Sunday, August 31, 2014

D a r k E m p i r e || Chapter 1- Hope Lost

{Before you read my story, I request that you read this. If you are under the age over 18 then I suggest you turn around. PLEASE. For your innocent minds should not read this. I have written stuff like this but never with the Shingeki No Kyojin. Or hence Attack on Titan. This was an idea I got from a friend rping with me with their two oc's which I been rping with for a long time now. Her ideas are dark, but so is this anime. :3 Therefore I had this idea and it will have sex scenes in it which may not be your cup of tea. By this warning you have accepted that. NOW please exit or read this crappy writing xD Enjoy.

Long echoes of screaming left the females who had been locked away. Bars of cages held the females inside with not a chance of escape. They all begged to be freed. Fear that families never see them again. One of the dark plans was of surprise. These monsters had a power of bringing fear and death upon all of them. Words of rumors about females not returning until they have something carried in their womb.

                                                              Humans would never know….

“We have to get out of here, Britt. We just have to!” One female spoke to the female next to her with strawberry blonde hair. That person was me who was caught in their grasp. Many females feared what they do to them before finally the last breath left their lips. All females had no idea. No clue that one be picked while others played with till their bones till they were broken. Length of the hair was on the shoulders, hanging off with the end of the strands of hair sticking up a little bit. “Carla, I am not sure we will get out. I-I am afraid too but even if we do, where can we go?” Both of her hands were not tied with rope released after they were placed inside. Carla was the friend when everyone had gone besides her girlfriend and a few others in the other villages. They are left to defend humanity including the girlfriend who was a tough female to beat. She never let anyone hurt her or fall into their trap.

Unlike her…she fell right into it and their trap had been easy with a spell. It wasn’t that she fallen it was more she tried to help them and they knew it. Brittany knew that they were titans and then caught her in their trap with changing so suddenly.

“Still we have to do something. We can’t be sitting ducks!” Carla voice raised, both her hands slammed down to make Brittany jump. “Sorry…” I know I have to be smart! How can I fight titans that are bigger than I am? Carla is speaking crazy! There no way they let us go and how do we get out of a bar dungeon? We have to sneak or somehow trick them. Slowly part of her head would lower, hitting the part of her knees from being alone. Legs would push up against her chest, showing the breast size was of a being medium size. If they take away the people she loved, she would have nothing left. Something about this just wasn’t fair!

“Ah, you are planning to escape…what was it? Your name to be… Carla?” A familiar tone came within the room to be the oldest son of the Hitsugaya. Their traitors who pretended to help humans when they had all the military leave so they can steal their woman. Every woman was here and why just…woman? Were they more fun to play with?

“Filthy PIG!” Saliva would hit the male’s face when he looked human again. His height had been tall with many females falling from his spell. It was easy for them. They all fell for it and went in the cage. Only Brittany didn’t fall for it and they were getting excited to play with all of them. It was now that this time no one can save them.

“I like your anger. I do not want you though…”

His white hair stood up when it bounced each time he took a step; slowly he reached inside when his hand had changed to break the cage. “I like to have you, Brittany.” There was chill in the air. Carla stood in front of Brittany who looked scared sitting there. “NOT her! Do not take her and punish. Take me instead, pig.” Both of hazel eyes were on Carla’s back. “C-Carla….”

No please don’t protect me…you don’t know what they can do to you! You don’t know how strong they can be and take away what is precious to you. You…don’t know!

“CARLA, please sit down. You don’t know how strong they are. Just…stop.” Turning halfway the blonde haired female had her eyes widen, due to shock her hands were balled into fists with shaking her head to Brittany. “Are you fucking insane, Britt?! They will break you. You’re just…young and I am too but, it is not right. IT’S NOT RIGHT!”

