Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Soothing Light || Chapter 1 - Glimmering Moon

A white light flashed before the female’s eyes, staying completely calm from entering a room. The curtains were a teal color mixed with green. Ocean blue eyes looked forward, lips parted just slightly before her long white dress blew in the wind. The window opened a crack, when her eyes scanned the area around her. Where was this room? An attic? Confusion was shown from her expression about where seeing a shadow stand beside the bed. Had it been her bed?

“Welcome back, Hana.”

The soothing voice came echoing in her ears, whispering the voice within her mind over and, over again. Raising a hand, fingertips lowered a bit in wait for the female to come over and hold it. This memory seemed familiar almost like a calling to her. One foot raised, suddenly her whole body froze with thinking if going to him. His face partially had shown while the other had showed his lips. He smiled at her with a kind expression. His hand still held out when calling for her. “Come.”

The fear brought her body with a numb feeling through her nerves. Pushing on the carpet, the petite body moved across the room. Each of her two feet pushed from the carpet, feeling the soft carpet rest underneath her foot. Inches away from each other; the movement from her dress moved along with the wind. One slender arm reached out, her fingers lightly traced against the palm of his hand. When touched his movement from the other arm had wrapped around her waist. Pulling her close with a gentle movement, he had whispered into her ear. “Will you be by my side, Hana?”

Hana mind had been filled with questions of where she was and why she was chosen. His gentle care for her body was almost too careful. Why did she feel so cautious? Be by someone side…it was something she never thought he would stay here with her. She already had problems herself and many had dreamed of being in this place. Lips opened up slowly, her fingers held onto his hand tightly when seeing his eyes had teal inside of them. Those eyes were piercing her blue ones completely. The moon’s light touched their skins making his shine so beautifully.

“Hana, are you afraid to answer? I will not hurt you like all the others have. I have seen how harmful it was.”
Deep inside her heart she knew he had seen it. He always had been concerned since she cried for him. He was taken by many of the females who called him a pimp. Many had dreamed of becoming his soul mate for years. All of them been deceived. “No, I am not afraid. Being hurt again and, again is something I do not want to fall into. I heard about you and your womanizing. It is clear that every woman gets deceived by you.” Her lips quivered; speaking out like this would get her only liked even more.


His arm tightened on her back; his lips lowered onto her neck when she felt something pierce into her right neck. His eyes looked her in the eyes, seeing the same emotion he seen on females for a long time knowing the truth. His truth was-----he had a dark secret from within. Something ran down her neck, falling down onto the ground with her voice echoing in the room. Only suddenly she felt relaxed if to die within his arms right now. He looked like someone from fantasy you seen. It couldn’t be real, it couldn’t be true. Why did he pick me…? Those questions were surrounding her mind when her picture gone black.

Hair stood up on her forehead; lips opened wide with something falling down her lips. It was her own saliva. “NOOOOO!” The young blonde had kicked off her blankets, feet touched the ground when running out of the room. Arms rose up and down, moving quickly with her golden hair following behind. “Something must have gone wrong with Miss Hana.” One maid spoke to the other; their lips showed a smile when knowing this girl had a history with their family since a child. Always she had been a strange female who came to the Queen. Or they respect her like a Queen with loving everyone even if not blood related. Hana Haku had not always been in this family since she was an infant. The small child had been left alone with no parents around. They had welcomed her into the family with the same age as their son Hitsugaya Toshiro.

“Sheila, it happened again. I saw a dream about vampires.” The young girl voice traveled in the room when the white haired female stood tall. “My dear…you poor thing.”  Her two arms reached out, waving her fingers just a bit in signaling Hana to come closer. “We shall fix that, my dear.”

Each time the dreams gotten worse from that same person who told her to come over and she did. Why had it been him? The medicine Sheila had brought always erased what was seen in her eyes. Anything that happens would be Sheila magic to remove anything that wasn’t necessary. 

“Sweetie, if anything happens more you can excuse yourself from the class. Your new uniform has come in today!” Sheila two hands clapped together, making her hands reach in the closet for the new clothing. “You should try it on.”  Both of her eyes filled with joy; like a small child given a basket of candy over treat-o-treating. Hana saw Sheila was more excited with her joining the academy today along with her son. He was the top of the class with full attention during his summer camp at soccer. Hearing stories from the females who came in to live in the dorms. Only problem was her secret be out if she announces she lives in the house of the Hitsugaya’s. It could cause a riot so they planned for Toshiro to be her guide and guardian.

