Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rose Amaroia || Chapter 1 -Angel's Heaven

“Hana-chan!” Two hands lightly touched the girl’s shoulder. Shaking back and forth, rocking her with little force in waking up in the small girl. “Time to wake up.” Angelic voice filled the room when shelves of books were stacked in the area the two girls were at. Light orange hair fell on part of her shoulder, lips press together lightly with her skirt falling lightly on part of her back legs. The other girl stood with hands on both of her sides. Inside the girl had been sleeping under a rectangle table that had sofa size of those bench chairs in restaurants. Two on each side. A pink bean-bag chair, a computer monitor only for library access to find books. The shelves had many books inside the first floor. “Hana-chan, I can see your panties. I wonder if they sell on E-bay.” Teasing the female moved closer; legs went to the ground along with her two hands. 

Crawling toward the girl who had no idea or perhaps she went here for peace and quiet. Leaning forward slowly’ part of the chocolate hair fell forward making her difficult to keep from touching the other girl’s skin. “H-a-n-a.” No luck again! “Wake up!” The female moved both hands at her sides when--- “N-No! Stop that, Azu-chan!” Both of Hana’s hands moved to stop the tickling. Laughing in a soft tone; legs kicked forward with the other girl pulling away. It worked every time with her being ticklish. “Azu-chan…!” Crawling out her orange hair was sticking up. “Good you woke up! After all, you had fallen asleep-again!” Leaning away Azumi left out from underneath the table. Seeing the lady in the same outfit-only wearing pants. “Wait, Azu-chan!”  

Bowing toward the lady before picking up her bag with books inside. Azumi felt the happiness of waking her up. Each day it was the same though it did not bother her. Seeing how they are friends. “You were adorable.” Hana cheeks puffedout with making faces at Azumi. “You should stop sleeping at 2 am. It no wonder you’re so tired…” Using one hand, the bag’s elastic fabric would swing over her right shoulder. “Hana-chan, where are your shoes?” Raising one eye brow, hands picked against her two hips. Looking down making a frown, lips curved downward only to pout. “The manga was too good to put down. S-So I finished it, and then read it again four times!” Speaking out loud the petite girl was talking about the elves, mages, ogres, and the humans. 
“Alright, alright…. Hana-chan, you should at least go to bed early. Working is ot a problem but…” Pausing her finger would press against her lips. “Azu-chan, I think you should read it! The world of demons is coming up next an---“Suddenly her voice stopped when feeling Azumi’s lips collide with hers. Red would fill in the white skin on Hana.

“A-Azu-Chan!” Covering her face the many people whistled at seeing two girls kiss. “Come on, miss Fairy. Let us go off to food ville.” Shaking her head, lips would form a smile at her loony friend. Time had passed for both f them. They had met at a park with playing with the sand. Silly to compete against each other in who made the best one. They had both fell into friendship after that. Never being separate until---

“Hana-chan….I have to tell you something. We should get some food.” The tone in her voice put worry in Hana. Why did she say that? Could it be she wants to leave? N-No! I do not want this… The two walks down the street toward the main mall building. It was late---at least at ten o clock. “Azu-chan, I-I can change. S-So, please do not say good—“ Stopping to a halt; hands moved around Hana’s back. “Sh! I am not going anywhere or will I leave you. I promise that, Hana-chan.” Gently stroking down her back lightly. Nodding her head the two girls walked inside with a fresh smell of sandwich. “Welcome young ladies.” 

Greeted by a male holding a tray of Jello in different flavors. “A-Azu-chan, t-the food!” A finger pointed toward the tray with salvia dropping. ‘Oh, Hana-chan! What am I going to do with you?” Tall slender male had on the butler outfit. “We got a free butler.” Hana reached for Jello when Azumi grabbed her hand. “Hana-chan! Don’t just grab.” A soft chuckle left his lips from the scene. “Do not worry. She can have the entire tray.” Blue orbs widen at his words, lips opened slightly from shock. “Go on, Hana.” Fingers lightly touched the silver tray when the male hand raised. “Milady, let me take it to a table.” His voice was soft with a British accent. “How nice!” Azumi felt her heart ache just seeing this man act nice. Why was he being nice to her?

“Are we jealous?” Walking down the walk way with a smirk. “I am not!” Stomping over to Hana. “Come on, we better follow. You want that Jello, right?” Moving her head up then down, a hand would grab Azumi’s tightly. “Do not be mad. I-I won’t love anyone else. You are my one, my only Azumi.” Leaning forward toward the female; lips pressed against Azumi right cheek, gently and slowly leaving a peck against the soft skin. Two red circles were on the female’s cheeks of embarrassment. “Hana-chan…” Looking away her head would stare at the people. Two couples held hands with each other. Two eyes narrowed at the sight, turning her eyes back to meet Hana’s blue eyes. “Thank you, Hana-chan.” 

