Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Fruit Of Life || Chapter 1 - Dead Meets Living

The sakura blossom fell from the sky right outside the window where I sat in my school chair thinking about what to do after school gets out. Only a few more months which I felt it was forever since we started in the fall. My parents always traveled so I was alone at my house with no one else. I did wish to have a friend like most stories you read that the main character has a friend. I was the one that didn’t…or perhaps I didn’t yet. Perhaps my story be written out for me wh---

SMACK! I would open up my eyes wide feeling a slight pain on my head by a teacher who glared at me. “Sleeping in class again, Miss Haku?” The teacher had on small black glasses with her long brown hair. Her outfit had a long sleeve white shirt with black pants to go with it. The teacher was quite sassy with her students which I did not want to get involved with that. “Always sleeping when I was about to introduce the new student. Pay attention!” Everyone in the class giggled like little girly girls which did made me feel embarrassed. 

The boy in front looked quite pale which made his eyes stand out right in front of everyone. Girls were silent in class watching him closely with their eyes in a trance. My eyes would shift away from him feeling a bit nervous inside of my chest. The desk I sat at was in the back which my heart continued to beat if he took the desk right next to mine. I be sitting to the new transfer student! N-No! I can’t even think of talking to him. Besides everyone here thinks of me as the clumsy oaf. Who want to be friends with that? A sigh left my lips while my blue eyes shifted up to the boy who was about to introduce himself. “The name is Toshiro Hitsugaya. Pleasure to meet you.” He said it in a cold tone that made others feel a bit gloomy. His voice was deep with a slight annoyance inside his voice. “Y-You may sit in the seat in the back next to Bri. The sleeping beauty over there who always sleeps in my class.”

My heart skipped a beat when she mentioned me out in front of everyone which the girls gave me those glares. It wasn’t my fault if the desk next to me was empty. H-He could always ask the teacher to switch if he needed to. Toshiro walked at a slow pace in slow motion it seemed to take forever. He reached my desk with his bag on top of his shoulder lightly with his eyes looking down at where he was going. When he sat down there was whispering going on in the class about the boy. He whispered softly only so I could hear. “Stupid giggling girls make me want to barf.” The boy eyes filled with no emotion when he sat in his desk. I was afraid to even talk to him after that when I heard those words—it made me want to back away from him, even not say a word. The good thing was he probably wasn’t talking to me just out in the open not caring who heard and who heart he hurt. He seemed so cold…I did wonder if every guy is like him. 

“Haaaaku!” A boy called my name to catch my attention right in the cafeteria where I was being spacy yet again. He had short brown hair that would hit at his neck in length. “Want to go to my car and have long lasting se---“ A woman hit the boy on the head with her tray. “You sick pig!” This girl name was Sango who I met this Fall. She was very kind to me when bullies came to pick on me. It was a scene I never will forget that day when I met her… 

“Hey blondey where is your sheep? Did they run away?” The group of boys surrounded me with their smirks looking evil. They had plans for me so I thought but the only plan was to beat me up. Knowing I wouldn’t fight back and they enjoyed giving me pain. “So, how about you do our homework then?” A hand would punch right beside my head. I jumped slightly feeling cornered by these males. Why….? Why did it have to be like this? Two wet tears fell down my cheeks when I tried to think inside my mind. If I say no…would they punch me? “I…I…” One guy flew backwards when he met the girl punch. “Who says you guys can pick on such a sweet girl?” 

The brown haired woman glared at each of them knowing they heard about her. “Since when can a girl punch? I thought they were all weak and fragile. Just like this one…” His hand raised up toward my hair slowly in touching me. The second guy slammed right into the lockers with just her foot colliding into his back. “Care to touch her again?” Her brown eyes glared at the leader in which made him jump a bit. “Bitch…I will touch whoever the fuck I want.” He was about to touch her when Sango’s hand grabbed his arm in a tight grip. “The only thing you be touching is the ground!” She turned his arm hearing he begged for his life. “S-Stop! I-I am sorry!” His eyes opened up in surprise. “Too late.” She twisted his arm which caused him to have it be broken. 

The female named Sango never gave up on protecting who she wishes. We became friends after that or those men never bothered me again even when I was alone. She did not come alone in fact her friends were there with her. I had met them each day with having them in different classes. They all were nice to me even protected me when those guys tried to attack me for what Sango did. Sango knew their kind would attack when I was alone. It didn’t matter what class I was in or if I walked home. They always were with me. My friends…I loved and cherished them ever since I met Sango that faithful day.

