Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beautiful Rose || Chapter 2 - Angel & Devil

“You may take a seat next to Toshiro Hitsugaya. Our top model in this town I am sure you heard, Miss Haku.” Cheerful tone would echo the room. A few whispers would appear in the classroom about the girl and Toshiro’s actions. Bri walked down the row seeing the glares from a few girls. It wasn’t her fault that he decided to embrace her like that. The scene echoed in her mind like a repeated movie. 

Two round colors would appear on the blonde cheeks when she walked to the empty desk. Toshiro hand would slowly grab her butt with his fingers squeezing part of her behind. “Eek!” Her hand would slap away his hand slightly seeing he was smirking over the reaction. “Hitsugaya-san, you need to control yourself!” The male teacher slammed his book against the wooden surface. Toshiro let out a huff from his chest over the teacher’s yelling at him. Never had his fun with this new girl. She was cute with those red cheeks and her body was in the shape of no other. 

The class was in Math which Bri was slightly confused from hearing the subject. She have to ask for a tutor or learn from someone who great at it. A sound of the desk colliding had surprised her with his book sharing with hers. He pushed a paper toward the blonde with a smirk. “I be your tutor.” Tapping his pen against the desk there was silence. T-Tutor by him? No! I can’t allow that. It wouldn’t end well with the first attack then his hand grabbing the butt. No, no, no! 

Blue orbs would pierce right into the mirror eyes that fell deep into his. He had that urge again to touch her, feel her, do anything that make her cheeks turn bright red. The teacher continued to speak without realizing Toshiro had moved while a few girls glared at Bri. “I-I…have to sa---“ His finger grabbed Bri’s chin gently with a small smirk across his lips. “Trust me, Bri. I won’t touch you after this. You need some help don’t you?” Her two white cheeks were flushing a dark red color. No, this couldn’t be happening! What should she do? This close he was strong to make her fall out of the chair. Not that she knew he would let her harm herself. She knew that… 

“Or I will make out with you in front of this class.” His words whispered right into her ear in a velvet tone. Deep inside of the small petite chest there was heart beats at his words. H-He make out? Here?! No, that can’t be true. A right pale hand would place against the back of the girl’s head. He pulled her closer, his breath inches away from Bri’s with the taste of watermelon. Such a refreshing taste hitting his mouth from the modeling. It was tiring. Everything that happened he knew that this was what he been wanting. It was inches away from the girl lips being touched by his own. She had not pushed him away or not aware of his actions. However, he knew that this was not something he do with many. Perhaps testing them if they act different which Bri was different. Her body was shaking from his lips just coming closer, and, closer. “HITSUGAYA!” A book would slam on the desk which caused Bri to snap out of his trance. 

“Both of you stand outside the hall for the rest of the class!” Everyone was in shock at how close Toshiro was in giving the first kiss. Bri could not believe she fell for that. It wasn’t fair to be sent outside when he was the reason for it. Getting up quickly, he legs moved against the ground over to the door in letting out a few tears. The white haired male ran after Bri with her bag and his on each shoulder. 

Many girls watched the boy leave the room in a hurry after the new girl. They did not understand why the nude model was changing over some girl. She was rude, shy, cute, and beautiful. The fans planned a riot to attack Haku without letting Toshiro know about. It was the perfect plan if only they could get him to see she was no different from everyone else here. 

On top of the roof there was a little breeze blowing through with a fresh clean air of the building food smell. Saliva would fall from the blonde’s lips. “It so tasty!” Her hands would touch both of her cheeks as she moved her butt back and forth. “I-I should ditch to go eat since I already caused drama with his fans. He probably now has his reputation ruined thanks to me coming here.” 

Two slender arms would wrap around the small petite with his left hand covering her eyes from looking out at the city. His right hand pulled her against his chest feeling her body shake. “It is not your fault that you interest me. They can be jealous all those slobs want.” Bri felt her cheeks blush with his arms being stronger than her own. How could she get out of this? “You shouldn’t speak of them like that. They pay money to see you as whoever you are.” Her hands would grab  his arms to pull out of his grasp. “You forgot your bag though I did look through it to find out you keep your make up and pa---“ 

Her hands would grab onto the bag tightly with a look of glare. Couple tears were stuck in those oceanic blue eyes at what he gone through to upset her. Why would he do this? To upset her? Her footsteps echoed toward the door which her tears continued to fall. 

