Sunday, June 30, 2013

Riches 'N Heaven || Chapter 2 - A Runaway Home

Footsteps would run around the area where the guards searched where Alice would go. “No sign of her.” One guard would tell the other with their weapons ready for whoever took her away. The search went on for the remaining of the night from the Queen orders to find her. “We should give up and try again tomorrow.” Their legs were tired from just the run around the forest. 

Hana let out a few tears from what Alice had said. ‘NO! I do not want this…I don’t!’ Her hand would cover on her lips over how far she pushed her. Perhaps she was afraid of meeting that man from what she wanted---to be free from marriage. This life wasn’t easy and now---she lost her daughter. The guards returned with their feet muddy from the rain lately that would still remain on the dirt. “No sign of her, my Queen.” Nodding her head, hands would cover her face afraid of the worst. She had either ran away or didn’t want to be found at this moment. “We will search early in the morning. We will find her!” The female kept a hold of a small blanket she made for her daughter Alice. Mika was wrong! She was so wrong…this force was not something her daughter needed. No… she needed to have fun at the age of nineteen or twenty be enough for her to start marriage. Not at this age. Such a idiot she was to believe it was time. She had said ten and then---she pushes the meeting tomorrow. Now he come and she won’t be here unless she told Mika to never show up again. She hated the fact her Mothering skills wasn’t’ so perfect. 

Alice my daughter, please forgive me, if you can ever do. I want you to come back, come back to where you belong in my arms. I do not wish for you to be married. Your Father will continue to search for you even so, I told him to not force you into marriage till I say so. You deserve at least happiness for a bit longer…please be alive, be well. Come back home to me. Please… 

In the forest there would be trees everywhere I went with this boy who dragged me along. His teal orbs would search the area for anyone of those guards. He could not hear the calling from the castle. It seems whoever that ‘Alice’ was could be this girl who dressed nicely. He stopped just beyond the bushes to notice a tree house that sit nicely on the trees away from the ground. It be perfect for his hiding spot and this girl? He just grabbed her without thinking to just push her away be not bad right? “Who are you?” The boy would ask releasing his hold on the girl with his distance being close. “Are you the girl they searching for?” My thoughts of this boy was mysterious, but he was so curious of who I was when he grabbed me without thinking. What were his motives? “I am…but I do not wish to go back. I do not want to…” 

Raising his eyebrow, he grabbed her wrist once again pulling her toward the tree house. That was enough excuse to not leave her alone in the woods. Obviously something happened that he did not care mostly about. She seemed to be kind if she were to save him. “If that is your answer then I will not force you…” He looked up the ladder to point up to the tree house. “This will be our hide out. Since both of us are homeless, we should camp out here only problem is we have no supplies.” Alice had thought of changing her outfit only problem she had no money. Though being a Princess the guards be all over the market trying to find her. “I could get us something, but I am being searched for right now.” The young boy let out a chuckle from his lips. “You still help me? A stranger who you just found in a boat? You are quite strange…” My body would lean against at oak tree feeling that word did hurt a bit, but I was used to hearing such things. “I know…but you need the help. I can’t stay behind and just run away knowing you needed out.” The truth was Alice did not understand her logic in helping him either. Inside her heart she found that he was lost and confused. The necklace he had was some clue his parents didn’t want him. That made her want to cry over the fact he was tossed aside. 

“Come on! We should get some rest and plan some more. Um…what is your name?” The boy would nod his head for her to climb up the ladder first. Alice grabbed the area above her to climb when she felt her shoe fell down almost hitting the boy. “S-Sorry!” The boy grabbed her shoe seeing the other slip off and he grabbed that one. “It is no problem.” He waited to hear her name knowing she was busy with the ladder afraid she fall off. When Alice reached the top; she noticed this place was familiar with few of her toys. How could she forget about it? Perhaps somehow sneaking in the palace would not be hard at all. The boy climbed up the ladder in no time arriving with his hands inside of the two pockets he had. “Do you know your name? Or are you too shocked to speak?” Alice puffed out her cheeks at his smart attitude. Of course this boy had to have an attitude and the first boy she met in a while. “I have a name! It is Alice Kazuki which you probably know I am a Princess to those searching.” She spoke out loud not afraid if he found that strange a Princess with some random boy.