The male stood up straight being unharmed after the attack he just received. “Aw, Sango my babe. You don’t need to be jealous it just a simple act of love.” Sango narrowed her eyes at the male. “Miroku…anything about you is not simple. I can guarantee that.” Her bottom took a seat on the left side where her boyfriend Miroku would sit and two others who I have met thanks to Sango for introducing me. 

The white haired male sat at the table with his hair in a ponytail. His clothing had on the boy school uniform which it was spring this year. They had on a white, t-shirt that went down to the length of the pants, unless they tucked it in. A yellow vest was covering the top of the shirt, and grey long pants for the bottom to wear. “What is this crap?” The male would glare at his food that was made for him by his girlfriend which sat next to him on the right side. The girl sitting next to him had black hair down to the middle of her back, on top of her head was a red headband which she had on the girl school uniform which we had skirts instead of pants. The thing about skirts is that Miroku was a big time pervert in trying to look up every girl skirt. He tried with mine but to his luck that I wore black leg stockings. The white shirt had short sleeves with a yellow vest covering the top without covering the red bow that tied the top together, the skirt was grey and short depending on the size the females wanted it. Some of the girls here would have the skirt so short it shows their panties. Those girls we called were whores or sluts that are in the cheer leading squad. None of us girls joined that knowing it was not worth it. 

A tray would place right next to mine which I sat on the horizontal side from the two couples which sat vertical way. Her long black hair would mimic the girl who name was not spoken yet. “Kagome…I wouldn’t bother with him since he always is grumpy about what he eats.” She used her chopsticks down to her rice which was packed neatly in her bento. Kagome eyes would shift over to Kikyo which she tends to appear at the right moment. Kikyo was top of the class in exceling at her club the archery. The female was the most beautiful woman in Karakura Academy. Many guys asked her out on the date which she declined them having no time for a boyfriend. 

“Kikyo…I thought you were on my side.” The male with white hair would grumble softly. He looked at his food seeing rice like hers but his looked more burnt. “How can anyone eat his crap?!” Kagome fingers would tap on the table hearing his insults toward her cooking. “Inu…yasha!” A red aura would appear around Kagome body which put Inuyasha in the whining stage. “I never recall being on your side. I only speak the truth in which you should be thankful she even cooks for you.” Her white silky napkin would press against her lips gently. Watching the scene before me made it seem like all the bad things in my life never really happened. Even though I was glad Sango saved me that day to bring my life into the light where I was facing the darkness. 

“Bri-chan…I heard that a new student came into your class. He seemed to be a bit odd to everyone else even a snob.” Kikyo was the head master’s daughter which she heard every student that comes here and learns all about them. “Y-Yes…he is new but I wouldn’t say a snob. Maybe just not open toward other students here…” Kikyo eyes would close for a moment feeling something was off about him. She thought to not warn Bri knowing it would scare her or perhaps he just isn’t a tanned person. “He looks like a dead person to me.” Inuyasha glared at Kikyo who also was white. “Like you should talk!” Kagome and Kikyo eyes both glared at Inuyasha who continued to hide under the table.

When Toshiro entered the room there was squealing girls running up to him. He just closed his eyes with his hands inside his pockets. Waiting for all the girls to finish so he could do what he came here for. “So, what was your past like?” One girl would ask with her cheeks bright as a cherry. “And…are you seeing anyone?” The girl questions kept bomb barding the boy which he had no time to answer. Toshiro eyes would glare at the girls who backed off a bit. A few still answered which he let out a sigh. “I don’t have time to spend with you girls. Go study at least pass instead of offering your body like food.” He pushed past the girls in walking over toward my table. “Haku….was that your name?”  My whole body froze hearing he speak to me after earlier today in class. He sounded cold almost scary to me. Sango narrowed her eyes at Toshiro who came to talk to her. Why would the new student require to see her? The student council president would be wise to see instead of Bri who is nothing like that. 

My throat would swallow just before turning my body off the seat so I could face him properly. “Ah, yes…I-I am the one you looking for.” My voice was soft with a slight fear that he comes to pick on me like the other bullies do. It made me curious why he came to see me. Toshiro lips would shift upward into a smirk which made all the females glare at me except for Kagome and Sango. They could care less about this new student who seemed to have his eyes just on me. 

A slender arm would wrap around my body quickly in pulling me up against his chest. He could smell the scent of strawberries from my hair. “Then I require you to be mine, Miss Haku.” 

W-What…?! What is happening to me? Suddenly he acts all cold then he comes to me saying I am his?! What is going on through his head? How could I be his? I don’t understand this at all. What is worse…the girls in that group where now going to kill me which he probably would allow or why did he suddenly say this? Mother…Father…I don’t understand how this world works. Please…tell me what to do.

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