Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tokyo Ghoul {Misery} || Chapter 1 - Mirrored Boy

---- "We live different lives. Could one help another...?" 

"Aki-chan, it time to close the library." A female with brunette hair called out; hands touched the top of her hips. Hearing nothing made her become tense. Had she gone outside early?! In the news it wasn't great. Normally the media would lie about what happends badly however, sometimes the public needs to know.


Hearing a sudden groan, footsteps clicked against the carpet when the tall female walked to near the back. Two brown eyes widen, lips closed tightly when her hand reached inside of her pocket. Pulling out the item, it was a tool she used when people slack off. Although this is a quiet place. Right now it was near closing time and she did not wish to send Aki home out when the news is blowing up about these 'ghouls.'

A look of anger showed up on her face, when her pink colored whistle came up toward her mouth. Blowing down on it, a sharp loud noise came out with the sound whistles make. Jumping from where she laid, a petite female jumped onto the ground with two feet. Two eyes blinked slowly, looking at the female who held the whistle. "Maaaaki, why did you wake me up?" The whistle pulled out from her mouth, "Why? Well, you need to get home early tonight. They are having us evacuate. It seems something is going on like some rebels who might come here next."

Aki two golden eyes widen slightly, smaller fingers wiggled when pulling on her cheeks. "Must be a bad dream..." Opening her mouth very wide, a large yawn came out with backing her body out to fall backwards. "AKI!" Maki caught Aki in both of her arms, a deep sigh left her lips when she grabbed a cup of water and pours it on Aki. "No sleeping, Aki-chan!!"

Being pushed out of the building; the small female had waved to Maki. Maki was the one who offered her a interview after seeing she tried so hard when holding signs. To make money for her college which all alone had been worked hard.

Why was Maki pushing so hard? It really did hurt and even if the bad guys come. Shouldn't she not walk alone? That...meanie Maki-chan.

Footsteps echoed against the gravel, being on the sidewalk there was sirens from police cars. Perhaps Maki-chan had been right. She heard of the news of course. Many of the ghouls been trouble for the CCG agents. Normally they did kill a few, some agents died just to protect humans from dying. Humans must survive too. Ghouls...did they have any choice? Aki knew it be wrong if she said it be like when animals attacked for survival too.

Lips opened just a litle bit, raising her small chest a sudden sound came out. Deep sighing from the thoughts about ghouls. If she ever ran into one, that would be it. Life is done. No way a human could fight off unless....the ghoul is nice. That is not likely.

"Almost home then I can make my...." Aki voice paused, eyes narrowed when seeing a body laid against the gravel. A body?! Had a ghoul... Rushing over to his body; landing onto her knees. Fingers slowly touched his back, leaning her body forward the young adult had placed her head against his back. Hearing his body raise slowly only to feel he winced in pain. Oh no! He could be...but...
'Aki-chan, just walk home, no distractions, no helping someone out. They are bound to be trouble! Just head home, okay?' Those were repeated into her head, each time passing all the stores by the library which had been closed anyway due to this trouble.

If Aki were to leave this person...would he die? Everyone dies at one point but, he could be saved! Hearing the cop sirens go by, a voice came on the intercom with warning people that ghouls were on the lose and to not stay out. Go home. Their warning had her thinking this man must be a human. If he is a ghoul, it wouldn't matter would it?

"Okay. I will just help him out then he will leave later!"

Raising her fist to the sky, the sound gave her courage as her bag had  a strap when moving it over her head so it lay across her chest holding the bag right at her right side. Two hands reached down, fingers pulled his body with rolling the boy onto his back. Suddenly the boy whole front body had been covered in something red. Paint? No, no. It was... His breathing had been slow.

I can't just wait no longer! Aki used all her strength to move one hand underneath his legs toward his butt, the other hand went under to his back. Standing with a lot of sounds being groans, the young girl ran ahead with her hair bouncing back and forth. Luckily her house wasn't that far. Each foot pounded the ground with all her effort and pain.

Once she arrived at her house; the front had a gate which was kicked open by the girl foot. Seeing the boy had white hair with his eyes closed. Only there was something she saw instantly. A mask! Wait...why would he need a mask? To hide his identity? T-Then!

Ignoring the small inner voices, moving into her yard toward the front door. Placing the boy onto the small wooden swing. For a moment; the female used a key inside the key lock, unlocking with a click sound. Turning her head both ways, looking outside to see no one had been out. It was good she worked till night. At least...for now. She may have to go out during the day and switch to day shift.
When the door opened; moving her hands over to the boy once again with a heavy groan.

