Monday, March 9, 2015

Starry Dream || Ch.1 - Curtain Closing

There was a place, a blackness that surrounded the city. No light was allowed inside this place. Only pitch black where humans normally can't go. Unless invited by the King of this place. What was it? In the eyes of a human, it had been a place where a boy lived. The boy had been kind with his parents and older brother. Though the older brother said humans were useless and wasteful. He was cruel... saying things to make us leave. His Father would always scold him in private. The Mother of this boy's family had given lots of clothing that she made in hand. Using crotchet, many other tools with knitting needles.

"Momo-chan, you made...this dress?! How did you---oh wow it is so long and jewery! I love it, Momo-chan." A cheerful voice came out of the other woman with her black hair in a one bun, along her bangs that hung down on each side of her shoulders had been turned to braids. "Emi-chan, it is easy!" Emi purple eyes gaze at Momo surprised, "Eeeeh?! How?" Both her hands raised, covering bottom of her lips. Hearing Momo's laughter had been soft with joy. "Emi-chan, I will teach you. Now, come, come." Gently her right hand would pat on the bed she shared with her husband.

Emi did not decline when telling her husband to go meet Toshiro. They had things to discuss about Earth. Yes, we weren't well, definely we weren't on Earth. Humans never could come here unless having a barrier.

"Alright, just be careful, Emi-chan. Devils here can turn corrupted." Yuji calmly walked out of the room to find Toshiro the King of Hell. In sense he was Satan the powerful evil God. Everyone feared him; many even consider killing if they could reach. His darkness could corrupt you in a second. Under his will. Father feared he was going to use his son against Yuji's daughter. Toshiro had reassured him he had no deal. His plan was more darker than ever. 

"You worry too much, Honey. Our Daughter will be safe just like every trip we came up here. I been missing my friend." Her arm would wrap around the right side near Momo's arm. A smile appeared on Momo's face. "Oh, Emi-chan!" The two girls laughed when Yuji walked away grumbling. "Sorry..." Emi apologized toward Momo who shook her head, "No worries! I am so happy our children can play together. I know how men are...Toshiki he doesn't have many to play with sadly. As you can see..."

Emi nods her head when seeing Momo handed her knitting needles. "Here! I will teach you the basics for on Earth." Their smiles was showing in the room to be cheerful. Anyone would feel happy with the chemistry.

Deep within Hell; there was a room full of toys made for devils. Some were deadly, the toys this small boy played with had been gentle for his best friend he met. Each time they visit her eyes became teary-eyed. Two black braids swung down the hallway, purple eyes scanned around where her small lips were a full smile. Inside her hands, there was a packet of letters of the daily life. "Alice-chan!" A boy greeted her with his kind voice. His name was Toshiki Hitsugaya.

He was son of Satan and the Queen who married being a demon or devil. Their powers would cause darkness but, Toshiki was too young for his powers or to be affected. On top of the boy's head had white spiky hair with small horns sticking out of the boy's small head. "Shiki-kun! Guess what, guess what?" Lips shifted upward when handing him the packlet of letters. 

He took it without complaining.
Always they wrote each other with saving the pack of letters. How she loved to read how his life was. Toshiki already learned all the language in human. His math, history, the language of devils. Their black magic had been forbidden for humans. The laws for devils had been restricted or---God the Father of Earth. He owned Earth as he was the creator.

"Ali-chan, will you be able to stay...?" 

Those words pierced the girl's heart knowing her Father will not let her stay. How she demanded and when Emi begged it was when he went to visit. Never leaving Alice here alone with devils. Emi insisted she be safe under Momo's watch. Yuji declined each time. He came to tell the King here to leave her alone. "My Father declines it...I do want to stay here for a few weeks!!" Alice yelled out of frustration. Toshiki looked up at the sky, teal eyes filled with sadness. He looked almost in fear. "Daddy, doesn't like to be declined. He wants you to stay for some reason..."

When he tried to ask, his Father glared coldly saying 'you are too young to know.' Like secrets been hidden deep within the Hitsugaya clan. They were the top clan of Hell. Part of her cheeks would puff out, two small hands grabbed Toshiki shoulders. "Its okay, Shiki-kun! I will always return here."

Both of his lips would open slightly, teal eyes gaze into her purple ones. "Ali-chan..." His lips formed a warm smile at her words. She always would stay at his side. Why did he feel overjoyed? Never wanting her to go...he wanted to keep her here forever. They have to leave soon.

