Tuesday, December 10, 2013

N i g h t S h a d e || Chapter 1 -Moon Kingdom

In the deep mountains there laid an academy for the most special children. Many of the rich were in the school from their parents being the top of human society. One girl wanted to go there herself with the money her parents left behind. Without telling her elder brother who got custody of her the female had left to go to this one school. It was one in a lifetime opportunity in coming here. It was then that no one realized how special this place really was… 

Snowflakes hit upon a petite girl face as she passed in a city of ‘Cold Stone’. In this town snow always seem to befallen the town. With chilly temperatures the only month it wasn’t is in the June and July. Small buildings of fast food would surround with a old tradition of snowboarding here upon the mountains surrounded the area. 

The blue skies had a few fluffy, white clouds appearing where the girl walked forward from her trip here with a butler. His short black hair hung against his shoulders with blue eyes from serving with her family for years. “Mistress, Haku you are sure you wish to come here?” A velvet voice was called from the male being about 5’9. A hand placed in front of his chest in leaning forward to level the girl height.

 His white shirt was long sleeve with a light blue vest being placed on top; his black long sleeve shirt had buttons near half way of the shirt. The pants were down to his ankles with black shoes in a neat fabric the family had trusted him to protect Miss Haku. “I do. I have been dreaming to come here for a long time. Y-You would still let me go won’t you, Leo?”  His head shook once only to bow his head down to her request. “I will follow any order you give, Miss Haku.”

The two walked on forward with the town people watching her closely as though she was strange. Eyes somewhat glared while others just waved with joy to have new people around. Whispering was heard around that the girl ears could pick up. Letting out a sigh ; Leo reassured her with pointing to a sweet store right across from them. “Leo-san, it is perfect!” Cheerfully the girl skipped across with worry her things be touched at the academy. “Mistress, Haku you have no fear for your things I have asked personally the people at the academy take good care of it. Any damage to your luggage and they will be punished.” He spoke in a serious tone towards her letting her know that he was serious. 

Leo followed the female seeing she was cheerful as ever with skipping around and humming. Inside the building she had smelled the sweets right when the door was opened for her. Long strands of blonde hair swayed by, lips shifted upward in a happy smile when she approached the front desk. Many people eyes widen when seeing the girl wore such an elegant display of her dress. Hearing the whispers her lips tried to not quiver. This is the first time she been talked about it almost more scary than anything! “Mistress, Haku what will you be having?” The front male green eyes widen at his choice of words, “Mistress?! Are you into that bondage shit?” 

Cheeks turned bright red at the male outburst when she shook her head. Leo eyes gaze right into the male with a deep sigh. “You Americans misunderstood she is quite royal though I do not wish to speak of it. I only call her that as you see, I am her butler.” All the people let out a sigh of relief while others just whispered about her being some slut. “W-Well…what will you be having Mistress Haku?” A group of laughter left the people around her. 

It was so embarrassing! Leo would not tolerate such rudeness towards the Princess of Haku from London. He slammed the table with his hand. Everyone was quiet while he smiled at her in asking quietly in her ear. Pointing one finger toward the strawberry short cake, everything was ordered by Leo knowing that Bri Haku was upset by the other citizens. Paying for the money the two left the store without looking back he offered her to sit at a table in eating her cake. 

“Do not take heed to what they are giving you, milady.” Leo gave her a warm smile with grabbing the chair so he pulled it out slowly for her to sit. Everything here looked very old with a western cowboy kind of feel which made her be the oddball. Taking a seat her long blonde hair was carefully touched from Leo. He made her feel comfortable in the chair which didn’t have a soft patting at all. Bri let out a sigh from her thin lips at everyone staring. It means her clothing must be changed somehow or someway to being like everyone else. Her top had no straps which fit perfectly upon her petite body. Gloves would be long up to her wrists, the dress was like a big tent that was acquired where she was living. The dress had a light pink color with a large bow in the back along with her long white leg stockings with the shoes on her feet being a bit high heels for her feet making her walk funny. “Miss Haku, are you feeling alright?” 

Ignoring her thoughts the female turned to Leo her most trusted butler and friend to take care of everything. “Yes, I think we both should wear something more suitable to this town.” Leo kept his warm smile knowing she was smart to not walk around though he rather see her keep the family tradition from London. It was her orders. “Do, you order me to find some clothing?” Bri shook her head when smiling at Leo with warmth. “We both will look together.” Leo felt nervous about her and him both changing their look. However, he agreed it was for the best and helping her feel comfortable here.

Back at the academy there was rumors running around which made everyone tense. “A new girl?” A large breast woman rushed over toward the board that said all about the news. Her eyes shifted to the boy who sat at the table with his food. He always had the same thing---watermelon. It was his most favorite and many others questioned why he just ate fruit. “Oh, midget! It seems you will have a roommate.” One of the boys called out which the small boy with white hair grumbled. A roommate huh? They better not be too annoying which he found odd if he ever seen her. “Seems he isn’t too happy.” The poor girl some thought knowing that this boy would give her the cold shoulder. As all the other roommates he had would leave soon after not taking the cold attitude. The strawberry blonde woman approached her friend with a small grin. 

