Monday, July 31, 2017

Sparkling Moon || Chapter 1 - A New Adventure

Chapter 1 || A New Adventure  

A summer hot day roasted the young adult.  Driving her RV into the camp ground. The hot heat from the sun causes Ayaka's face to look upset. "So hot~" Her mouth shapes funny when she turned the key in her RV to shut it off in her spot. 

"I better get my shade tent up." Suddenly her body froze; with her opening the door to see two elderly people about to knock. 

"My, my all by yourself. We apologize it we frightened you." One was a female, her facial was kind with a short curly grey hair. The other has little hair on his head, part of the top of his head is bald. 

Ayaka's  pink wavy hair went down to her waist, having a white tank top, her shoulder parts were puffy, for the skirt it has three other layers ,with ruffles underneath. On her legs had white leg stockings, in the stockings had ruffles at the top. For the design it had polka dots.

"Oh, yes! I wanted to explore your state. I came from Paris. I was born there but, I am Japanese. I learned English I hope I can speak it well." Her hands raised to her chest, hearing both the coupe laugh. 

Suddenly Ayaka panicked. "Oh No! D-Did I speak it wrong?!" Their laughter continued when both of them offered her a bag of cookies. "No, sweetie you spoke our language with 100% knowledge." Their kindness made Ayaka smile.

"Thank you! I shall cherish these but... I need to make you something in return." They both shook their heads. "Please do not feel bad. Come see us tonight for the campfire we will have some fish cooked, of course we can also ask others to join." 

Ayaka felt relived people welcomed her. This was a rent for all season camp. So... that's what she will do. "Alright, I will come by tonight. Oh... where are you staying?" She asked, seeing they were across from her. 

"See you later! Oh, what is your name?" They both were do kind and forgot to introduce themselves. "Oh, dear forgive us." They smile softly, looking at Ayaka. "My name is April and my name is Matt." They both shook Ayaka's hand. 

"My name is Ayaka Nashiko. You may call me Ayaka." The two elderly wave before leaving back to their RV. 

"I should go for a walk." Her eyes sparkle with joy.  Grabbing her keys and moving out of the RV. Locking the door, seeing a trail her legs moved to take a walk. 

Five minutes passed with her looking around. The trail lead up hill then down hill. Her legs felt weak, walking to sit down on the bench. "This hike is so hard!" Ayaka yelled when she noticed the sun has gone down. 

The air around the trail gone down. Her arms crossed around her body trying to keep warm. "I-I should have gone..." She paused seeing a white fur. It was large; the animal turned slowly,  two teal eyes watched her. Ayaka pulled out her phone with being curious.

"A pretty." Her eyes sparkle with shining from the moon light. Slowly walking up to the wolf, he stayed still but was cautious. He knew she was scared. His eyes look at her seeing she was cold. 

The wolf felt shock; his body moved to rub against Ayaka who was shaking. The girl leaned against his body, seeing her body fell forward and he tried to catch her. Only last she remembered is a sudden catch and she fainted. 

A lot of voices whispered, two eye lids slowly open ground a boy,  no a male in her care by her RV. "Finally you're awake." His long white hair fell from his shoulders, he had teal eyes that were looking at her.

"Ah! I saw a wolf and..." Her two pink eyes look sad, sitting up when she saw he had white eolg ears and a fluffy, large white tail. "Eek!" 

Ayaka got up then she unlocked the door, grabbing the male to run inside her RV with the boy then she closed the door. "W-what are you thinking?! P-People could have...wait!" Her body was dizzy. "A-A tail and ears.  Do you cosplay?"

"I am a wolf! You humans are so weird!!!" He yelled in anger, his ears would twitch and then his tail furiously moved back and forth. 

Ayaka bowed her head hoping he forgive her. " saved Me? Why?" Standing on her two legs the boy didn't know why either. 

Deep down he felt worried. Why? She like any other human but what surprised him is....

His memory recall of her calling him pretty  so his cheeks shade dark crimson. "What is your name?" He asked wanting to not insult her. He had no manners. A lady as he didn't seem like her RV had any guns. 

"My name is Ayaka.  What is your name?" She saw he was blushing but thought he needed fresh air. "Do you want me to open a window?" 

"My name is Toshihiro and no. I-I...just thought your skirt reminded me of a cupcake or a bubble gum head." Her cheeks puff out when she heard he started to laugh. 

His laughter had calmed her down. "I am sorry... y-you're funny! Haha." He laughs again, the male long hair kept getting in his face so he growled. 

The growl was low but, moving over toward her bag. Inside has scissors and a comb. "If you allow me..I can cut your hair." Ayaka looked calm but seeing Toshihiro teal eyes look troubled. 

"Fine...this once I will let you!" He gave the okay. Her eyes sparkle with happiness. "Thank you! Um..." Toshihiro let out a sigh when he sat on the bed. "Toshihiro... did you forget my name already?" He glared at Ayaka who just laughed and he moved his tail a little. 