"Alice, we are going!" Yuji huffed out in anger, he stomps inside of Toshiki room. Emi suddenly moved inside with fear. "N-No, Yuji stop! Why do you do this?!" Yuji eyes glared at Emi with looking at Toshiki who held onto Alice's hand. "Get your flithy hands off of her! MONSTER!" Those words hurt Toshiki. "DAD!! Shiki-kun is my friend!" Teal eyes looked at Alice, showing a kind smile he looked at Emi. "Ali-chan, I will miss you. I can't force you to stay.." Deep in those words were sadness. 

"N-No, S-Shiki...SHIKI-KUUUUN!!" A strong hand grabbed Alice's with picking her up. Emi tried to yell, bowing her head down to Toshiki who looked sadden. Leaving Alice here would make her become like him. A devil. Yuji had a right to be angry. Father, why do you want Alice? She was a normal human. He done the same with Toshihiro. A girl stays here named Ayaka. She often times goes back home to regain her light. Although her light is rare to not hurt them.

That year was the last time Alice had seen Toshiki and his family. She was five years old, the same year as Toshiki. Yuji refused to see them even after the next year, and the next. Emi begged him but, he refused declining the letter Toshiro had sent. All of them were burned or shredded. Those days Alice spent in her room reading books and reading Toshiki letters. Hiding them away so she could not let Yuji shred the letters.

It had been nine years since the last time they met. Alice had turned fourteen on April 5th. "Happy Birthday, Alice!" The new friends had come over to make Alice feel happy. Her best friend Ayaka had also come. It was then when she had been in secret. "Ali-chan, have you even gone back?" Ayaka pulled Alice away toward her room. "....Aya-chan, I do not wish to talk abo---" Both her hands had pulled on Alice to sit on the bed.

"Aya-chan...?" Both her eyes widen with wearing a string strap dress with watermelon upon the design, for the colors had been white for the full dress with watermelon colors in a stripe design on the right side. Her bow had been a light pink string for the back. "Shiki-kun, must be so sad..." Ayaka hair had been wavy at the bottom, her pink eyes looked at Alice. Part of her eyes looked sad. "Ignore Yuji and answer their letter!" The words Ayaka spoken were full of worry. Why? Had the King of Hell been angry?

"Hurry! Answer it before midnight tonight okay?" Ayaka heard Yuji call for them both. "Let's go." Ayaka had been pushing her to go see. In fear of going alone without anyone. Would Ayaka go with? Why should she be afraid? They wouldn't harm her...right? The letter was placed upon her bed.

Running outside of the room where she passed her Father. Supicious made him go upstairs toward her room. What had Ayaka gone to tell her? That was when he saw the letter. It was black with red letters. "That bitch!" His hand grabbed the letter to cool off. If he acts crazy the kids will leave. This is Alice's birthday. Her fourteen birthday. Hitsugaya clan you won't have my Daughter. You won't! She is mine, mine!

Downstais there was a white birthday cake filled with creame. "Mommy, it looks so yummy!" Ayaka looked at Emi who knew the path for her Daughter was worried. They knew that Yuji never allow it. Ayaka knew it be risky and even hatred from Yuji. Both of them just smiled and claps. "Yay! Alice, happy birthday!" Everyone clapped when Alice felt something was different. Her body was growing with each year passing by.

What had she felt? Why did...why did she feel this way? Something was missing and she knew it was Toshiki. He couldn't come to Earth.

The day went by fast with Yuji having everyone leave. Having the family sit down at the dinner table. It was cleaned with dinner already eaten. "Alice, I like to talk to you about Ayaka." It sank in like a ship falling, and, falling... "Aya-chan, is my best friend!" Alice answered when hearing he let out a deep sigh. " She just is using you." Those words stabbed when Emi stood up, "YUJI!" Anger showed on her face how Yuji forgot about Alice birthday and her friend. "How could you even say that? Ayaka and Alice been friends for years! You think she use her? How?!" Yuji's right hand raised when he looked at Alice.

Tears fell from her face with standing up, the sound of the chair smacking against the ground was heard. Emi eyes filled with worry when her body moved over to Alice. "This letter could not have reached unless she given it to you..." He smacked the black letter with red words right on the table. Deep down Alice knew he suspect her. Ayaka did beg her to go there before midnight. Why? Ayaka, why?! "That...!"

Emi eyes looked terrified when grabbing the letter, hearing Yuji told her to not open. "DO NOT OPEN THAT! If you do...he will come. He waited this long anyways for her age fourteen to come." Both of the Mother's eyes looked at Alice who stared at it. "Alice...honey! P-Please...what did Ayaka tell you?"

