Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Empire || Chapter 1 - Can You Hear Me?

A scent of cherry blossoms were blooming this time of year. All Spring petals would fly around, swirling around with the sweet scent. Spring was approaching soon. There was a school for day and night that had two students there to protect them. One was stubborn as a ox while the other could be sweet on the other hand, she was stubborn too. A tomboy almost it looked like.

"Listen up everyone!" All the girls turned their heads away, looking at the gate waiting for all the boys to come out or girls. The night class had a reputation which had humans almost avoiding what they need to do. Go back inside. "HELLO!" Moving her mouth toward the whistle, a loud sound creaked when the gate doors slowly opened. All the girls screamed with waving their hands only to form a line on each side. 

The brunette moved the whistle down with giggling softly, beside her stood a male with the day class uniform. He had been ordered to be killed off by his sensei but things turned around. "Yuki, you need to be careful." Zero Kiriyu was his name with his older brother who helped this vampire. Although he now hasn't appeared due to the recent events. He was killed. Shaking her head, brown eyes looked at Zero again. "Oh shush! I was doing just fine." Giving him a dirty look; her crush or use to be crush was walking out with smiling at Yuki. Only the cold glares of other woman happened. 

Ignoring them as usual when Zero glared they backed off. Luckily she didn't have to deal since they knew if she got hurt it be bad for them. "Good morning everyone!" A cheerful voice made her come back to her senses. It was Aido. He always was cheerful around everyone. Yuki just let out a deep sigh. Everything is normal usually normal except...

"Look Yuki, I know just because he is your crush doesn't mean you have to lose focus." Zero stood on the roof with Yuki who had her hair down to shoulder length. The uniform was a navy blue with long sleeves, long white stripes were along her sleeves, along the front and back, along the collar around her wrists. A white collar be seen at the top with a red bow where the neck would be, a top navy blue would be on top of the white sleeve that was underneath. The skirt would be length to middle of the girl knees, while underneath wore short black shorts under the skirt just for moving around and no peepers. 

Long black leggings that wore to her knees and small black boots. The clothing looked different that is because this is a academy and the only difference is the night class uniform was white instead of navy blue. Therefore no mix ups. No mistakes of a night class being with unless they sneak in. The head master for the school had adopted Yuki since little. 

"I know that! Jeez stop reminding me...besides he not my crush." At least...not anymore after seeing him drink the blood from another. That's right. They were vampires the entire night class. This has been a secret but, the girls make it more lively around here. If only they knew...
Once the night class walked by, all the day class girls had walked to their dorms for the night. Leaving the two Zero and Yuki on duty for the night. It was a tough job but, the two had been comfortable and only knew their secret. 

"Another headache thanks to those humans.." A orange spiky head male had been walking after the leader. His name was Kain Akatsuki. He was a dull fellow well, mostly had no cheerful spirit like Aido. "You need to live life! At least I got to make a girl faint today." The cheerful male would jump for joy when a tall female standing next to Kain shook her head. "What was that, Ruka?! I couldn't see your ugly face." Letting out a deep sigh, "It be waste my time to tell a idiot like you." 

The nightclass walked toward the building they be in for the night. Their tastes had been into a tablet which was in a cup. It did keep their thirst at bay for a while. "Good evening, night class. Let us rejoice for we can relax for now." The teacher had looked at all of them with a warm smile. "Now Aido, you won't cause me trouble will you?" The blonde male looked around to see everyone laugh. "No sir. Not that I would!" His arms crossed against the male chest, he turned his head toward the window.

The class ended with another lesson about them. Every night it go darker with learning of the first vampire. Aido had rather interest with human girls. Knowing he could not. It make them have a lesh on but he liked this peace. 

"You actually listened that is rare." Ruka stood by Aido who ignored her. He could not stand Ruka who thought she was all that. It pissed him off deep down he wished to end her life. She was wasteful here. Although deep down he was glad she cared. "Looks like you noticed, eh?" The male would smile at Ruka who looked away. "Not that I was watching! You usually goof off. Something is wrong isn't it? It because of Yuki you can't have her bloo---" Kaname gave Ruka a glare which made her silence. 

Aido sat still when Kaname walked down the stairs which where their seats were. "Idiot!" Aido had smacked Ruka with a book when seeing she noticed something. "Ruka?" Kain stopped when he also noticed it. A body laid in the courtyard which they noticed Kaname had stopped to walk over to them. 

"K-Kaname do you think..." He moved to go outside when seeing the girl had moved just barely. Her wounds seemed bad and that was when his hands reached down. The vampires watched inside seeing he disappeared once again. 

"I do hope no vampire done this!" Ruka glared outside knowing that was not Yuki. Who could of done it? Kain had grabbed Ruka's shoulder. "Ruka don't worry. I am sure Kaname will take care of it with the head master." Aido left the room after Kaname when he had followed. Hearing that Kaname had told headmaster Kaien Cross. 

"Where was she found?" Kaien had a worried look upon his face of burying this girl. She looked human and to Kaname he told him she was a human girl. The wounds looked like claws against her wounds. "I will find out who done this, Kaien." Kaien nods his head when he saw the doors opened. "Aido, I told you to return to your room. Do you not follow orders..?" Kaien raised a hand, "Kaname it is fine." 

