Friday, November 1, 2013

Beautiful Light || Chapter 1 - Only You

The world has gotten cold without the touch of something that interests me. That person only had that ability of love. How I loved how the light would make me glow with the darkness always swallows me up without this light. It seemed the raindrops would fall onto the window sill. It was a utter bore with everything else in becoming something I wish to run away from. If only I could hear your voice again… That sweet voice that met as a child. Why couldn’t those days come back? Why…? Only you. I only want to hear it from you.

Two arms wrapped around the male having a annoyed huff leave the white haired male who turned quickly to find a girl with long black hair, slender arms would touch his chest in pulling him closer. “Honey, you should put that away. Aren’t I all you need?” Whispering softly the female would use her lips onto the right ear of the male. He turned his head a bit in kissing her on the lips. Seeing her dark red cheeks the female was so easily to blush which bore him completely. He wanted someone who was at least interesting not this tramp. “All I need is you.” His words would be full of no emotion. Deep in his mind he only wished to find that one person that brightened his thoughts. 

Who could do that…? Where are you my love? 

The next morning it was early with birds chirping right near the male’s window. He had slept with the woman he was forced into marriage. Yeah, his parents had arranged it for power… What about his feelings? How could he love someone he doesn’t care about? It was nonsense! Removing the maroon blanket off his legs, slowly he have on a light blue robe with a dragon design on it. Part of his chest was showing when he walked to leave the room. It was making him sick just smelling that tramp. 

His took a quick ten minutes not having the issue of staying in too long. Especially if that tramp wakes up he could not allow her to ruin his morning in the town. They always enjoyed him visiting which he had no problem to go and see what is new. He had high hopes for today in fact. The robes on the white haired male was stripped from him as two maids started to dress him in the finest silk. He grabbed the walking stick with a dragon wrapped around the top. It may look like a stick though he had a blade inside for the proper attack if needed. “Have a good day, Master Hitsugaya.” Nodding his head, footsteps would move over toward the door with his carriage all ready.

The driver had opened the door for the young master when he approached the carriage. With a warm smile he would bow his head just slightly. A day away from that crazy wife was good enough though they had yet to be married. How could his parents be so blind? Of course they were forced and yet found each other to be perfect match. Right now his eyes were searching for someone else. The perfect one---or so his Mother says with that cheerful smile. He could not imagine Meredith was the one for him right now. She was lazy, sloth like and always complaining about how he goes out freely without even a mask. Why should he wear one? If anyone dared to strike he would cut them down or with force if he has no other choice. The people here did make him happy and at times angry with how they treat each other. That is not what he wishes to do, kill many of them just because he is high class. 

That what he hated about Meredith…

The morning was warm with lots of cheerful smiles upon the people in coldstone ville. The word ‘cold’ always meant a different meaning here. Many had thought it be cold with snow all year. Perhaps half the year it was; other than that it always was sunny here. No one would tell what secrets lie here in the very place that brings joy around. The kingdom had great leaders who always thought of their people over themselves. Many welcomed them with open arms that lead to disasters if they love the royalty.
There was one place this girl rather be---in the arms of her customers. A life of a chef was not easy knowing how her parents wanted the life of her to continue in their eyes. How about her own eyes? The world she saw wasn’t as cold they made her see. Yes, she was an orphan here at a church where they found her placed. Since young she always made bread for the people in need of food. Many were thankful she was around in making the room shine with a bright light that was glowing like a candle. 

“Good Morning!” A gentle tone would brighten the room of the store she worked at for an old friend. His age was about sixty which young for an elder male who seemed to be quite energetic over working. “Bri-san…thank you again for coming to help me.” His voice was in a soft tone in seeing she woke up early every morning to help with the shop. 

Stepping inside the shop was a girl wearing a red cloak, long golden hair down to her waist, dark blue eyes with a pale skin color. Lips were thin with a light pink shade upon them which she looked like a doll many would call her. Long white sleeve, a vest was on top was a light black with a white apron over the front having her long skirt have a button on the right side to unhook if need to run away with her short skirt underneath. The skirt was light purple of a nice shade where she had looked like a stuffed child keeping warm. “Oh, Michael it is no problem at all! I really love helping out others like yourself.”  

Hours and hours of work she helped bake bread for many of the visitors that came by. One surprise leads after another when a teenage boy came in with a royalty clothing. A sudden large amount of gasping was heard when the boy came in with many customers bowing their heads. Michael had widened his eyes when noticing such a person came in with high class. To such a poor place he came to see them instead of other places. It was then that a cup of coffee hit the male’s shoes which he glared slightly feeling the day got even worse. A peasant had gotten scared or cocky thinking he go easy on them when a sudden image came into his view. A short female had rushed over to use her own skirt as a napkin in wiping his shoe off. 

The waitress bowed their heads in apologizing when the young male looked quite interested in her. “I am so sorry mister for that. You are not hurt are you?” Lifting her head the female had a warm smile on her face even facing the grumpy male. He quickly looked away with a hand on his walking staff. Gripping the top, he lowered his head to meet her gaze when a hand touched her head to show how much height difference there was.  “No ma’am I am perfectly fine as you can see. I am still walking and breathing. However, you must not worry about me.” Removing his hand, slowly he walked up to the front in ordering some bread. Whispering to the manager he would ask for having to show her around in payment he would pay for taking her on a tour. “N-No! That would be just fine!”  

Watching the two from afar she found it strange that the manager was rather nervous. He didn’t even decline when she was told that work would be done tomorrow. Have a tour…? She has seen the city quite a few times. Why did this male want to see her so badly? He seemed quite nice with how he approached her. At first he was about ready to yell when she appeared things changed. What possibly could have changed? Staring at him the male walked up to her with a smile and his eyes were warm. “Ready to go, Miss Bri?” 

“A-Ah, yes mister!” A laughter came out from the boy which never happened in his years of being alone. Well, not totally alone with marrying some girl who acted more like she wanted him for his body. With his hand he offered to hold while leaving. Bri didn’t understand why everyone was so uptight about everything. Even her manager was wishing them good luck like he just sold her to this boy. That wasn’t true right? Did she get bought by him? “U-Um…am I being bought by you miste—“ 

A soft chuckle left his lips when hearing her words which he turned toward Bri. Before approaching the carriage a head shaking would appear. “No, you are mistaken… I have no interest in buying you like some object. I am merely wanting to take you around town. Is that a bother, Bri?” A dark red would appear on the girl’s cheeks at his question knowing he was acting kind to her. This usually doesn’t happen but many offered for help. In this time her heart was opening to him. “N-No! I was just curious is all. I-I didn’t get your name.” The albino male leaned toward the girl’s ear just to see a few women wearing high class clothing got the glance of who he was. “Toshiro Hitsugaya…can you remember that?” 

My whole world has turned upside-down or perhaps have I been dreaming this whole time. That name had a certain royalty to it. However, I did not realize how much class he was…Maybe he was just being generous in taking me around. I want to know him more but, just knowing his name was good enough that I wanted to keep these memories close to my heart. Where only you would be…Only you I want to have there.

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