Sunday, June 30, 2013

Riches 'N Heaven || Chapter 1 - The New World

The calm waters would hit the shore from moving back and forth in a repeated cycle. The same ocean would hit my feet where I stood watching out in the horizon with my two violet eyes. The world was not open to me as I had not many privilege to go outside of my castle where I lived. My eyes searched beyond the sea to think of many fantasies that could come true. Only to know that not many things are real or so my Father says. A child at my age would wish to search for more---something to bring happiness to them. It was this day I found out that many things are worth searching for.

“Mommy, I am going out to play!” My voice called out from my room throughout the castle in Japan where I had lived with my two parents. “Be careful dear!” My Mother would call out with her blanket she was sewing for my baby brother. She was 8 weeks pregnant from having a new child. The blanket she been working on was a light green color with a colored blocks on it. The design had two different colors, a blue and green which had a dark blue patch in the middle where the blocks will fit. She had done it double for warmth when winter would come. My Father had a meeting once again over many of our people having a disease that could kill. It was how my sisters and brothers lost their lives so early. It really was tragic that we had no cure for such a thing. Only cure was rest with doctor’s visiting in telling them that they will not make it or they must have the will to survive. I on the other hand never got attacked with this. It was sad to see my siblings die one, after the other. I only hoped my baby brother will last longer. 

“Do not stay out too late, okay?” The woman with long black hair would speak with her violet eyes watching mine closely. Her violet yukata would have pink butterflies as the design. They were made by the finest silk due to our royalty being quite known around Tokyo in Japan. Many loved my Mother for her kindness toward the people she ruled over. Not many had a kind heart like she did. I was told that we look alike in sense that I too, will become a great Queen over my land. It was too soon for me to have such thoughts. Only five all I thought about was playing near the ocean and day dreaming of sailing the seas. Most people called me weird or strange to think sailing would be a great idea. I did not understand what they were telling me. It was just not in my taste to understand at this age---as of now I only wish to explore.

“Your Daughter is so young and yet so naïve.” One lady from the East her name was Mika Higurashi who only loved to make pots for our land. “I do not think she is naïve. She loves to explore at this age you can’t expect her to want to just be Queen. It isn’t like her to be mature yet.” Hana would rub her stomach where the small child was resting. “Still Hana-chan, you should teach her more about being a Princess.” Hana laughed with Mika who was serious all the time to only care about royalty with their heir. It is true that Alice was the only one to fulfill their heir with a chosen male from around them. She knew that this wasn’t what she planned for her children. Love can happen anytime which she did not hope that her family would have to be forced. Her Husband wished their heir to continue on even after he has passed. “I know… it saddens me to force this upon her when she is young. To be married early would break my heart if she didn’t love this male.” Mika lightly would grab Hana’s hands gently. “Please do not feel sad for her. This is great! She will love my son. They both can continue our heir to the throne. He wants to meet her!” Hana raised her eyebrow to Mika introducing they had a son. It was also that she heard many things that they are strict with their children. Hana did not like to keep her child on a leash. She was not some dog to keep track of though she feared someone could take her daughter. Perhaps a knight to follow just in case things happened. “You do? Well, we could call a meeting when they are a lot younger around ten?” Mika laughed softly patting her friend’s hand. “Why, that would be a great idea!” She smiled at her friend with happiness that she saw it her way. However, something would stop her plan that wasn’t under her control. 

The weeks passed as Alice grew up at the age eight she found a few seashells which Hana told her to not get lost. “Momma, do not worry! I am careful… everything so peaceful here.” Hana knew that her worrying was quite annoying, but her daughter must know that she is the only heir that can keep their family strong. “You do not realize that you are important. Alice… you are the only heir which I wish to not put this importance but you are the next heir who will be engaged to a male from the East.” Two violent orbs would widen at her Mother’s words. “M-Marriage…? Why do I have to get married so soon?” She stood at her Mother’s side with a look of worry. “I rather marry someone I love! Not some guy I never met and never will know.” Hana let out a sigh from her lips. “Alice… you must understand that I do not wish this to happen, but we can’t have this unspoken. You have to do this for our family.” A frown would appear on her face over her Mother’s words. “At least meet him. I do not want this forced upon you, but your Father needs a heir and the male from the East be good. You can have the time till you are twenty to know him.” 

I had no control over my life since I was born or so I thought I could… It wasn’t that I hate males it just wasn’t fair. To be forced; forced into someone you do not know. I hate this! I do not wish to be married to some weirdo. Not in the least. My Mother knew how painful, yet someone probably told her it be best. Probably that lady who she always sees every weekend and it is the weekend now. She has to tell her off. Mika arrived without her son once again wearing that elegant dress a gift from the England. It made her sick to get married; however she wasn’t going to let her win this fight. Alice sat on her chair in the dining room with her Father and Mother. Mika was invited with them having plates placed in front of each person. “It is good to see you joined us, Alice.” Mika would calmly greet the female with her warm smiles. Behind that smile Alice knew she was just sucking up to her. With a nod, my eyes would shift down toward the food not wanting to even give her eye contact. “Alice, say hello to Mika!” She would raise her tone toward how rude she was acting. Alice head would shift up just a bit, her eyes moved off to the right to see Mika was having a bit too much of make-up. “H-Hello…” Alice would whisper softly acting like she was very shy. She did not like Mika one bit so, perhaps she can show that she act shy in reality she wished the lady just leave. “Why do I have to marry your Son? I mean, what does he feel? Is he happy?” Alice couldn’t take it no more---so with questions she would ask.