Sheila…these human girls and males are vicious of her own kind. They would do anything to be in this house and be near him and the family.

Taking Sheila’s advice she left the room quickly down the long corridor hall. Both of her feet hit the ground, each step became soft when she spotted something. Up ahead her eyes looked shocked; blue orbs noticed the male who stopped with his eyes piercing hers. Why did he stop? Did she do something to upset him or…?

“G-Good morning…” Hana spoke first with her lips forming a smile, the girl small head leaned forward when feeling both of her shoulders grabbed. He looked taller more than the average height of any male. He was at least 6’9 perhaps taller when he looked her in the eyes. A strict tone came down the hall when Sheila was there with a white ruler out, a smacking sound left her palm with pain in Hana’s eyes. “Let her go…NOW!” Her voice echoed down the hall with a younger male who immediately came down the hall with his body moving towards them both, hands reached out grabbing the other male who didn’t want to let go. “Let her go, Sora!” Their voices sounded anger within them. Sora did not speak much; his only sound had been a growl when he finally did let go of Hana.

“Hana, go see Toshio. He will help you with the wounds and ah, Toshiro can you take her there? The uniform will have to wait till you’re feeling better.” Part of her tone sounded disappointed by her oldest son actions. Confusion over why he took such actions towards her. Why did it go so far? Did she do something wrong…? No. She barely spoke to him since childhood from memories he always was gone and now…he seems like he wants something.

Loud stomping came from the tall man who cussed in Japanese over his childish outrage. “Sora, what were you thinking?!” Sheila tone got louder with him coming towards her room only to slam the door behind him. Both of her hands touched the chest area, her head shifted down with trying to hold back tears. This is the first time she ever been in this situation. What could she do?

“Hana, do not worry about him…I am sure Father and Mother will solve it. Come…”
That same tone echoed inside of her heart over the dream she had. It couldn’t have been his… NO! He wouldn’t even be possible. They both walked down the hall only this time Toshiro had taken his steps cautious over any other family member. Most of them mind their own business. They looked him in the eye; nodded their heads up and down to notify someone was in trouble. Just by a glance, a look in the eyes they knew.

“My wonderful son and Hana! So good to see you both here along with…” His tone paused when he spotted marks on Hana’s shoulders. Right away again with the eye glance they knew what had happened even if she was hiding it. They could tell without another glance. “Sit down on the bed, Hana.” In his most gentle, yet cautious tone he was looking furious. Toshio had a short temper never used at Hana only if his children done something to her. Just like Sora had done. Now he be punished she was sure Sheila be terrifying to face. “Hana, it is alright…my Father is a great doctor with lots of medical to help the pain. I am sure she won’t be going to school…?”

Both of them spoke with a fast motion; Hana did not notice a thing only the room looked clean with his office. He had a next room where the medical machine that you see in the Hospital would be seen. On the wall; there had been a few posters of their artwork. Mostly Toshiro’s which he had done excellent at drawing what his life is when she saw her and him playing in the sand box outside their courtyard. The short blonde had used a bucket with his clothing being very formal. He had on a long white shirt, a black vest shaped at the bottom which ended at his waist, black short pants that ended at his knees level. His white spiky hair had covered part of his eyes, those two greenish-teal eyes that brought out the image in itself. The blonde haired girl had two round puff circles on her shoulders; the dress had been blue with sky blue ruffles underneath. She had worn two white leg stockings which no shoes be found in the picture.


Two blue eyes looked away from the painting, lips opened partly when she saw Toshiro had turned away to leave. One hand reached out with her grabbing his navy blue shirt, fingers dug into the fabric with a look of worry. “…Hana. I told you that Father will not let anyone harm you or will I. We are here to protect you and even if I wasn’t…Mother always kept her eyes on you even at school which after this injury you are to rest. School will not be for you today. Take it easy…” His head turned to the right, one eye gazed into her eyes, which had tears down both of her cheeks. He felt bad that she was blaming herself from those sobbing eyes. He knew how she thought or from experience of woman only Hana was the sweetest cake you could find. One thing she can’t be harmed. He knew why and never wished to keep it from her but, she always questioned their parents’ rules. “Will I see you tonight?” Those words made Toshiro turn around quickly from her eyes it looked too quick.