Two feet walked toward the bench seat. Eyes stared at the male. The tray was already placed on the center. In the back area had many other tables, bench seats were the only place to sit down. On each table had a vase with a few flowers. It smelled nice with a scent of Vanilla. “Your food is served, my Queen.” Using one hand, he lowered his head with bowing in respect. “The name is Mikaos.” Flipping her brown hair, a hand would place on her hip. Azumi shook her head. “Thank you…we can serve ourselves.” Speaking in a rude tone to warn him. “Now leave!” “Azu-chan, don’t you t-think that is mean?” Taking a seat; her bottom touched the purple cushion right beside Hana. 

“Do not worry, Miss Hana. I am use to th—“Giving him the cold stare had sent him away quickly. “He just put me on edge.” With her speaking out loud the wheels inside her brain began to turn. “Azu-chan is thinking again.” A soft giggle left her lips, reaching a hand for the Jello, touching the soft food made her fingerprints become imprinted on it. “No…I don’t care. All I need is to tell you of my….” Lips stopped completely when thinking of the mall. When had they hired a butler? If so, why only one? He was targeting someone… “Azu-chan?” Two eyes filled with worry over her friend. Had she upset her? 

Eating in silence for fifteen minutes. The silence had put Hana in a big panic. Only way Azumi would speak is if she gets her attention. But how? Staring at her serious expression was enough of an answer. “Azu?”  Fingers poked right on her right cheek. The long brown hair really had beautiful color when out in the sunlight. It had a little glow; enough to put Hana in a time freeze. Yes, it was silly to have a crush on a friend. But… she was gorgeous! In her white tank top, another shirt covered it that had a purple color, at the bottom was ripped for fashion. The blue jean shorts ended at her top legs. 

Leaving the eyes to see her long-hairless legs. Only thing left were her black boots. On the front side; black and purple were on the buckles of the shoes. With style her hair had been in a bun with a pink rose off to the side, only to be tied by a ribbon. The outfit I wore was not so pretty. A log sleeve white shirt had been worn. On the chest area; was a black vest with small black buttons. For the skirt there was small white ruffles underneath. The only thing in style was the socks, checkered black and white. Silly I know-no shoes. 

It was time she had woken up and told the problem. Lips locked in a serious line. No more hiding! Turning toward Azumi, hands reached out grabbing her cheeks, slowly moving toward her lips. They were not moved. Now for her plan… Slowly lips had been inches apart. Closer… closer. Opening her small lips, a soft giggle escaped when the pin tongue moved over toward the side of her neck. Licking over on the left side, slowly raising up in a straight line up on her jaw. “Eek!” Jumping up a few people around had looked. Shaking their heads; whispering of ‘that is disgusting! It should be banned…’ Azumi grabbed her neck, lips formed a small smile. She was worried again… “Azu-chan, speak to me! I hate when you are quiet. It worries me…”

“Gomen---I am thinking of that butler.” Truthfully she worried he was after Hana. The news giving her best friend was hard to tell. “About the news…I-I am feeling sorry for hurting you this way.” Hurting? What was to be told? Azumi turned to the right, facing the eyes that mirrored hers. “Hana-chan…I  have urgent news. Gomen—It had been forced o me.” Lifting her chest, air came out of her lips. Then lifting it down the eyes looked down. “I have to move—to the United States. I-I am sorry for this.” The news shocked Hana with fear in her eyes. Move…?! No! Why does this have to happen? Arms wrapped around Azumi’s waist, laying on top of her legs with tears falling out of her two eyes. 

“No, why?! I want you to stay.” Fingers gripped the fabric with never wanting to let go. “Please don’t cry! Please…” Gently the fingers run through Hana’s orange hair. “Azu-chan…why? Why?! Can’t you stay?” The tone was hard to hear. Eyes closed with fear this would happen. Every girl had that stuck up attitude. It made her hate women. Except-Hanna who always made her laugh and trust her. That what changed her reasons against woman. How she wished to take with her. “I will be back.” Another gentle stroke on top of her head. “When?” Azumi bit her bottom lip, fingers stopped against Hana back. “I hate to say but---one year from now.” Hana lifted her head with red lines underneath both of her eyes. They were puffy from crying so hard. “A year…” Right now it was June 1st. In the summer which was quite hot here. In Japan, Tokyo the time they lived together had been long but, now this is where they say goodbye. 

“Do not feel sad, Hana. I will return in a year. I-I will still call you!” In a reassuring voice her fingers lightly stroke each side of Hana cheeks. “Azu-chan, I want you to promise in calling me. I hate to lose our connection.” With her head nodding, lips pressed on top of the other’s forehead. “We should go. I already have my things packed.” Hana had to swallow roughly. Everything was going too fast. Why today…?

