!” Before she could stop him he would already be gone which confused her. He was right there! Well, she have to figure out who these people were. No human could just disappear…could they? 

Pushing the doors open right inside she noticed other Princesses who stared at her from different countries. A lot of their eyes would look at her with cold glares. The rest looked at her with a few cheeks blushing dark red in whispering words about her. The society here was like at her home with talking about you when you didn’t realize. Looking down at the floor she noticed there was a spot near the back row. Rushing over she would trip in feeling the ground met with her face. Many girls laughed at her clumsiness. Getting up on the ground her legs would move over to the chair in sitting down. Looking down at her skirt, tears came pouring out her eyes in wishing someone to accept her. It already been a few minutes and now she wishes to go home.

A female would walk up to the front desk with her eyes on every Princess. “Welcome to the academy of Princesses. You all will be required a butler during the time of your learning. They will help you get ready, go to classes, and make sure you are prepared for when you leave it will make you stronger.” In front of them there were plates of food in different varieties. Bri eyes shifted toward the food in hearing her stomach growl. Every one of the girls had gotten food while the main lady spoke. “When we call your name, please hear the name of your butler while the entire class gets called out.” 

Name after name was called to her attention it would be soon hers be called. Everyone had gotten butlers while that red haired butler guy was with a girl who looked very mean. Her name was Amaya Kanataro which the family name sounded familiar that visited her once. When younger she always looked down on people which that butler seemed to fit personally. Not saying a word of it the worries were over knowing he was with someone he should be close to. 

“Bri Haku, you are with Toshiro Hitsugaya that is the last of them.” Every girl eyes were on Toshiro as he walked over to Bri who looked shocked at him. “Mistress, I am quite happy to see you again. It be nice working with such a beautiful lady.” Many girls yelled in anger at how she got the hottest guy in the academy. The rest of the butlers looked at the Princesses with their expression normal. “Ladies you aren’t here to take butlers as your lovers. That would be forbidden in your family name. Please do us a favor and keep that in mind!” The leader would yell with anger in her voice at how these girls reacted to one male. “You should be ashamed now enjoy the rest of the night.” 

Sighing in a deep tone she was thankful that lady spoke. All the girls were now angry at her or at least some were. This made her worried they come attack her in a group. “Do not fear, my lady. I will protect you as I said earlier I would.” He helped her gather some food onto the plate that now filled with food. “You need to regain your strength after today you shall be going to your room.” Blue eyes would look directly into his teal ones with being shocked. How did he know I be his Princess? Even if she says not to love. They all were beautiful with white skin. Something was off with how Toshiro left so quickly while that guy with red hair had fangs. “B-r-i-c-h-a-n.” Toshiro voice echoed right near her ear which gave her body shivers. 

Grabbing her spoon and fork she started to eat without thinking too much about it. Already she found one person who didn’t give her the cold shoulder. One person who gave her no fear inside the small body of hers. Still everything was happening so fast that she had no time to think. Eating the food would take her five minutes as she stood up from her chair. At beside her was Toshiro who would wait for her to leave. “We shall return to your dorm quickly, my lady.” Rest of the other girl’s eyes were on her mostly on her butler which she hoped they wouldn’t attack. What if they did, his words echoed in her mind that he kill them. That wouldn’t be good as of right now he be a murder. 

Exiting the room her whole body remained relaxed by just walking with Toshiro alone. All those eyes on her was causing inside the small chest to be stabbed by swords. “Toshiro, would I have to be in class with those girls?” Stopping on his feet the male would let out a soft chuckle. “My lady, do not worry about anything. If one of them attacks you they will be sent back home. Besides, I gave you my word did I not?” His arms would wrap around Bri slowly in pulling her closer. “I promised to protect you and will always do just that.” 

Having a butler beside her always would not be new. Maids always were at her side being a girl though him as a boy caused her cheeks to get red. They both exited out of the building to go across the courtyard to a house that would be just for her. Inside the house she noticed her luggage was already inside her room. “This room will only be for you. If anyone else enters they will be sent home as well.” Haku eyes widen at his words in seeing how strict it was to follow the rules. How could they know if someone came in? “T-That  male with red hair, I have a feeling he will return to see me. He almost looked like he was going to…” Her words were silenced by a finger onto the small lips. “Do not worry. I promise you that if anyone besides me or you enter. They surely will be punished by their actions. It is registered by you or I, also if you invite guests you must inform me at once.” With his head he bowed forward toward the Princess. “I will do my best to serve you, Mistress.” 