Two slender arms reached, both of the hands reached around her waist, his fingers rubbed her back softly when he had his chin on her shoulder with his height taller than her. The smallest human he ever met had been her with being only 4’1. “Why do you ask such stupid questions?” His lips whispered right at her ear with his tone being soft. “I will be at dinner tonight along with everyone so it would be a treat to sit by you.” He pulled away with leaving the room having his feet clicking against the ground leaving her that silence.

The adult male looked identical to his two sons whom inherited his good looks along with Sheila’s two daughters who also were sweet to her. They never would make her be scared or harm her. At first they were cautious however, slowly they grew closer which did surprise her. Both of the male hands touched the desk, his eyes were on Hana who stood there with her cheeks shading a crimson color. He loved how sweet his son had become to her. At first he was surprised at the accident. “Hana, do I need to check your temperature too? Or will you be good to sit down?” That one word made her open her mouth wide; moving her legs quickly toward the bed, she sat on top of it with letting Toshio check her shoulders to see markings of nails into her skin. Blood had shed a little, nothing to be worried about.

“I-I am sorry I just, my own mind feels bad for what trouble I caused. Sora, he just…he came out of nowhere and stare so seriously. I was afraid…” Her words made a quiet sound from the sobbing leaving the petite lips. “Oh, Hana…” One hand would lightly touch her leg; the other had been used to stop the bandaging when she saw he already had put the medicine on. It always was so quick that he didn't waste any time even when she stopped him to speak. He such a kind man…

“Do not let what Sora did to you frighten whatever he done, he will be punished severely.” His fingers rose with a sound coming from them. Two quick snaps; he had his most trusted butler come in with wasting no time. “Take Hana to her room and stand by till she gets enough rest. Ah, oh first let her go eat with Toshiro before he leaves.” His eyes gaze into the butler with speaking no further. The eye thing was really making her be curious. When Toshio said an order it was followed without any second doubt. “Yes, Mr. Hitsugaya it will be done.” The butler purple eyes gaze at Hana when he raised a hand towards her. “Please follow me, Hana-sama.”

The map in the estate was too large for Hana’s brain to comprehend. Therefore they assigned a butler each day for her. Now with this attack it would be constant watch over what their children do around her. What was such a big deal about her? Those questions wouldn’t be answered directly. They say she is family. They found her, raised her as their own, now what kind of secrets are they hiding? “Master Toshiro, your Father had approved of her to eat with you. I shall start ordering once you two are ready.” Spotting movement from both of her eyes; she noticed his body jumped once or a little flinch. “Is that so…?” He had a reason for causing Hana to be eating with him. Did he enjoy watching them? Or was he planning to punish his brother for such rude behavior. Usually he lets him do whatever with humans when he had that urge. It didn’t make sense!

“Toshiro…? Would I be alright to sit next to you I wo---“Without her speaking even further; the chair would be brought out next to Toshiro for her to sit. The petite bottom touched the chair softly, with her butt against the cushion on the seat, her hands folded neatly on top of her legs. “I recommend you sit by him always even at dinner time. The school will be arranging for that as well.” Suddenly the spoon from his tea would be dropped against the table. “Why the hell are you deciding things for her? She has her own life and you sick bastards are doing it for her…!” The color in his skin looked white of the color snow when he squeezed them. Two hands covered his, with a gentle motion the blonde haired tried to calm him down. He released a breath when his head shifted to Hana slightly. “I am sorry, Hana…It pisses me off is all. Don’t you care what they are doing to you?”

Do I care…? Without them I have nowhere to go and even if I did care, nothing would be answered as I can see it they wish to plan something. I did feel worried and constantly thinking it a plan to get my life to end. However, wouldn’t they have let Sora finish me off if that was the case…?

