Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Core || Chapter 1 -Fallen Angel

The world always says it came to an end by us humans who cause the world destruction.  Weather causes many dangerous life endings we sometimes wish to stop something unable of our control. Humans are silly creatures from above many people believed they did not even exist. Angels, demons, aliens, mystical beings who could be from another world apart from our giant, blue planet that circles around the great star. Destiny is written for us within our choices of life; you do not believe that anything is written down what will happen. That is because it not predictable. Who can tell the future anyway? Not those fortune ladies who claim to know you. Maybe some could tell the future from their gift. Do you believe it? Or do you believe that you can change what will happen? Many choices, many lives could be taken away so simply by one choice alone. That choice is yours…only yours. 

“Kya!” A group of girls yelled when the white haired albino came out with his blade attached on the back with a teal scarf. Lips formed a frown from watching all the girls in their jackets with fur attached on the hood. Why, do I have to witness this all the time? Girls wanting me for selfish desires. I rather not even bother and yet, Father you always enjoyed this till you found Mother who now is the nurse for all injuries here. “Toshiro-kun, please come by my house I want us to have a great time!” Another girl after another gave herself to him as though he was giving out free girls for a sex drive. “Tch…” The male let out a sigh only to have his expression change with opening his shirt. “What is your name, dear?” Feet traveled over toward the black haired female who turned red the moment he approached. 

“M-Medina.” The black haired female said with her voice quite nervous from being called out. A left arm wrapped around Medina waist when he leaned up to her lips. “Take me home, Medina. Show me that fun you spoke so much about, my love.” Medina cheeks turned a dark red when she left hearing the group of girls complain. “They seem jealous, Toshiro-kun..” Slowly arching his right hand, slowly running fingers through his white locks of hair. “Do not worry about them. They will not realize how much you mean to me.” Spoken empty words he let Medina think she was his one and only. Like hell he fall for any of these girls. They all want the same thing---sex. 

Medina led Toshiro over to her house which the land around them was filled with white snow. Strong winds blew against the female cheeks. Her chest was big enough in suffocating him or worse---killing him with them. At least a B cup he could measure from taking classes about Math from his Father. All things he learned from flirting was his Father telling him that ‘any Hitsugaya can get what they want’. Such a dumb line like he want some bimbo to fill his love with fake lies. Holding the female hand; feeling her cold, trembling hands that shook from the cold. “Do, I need to warm you up right here?” His words whispered right into her ear. Medina cheeks turned even more dark red from hearing his voice. “A-Ah, such a naughty boy. You are a Hitsugaya no doubt!” Soft laughter left her thin lips when she opened the door for him only to be brought inside by him pulling her. He closed the door in sensing if anyone had come to kill her. This place had seem safe enough he did not have to worry of showing her near death. “Toshiro-kun, the bed is in the hallway near the end. Should I prepare fo—“ 

His two hands wrapped under Medina’s butt and her back with a sinister grin. “Enough with the nice goody act. I know you wanted one thing from me.” Leaning closer he whispered into her ear, “Come on, Medina let me see that wild side.” Medina hands gripped onto Toshiro’s jacket, feeling the fabric her emerald eyes glimmered with gazing back into his teal orbs. “Alright you naughty boy. I will show you a world of wild you never seen before!” Carrying Medina off to her bed; taking careful care of the girl he laid her onto the bed. Inside the room she had a few photos of her friends across the wall. The blanket had a dark purple color with her fluffy pillow matching the same color. He saw nothing else that showed dangerous to him nor his family when coming here. He learned all from his Father how to pleasure a girl yet, he hated giving fake love to someone who never meant it. 

“Hold still, Medina.” Soft tone left his lips when he slid his arms out from the tan jacket, throwing it aside his teal scarf wrapped around his neck. The clothes slipped off after another till he was only wearing his boxers to show her that everything he had been only for her. Medina cheeks turned a maroon color in watching him strip only for her. “Toshiro-kun…” Lips found her right side of the neck, slowly he trailed down to her chest. Using his fingers the albino had opened up her shirt in exposing her next fabric. The bra colors females wore which made him chuckle a bit. Some were childish while others made him think the females just wore it for making the male think it was sexy. 

“Such a cute display you have, Medina.” Fingers traced down his chest with each fingernail that painted violet. “You really like it? I didn’t know what color you be into.” Instantly he removed her panties without much effort in wanting to get this over with. “I will see how much you can handle, Medina.” Eyes widen from the moment he pushed right inside of her which made the female grab onto the bed with fingers scratching. 

The thought back in his mind was about how every girl reacts to him doing this quickly. Medina was a dumb fool who fell for him at first eye contact. Medina entire body felt cold from her window being open which gave Toshiro a thought. This was nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Pulling out from Medina his movements were slow when he put his clothes back on. “W-What are you doing?” Raising one finger toward his lips; silence filled the room with only their breathing inside. 

It was then that I figured out…what this world really is.

Reaching from behind, fingers wrapped right on the hilt of the sword where he pulled out the sword quickly. Played for a fool he had actually thought this ‘human’ was like the other girls. “Medina…you are no longer needed. I know what you are and why you come to me.” Medina let out a low growl from her thin lips in being found out. “You were seconds’ too late, warrior. Entering ins—“ Using the blade on the female he cut her in half not letting her speak only to chuckle softly. “Seems I was late to notice…you were after to kill me weren’t you?”  Blood splattered all over the bed with his blade dripping with the same crimson color. 