Hands slammed against the table with rage, it was her Mother Emi. "You ass! All you care for is yourself instead of her friendship." Yuji shot back a glare when Emi felt fear, sweat fell down her forehead. "DAD JUST STOP OKAY?!" Alice stood up with Emi, wrapping her arm around Emi's right arm. "Just get out, Daddy...go." Yuji eyes filled with rage, eyes looked at the two of them like trash. "No...I can't lose yo---" Black hair swung away, holding her daughter close when she kissed the top of her forehead. "No, my sweet Daughter...your Father is right. For you it better you stay behind." Emi words speak when looking at Yuji before spitting at him. 

"if you fucking hurt her you will die." Emi said those last words before leaving out of the room. Yuji ran after her with fear in his eyes, his feet stomped on the ground only they froze in place with a female reaching out for Emi. A world opened up and took her, took her away from us. That day etched inside of our minds. Both Father and I waited. Waited for her to come out only she didn't...

He rushed with legs pushing in the kitchen. "Darling...she is gone." Those words broke the small girl heart. Her fourteen heart who wanted to go with. He apologized many times before sending Alice to bed. Her body laid against the soft cushion bed. Words whispered only to sound like whimpers. Yuji really loved Emi. With all his might he tried to think of ways to get her back. The letter. He tried that but, his path was denied. Instead on the letter written 'She is mine.' 

He had assumed Emi with rage the letter was crumpled. It wasn't wasn't her he was after. Father was blind when after midnight the moon was full with a light dark as red. 
'She is mine...she is only mine.'

Wind came brushing in, the curtains waved with a blurry vision from Alice. A voice calmly spoke; only the boy walked over with him lowering his mask. "Ali-chan..." It was the only voice she longed for. Toshiki's! "T-Toshik...." A white finger pressed against her lips, softly he moved both arms around her when his lips were right at the side of her neck. "Shiki-kun, your breath is tickling me!" She teased him just a little; he embraced how silly she was. Regretting that her choice with freedom was gone.

Yuji you poor fool. The demons had already planned this for time to come. "Let's go outside, Ali-chan" His hand pulled on Alice's arm, softly moving her onto the front lawn. "You must have missed me, Ali." Toshiki used that silky voice of his; like he always done but had she fallen for it. When? During childhood it was more high pitched. Now...

"Shiki-kun, of course I missed you! I always feared you forget about me." Those words made Toshiki lean closer with his lips pressed against hers. He didn't stop. His tongue slipped inside with hearing her moaning. Hands slid down to her waist, slowly lowering with grabbing part of her left butt.

"Forget...are you blind? Ali-chan, I have been waiting to come here. It was not easy task let me tell you. Your air here sucks." Of course he has his own way of breathing as she would know. The world he belonged wasn't human.

Toshiki felt his time had been short. How he longed to let Yuji freak out with her gone. Alas he would not. Only leave a gift for him to come anytime he wanted. It a threat for taking what is his. "Ali-chan...I have a surprise." Both her purple eyes widen in shock, "S-Surprise? Eh, Eeeeeh?!"
Both hands covered over her mouth, looking around he saw no one was coming. After all, he must be in secret as his first mission. "Close your eyes." 

That voice came out again with demanding, no ordering. At least she could hear this voice even if its a dream. ", when can I open?" Both eyelids closed slowly, letting out a gentle breathing from the girl lips. "Until I say...Ali-chan, keep them closed, got it?" Her head noding up and down with making her even more cute in his eyes.

Lips opened slightly, revealing something inside. His body leaned closer to Alice who stood very still. A soft wind brushed against them both. Hands wrapped around her waist, puling the small fragile body against his. He lowered his mouth against her neck when suddenly the girl cringe in pain. White sharp objects pierced her skin. On the right side of her neck that where he bitten.

A crimson light fell down the girl neck, he bitten her for a few more seconds before pulling them out. Once he was done the girl whole body froze. From shock; not knowing what he would do. "You can open your eyes." Once she opened those eyes, he kept holding her close. Smelling in his scenit was warm. Even after the pain all she knew as to hide this mark.

"S-Shiki...kun...." Alice body went limp after he held her in bridal style. "I will come for you one of these days. Your mark never will disappear nor will Yuji stop me. I will come for you, I promise." Toshiki lips leaned in when he kissed the girl's head. He promised her that.

That night it had been the coldest she ever felt. After waking up, only to feel the bed was warm, with feeling it was all a dream. Something that felt real but, waking up to reality. It was a slap against her face. Wake up, it wasn't real. Yeah...this had to be it and Emi would come back and this Hell had been a fake.

Kicking off the large blankets, her legs stepped on the soft carpet when walking across the hall toward the bathroom. That was when something caught her eye. A look of shock and horror when seeing two dots into the right side of her neck. They were bite marks. Never fading. Alice never knew that in her dreams she felt more happy. Did she...want him to own her this way? He felt so dominant. He had done just that. This mark never must be seen by Father. Never! 

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