Azumi walked with Hana down the street to her car. It was a mustang that had purple for the color. On the right side had a butterfly design. Silence filled the car ride when both of them left the mall. Mikaos had watched from inside. His body was attractive to many girls who came. The butler my story made Hana question it too. “Can you drive home?” Hana puffed her cheeks out with that ‘of course’ look. “Oh, Hana-chan. I will miss you every day. That look, those days at the library. Please be careful… and NO sleeping at work!” A right index finger pointed at Hana nose. “Y-Yes, I will try!” Lips formed a warm smile at Azumi. It was their smiles that kept the tears away. 

The purple car pulled up right at the side walk. Parking the car; Azumi moved her finger against the seat belt button when a ‘click’ was heard. The seat belt was pulled away from locking Azumi in the seat. “Well…” Hana arms wrapped around her waist. Giving one last hug the two had all the memories. “I will call in the morning.” The door opened with her moving two legs on the concrete. When her body left the car; all the tears fell. The one person who understood me is now gone!

After seeing Azumi look back, eyes filled with tears. The job as a nurse in going overseas toward the United States was exciting. Yet, she didn’t like leaving the one person who changed her. It was painful, yet deep down feeling that pain right into her chest. Pushing inside the airport with one thing---no Hana Haku. The one good luck girl. Well, it was time to move past the pain. This is not goodbye…. It was a step forward. 

Switching into the driver seat; fingers had wiped away the tears falling down Hana’s cheeks. “It time to go…back home alone.” Living with Azumi was the best choice. Now, it was a test to work hard just for her. I can’t give up now…

Driving home was calm-peaceful, but quiet. It was something missing. Driving down a straight road in Tokyo. The city was busy as usual though her heart felt a knife been stabbed. No! I need to be strong for Azumi. Turning the wheel, the road had a curvy line going up toward a house. It was the place Azumi and Hana picked together. Color had a mix. Light blue with a light purple added to it. In the front were rose bushes of different colors. Pink, red, blue, purple, and, white. Azumi loved to plant different flowers around the house. It had brought a new life. Something peaceful and purity.
Taking a left, the car slowly drives in with a black, Iron Gate slowly opening. At the front had a male who we found on the street. He was unique or--- so I thought. “Fufu, how was the day?” The black haired boy had light purple eyes that shined in the sun light. His slender body was skinny with certain warmth. “No visitors but, where is Azu-chan?” He had on a black long sleeve shirt, along with some blue jeans. “She…well, had a job business overseas.” The truth hurt us more than anything. Looking down where he stood. “Poor you both. I will be in shortly.” Giving him a nod, lips formed a small smile in showing some happiness. Driving inside toward the garage. Taking a right there was where the car be parked. Seeing the doors opened; slowly pressing on the accelerate petal, the car was moving forward. Once parked; the key was turned left to shut the machine off. Safely drive home---check. 

Stepping outside the cool breeze felt nice. Blowing her hair around, moving part of her hand in pushing strands of hair out of the way. The house looked tall with bricks standing tall. Taking a few steps, legs reached the steps that had led up to a giant porch. On part of it; plants were in pots filled with dirt. All of this was made by Azumi. The plants had come to life from her. Quickly moving toward the door with keys brought out of her pocket. Finding the door keys. Sticking the key inside the keyhole, slowly turning when hearing footsteps behind her. “Hana, you are slow. Shouldn’t you be inside?” Grabbing part of her shirt, lips opened so her tongue could come out. Fufu let out a chuckle when seeing she still was a little happy. The two walked inside with quickness. When inside the door was closed shut.

“I am so beat!” The male jumped on the sofa with his body just slouching over. “Fufu, you are quite lazy.” Hana had teased him about that. Food had not tasted ven after Azumi left. “Hana-chan! You can’t say that. I worked hard an—“ Soft giggling left Hana lips at his comment. “No, no I was only teasing. I-I just want to go sleep early tonight.” The news from Azumi had hit everyone hard. Fufu knew that the Hana he saw was long gone or---sad. “Alright Hana-chan. You can sleep…” His eyes filled with sorrow of her leaving. It was he let her recover before anything else. Hana noticed his eyes were sad. It hurt her heart when moving two hands on top of his shoulders.”D-Do, you want to well, stay with me?” The male eyes widen at the thought. His bright purple eyes looked Hana in the eyes. “Are you sure?” Nodding her head, hands would wrap around Fufu’s hands. “Come on, Fufu-kun.”