“I see…well, I figured by the way you dress it is quite new and you don’t look like living in the forest.” The boy would reach down to grab the ladder which neatly would wrap up to the top so no one could reach inside. “Actually, most of my time was spent outside instead of doing what other Princesses would do. Drink tea, play with the dolls. I didn’t find that very fun. It was truly boring, but today I heard that I have to marry some guy I don’t know. He was coming to visit tomorrow….” The young boy continued to listen to her words not wishing to interrupt. Clearly she was under stress over what being forced into. “So, you ran away wanting to find a way to escape?” Alice nod her head at his question, “I did… but sometimes I wonder if it was best. I do not want to be married. I want to have a choice to who I marry and it be someone I love.” Her hands covered her face afraid to look at anyone. “You don’t have to hide your tears in front of me. I do not remember where I came from…but they won’t stop searching. If your parents loved you then they will continue. They won’t stop until you are found.” His voice sounded sad almost like he was in pain over it. “You are lucky, Alice.”  Shaking her head, hands would grasp around her kimono on her chest. “I think…having family is great, but I do not wish to have this life. I haven’t got the chance to ask you something.” She turned her body to face the young boy. “What would that be?” He would pull out a knife that was inside of his right pocket. “What is your name? I like to know so I don’t call you ‘boy’ or ‘child’.”

A soft growl would leave from his lips over her saying ‘child’ and including ‘boy’. “The only name I can remember is my first. I do not remember the last, but I will tell you only if you do something for me.” He would look right outside the window finding a tree with a round object close to it. Her heart began to pound over what he wanted her to do. Grabbing her robes, her eyes would shift to the floor thinking about it. Would he wish her to go back home? She couldn’t do that over a name! This boy needed her help and she would die to protect him. “What is it?” A small smirk would appear on the boy features over her asking. He dropped the knife to move on top of the girl slowly with his hands wrapped around her wrists. “Be my friend forever, Alice. If you promise that, then I will tell you my name. If not, then perhaps I should search your body to see if you are indeed a Princess.” My whole face turned bright red over how fast he moved with me on the ground in a perfect position for him to either kill me or make his move. He was only eight and he already was trying to attack a girl. Are all pirates this perverted? “I promise! I am your friend just…don’t even think of trying anything funny.” 

The young boy laughed softly at how red she got over his little actions. “Oh, did you want me to try? I don’t know if the Princess means it.” He moved his hand away from her left wrist, his finger would trace over her chest slowly hearing little gasp echo from her thin lips. She indeed was beautiful with a small body that remind him of a doll. He had fun just teasing the girl with his finger or words that could be learned from somewhere. “What will you do…?” Alice pushed the boy off of her so he wouldn’t find that necklace. It would bring back painful memories she was sure. “I will show you I mean it mister whitey. I promise and I do not go back on my word. The nerve of you to question me…” She would bit her bottom lip over what this little act she would show him. He was cute, no he was more than cute. The little act he did make her fear he would rip off her clothes and act like the animal he was. Or pirates do act that way with woman don’t they? “Close your eyes.” She would order him with a serious look across her face.

The white haired boy would find this amusing whatever she wanted to show him. He closed his eyes slowly following her orders. “Go on, show me.” He sat still waiting for her to do what she must to prove that friendship was loyal. This made him laugh that she would show it. Indeed she was interesting than most Princesses who just care about their clothing and the way they look. She was different and fun! Alice moved closer to the boy who name she did not know. He was so stubborn to ask her of this when they just met. Small hands would grab his face, her lips would move closer to his lips seeing his eyes opened just when she was about to lean in. Quickly her lips would press against his forehead afraid he grab the knife and kill her now. The boy sat still with his eyes widen by her actions. A kiss? She wanted to prove by a simple kiss? No, it was a kiss on the lips! This Princess was quite sneaky to sneak that in. “Well, I did not think you go to that…am I that cute you already fallen for me?” He was making fun of me! The nerve of him to make me show him how to prove. That wasn’t something, but only way I could show him affection toward what kindness he has shown so far. He has not been cruel or evil even though his teasing was a bit hard to handle. “Shut up! I did what I could…not like I can give a lot in my situation.” 

A soft chuckle would echo in the small space the two of us had. She was interesting…very interesting. He started to feel that she wouldn’t’ let him down. Even if a Princess he had to be careful. She was quite important and if he brings her in, maybe then he be rewarded like most stories of the hero saving the Princess. Only problem is that if he comes they may think he did it. “I am sorry to put you through that. It was for my own entertainment. After all, I needed it after what I gone through to wake up to some unknown home.” Violet orbs would shift down toward the ground thinking what he meant. He must have been scared when he woke up in a small place wondering, waiting to see where he end up. No where but here a strange place he never been to. “You can be my friend…I only trust a little, but if you trick me then I will not hesitate to….” His words were interrupted with her tears falling down on both sides. 

