Monday, July 1, 2013

Riches 'N Heaven || Chapter 3 - Broken Promises

“H-Hello, I am sorry if I look like a mess.” Alice would look around the room for a mirror to fix my presence. “Do not worry; I came unannounced hearing what happened. I thought we could know each other first.” He would bow his head while he spoke. “My name is Ryo Sosuke. It is nice to meet you, Alice Kazuki.” 

Sosuke… that name I have heard about from my Mother when I was a child. It was a male who only cared about greed and ruling over his own people. That truth made me scared to meet Ryo’s Father indeed over his power being quite unknown what he could do. Thinking over the possibility I only would keep my distance. This be for the best…

“I have asked your parents to take you to my Kingdom for the day. Do not be alarmed I only wish to show you around.” Ryo would lift his head to be a bit taller than I was. My whole body was frightened over the thought leaving my kingdom to see his. Even so, I should go look right? I would be home before Toshiki would come visit right? “Ah, sure. I just need to wash up and then we can go.” Ryo nodded his head with a goofy grin toward Alice. “Of course, I will be waiting downstairs for you with your family.” 

It took an hour for me to get rid of the dirt that I had on my body from last night adventure. The only worry I had was Toshiki coming and I be gone all day. Should I leave a note? No…he probably wouldn’t come anyway. I was a Princess which at age of eight I feared that he would just push me out of his life. Should I trust he come as he promised? 

When I left my room; there Ryo was with my two parents speaking about the future of little Sosuke babies running around with me as the Mother. Truly made me want to barf over the fact that my whole life was not my own. The only thought I had was seeing Toshiki tonight. I just hope I make it back in time.

“Have fun, Alice! Make it back home safely.” Hana would wave her arm toward Ryo and I walking to the carriage that would take me away. Little did I know that the plan was Ryo to have me stay all day and know about his kingdom from the east. It was a perfect plan to make me his. Only problem I did not want him. Not in the least to want someone who Father is evil. What were my parents thinking? They do not realize how dark and evil he was. Mother should know of all people! 

During the road journey there be talk about his past with his parents teaching him the ways of keeping slaves working. The sounds of whips would excite him. The only thought I had was how disgusting his family were. “I-I see… So, you like watching them being whipped?” My expression would be shocked with fear a bit in those violet eyes. Ryo laughed out loud at my question that I have asked. “Of course! It is fun; you will see what I mean by this. After all, you at a later age will be my wife.” He would keep his distance not wanting to upset me. His wife…?! No, I do not want to be that. I promised Toshiki that. Even if Toshiki returns home I do not want to lose him. He is my new best friend. I wonder what he is up to now.

Back in her village there Toshiki be searching for anything useful. He had a talent that was hidden to him and unknown. When he saw jewelry he thought of giving it to Alice. “Beautiful…” His teal eyes would light up with the necklace have a blue pearl inside of the round object. He had no money at the moment to buy such a large amount. Instead he has to use his skill to get what he wanted. Gomen…Alice-chan. I am glad you did not see this. 

He would swipe each jewelry with his hand quickly having a knack for grabbing items. Twenty items would be in his hands and a few around his neck. He found one for himself a dragon that was a necklace as well. His special gift was being a thief. It would disappoint her if he told her what this gift was---he found out this morning. By the time he arrived at his new home there he thought of Alice with his new gifts. “I do hope she will like it. Tonight I will go see her as promised. I promise you, Alice-chan. I will give you anything you ever wanted.” 

The sun had set in the middle of the sky being noon from our trip; we had taken three hours or four to reach to the kingdom which had a few bumps along the way. The forest would frighten me the most though luckily I had a guard along with me that was most trusted. Hyorinmaru was the name my Father gave him that was quite strong. He has been at my side since I was a child. “She will be in no danger I have told your Father that. So, why did he bring a knight?” My lips would form a smile at Ryo suspicion over the knight. It made it more curious what he planned to do without me bringing someone along. “For protection so I would be safe even he has trust in you. The reason is simple really; it is more out of love.” 