Her butler had showed her each room which had her own dining room with a kitchen. However she noticed Toshiro was making the food in preparing everything for her. “Mistress, I like you to rest now as tomorrow be a big day for you.” Patting on her right shoulder, eyes would shift down to look at hers seeing he was very close. “T-Thank you for doing everything! I-I will work hard to be a great Princess.” Smiling warmly at Bri he noticed she was slightly nervous. This girl wasn’t like his other Princesses who would always require other things from him. This was the first time he felt happy in years with one person thanking him. Most of them would order him around but, she treated him like a human. It made him very happy to hear of this.

Bri walked toward her room in finding everything was neatly placed in the space provided. The mirror was like the one at her house with a bench. Only she knew it wasn’t like home with many other girls out to get her now. They should know this wasn’t a place for them to love their butlers. Why are they all like that? Deep down she had a small crush on Toshiro at first sight. Perhaps still remaining inside her heart. Changing out of her dress the petite female would untie the bow which she felt alone doing this. Only this would require to do herself as if he had done this it be embarrassing. He would see her naked which that she wouldn’t allow. 

Dropping the dress to the ground her feet would move toward the closet which she noticed all her clothes neatly was folded inside. “Such a gentleman…h-how can I repay him?” Questioning herself she didn’t know how to repay others. This is the first, no this be many times her maids would tell her it is their job. Grabbing a blue nightgown in her fingers slowly she would grab the edge in pulling her head through the fabric till popping out of the hole where the head should go. Moving her arms through the sleeveless holes she noticed in the mirror her body was quite small. “I wonder if I can ask him to brush my hair.” Taking out the brush her legs would move up to the door when she opened it he already was there. “Did you need me, my lady?” 

“I-I-I want to repay you!” Her words just came out from emotions which he had never seen such a silly girl before. She was very different even to require repaying. “It is my job, my lady. Though I must admit you are the first to do such a thing.” Reaching for her hands, slowly he would take the brush away in knowing what she ask of him. “May you sit down so I can brush your hair? I rather you be comfortable.” Nodding her head she walked inside the room to the bed in sitting down. Toshiro was already there with pulling the ribbons out of her hair. Slowly the hair would become undone with no more braids in sight. 

For fifteen minutes he brushed her hair calmly in trying to put her at ease. This whole trip was frightening from the looks of it he knew she never had gone through that trouble. “C-Can, I request something of you?” Haku fingers gripped tightly on her night gown. Stopping the brush the albino had thought she never would request something. He only would help her be ready though a few requests he could do. Turning to face him her eyes would soften in fear of being alone. “May you sleep with me?! I feel afraid a-a-and I do not want to be alone.” His smile would rise from her question in feeling afraid. He felt from just inside the room she was safe with him. “Of course, my lady. I will follow every order besides you crying. Please smile when you can, I will do my best to make you happy.” 

His words brought happy tears down her face while slowly her lips would form into a smile. He would place her brush down by the counter where the giant mirror would sit. Slowly closing the doors his legs would move over towards her. Lifting the blankets he waited till she got in the bed. He didn’t expect much from her to do anything with him. In secret many of his previous clients would try to have sex with him. He kept quiet about it from the leaders he worked for. Knowing they learn about it sooner or later. This time he felt nervous with Bri for she only asked to be at her side. Though sleeping was another story he must keep his act up. He can’t fall from his usual routine. 

Scooting over enough to let him in the bed, slowly she saw he climbed in bed with him laying at her side. “Thank you…” She thanked him once more with her body leaning up against his body. Toshiro cheeks blushed deeply with feeling glad she was short. He couldn’t let her see his change in expression. He admired her body close to his even though he was her butler he had to keep up this act. She was like a doll that needed lots of love. Never would he let anyone harm her. Slowly her small arms would wrap around his body in leaning closer. “Good night, Toshiro-kun.” His eyes would close with his chin at the edge of her shoulder. 
 “Good night, Bri-chan.” When he said her name, her own very cheeks blushed deeply with holding onto him tightly. His body was warm with making her feel comfortable. This shouldn’t be her being safe. He was a male! Somehow inside her mind she could trust him knowing he wouldn’t take advantage even if she asked, that was forbidden to do with a butler. If he wasn’t a butler, surely she would love to be in love. He was gentle, kind, sweet, and loving. How she wished to always remain at his side.

This was all a dream that was set up for her. Surely it was a dream. She would only wake up to find this boy couldn’t have existed. Surely he couldn’t have… if this all wasn’t a dream. Perhaps someday she would look up to this and realize that everything she done was for a reason. All of this happened and thankful that he was there at my side, my butler Toshiro-kun.

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