“I suppose my Father should hear of this.” He swung the sword in front of him, watching the girl spilt in two with eggs were buried deep inside of her stomach. Another woman had been attacked with giving birth to those monsters. How he hated the aliens with passion. His parents warned him that females were people they were after in feeding their people with power. Once the eggs hatched the females would die only leaving the body to grow. How disgusting! Every single alien on this planet must be wiped out.
Quickly his feet left with throwing on his jacket only to find blood was on his right cheek and part of his clothes. “Damn it…” He cussed with lips forming a frown. Little did he know that female would have alien babies inside of her and now---is dead. His footsteps left the house with feeling a chilly wind brush against his albino cheeks. 

The journey outside of the city was long with his blade dripping of the girl’s blood. He had not wished to kill any woman no matter what. Yet, his Father told him if they grow the female would die a painful death of their stomach becoming quite huge and splatter. Medina will be remembered that is for sure though he wondered why she came after him. Would he been able to save her if he had sex with her? No doubt they only feed and mix alien and human babies which he had that feeling. Something was off with her who Medina used to be all shy and quiet. 

Two knocks heard on the door with teal orbs shifting to the ground. How he hated to bother his Father when he got angry it made him on edge. “Father…I am sorry to bother you but another one had…” The door suddenly opened with one hand grabbing Toshiro’s arm in pulling him inside. “You killed them didn’t you?” His Father spoke with no emotion inside those teal orbs. Of course he knew his Father rather kill his own then have aliens amongst them. “Yes…it is now not living I killed her myself.” Hate was filled in Toshiro’s eyes at his Father actions. Couldn’t he ask his wife for any help? She could have examined Medina! Instead the women are dying without much help the woman species will be extinct if they don’t stop it. 

“Toshiro-san, I wonder if yo—“ He slammed one hand against the wooden desk, “Shut up, Father! I could care less about your damn army. I just wanted to tell you they are dead. Now leave me the fuck alone!” Turning his back towards his Father, tears remained inside his eyes. The male as his Father was cruel and cold just like the dragon with pride. “Son…I am sorry about Medina. I did not mean to sound heartless though you know what needs to be done.”  

“Save it! All you care about is watching the humans die by your hands…” Grabbing the knob, twisting it to the right he opened the door out of rage with his body leaving the room. “TOSHIRO! Don’t you dare forget it was me who taught you how to survive.” The elder voice yelled down the hall causing some soldiers to stop with confusion. 

The yelling lasted down the hall which caused him in finding the escape even faster. Black boots left an imprint when he approached his home. Living alone he had always found it peaceful that way away from his Father who crave seeing the aliens blood spilt. The one that bothered him was how when the woman got infected with alien bodies. He experimented on them like a sick fun out of him. It made him wish to never become a Hitsugaya. How he wished to escape this fate knowing to no avail he never would escape fate.

Air felt like -10 degrees with his teal scarf blowing within the wind. Pushing his hands inside each pocket the chilly air was brushing against each cheek. Snow started to stick onto his skin which made him feel like a small snowman. Taking a deep breath; he reached up toward a mansion where his family had stayed mostly his Mother and him. Though he came to visit her just to see the progress of saving human life from the aliens. “Mother!”  Raising his voice the teenager would run through the house. In her room; the tall female had her silver hair down to the middle of her back. “Anita, have you found any cure?” The female shook her head; tears came falling down her cheeks over hearing the news about Medina. “Medina…that poor girl had a life. Yesterday she told me that her job was to join the army along with your Father but something went wrong. A-And…” Deep sobbing came from the woman with no avail for the male to talk to. He was the one who killed her in action which made it even harder to speak of her. “Mom…I-I am sorry.”  

Silence was the only thing that caused pain to Toshiro who he had killed. Even if he could talk to his Mother, how could the guilt is forgiven? Turning around quickly his feet pushed against the ground when he forced the doors open. Anita wiped her tears when she lifted her head. “Toshiro…? Oh, I must have scared him the poor boy always close to me. I did not mean to make him feel guilty. How foolish of me…” Whispering became as a simple tone that no one could pick up. 


Snow made contact with the bottom of Toshirio’s black boots where he made an imprint into the surface. Traveling further down within the town there he had a house not far from the mansion. It was safe within the city where he had thought---to no avail the aliens had confronted Medina. That poor female had a dream only to be crushed by him and his blade which cut down a few other females crushed. Father can only do so much damaged till all females are wiped out. Than what would happen? 

Gathering some the wood right into his arms, footsteps inched closer toward the house where he would remain staying. A few days here would do him some good away from the people and females wanting to have sex with him. That was a failure for him in not feeling anything toward them. “Medina…forgive me for causing you pain. I did not know you though if you never came to me then you would be alive.” His foot suddenly bumped into something which caused him to trip slightly with eyes glaring down. An alien? No he was certain this place was safe for his Mother from the woods they been pushed back where his Father was stationed in. 

Right below there was a female voice whimpering from the cold which nothing was on the female body. Why was she naked?! A light shade appeared on his cheeks from going on his knees. Two fingers placed on the right side of the female neck in checking for her pulse. The heart beat with a soft breathing which came in a soft rhythm. One had wrapped under the golden haired female who lay in the snow.  Carrying the female he quickly entered inside the house with every light off. It made him scan around the room with anything destroyed.

It all clear…

Laying the pale female onto the maroon sofa, gently he moved his navy-blue blanket that had a design of a snowflake upon the fabric. Placing the blanket on top of the female only to avoid seeing her naked body. The color on his face turned bright red which made him back away with looking away quickly. 

Why is this girl here? Where she come from and why? The only thing he could think of is the aliens rushing after her but, wouldn’t they eat her? Maybe she has the eggs inside her stomach just like….Medina. Time will pass in waiting for the very girl to awaken. Howeer long it be he will not let this girl die. Not now. This time he will save the human race even if he has to risk examining on her. No one will die! That is his oath to this human world that has fallen to hell.

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