The rest of the day went smoothly with the attacks from the male who continued with his games. Why couldn’t he leave me alone? It wasn’t fair to be attacked over, and, over. What made him interested in me? What caused him to attack out of love? O-Or perhaps it wasn’t love. He probably never found someone rejecting his touch. Should I allow it? He would know I am accepting and would that…allow the kiss we couldn’t finish? No! I have to study for tonight and continue to pass my grades. Love is not worth it. It isn’t worth getting or falling for him. He is sexy beast with his eyes glowing like the sun light sea. It was beautiful with its own delight. I wanted to know what he did, but then again, would I really want that? 

Afternoon came quickly after searching for any clubs to try. The tennis club would perhaps be the best choice or maybe trying drama class. It was many that could be tried out for tomorrow. Unless with the Hitsugaya male attacking with his love that could not be avoided. It was hopeless… so hopeless to avoid him and now she was sure his fans were plotting something without his knowledge.

When arriving to the house; there inside it was locked just as she had left it. A hand would go inside of her pocket to pull out the key. Thankfully it had safety without him taking it under her nose. Picking up the key, placing it in the key hole she turned it to the right in hearing a click. It was unlocked with not much trouble. Her parents had made sure to keep the high school student safe with a key that only could be unlocked by her fingertips. If someone else did then it would not unlock even if they touched the key. 

Mother… Father… you went too far with this key thing. I am sure now I am thankful that they done it. The fans for Hitsugaya was crazy with their glares all day. It isn’t my fault he has fallen for me so quickly with his hands quite grabby. What could I say to my Mother? If she calls, then I tell her about the boy, would she know about him? They are quite well known around the world being singers. 

Bri taken her time to study for two hours at least with the new work that was given. She came in late so the teachers would give her a couple days before the test coming up. In the classroom they had an almost kiss success, but thankfully the teacher caught his act. Only problem she was caught in his madness. Inside that small mind there were many questions of who he was and why he bothered her. Perhaps if she never bumped into him then he never would have fell in love with her. That… is the truth she was sure. He had fallen for her without a doubt---he had a fetish for girls. Someday she will find out why he fallen for her…. Somehow she will.


The old ringtone needed to be upgraded but, she had no money to do that. On her caller I.D. there was her Mother’s face with a  big goofy grin. “Mother…” Bri finger shook thinking about what happened today. Would she know about Hitsugaya-kun? Perhaps it is detective work to do right now. “Hello, Mother!” The phone was pressed against her ear with a kitty design on the blue phone. It was on the phone shaped like a cat with a kitty meow when it opens. “Oh, darling how is everything in Japan? Have you learned your Japanese already? I am so happy if you did! Any boyfriends? Or…did you fall for a girl?” Her questions kept going into the phone causing Bri to feel her cheeks turn bright red. “NO! Mother, I am not dating anyone yet. It isn’t like that at all! There this boy who keeps grabbing my butt a-and he is clinging to me all day today. I do not know what to do.” 

Oh no. I blabbed about today without even thinking about it. My Mother would think I am in love with this boy. He does have a good look, but I am not in love. Not at all! He is using my body for his pleasures that he doesn’t get from the girly fans. “Oh? So, you do have someone in mind. I mean, I never heard you speak so much about him.” Her fingers ran through her husband’s hair slowly with a soft giggle escaping her lips. “Mommy, it isn’t like that! I-I am being attacked. Put Father on I need to speak with him!” Ayame shook her head with a soft smile from her lips. “No, sorry sweetie he is quite tired from our trip. I had to at least check up on you, but it isn’t be bad now. You are already in the spring of love.”

“B-But!” The woman’s voice was stopping her daughter with a bright smile. “Good luck, Bri my sweetie! Keep hanging in there. I know he will just fall for you. This is exciting. Oh! I have to sleep now, but please be safe will you? I will keep the phone on.” The young teenager would try to speak only to be interrupted. “M-Mom! Please wait for me to explain that it isn’t like tha---“ Her voice would give out a yawn. “Goodnight, sweetie.” She closed her phone without giving her daughter a proper explanation. 