Hyorinmaru let out a deep laughter from his lips. “I mean you no harm, however if you attack our Princess. I will not hold back even slaying you.” His words were serious with a smirk on his face to let Ryo know he was serious. Ryo swallowed slowly, his hands would fold on his lap. “I do understand. You do not have much to worry! I-I would not attack my future wife.” My eyes shifted over to the mountains that were from far away. The only thing I am worried about is being alone with his Father. Toshiki, my new friend. I do hope you are alright out there… 

Reaching his kingdom was quite a long journey even for me to reach. I was beginning to feel it never end those roads that could be faster if I could only fly. Oh, how I miss talking with Toshiki. He always was interesting with his ideas and thoughts over what could be. Ryo was more into the serious over how he rule over the kingdom with me. He said slaves would help me at my command. I do not wish to order people around. I hate to make their lives as if it wasn’t their own. It disgusts me… 

“Here we are! Our kingdom is quite full of riches even the pirates would wish to come here.” The pirates? Does that mean he has a few come here. “Pirates…?” My expression changed finding that word interesting. “Why, yes sometimes we deal with them, but our policy is to cut off their heads. They only steal from us Princess. You have no worries if I must, I will slay one if I happen to find one.” Cut off their head? What are you the Queen from Alice in Wonderland? An old folktale, but seriously why does men have to deal with violence? Hyorinmaru shook his head in feeling sorry for the pirates for dealing with such a spoiled brat. “My Princess, I will protect you instead. I do not wish for your eyes to see such ugliness.” The words Hyorinmaru spoke made me laugh at how much he tried to make Ryo jealous. It was quite obvious that Ryo did not like Hyorinmaru being here. 

Our carriage would stop right in front of the town which slaves worked on buildings that got destroyed by thunderstorms. My only fear was seeing their backs with red marks. “See? Our kingdom will be like this, a place where they do everything for us.” Tears would show up in my eyes over the very sight. Hyorinmaru grabbed my hand gently with care. “We will be out of this soon.” Ryo blinked his eyes at Alice tears for the slaves. “Why do you cry for such rats? We are higher tha---“ My eyes shut tightly over his words. “SHUT UP! They are not just rats. People with feelings you pig. Have you ever thought of that?!” Stepping out the carriage, my eyes would scan the area seeing slaves all around his market. It was so different here with everyone working for such a slob. I did not like him one bit. He was not someone I love to marry, not at all!

Hyorinmaru got out of the carriage; his hands would grab my shoulders gently to comfort me. “This will be over soon.” He whispered right into my ear. “I promise. We will return to our land where it is peaceful and safe.” Many of the slaves watched my actions toward hearing about them being whipped. Their eyes would shift back to their work knowing they be punished. Ryo got out of the carriage as well with a sorrow look. “I should apologize Princess, to my actions. It was wrong of me, I can make it not full of slaves for when we rule if that makes you happy.” 

My eyes would move over to Ryo with cleaning up my tears. Of course he suck up to me so I would love him and marry this stupid fool. I did not have that option to choose, but when I rule things will change. I do not care if I do not love anyone. Not this pig of all people. “It is alright…” My only words were these as we walk in the place known as the soon to be market when it was finished. The slaves looked worn out with a few people yelling at them with anger. “Get back to work!” One slave dropped their bottle of water. A whipping sound would be heard as I looked away in fear. Why…? Why do these people love watching others suffer? Ryo was laughing at the slave stupidity for being so weak that my eyes would look at Hyorinmaru. This was the worst kingdom I seen. In fact, Ryo you can go marry someone like yourself, the most ugliest girl I hope will have a black heart like your soul reflects.

Most of the day spent us exploring around alone from Ryo who understood I needed time alone. The breeze around the kingdom was calming. “Princess, I do not blame you if you reject his feelings. What he has here is truly disgusting.” He would embrace me gently in two of his arms. Being taller he was like a brother to me more than a knight. I could not believe how foul this place was. It was not anything I would ever want to have here. Toshiki if only you could see this. Would you also find this amusing to your tastes? 