He so...heavy! Rushing inside without bumping his legs or head. When she walked inside, looking around in the living room which she had a sofa empty for his body to fit. "This will have to do..." When stumbling the female moved her legs, trying to stay on her feet only landing right on top of the boy who landed on the sofa. He made a groan sound, still not awake which she prayed for.

"S-Sorry..." Aki whispered into his ear, getting off of his body with quickly twisting the key with removing it out of the key hole. Grabbing the door handle, shutting the door quietly with locking it. Therefore she knew Maki would scold her if she lives through the night.

The outfit the male had worn looked like some kind of occult. Was he in one of those occults to murder? No, if he was a ghoul then he will eat her. Or murder her and leave the house. Why did she help him? Why...? Part of her black hair had covered the front of the eyes. Hiding part of her; that had fear and sadness. Ghouls had lives too! Animals, humans, many other things. They must of been human or...perhaps born as ghouls only to fear for being killed.

Put down like animals who are too sick and save them from the pain. Aki never will allow anyone to harm this boy! That was her goal. To save him. Even if her death is tonight...

Sleeping soundly the girl watched him sleep. He continued to breathe even though his wounds were deadly. Grabbing the top of his shirt, there were two buttons at the top. "I better hurry and help him." Standing up her legs moved to the bathroom where she opened some cupboards. When reaching inside, fingers searched for a first-aid box. Right hand grabbed the handle and ran out of the room. When she moved back in the main room, seeing the boy had not woken up and hadn't asked why or just ended her life there.

When she sat down on the pillow, a table was in the middle of the room where a large tv hanged on the wall across from the sofa which was on the right side. "Stay strong!" Aki removed his shirt, removing it down slowly where all the cuts were shown. Some of them were slowly healing however, the biggest one had been a scar across his chest. "It cruel...! If he is a ghoul, he must be with healing ability." Continuing her work, a needle would be pulled out with some string. Aki had taken up classes for becoming a nurse. It was great she knew about human bodies.

String came in the loop of the needle, pulling it the female tied it on the needle and used the needle to start moving into his skin, it came out then repeated. When she moved the string across it had become closed with having fear it open. "I am worried...I just hope he doesn't wake up now." Aki got out some bandages which be hard to put on with him laying onto his back. "How...will I..." Her hands began to shake when seeing his wounds had all healed. "I will leave him be for now!"

Aki had the rest of the night watching the nameless boy. He rested without waking during the sewing session. On the television was just some rommance. "Oh, I want rommance..." Someone going after her be impossible! All she was is a weird girl who is into strange things.

The night flew by without realizing it, the young girl fell over and was asleep on the ground. When light came into the girl focus; two golden eyes widen when sitting up quickly. I-I am alive?! Aki stood on her feet when seeing two eyes stared at her.

They were a coal kind of color with looking directly at her. Lips formed a small frown when he kept still. "Since your awake...tell me what happened." He started to stand up when he suddenly was behind Aki.

Golden eyes blinked with shock, her body turned half way when staring up at the boy. He moved so fast! Had he...waited till she woke up? But why? He could of murdered her. He lowered on his knees right in front of her. "Tell me...did you rescue me?" His voice was deep, with sounding calm. Moving a right hand it would slowly raise, running through her hair to move right behind her right ear.

"Yes, I did. I know you would of...well, killed me. I couldn't let you die." Aki spoke calmly; her hands touched each part of her legs. The boy sat in front of the girl with looking down. He reminded of the girl with Nishiki She would save him and now, this girl was kind to save but stupid.

"What are you stupid? Do you realize what ghouls do?" His hand raised, fingernails were covered with black. He had moved closer with one of his eye turning red. In the back of his eye next to the pupil had changed to black.

"I-I couldn't just let you die! I know it stupid but, ghouls have lives too!" The last words yelled out without thinking. Lips curved upward into a smile when he leaned closer. "You are very strange, human. However...that is what will lead you to die. I will not kill you. However, do not rescue me again you understand?" His body came closer, opening his mouth wide had saliva showing a bit.
It was then intense pain came shooting out with Aki grabbing his black shirt. He held her body against his taking away part of her skin. A ghoul is a ghoul. He had to bite her and take part of her skin. Only a little. She was not on their list to be killed. However, why are He didn't want to kill but, he will protect who is important to him.

Even this girl...she saved his life from CCG. Perhaps he should thank her. Although he just bit her. Whatever. The others must be worried.

I will find a way to get stronger...this human will need to stay away from him. But before that, he must make sure she is healed before he ends up killing her. Then needs to leave after that battle last night.

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