Closing her phone, placing on the desk she let out a soft sigh. This always happened with her parents not believing a word out of her lips. Now her Mother thinks that she loves this boy. Is it true? The kiss… she didn’t force him away it was that his eyes caught her in a deep trance. It was all his fault for being so damn beautiful! 

8 P.M. strike on a Friday which was lucky to not see that crazy lunatic at school. He always tends to do things now that she knew him. Out of the blue which caused her to think of what he do for a job. Perhaps he is a singer which may be a busy life. Wouldn’t that cause him to leave the school? It wasn’t any of her business at all. “I need a shower. This should all go away with a few days to myself.” 

Walking down the hall, there was in the closet with a few robes for each day of the week. There was blue, pink, purple, green, rainbow, duck design, stars, many different ones she picked for this occasion. No one would see her at least that was in hopes she would not have a guest. 

When she picked the robe; there in the house in the basement had a hot spring which she didn’t think was required to use right now. Right now all she would want is a quick, warm shower then off to bed. That will be quite a warm feeling if she could. Taking off her school uniform quickly, moving her body inside the bathtub with the water turned on quickly. It was cold at first, but soon warmed up with calming her body. 

Drip drop…

The water fell on top of her body making it hard to think about anything else. It was then she felt something bump into her which felt like two hands grabbed around her chest. Bri let out a soft moan from her lips feeling it was calming her. Alerted by this sudden touch; she turned around to see white hair show up in front of her eyes. No, it can’t be! Why would he be in the shower?!
His school uniform was still on with his body getting wet with his front body against her back. “H-Hitsugaya?! Why are you here? I-I am calling the cops for you coming in uninvited!” She turned off the water to move away from him when his hand grabbed her wrist. “It is alright, Bri.” Bri shook her head knowing they were alone. Everything could go wrong with his head wanting her. “You’re wrong, Toshi-kun! Everything can go wrong with you trying to use me for your selfish needs. I am not in love with you! I-I can’t just touch someone like that. H-How can you do this? Is it easy for you to flirt with someone li—“ 

His lips pressed against the female’s feeling her cherry lipstick. Two slender arms would wrap around her in a tight embrace. He knew that she was confused by his actions which were interesting by her refusing him. “Bri-chan, you must know the reason why I love you.”  L-L-Love?! It couldn’t be so soon for him to love! What had caused this? His hand would move underneath her leg with his other hand on her back. “I will explain at the house.”

E-Eh?! What house is he speaking about? The female was clueless in what he meant with her robes being carried by a butler who was waiting right outside of the room. When she was forced into the robes; there was only that for her to cover up. “Toshi-kun, where are we going?” He picked me up over his shoulders quickly to nod at his butler. It was then he ignored my question in leaving the house down to his limo. “H-Hey!” Her hands would hit his back in trying to fall or at least get free. “Master, shouldn’t you explain? We kidnapped a woman you said to spend time with us. Don’t you think this is over doing it?” Hyorinmaru locked the door to the female’s house with the lights all off. 

Bri felt her body being placed next to him in the limo without saying a word. Would he not explain? At least the butler has some decency to know that this was crazy. “I will explain now. I am sorry for acting like a bugular but, you are going to see my work. I thought it be fine since you got nothing to do.” Her eyes narrowed at what he just spoke about. His work? Why couldn’t he just ask? This is outrageous! “Toshi-kun, you can’t just steal me and force me over night!” Hyorinmaru shook his head at his Master’s idea. This was a night to be ruined with her having a nightmare over her new classmate. 

He shut the door in walking over toward the driver seat. Once inside; he started the machine to let out a sigh from his lips. This was going to be a long night with his parents coming home soon. How will he explain a woman half naked under a robe? Say they are dating? They never approve of such a female he was sure this be Hell for her. “Toshi-kun!” Toshiro put a finger against her lips gently. “I will tell you at the house for sure, my darling.” Haku eye twitched at his sudden answer that been causing more questions. “Toshi-kun…that isn’t fair!” Her cheeks puffed outward toward his lame answer. It was obvious he knew why, yet he would not explain. 

Once again she was surprised by Toshiro’s actions toward ruining her day---or night. It was one after another, but to kidnap her made things worse. What could she do? He was the boss with limo’s and a butler. This boy must be rich with his job whatever it was. She knew that one thing it was making her curious what he be…

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