Walking up the stairs had both of them whining. At the top stairs; both of the two looked at each other. “Hana…” Fufu cheeks were a light shade as he took her hand leading toward her room. It was stupid in asking Fufu of this. He was sweet, caring, nice, and knew my pain. “I have something to tell you…” Wait! Don’t tell me he is leaving too! “No! You c-can’t leave me too. I-I…” Part of his body stopped when seeing Hana break down. “N-No, I meant when we get there. Hana-chan…” How could he say this? Azu-chan, must have said the exact same thing. He truly was an idiot. “Don’t cry…” Truthfully they both reacted the same. It made the pain even harsher. I know crying was selfish and even asking him to sleep with me was EVEN more stupid. I just had no time or fear being alone.

Pulling from the hand, lead Hana straight to her room. Inside had few clothes on the floor. Looking on the bed; it was clear with the blanket neatly placed. “Fufu…if you are uncomfortable…I-I can sleep alone.” He was silent. Why did he lead me? Is he actually leaving? “Fufu-kun I---“Arms pulled around the back of Hana when feeling their bodies collide. “I did not mean to hurt you. I really had been holding back all my feelings.” His words echoed inside. They were soft, yet fear sank in. “I-I… hate to hurt you again! But no I am not leaving if you think that. Please forgive me.” Raven hair fell down toward his right eye. “….” Hana felt in her chest was only pain a fast heart beating. “Fufu…” Pulling forward the actions were fast. To her it played slowly, Slow…even slower when feeling something soft. It was nothing but, his soft thin lips. They held her heart for so long. It drove her crazy even shocked.

Had she been blind all this time?

One minute passed when Fufu pulled away. Moving his bang away, eyes shifted toward her eyes. “I—I am sorry! Did, I hurt…you?” Fufu was still the same. Even when he kissed. “Oh, Fufu-kun! You do not have to apologize but, a kiss?” He pulled away so suddenly when feeling her eyes pierce his. “I-I had to let you know. Even if you refuse me. This will be our gate to move forward o---“ “Yes, yes!” Fufu eyes widen from her words. “Yes…to what?” A hand would smack his chest when pulling his body over toward the teddy bear blanket. “Yes, I accept your confession.” 

Fufu sat on the bed in shock. “But…Hana I---“ His lips were silence once more by a finger. “Fufu, you been here since a little boy. My parents took you in I know I am selfish asking but, can you sleep with me?” Jumping a little his body laid down on the pillow. Covering his dark red face with embarrassment. Hana got up off the bed. “Let me get changed.” Leaving to her closet, fingers rubbed the night gowns. Grabbing a pink one with hearts at the bottom. Had she really accepted? It was too fast! Moving to the bed. He laid there still with his own thoughts. She was sure he question his logic. 

Taking off all her clothes had been hard. Always Azumi had dressed her and now--- “Are you crying?” Nodding he rhead, tears fell from both of her eyes. The pain hit his chest from seeing her like that. “I—I use to have Azumi dress me bu---“ The words stopped when feeling her body pulled right on the bed. It felt warm with his chest acting like a pillow. “Do not cry no more. I will protect you; even kill whoever has harmed you…” Hana felt happy yet, scared he will kill Azumi. “I do not mean Azumi! She had no choice and this is painful to her too!” Feeling a cold breeze; Hana moved under the blanket quickly. “W-What are yo—“ Hana wrapped her arms around Fufu. “Warm…”

Baka-Hana! What will Azu do? He was sweet, yet…I love them both.

Gripping tightly on his back shirt, tears came falling down both her cheeks. “Baka…stop that!” Fufu ran his fingers in her hair slowly. She felt cold even soft. Why? He ran his hands down thinking she was dressed. Had he pulled her too soon? Azumi…will kill him! Hana lay her head up against his chest. Fingers ran against his back. “Hana…y-you want to wear y-your clothes?” Letting out a gasp, cheeks hid on top of his chest. “No…I want to sleep.” He had a tight hold of her into his arms. Pounding… pounding. It was hard to silence it. Shut up! He had told his heart. No luck…

“Fufu-kun… you are cute when embarrassed I---“ Fufu looked away from contact. “No! Hana, you need rest. I-I will take care of you. I will!” Laughing from his reaction was too cute. “Alright, alright Fufu. I love you, Fufu-kun.” It was nerve-racking to say it. But truthfully she felt he was someone to trust. “Hana…” Closing eyes softly, she had prayed for Azumi safely. Fufu noticed she fell asleep. Kissing top of her forehead when he closed his eyes to sleep. What would she say if I had feelings for you both?
A full moon shined through when seeing the two. Mikaos opened the window, a small creak made them both move a bit. “Such young love…I want to have some fun!” He reached down scooping Hana away. The moon had a red glow when he left the window with Hana in his arms.

It was time to start this little party---or shall I say, the new world?

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