"Sorry, sorry!" Her head would bow, walking over to Toshihiro who turned his back to her. Studying in hair cutting, her knowledge was known as the best. Not that she wants to show off. 

"Alright, Toshihiro how would you like your hair cut?" Her head titled to the right, hearing him growl again. "I have to decide?" Ayaka head nod twice, her hands running through his long hair. A wolf who changes to a human. 

Such a interesting creature! Ayaka hopes he been fed and taken care of. Him staying hidden here is curious. 

"Alright, just make it short. I can handle that." He spoke with kindness but, his tone was saying don't mess it up. 

Nodding her head the pink haired girl raised her fists up. "I'll do my best!" Using her fingers she measured the length. Toshihiro cheeks shade dark red he felt weird around Ayaka. All the other humans were nothing. They put him to sleep. 

Why Her? She is a human...

After a while, the hair fell on the floor until he felt light. So much hair grew with no way to cut it. Ayaka finished the hair to have his hair fixed to be doing but, stylish. 

"All done~ 🌸"

The male wolf would feel his hair was lifted like a feather. "T-Thank you.." He heard a knock on the door of the RV. 

"Ayaka!" Fear was in April's voice of her end up "missing." Ayaka walkrd to the door, once it eas opened,  she saw April with a park ranger. 

"Miss, are you alright?" April heard the ranger ask. Ayaka forgot she was to meet up with the two couples. "I-I am sorry! I got lost on the trail and a kind gentle man saved me. He brought me back and helped me." Ayaka knew what Toshihiro is but, she won't tell them. A wolf changing to a human? That cause her a trip to the insane house. 

"I am glad you saved her sir. We had reports of people going missing. It is rare.." Toshihiro knew why they are gone missing. He couldn't say. "I did what anyone would do. She was freezing." 

The two couple felt calm now. "We will leave now. Be careful." The two couple wanted to invite Ayaka and the boy. Toshihiro didn't see any harm. This time he had a bad feeling this couple led people to their death but he be by Ayaka side. "Sure, I will go." Ayaka was surprised by his words. "Ah, um, I will go too!" 

The two elderly smiled when they said goodbye and left. Closing the door Ayaka locked the door. "Gone missing... that's scary!" 

Toshihiro was now serious. "Don't go on that trail. Not without me, okay?" He saw Ayaka did not argue. Instead she asked...

"What really happened when they go missing?" Toshihiro eyes went soft. "They die. I knew because I saw they were like me
" He crossed his arms when Ayaka saw his ears and tail were back out. 
"I-I...didn't they..." He suddenly embraced Ayaka feeling sad for her. He didn't understand why. Did he feel her sadness?

"Let's just have fun tonight. I will be at your side never leave my side!" He spoke so seriously and his eyes were calm. 

"I won't.  I feel those two are.." He raised his hand when he smiles. "No. They are human
 Perhaps they have no idea wolves hide and take the humans. We can escape easily."

Ayaka knew he can smell his own kind. "Then, I will stay with you!" Her smile returned which made him smile. He felt relived Ayaka was smiling. Her smile glows in the room it made him want to stay by her side. He loved to stay no matter what!

Later that night they both got ready and she did go ask if someone has spare clothes. No one did so she went to get some at a gift shop but Toshihiro growled so she left to find some he did like. 

A black leather jacket with a dark teal shirt, and black leather pants in which the scarf she found was blue a dark blue. The boots were leather with clips on the side that had a small piece that had a button to push in. 

Ayaka came to wear a white dress with stripes on her skirt design. Polka dots were on her skirt in pink, blue, and red. Her skirt was out and wavy. The legs stocking were white and had lace on her skirt as a design. 

"You always have the weirdest clothes.." He had a tear drop near the side of his head. "It is my style. My cute style!" She would pose when he looked away blushing. 

"Come on, let's go." Toshihiro said with taking Ayaka in his hand. The male wolf had found a liking in Ayaka. He didn't realize how far he loved her.


When they arrived a group of couples was shown. Toshihiro saw some one he hated. Remembering that face of a freak. He smelled it. A wolf the whole group but the elderly were...wolves in disguise. 

The whole place was cheerful and cooking food. Anyone fall victim but Toshihiro wrapped his arm around Ayaka bringing her close. He saw more couples showed up. He lied to Ayaka about the elders because he wanted her to smile. He loves her smile...he wants her to smile more. 

They were planning to kidnap and eat. Not Ayaka! She is not going to die. He was glad she didn't go. Her being lost sabes her life. Ayaka whole face is dark pink from being close 

Did he smell other wolves? Toshihiro told her to stay but once the boy approached. Toshihiro whispered. 

"Stay by my side. They... plan a missing
 To eat one of these humans." He said this when feeling Ayaka grab his shirt. 

This girl will not die... I could care less about these other fools. She will not die! 

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