By 5’ o clock I had asked to be return home when Ryo said his Father had just arrived. We should have dinner which my plans over to greet Toshiki should not be ruined I hope. With a nod, I accepted his invite to greet his Father. Inside the castle there were a few slaves that would serve each noble human. My eyes shifted to the ground with tears falling down my cheeks. Mother…Father… if only you can see this. We walked down the corridor that was filled with gold mainly by the slaves digging it up I thought. “Here my Father has slaves bring us food. If their cooking is bad I am sure we cut off their head. If you push them into fear they would not betray you.” Closing my eyes, hands would grip my kimono slightly over his words. No, Ryo you are doing it wrong! This isn’t what a kingdom should be. Slaves should live with you in peace and harmony over helping each other. Not this…

We took a right, down the room there I see Mika talking with her husband who sat at the big chair that would be horizontal with his hair pulled back in a mullet of some kind. When I arrived in the room; Mika got up from her seat with her arms wrapped around my small body. “Welcome, welcome! Did you like the castle? I am sure you saw those rats down there. Truly they need to be worked on.” Her eyes filled with no emotion over the humans who worked for them. Inside my whole body I wanted to shake and yell ‘take me home!’ That would be rude to show such weakness in front of them. “I-I loved it. I am sure things will work out.” I lied, a fake smile would appear on my face to show I was not weak. 

“You are quite a eye there, Alice.” The male would speak with his voice sounding deep with humor behind it. “I did question who you be like. Quite small though for your age at this time and a bit too early for marriage. However, I love for our heirs to come together and fix up what your parents made.” He breathed in slowly before continuing, “Friendship with the people? Have they gone insane?” The word he used made it seem like my parents peace was completely absurd. It wasn’t. I knew my parents loved to make peace and have it so the people could trust them. I wanted to live in that life style as well, even if I have to find another man who respected my love for serenity and calmness. “We all live different ways in our own chosing Mister Sosuke.” I would speak up to defend my parents. “You live this way and I live the way my parents live no matter what you say, I will not choose to torture them to the point they break. They are living humans like us---they are no different. Rats…? I consider them people not animals so; please fix your words before you accuse us.” 

Aizen would stand up with his legs moving over toward me. Hyorinmaru moved in front of me to guard in case he attacked Alice. “Lower your sword. I do not wish to harm the Princess. She has some knowledge over her people.” He said with a cold tone toward Hyorinmaru. “I will not follow your orders.” My lips would press together hearing their words out of  fear I did not want us to fight. “H-Hyorinmaru, please lower your sword.” My Mother wanted peace between the two of us in which meant we have to respect their way of life. Hyorinmaru nod his head, his sword would be placed back into it hilt. “Yes, my Princess.” 

Mika would clap her hands to clear up the silence in the air. We all took our seats once again feeling the tension was in the air. I did not approve of his ways, nor did I for his wife that agreed they were rats. They did not approve of my parents which I did not care what they think. Their way of life was sickening and I will not consider myself to be low lives like them. We had mashed potatoes, corn, and turkey on our plate. The food tasted great from the chef who had made it. The food for the slaves was what was left. Probably the turkey which was in smaller size for them to have only little being ‘rats’ they so called them. 

We had left to the carriage seeing the time was eight o’ clock now almost very late for me to return. “I do hope you come again.” Ryo would touch my hand gently as he raised it to his lips. Leaving a kiss, he would shut the door telling the knights of his kingdom to arrive safely. When we left it was very late which my parents were happy I had such a fun time, but by my expression they notice something was wrong. I ran upstairs not wanting to talk to them or anyone at that given moment. It was upstairs I found something was odd. The room had been a mess with a chair thrown on the ground.

“T-Toshiki!” I would yell running to the balcony from my room which brought tears down my cheeks. Had he come? I did not think he would. The room was a given sign I had broken the promise to him. He must have wanted to see me after a long day. Ryo had invited me to come again to see him. I refused telling my Mother I do not wish to see him again. She was shocked to see the expression on my face was scared. 