“Alice!” Mika waved her hand in front of her finding her curiosity a cute mature thing to know. “He wants to meet you. We are planning a party when you reach ten years old. Alice Kazuki this is an important life for you to help your heir and also my own. I am sure you know that is quite responsibility. The violet eyes would fill with sorrow with her life being cut in half to marry some guy she doesn’t know. “I see…well, I will meet him.” Hana would smile at her daughter behaving so well. She had thought of her putting up a attitude that would scare Mika away. “Thank goodness your daughter knows what she has to do. I was afraid she refuses him. Yosuke is quite happy in meeting her, in fact he is hoping tomorrow. Would that be fine for him to visit?” Her fists would be clenching at her side without them talking to her about this at all. Didn’t her life have a free choice? Why did she have to be forced? Why, why, why?! This wasn’t fair. “NO! I do not want this. I don’t! It isn’t fair for me…I hope he finds a suitable wife because I don’t like him!” Alice threw her napkin on the food she finished. “Alice! Get back here. ALICE!” It was too late for Alice left the room with her feet stomping. Her yukata was quite hard to travel in, but she just wanted to leave this place. Only problem she had no choice but to stay. If only she had some transport to go. Somewhere…she had wished to free herself. Why did this have to happen? Why?!

Her Mother called out for her from the house though Alice already left outside to avoid her Mother. Why is she agreeing to this woman? It isn’t like her Mother to push this onward. “Momma…why?” Tears would leak out from her violet eyes with fear of meeting him. What if he just tried to force himself onto her. She was only eight for god sakes! Her feet would gently press into the sand where she found her favorite spot. It was her spot she always loved---the ocean. It was peaceful with the waves colliding with the ground. “I wish ocean you could take me far away…how I wish you could.” Her hands would press against her chest feeling more tears leak out. “My Mother doesn’t understand…my Father doesn’t either! I am all alone with this, how I wish to find something else. A boat, a carriage! Anything away from here. I run away if I could get away from this life. This hopeless life I do not want.” Alice continued to pray for the guards would be searching for her even more so. It was then she noticed something coming from the horizon. A brown boat with someone inside of it. 

Wait…is that a boy?! Alice saw the boat hit the sand which had a boy inside with some cover on top that was hammered with a few holes so he could breathe. I would be afraid to be sealed up inside where I could not even move. I had no tools to open this so I found a seesaw that could at least open so the boy unless he had died. That sank my heart in the least not knowing if boy or girl---at least some adventure for a bit away from my life. Grabbing the object, I began to move it sideways on the wood hearing a strange sound from the people near the castle. Guards would call out my name---with hopes I come running to them scared over what I was about to find out. Little did they know I wish to never be found. Never again!

A few more cuts there it open to a small boy about my age that had his hands folded on top of his chest. His hair was silver a bit wet from the water or rain at least. Inside the boat I noticed a few crackers were taken for him to eat during his journey. It was this one necklace that looked to shape as a skull with the word ‘pirate’ on it. On the back it had said ‘Hitsugaya’ The rest I could not figure out from it being scratched out. Why would they scratch it out? I had no idea who this boy was or what his name was. Inside my shirt I place the necklace which was inside of my bra afraid they kill him. Not many take his kind likely. He must of came from some island that was north. But from where? I had to help this boy and return to my disgusting home. “I will save you.” My words would whisper when the boy grabbed my wrist to stop me from even touching him. His eyelids would open showing a teal color. His skin was white as snow from lack of food or his color was like that. The boy kept his grip on my wrist while he sat up slowly with his clothes being dressed from a different era. He had a long sleeve shirt; a brown vest would be on top of his shirt with buttons on the bottom of the vest. Pants were tanish with white socks. He had no shoes from the looks of it. He looked very young around seven or eight from what I could tell. 

The boy did not speak only moved so he could get a closer look on how I dressed. He noticed the castle was tall from the back view. Water would hit the boat which he found quite nice to enjoy the view. “Alice! Alice, where are you?” The voices would seem to be coming closer. He had thought of asking this girl questions where he was and why he ended up here. He did not remember much which was quite a problem. He knew his name, but the last name wasn’t known to him. The boy would pull on the girl’s hand to go deeper into the forest. Why had he held onto this girl? She seemed to want to save him which her last words were ‘I will save you’ Why did she want to…? A stranger? He have to get away from the voices to ask her in private who she was. The two were on a new journey to escape who was after her. All he knew was her name was Alice… in his eyes he found that she was some idiot girl who didn’t need to stick her nose in his business. He needed her to tell her where to go from here or take her with him. Only problem his boat probably not fit two people. So perhaps he should remain here if only he hope they wouldn’t kill him.

This boy was mysterious pulling me into the forest where I often play in to avoid finding my parents I did not think I could survive without a home. Neither did this boy with his crackers and now the boat arriving they may think he stealing the Princess. The journey was beginning which made my heart beat faster with each step we took into the forest. I did not know where this take me. The only thing I had on my mind was would we escape this place together?

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