“Oh, Toshiro you should at least smile.” Reaching for the watermelon her hand was slapped with one hand. “Back off! I could care less what others do nor do I  need you to tell me what to do, Rangiku.” Munching on some pink fruit he had spit the black seeds right into a small cup. Toshiro Hitsugaya was known for his genius mind along with that cold attitude that pushes others away. Few people had pushed past that barrier he holds up just to protect himself. 

“Come on, Toshiro! You shouldn’t be so mean..at least give her a warm welcome, okay?” Rubbing her palm where it was slapped, a soft sigh left her lips not wanting everyone to leave him when he got a new roommate. A group surrounded the white haired male who felt a bit uncomfortable with everyone coming at him. Usually they leave him alone and this is why he hates getting new roommates. The last one just slapped him after he told the girl how he felt. She had asked him out which he got annoyed at each time, each confrontation they always took it the wrong way. And then---a slap across the face. “Dude! You should be excited you get a girl each time.” Spitting seeds at the male who just spoke, he used one hand to wipe his mouth with teal orbs glaring at everyone. “I do not care. They will leave just like all the others…” 

With the watermelon finished he dropped the napkin on top of the table with putting his hands inside each pant pocket. Walking off he felt everyone was just getting more annoying. Why should he care? If the girl was coming or not. They all are just annoying…all of them.  He didn’t give a shit about the last few. Why would he this time…?

Leo had finished his piece of cake when he spotted the sun was heading down toward the mountains. “Mi’lady it seems the sun is going down.” Turning her head she noticed the sun was setting which the shopping be quite late. “We shall do shopping later. Your class does not start till next week. It is Saturday so our day tomorrow should be fine to do.” He spoke in a gentle tone with the cake in a box for Bri to finish later. “Yes, I rather not be up late before I meet whoever my roommate is.” Speaking in a nervous tone her fingers gripped the table. “I have heard he is quite cold towards others. If you rather, I can get some way for you to change.” Shaking her head to a ‘no’ answer she stood up from her chair standing tall. 

“I rather see how this boy is like before deciding. You always taught me to give others a chance before judging.” The tall male nod his head at her answer knowing he taught her well. Standing up from his chair he walked over to Bri with his eyes scanning the area. He felt it was not safe for her to be out at night. Knowing the secrets he must keep her safe from anything that would come after her. 

Their travel was by limo up to the mountain trail where the academy be held away from the town. Up around there was trees spotted everywhere. Blue eyes widen by the display that passed by each moment. The area seemed so refreshing that she wondered if a hike would be possible later on. The drive took at least twenty minutes before arriving to the academy which had a huge brick building at least up to the sky. 

The other buildings around the area seemed to be quite structure to be the tall buildings. “Wow!” Bri body moved toward the glass with her cheeks pressing against it. Moving closer the male would laugh seeing her from the mirror view. Leo had been driving her since she was only five years old when half the time her brother could not take her. He had the job of keeping up his grades while their Grandparents were taking care of them since young age. 

“We are here, Miss Haku.” Leo informed with his limo parking just right in front of the Academy building where he would get her things for class and her luggage. “I-It amazing, Leo-san!” Cheerfully the female wanted to get out. Moving over to the door, her eyes slightly widen when Leo was already at the door with it opened. A hand reached out with him offering to help her get out the proper way. Bri took his hand with being pulled up onto her feet. “Miss, Haku you may go inside to sit down while I get some things for you.” Leo hand moved toward the front door which Bri shivered slightly. “It will be alright. If anyone approaches you, then you may call for me I will come.” Nodding her head she felt the need to be strong. If anything happens Leo would be there. 

A few flowers were planted on the side when the two approached the doors. Right inside there was stairs leading up which made her think this was for the classes. The other buildings were built around the area which had a nice backyard of an open field of green with some trees. During this year it had snow on the ground for the upcoming classes in ‘snowboarding’. The glass windows at the front slide open which startled Bri slightly. “My, my it seems we are quite behind on their time with new stuff.”

 Leo just walked forward with signaling it was safe to enter. Nodding her small head, quickly her feet rush in the front room seeing it was largely spaced out. Down the hall had a sign with wherever they needed to go. On the right down the hall was the office. “Why don’t you sit in the cafeteria while I get everything? If you ever need my help, please just run to find me, okay?” He leaned forward with his lips pressing up against Bri’s forehead. Feeling the kiss made her full of energy over nothing could scare her. 

Footsteps would click as the small petite girl rushed down the hall to a screen hanging down with a computer woman voice speaking. “Where do you wish to go?” The voice asked waiting for a reply from the person who stood there in wait. Bri had thought about exploring but, if he told her to go somewhere and went the other way. It was like he wanted to protect her from something here… “The cafeteria.” Her tone was soft enough that the machine heard. Once the voice was out the red line pointed to where Bri was to go down the hall and take a left into two doors. Surprised by the technology the petite girl followed the directions in leaving to where it would be. When she opened that door it was then that everyone eyes were on her. 