“It is…so sad, so sad, that you have lost such a wonderful home you were born in! I-I can’t imagine how much pain you are going through. So…much!” With my hands near my eyes; I tried to stop the tears but they wouldn’t stop no matter how much I wish for it. Crying wouldn’t bring his parents to him would they? “S-Stop crying for me. Why do you cry? WHY?!” He couldn’t take it if some girl was crying. IT made his heart ache thinking about his Mother. The only image he had of her smiling at him in her rocking chair her husband had made for him. Her long brunette hair that went to her waist. The brown eyes that reminded him of the sweet chocolate. “Just…please stop crying.” He begged the girl who still cried for him. His hand would move toward her eyes in wiping a few tears. “My name is….” He stopped feeling his heart was racing fast with his hand touching her skin. “Toshiki. That is my name, it is Toshiki.” 

The gentle touch from his hand made it feel like our destiny was opening toward us---even if we are alone; he has given me a reason to fight against my family heir. I did not wish to fight against it, but I never wanted to be married to whoever Mika had. She disgusted me to the point I wish to point my blade at her. 

The two sat in silence deciding how to get the food for tomorrow like they were siblings for their whole life. “I have a plan.” Toshiki would whisper softly, his hands would slowly rise up to his chest. “At least better than us going in the city and you getting caught.” Alice would look at Toshiki with a glare on her face. “I would not! Besides what is this plan?” He would stand up seeing that there were a few papers over some drawing of a boat. The writing at the bottom said ‘Alice’ He would smile finding someone quite interesting. If his family did come for him which he doubt it, he at least have to keep her alive and away from whatever or whoever want her dead. Being a Princess he knew of these things. “Now listen to my plan. Do not question or refuse because I find this the best over all, you be safe and that what I care about.” 

His last sentence made my heart warm up by his little words. My whole body would slowly sit up to meet his eyes where he looked serious. “I will listen, Toshiki. It sounds like you are serious. Though you do not have to worry about me.” Toshiki walked over to Alice with his bottom placing on the ground. “I do! You are my best friend and I know being a Princess many would want you dead.” The word he spoke of was harsh, but true from hearing over his family tell the tale of a few fairy tales. “Alice, can you promise that whatever happens we won’t stop being friends?” He would shift his eyes away from hers for a moment. “I really like you. I-I mean as a friend. I feel you are like me in a way trying to find out about the world.” He felt his cheeks turn pink being embarrassed. 

Alice cheeks would turn bright red his little comment. “I-I promise, Toshiki. This plan of yours I will listen and decide for myself what to do.” I would swallow slowly, her lips would press together curious what he thought of. If it meant making sure I was safe and him. I would have to do it. “Alright…please listen and think about it before you get upset. I know it isn’t going to be easy, but it is the best way we can do this.” 

Toshiki would lean closer to me with his lips just inches away from my ear. “I want you to return home when morning comes. This will give me the chance to go into town and find a job, if I can. I at least would have money to get food and even at young age I am sure they allow it.” Alice was about to say something, but his hand would cover over her lips gently. “Let me finish…” He would remove his hand after Alice nod the small head slowly. “I want us to meet at night very late for us to come here. It be risky, but then we still can be safe and you can have your guards. I do not want us to stop our little friendship. This would be the only way I feel safe with you somewhere I know you be.” He removed his lips away to feel his heart was feeling pain. This felt like it was goodbye though he knew it was not. “Princess…I am a stranger here and if they found me with you. Even if I come to say I found you. I do not know they will accept that…thus I must do this.” He would whisper more quietly feeling his whole body was shaking. What was he afraid of? He knew that this was the only way. It had to be!

Slender arms would wrap around Toshiki for being brave. He was only eight yet, he wishes to help me live while he is out there working to survive himself. My Mother would likely accept him in the house if I told the story---well besides the pirate part. He was nothing to be afraid of. I somehow trust his plan to put into action. Even just meeting I felt he was like me just a boy who somehow came to this island. “Toshiki…you are very brave. No need to be scared, I am sure everything be fine as you said, if I go back home then no one would accuse you of being a kidnapper.” I knew he had chosen this knowing the danger that would happen if we had to let go. This would only be the beginning over what would happen. My heart ached just as much his would be right now. Being gone for over a day would worry my Mother. Perhaps she see that I do not wish to be married at least till I am sixteen. If I can request it, then I can see how this male is. For some reason I find Toshiki more like a friend I was happy that things went as they did.

Toshiki remained still while he listened to Alice speak. The marriage she spoke of earlier did bother him a bit. She was forced into things that are bound her control. “That male you are supposed to marry. Do not let him have you.” His words sounded angry almost like he was jealous. “I don’t want to be talking to someone already married.” Alice eyes would blink at his words. “What do you mean, Toshiki? Are you jealous already over me being taken from you?” He bit his bottom lip at her words. She did have a point that he sounded like that. He met her to not be able to trust yet; he did not want her to belong to anyone else. “N-No…! I-I just, I want to not lose you, that is all.” 