Yuki noticied a light coming from the headmaster's room. "Zero look!" They both looked at each other then moved inside. Rushing inside the brunette female saw that the girl had been in Kaname arms. "Yuki..." Kaname eyes looked at Yuki who was horrified. "D-Di---" Kaien stood up with moving over to Yuki. "She was hurt by someone. We do not know who." He clarified to Yuki before seeing tears down her cheeks. Zero grabbed Yuki's arm, "We can't do anything but wait and hope she lives through it" 

The monsters were vampires...she knew that and yet, found out harshly by that night. It was when visiting Kaname and seeing that. She avoided him with all her might. Even now she wondered if he had done it. For food. If he had, she would be changed. A pure blood vampire can change just instantly by a bite. 

Both of them walked out of the room to end their duties for now. Protectors of the night for humans. Even though Zero was one of them. She still will protect anyone and wished she could have. 
"Don't blame yourself, Yuki." A calm voice came out from Zero who tried to comfort her. "How can I?! I am suppose to be on watch and...and!" Both her hands grabbed part of her hair, each hand grabbed Yuki's wrist. "CALM DOWN, Yuki! Stop blaming yourself over everything. We all are sadden by this but... we will save her." Zero face inches away from Yuki when he removed his hands from hers. Moving his legs further ahead, hearing footsteps after him to be Yuki. "Sorry Zero! You're right about that. I shouldn't blame myself I just...feel bad for her." 

Kaname moved the girl to the nursery room where she would lay. Days turned without much news. Many students would pay their respects with watching over her and leaving notes for this random girl. Months went by where it had been near winter. Almost a year had passed for her. Many had been sadden but, the next came when that day. 

It was new years eve. A new year and it was the day everything had changed. They didn't know what to do but find out what would befall their peaceful days.

"Headmaster Kaien!" A female nurse ran in the room when she warned him. He had seen Kaname had been inside the room as well. Both of them moved out of the room quickly when the night class had begun only they felt it. Felt a sudden wind was blowing, like a new day, a fresh start only started.
"Has she said anything?" Walking down the hallway where they all looked worried. What would she say? Would she tell them everything? 

The nurse saw the female had got out of bed only to stand by the window. Looking like a petite doll, with long curly blonde hair. Her eyes blue as the skies. When a clear day with the sun. Her clothing had been changed to a soft white dress. It was soft with a silky feeling. "Oh dear! Sweetie you shouldn't be out of bed af---" The girl looked at the three adults who walked in. Kaname had seen she looked fine from head to toe. "Ms. Emily, you may leave she is fine." A hand softly touched Emily shoulder when seeing she nods her head. "Y-Yes, I will leave her to you Headmaster." Walking down the hallway the female had been worried. She smiled happily glad the girl lived through it. 

"Sweetie, are you able to sit down?" Kaien had offered some chocolate and tea upon the tray that was next to her. It was new. Fresh made for when he awoke. The petite teenager turned to the two adults. "I-I...don't remember." The girl walked over to the tray with a warm smile. "I love sweets! Thank you, both of you. I-I...can't remember but you had saved me right?" Both of them looked at each other before the other black haired male whispered to Kaien. "I see she is in no danger, however I can leave one of my people after her. The attack must of been a monster." 

Kaien nodded his head when he moved inside with letting the other go back to class. "We did find you but, you had deep wounds." He had taken a seat on the chair, seeing the girl took a seat on the bed. "I was? Oh...all I remember is my first name b-but nothing else. Everything is...is..." His hand softly touched the girl shoulder. "Do not push yourself too hard. We will care for you till you remember." A rubbing motion on her right shoulder was gentle. 

"T-Thank you kind sir. I am sorry to send your friend away.." His head shook with a concerned look. "You didn't. This place is a school. A school for well, I should tell you that whoever attacked you won't here." When the same male that left came back with another. It was another male. "Why did you bring me, Kaname? I was loving my sleep and..." His lips stopped moving when he watched the human girl shove chocolate cookies down her mouth. 

"You must watch over her, Aido. No funny business alright? Just a body guard and that is it." Aido eyes sparkled with joy when he felt his shoulders were grabbed with Kaname stabbing his nails in him. "A-A-Alright! I got it." The female smiled warmly at both of them. "Will that be alright, um...what would your name be?" Kaien had returned a cheerful smile. 

"My name..." The girl raised a hand to near her flat chest. Breathing in slowly with her British accent being heard. "My name is Isabelle. T-That is all I remember." The male vampire stared at Aido who had looked down. "Well, Isabelle you may need a bath. Aido will take you to the private bathroom where you can use it all you like." 

"O-O-Ow! Alright, Kaname please stop stabbing my shoulder." He saw the girl concern with seeing she walked over. "Oh, no! I am fine. Really!" A low sigh left his lips when he looked at Kaien. "Let me know if he steps out of line." Kaien had nodded his head with laughing happily, "I will! Now go, go. Aido well, let's go." 

Isabelle saw Aido looked fine even no wounds from the stabbing he said. Seeing the two boys walked forward when Kaien nod his head back. "Oh!" Aido moved beside Isabelle when he looked away. His cheeks looked bright red. Like a fever or had he been embarrassed. "No need to be shy!" Isabelle teased Aido with a kind smile. "I don't bite." Kaien had looked back at Aido, seeing he had whispered the words. 'But I do.' 

"Aido, do I have to get Kaname?" That instant he was freaking out over just that word. Isabelle didn't understand but, right now she wasn't afriad. These people saved her and somehow she feels empty almost lost. Would these people be able to cure her? What will happen? Right now the bath sounded great. 

It sounded like her voice finally could be heard... a voice that been calling for a very long time since the incident that was missing in pieces. A missing puzzle... can it be found?

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