“Toshiro, do not worry fo---“Hands removed from hers, both of his fingers quickly grabbed each side of her arms with pulling her forward. In his tight embrace; each hand would rub against her back gently only to take in her scent. It was sweet just like the cake he will be having later. The cheese cake he had wished to try hearing it was Hana’s favorite. He couldn’t wait! “Hana…do not speak of your life as nothing. You are something…even in this house. I consider you as….” What did he think of her like? A sister? A friend? Something more? He couldn’t pinpoint what that would be. “I just hate to see you put yourself down. After you eat with me it is to sleep, understand?” His right index finger raised, he moved it against her cheek in a soft poke towards her.

Hana was released when the food was brought in on trays with Toshiro sitting in his chair. He seemed mad about his Father’s decision. He was looking out for me…wasn’t he? He wish me well, had me eat, but then again…he said something important will happen in two days. Or at the end of this week. Siblings were to come and that scared Hana. She never had been at a big family reunion. “For the food I have brought pancakes with syrup on top, the eggs are fluffy with some shredded cheese on spread on the eggs. For lastly; we will have bacon that is crunchy with delighting taste.” Each plate had looked delicious to Hana with Toshiro staring at her pale skin. She looked so fragile like a doll. His eyes were making her heart dance with love. Each time he looked; the more she wanted to look into his eyes even further.

“Thank you, Ryo. Please do tell Father I will send her off to bed.” One hand rested under his right chin, the frozen gaze moved away with having Hana look down embarrassed. “Understood, Young Master. Do that intended or you will be punished if he finds out she is not resting…” After he spoke; the tall male had his long black hair to the middle of his back, at the bottom the hair was split in different directions.  Those purple eyes look down at Hana with his warm smile making her feel even more embarrassed. “Now leave! You’re making her breathe funny…” After that last order; his lips still remained in a smile with leaving the diner room where they sat quietly. His fork will be placed down; he moved a finger underneath her chin, feeling the girl forehead was warm but nothing to be worried about. “T-T-T-Toshiro?! I am fine…I really am so you can leave for school after the food. Okay, okay?” Honestly…what kind of brain did they give her? She is stupid. Leave her alone after being attacked by his brother even that is stupid.

“You are a baaaka! Why would I leave you alone? My brother just attacked you and now you’re saying to leave? Honestly…I may just carry you down the hall if you do not obey a simple order. Now eat!” Rubbing from his finger had left her chin, he moved in his chair backwards so his eyes remain on her as well. “Y-Yes, I am sorry I just hate making you do stuff that is not in your schedule. Sorry…”

He was joking about the carrying part. He is concerned for her skin is not healthy and even her heart is concerning… Even he worried when she sleeps at night after screaming of those nightmares. He tried to give her pleasant dreams. The ten minutes went by with Hana last food swallowed down slowly. “Come, Hana.” The same white hand from her dream appeared right in front of her eyes. That same hand told her to ‘come’ each time. His gentle voice; where the smile on his lips showed nothing to fear. He meant it. Each word came out for her to come towards him. He will protect her if he can.

That same hand of hers reached for his, fingers lightly traced on his palm where she grabbed in a tight grip. His smile remained when she stood and he brought her close like before. The pounding in her chest was going crazy. How…can he be the same?! The dream couldn’t be him from the mirror if she saw one there. There was none. “Do not leave, Hana. Stay in the room till my Father lets you leave. Read a book, draw your weird drawings whether stick o---“Two fingers pinch each side of his cheeks, pulling on his skin the female had her cheeks puff out. “They are perfect!”

“Ow! Okay, okay I got it.” Using his strength; trying to pull away from her fingers that pinched roughly. “Hana, promise me you will stay put. Can you promise me that?” He lowered his eyes a bit; both of them look down into her blue hues that seem to have little energy. Could she do that…? There were mysterious secrets she wishes to find out. If she promises and breaks that. He will be punished for not following the order. It has happened before from a distant memory of red. “I-I…” “Hana!” “Okay, okay I promise!” He pulled away from Hana with using all his strength to lift her up into his arms. “Then I will take you away, Princess!” One eye had closed off; his one hand rested underneath her legs, the other was against her back when he started to move out of the room.

How wildly the heart beats for you…beating hardly I tried to catch my breath only to be pushed behind with such force from you. Wildly, I wish I could stay along your side and hold on. 

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