The only person I wanted to meet had now disappeared. Ryo had kept inviting me over the weeks. It took me little energy to get out of bed. I stayed in my room waiting for him to show up, but to my eyes he had gone. Was he just part of my illusion that never existed? Oh, Toshiki…I am sorry for breaking the promise we made. It was my fault and now---I have lost you forever. 

Those days made me feel like hell was going to break in hopes consuming my soul would be enough or what I have done. I could not even eat over fear that I have failed him. When my birthday was arriving; my parents planned a party with all the Kingdoms which fear came. Perhaps Toshiki returned home where he belonged. He never wanted to be here in the first place. Never would he want to see someone who broke a promise. Never…! 

At my party there were other Princesses and Prince which my year near ten was coming. I was now nine years old the coming age over one more year. I had so little time to choose. My parents did not even know what their kingdom was like. Many times they would try to ask, but I avoided it not wanting them to know. That was my little mistake when I saw Ryo arrive with the finest robes on his body. He wore the perfect kind made by the finest silk. His color had been golden with brown little birds as the design. He wore a hat to protect his head from the sun while the party was being held at night. 

“Care to dance?” Ryo would hold his hand out toward me. “I-I do not feel well.” Ryo would grab my hand pulling me away from the balcony which caused me to hate him more. We danced with the song being slow by our best orchestra. He kept his hand away from my butt though at times he touched it lightly. I flinched just feeling him grab me there in hopes he notice the change and stop. After our dance was over I left to the food area which was served with cake, jell-o, a few other sweets for us to enjoy. Usually I be over joyed with this, but instead I didn’t want anything. 

Toshiki…have you only been a dream that I made up due to the loneliness I felt? It did feel like a dream with you being a pirate which I really am happy knowing you. I loved to greet you once more before parting ways into my Hell. The hell that would soon consume me after tonight I wish to just stay in that tree house and die. That is where I should be…where I will always be.

The rest of the party was nothing but a bore with little to do. Ryo kept asking for me to dance which I refused him, but he still would take my hand and make me dance. It made me regret ever knowing this vile beast! I wish to be rid of him which I will ask my parents to go visit them when something appeared on the balcony. Someone with hair that was white as snow with his clothing a bit different from everyone else. He had teal eyes green as the forest from where I had met him. 

It could not be! The very being across the way was here! He came to greet me even after I left him---which I did not mean to do! Oh, Toshiki! I left Ryo’s arms in rush over to the balcony where Toshiki had grown at least two inches from the last I seen of him. Even his skin looked clean from our two weeks that has passed. The robes he wore was a dark blue color with his obi being a bit lighter with the silk being new. Around his neck was a scarf of a sky blue which seemed to be hand made. His shoes were round of a blue color which he messed with the scarf pulling it down from his mouth. When I approached him; his eyes did not leave mine with a small smile appearing on his lips. 

“Alice-chan, have you been well?” His knees would come into contact with the ground while he bowed to the Princess. He was ever the same with that little smirk on his face. I wish to ask him what has happened though that will wait till we are in private. “T-Toshiki…I-I, I—“ He would raise on his two feet; walking up to me his right arm would wrap around my back with the other touching my left cheek. “Do not cry. I have come now with something a gift and truly sorry for making you wait. I am the one to apologize for letting that brute touch you.”  His words would softly echo in my ear with a calm tone leaving from his body. My arms would wrap around his tightly embracing him right outside the balcony. The scent he had on was a mint like flavor which smelled very nice. My head would place against his chest gently feeling a bit shorter than he was.

The only thing I wanted was to embrace him in which to take him with me and never let go. I did not want that to happen no matter what Ryo wanted. He surely would ask who this boy is. I would not even answer nor give him the chance to ask. He was nothing but a pig. My home was with Toshiki as he had been gone for quite some time and required a few clothing. He looked like a prince from another land. Little did I know he was close by me the whole time.

Toshiki…I wish to ask you everything that has happened. I want to know what has happened and why you have forgave me for leaving you. Tell me everything, Toshiki-kun. I wish to fix what I can so we may become close once again.

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