Devious laughter left from the male’s lips, both of his hands reached inside when he grabbed Carla. Bars fell down when leaving the other titans with reaching for the other females who tried to run. “N-No! STOP I DON’T!” One female screamed; hands were raised with hitting against the tall Titan’s skin. “Do not fight them, ladies. They are much trained to do one thing and that you shall find out.” His lips rose when flashing his white teeth that had been cleaned.

“Don’t touch her! Do not touch my friend!” Carla continued to yell at the titan when she was handed off to his younger brother. “I can play with her?” He would ask, his sweet tone made all the females stare with stars in their eyes----even Carla.

The room filled with other females being held above the titan’s male area. “Stand up, human. You are going to experience the best ride of your life…maybe even more from me.” The low tone inside of his voice was giving her chills from moving. Hands grabbed the floor when her vision saw something horrific. It wasn’t something a human would ever see. Females were being pushed upon the titan’s cocks. Each screams louder than the last with the females yelling ‘stop’ or ‘let go’. Their screams were useless. No one would save them but….a new record would be for titans never had sex with females or humans. What was going on?

“You’re confused aren’t you, human? Why would we have sex with you females?” One right hand lowered, his height was about her size. “I shall tell you if you follow me. I want to do it somewhere else with less noise. Oh, and Carla my brother will make sure you have a great time.” The fear in Carla’s blue eyes had been watching Brittany leave with the one who kidnapped them. “W-Wait! What do you mean by that?!”
Hazel eyes looked away, lips pressed against each other when hearing her name would be called with following the male down the hall. He had said everything around her. The world was closing the curtain for humanity.

When her legs moved out, a cloth covered her eyes to stop the vision from seeing everything around them. Only room she know would be that room where she left and his---if allowed and the outside. When they stopped; the racing of her heart continued to beat with part of her cheek sweating. Where had she come to? Why did they stop? Was her fate to die while those other girls were being filled with seeds?

“You are sweating, human. Should I do it to you here? I love the face you show to me…my family had a long history of doing this. You possibly could already be a titan and changing you into one would be fun. Human virgins are so much fun to tease…so much fun!” No, I could never be a titan! Even if they change me, I never would do it. It be too painful and mostly bodies die under that pressure.

“Men…take off the blinds I am ready for her. Be ready, human I won’t be as gentle like my younger brother. You can cry all you want because I am going inside that body.” When those words spoken; vision had come back to Brittany after seeing nothing but cloth. Something grabbed her hair; dragging her inside with his strength still was in his human form. His door was slammed shut when he groan with hunger. He wanted her so bad.

“Human…listen to my voice why I tell you this, well…I want you to remember and tell those humans why we get you females pregnant.” Both of her hazel eyes widen, when being thrown on the bed with her chest facing against the soft blankets. This bed was huge for a titan no doubt. Her lips released deep breathing; hands were already tied behind her back from being free. “I wanted to find a good human to pound for a while before I eat. Do not worry. You are free from my mouth chewing your limbs in pieces. I already ate the men in your town.”

Toshihiro Hitsugaya was his name with his younger brother Toshiki Hitsugaya and the King. Toshiro Hitsugaya was the man who ruled all titans and humans now. He also was the one who married Momo Hinamori. They all were strong with their body made out to take out humans so easily. She had not seen his titan form, well besides seeing it with having armor.

“Ah, that expression I love it….Keep that expression, keep it so much I have to make sure you are ready for this. My cock may break you so be prepared, my toy.” Brittany eyes closed tightly when his hand grabbed a piece of her hair, making her pull back against his chest. He already was wearing no shirt. “Be grateful, human. You have a name by Brittany didn’t you? I shall make sure you whisper my name by the end of this wild wide...”

The humanity lives would be taken…all their lives gone with men being eaten while they had no clue of the plan. Females would be the last on their minds where the babies will be born of titans. Only thing is….humanity had been tricked. That was their plan and now it was going to happen starting with them…How long will they be fooled? Babies were part of the Mother’s body. Humans will end each other but I will not fall. I will hide if I must to protect my child. Whether it be human or not! 

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