A few groups sniffed the air as though she smelled funny or at least disgusting. Walking far from the group she could feel their eyes were on her. “Check her out!” One boy yelled thinking about walking over to check her out. Freezing her body shook in a frighten stage of looking at the floor. Entire body would shake feeling someone hand touch her butt. Once touched lips would shift in a shivering state in letting out a high pitch scream.
“Stop messing around or you tell mister dragon.” One boy with short brown hair spoke with leaning loser. “Look at you trying to get a sniff of her!” The black haired boy just licked his lips in pushing each other around. Bri felt disgusted by these boys trying to get her to be with them or even smell her. 

Why did this happen? “…J-Just leave me alone.” She walked away from them only to feel her wrist being grabbed which pulled her back. The brown haired male used his tongue up against her neck in a slow motion. “Wow, she taste really good!” Brunette male would yell with his fangs showing right in front of Bri’s eyes. “C-Come on, let me at her!” Black haired male spoke with him signaling other people to pin Bri’s wrists onto the ground. Two other boys kept her pinned hoping to keep the fun going for a bit longer before they could leave. 

“Please stop this! I-I will scream.” Ignoring her begging the black haired male would lean his head down near her leg. He lifted her skirt to the dress, slowly pulling it up in seeing the girl fidget over having her body exposed. “S-STOP!” 

Struggling all she could the boys were too strong as though their hands were made out of steel. How could she fight against this? Why…? Why did everyone become like pigs? Leo…please save me. Leo! “Oh, do not worry this will be over soon.” The boy with black hair would speak with him grinning to show fangs. “She makes me shiver with pleasure. All this begging and…you sme—“ Doors slammed open with an angry white haired boy appearing behind them. “W-What was that?” 

Tears fell right down the petite girl cheeks with fear that this boy would kill her. All the kids were kicked away from Bri with one attack with the small boy.  He looked like a child at least in his age of ten though to her he looked like her height maybe taller. Arms were crossed in front of his chest with a grumpy expression down at the female. Blue orbs shifted up to the male seeing his teal orbs were glaring. Sitting up quickly her eyes shifted around the room shocked. Those boys…they couldn’t ha—Just then she noticed they were against the walls on the left and right with being slammed into them from just one hit. W-Who was these people?

“Damn you, Toshiro! You messed with us the last time.” The male would slowly get up feeling his entire bones were broken. He shook throughout his body feeling weak from head to toes as he looked at Bri with his tongue sliding across his lips. Sliding her butt against the floor, a hand would grab her shoulder when moving just slightly. “Explain to me now, Kyo!” Toshiro voice yelled through the room with anger right inside his voice. White fingers would gently grab Bri up over his shoulder without even thinking about it. “Or maybe I should just send you to my Father for questioning!” The group of males rushed out of the room quickly in fear over Toshiro’s Father. 

Toshiro sniffed the air finding her scent was quite interesting with a smell that made him go crazy. Why did she…smell like a human? A hand would grab her butt just gently when he ran out of the room with holding onto Bri not wanting to waste time. He knew every scent by memory. All the people would call him a pervert about it. Letting out a sigh he continued to rush up the stairs when he heard the female was about to throw up. “DON’T you dare!” Bri covered her lips with a hand trying to hold it in from him moving so fast. “W-Where would the bathroom be?”

Unbelievable this girl is totally helpless even after some demons almost had her for lunch. Yet, she shows no thoughts to her own or at least he thought she would… “Who are you? I will take you there once you tell me.” Keeping her hand up against her mouth the girl would see that he stood near his door. Was this his room? It had never thought in her mind she be picked up by a random boy. And then…be bought to his room. “I-I can’t go in there!” 

Toshiro opened the door with the room having some things stacked on the desk. Inside he walked over to bring the girl to the bathroom that was inside. “Just throw up in the sink if you need to. I won’t let you stay long as my roommate will be coming by. I don’t have time to waste with you…” His tone was cold as ice just like Leo warned her. If she wanted a different roommate if only she asked for the male’s name. “I-I actually am new here. My name is Bri Haku, I come to this academy in joining which I heard that my roommate be v-very cold towards others.” Bri finished her sentence feeling a bit better when sitting in the bathroom when nothing is moving. 

Inside the room there was at least a King size bed with extra space for a bathroom which is on the right corner of the room. Inside the hallway would lead down with a kitchen where the food would go. The walls were white with a few photos up of his parents in picture albums. Down another hallway on the left side there be a room that had stairs leading up to it. The stairs would twirl in a circle motion before leading up to the second room.
His eyes opened up wide remembering something about the girl name from Rangiku. Wait…she said her name was…her name. He turned to the girl with his teal orbs gazing right into Bri’s blue eyes. Inside those eyes he felt different. She hasn’t thought of jumping on him for sex or anything like the other roommates. She was…she was….different. He wanted to know more about her even more if he let her stay would she…want to know about him? 

The girl in front of me is like a rabbit stuck in the dragon’s den. No matter how far they hide, whereve they went, he could see that her eyes were not frighten. In fact, he saw that everything about her was open as though nothing scared her. He wanted to open up his ice heart to her if only he could learn how to let a rabbit inside…he knew it never lasts long. He knew she would hop away soon and he lose her forever…

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