I held Toshiki inside of my arms gently with feeling he was afraid. He wanted to have someone at his side and not betray him. I never would think of hurting him or leaving him at all. “You be alright, Toshiki. I will do this because I only wish for our happiness. I-I know it be risky, but if we try together it may work.” Toshiki nod his head leaning into Alice while he felt a bit tired. He laid his head down on my lap feeling tired. “Alice…just don’t leave me before the morning comes. I want to at least send you back in one piece.” He would whisper softly just before passing out where he rested. The very thought over him being alone bothered her---even if he planned this out. She would have to bare through it when morning came, that would mean her journey would end shortly.

A morning light would shine right into Alice eyes when I opened them. Next to me there would be nothing but a few crackers that Toshiki was eating. I heard something rubbing against the ground from him pulling his boat over to the tree house. It was deep in the woods where they wouldn’t search, but they would find us if I continue to be missing. Standing up, I would climb down the ladder to go help him drag it behind a bush. “Thank you, Alice.” He would have a few dirt on his skin. My eyes would scan the sky for anything dangerous to attack from above. That would be childish to play these kind of games especially now that we have to put this plan into motion. “Toshiki…before you go, I want to ask you if tonight you can sneak into my home? I thought maybe to give you a bath.” Toshiki would open his eyes widely to be shocked about this question. “I-I can try. That castle be armed once you come back. Perhaps you should wait a few days before asking me to come. Though how will I know it is your room?” Alice would laugh softly knowing her house by heart knowing she drew a little map. “Up in the tree house I drew a map and circled my room. I am sure you figure it out.” 

The two stared at each other straight in their eyes filled with worries. Worries over if they see each other after this plan. Toshiki moved his arms around Alice tightly. “Just make it back safely. I will come see you tonight. Just promise me you be safe.” He would keep her in his arms for a bit longer. “I promise, Toshiki-kun. Just promise me you will be safe as well. I will be thinking of you even after coming home.” My arms would wrap around him tightly in keeping him close to me. 

Our hearts were connected by a close embrace we hope to keep together. My only fear was to lose him when my Family find out who he really is. I can’t let them. I will not lose my friend. Neither to them, nor to whoever will get in our way. Together we will soar to the future. Whatever holds us, we will continue to find a way so our hands will find each other in hands once again.

We said our goodbyes for now as my legs would walk out of the forest to meet my fate. I am sure my Father and Mother worried I be dead which their heir would be destroyed. I did not wish to be married, but neither did Toshiki who seemed to be over protective of me. Was it because his family is gone? He never will have to worry. I will be his sister for now as our friendship grows even more. When I approached the castle; there guards ran up to me happy to see I was fine. “PRINCESS!” Two guards ran over toward me with smiles on their faces. My lips would form a smile to greet the two guards that came to embrace me tightly. They were happy I was not dead or announced to be dead due to my disappearance. My two feet would walk inside the castle. My home has come back again where I didn’t think I come back to the place that would cause my stress to rise. My Father and Mother be upset how much I made them worry. 

“Alice!” My Mother arms would wrap around my petite body with her tears falling out of her eyes. “Thank GOD! You are safe. I am thankful you are here!” Her arms squeezed me tightly causing my breath to be blocked by her stomach. “M-Mommy…I can’t breathe.” My hand would pat her back which her stomach would press against my cheek. Hana let me go to see her husband ran over to embrace the two of them. “Alice, my sweetie! Where have you been?! We have been searching at least a day.” He shook his head toward his daughter actions. “I do not want you to go out for a few days! I fear we have a kidnapper.” Hana would turn toward her husband. “Be easy on her, she also had us force marriage upon her also, Mika had invited her son to come over after you left. We all were shocked when you did not come back as usual when you are upset.” Alice had forgotten about her son coming over. The words Toshiki were echoing in her head like a repeated record. “I-I am sorry for worrying you both. I just was not ready for marriage yet.” My finger would raise up to my lips over meeting this male whoever it would be. It may take me a while to even love someone. My heart has already been stolen by one person---I hope to see him and hope he is alright. 

I had left my parents to their daily routine which they said a few new servants were coming in to do the weeds. I did not wish to greet them only to find out if Toshiki made it out there alright. Walking through the house, my hand would brush through my hair needing a bath. It was then that I heard a knock on my door. I had a feeling who this be which would make me feel uneasy over meeting him now being a mess. The door would slide open by my hand to see a tall male with brunette hair on top of his head. 

“Greetings Princess, I have come to see you. I do hope now isn’t the wrong time to visit.” The male voice was soft with a goofy smile. His eyes had a brown color that reminded me of chocolate. The first thought I saw was his eyes reminded me of evil inside though he gave that smile and it was hard to not smile back. If this was Mika’s child then I am not worried one bit over Toshiki’s words. He was in fear that I fallen for this boy. It would not happen, not in Heaven would I fall for him. 

I do fear that plans for this male and me are something I have to be careful of…

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