Monday, March 24, 2014

My Dear Beloved || Drabble --- {Alice x Toshiki} AU

NOTE: I at first attempt for this otp {One true pairing} I created this with a friend a dearly lovely friend. Her oc is not like this normally XD I did this thinking of a office job/demon. So, if you dear mind that my writing is crappy. I am still working on it so---please just ignore that. You may read. >~< And you may read Hitsugaya which her oc is Momo and Toshiro's son. Just fair warning if you hate Hitsuhina then please bare in mind she created and her oc is PERFECT!


The metal roofing became the water domain of making funny sounds as the city of Tokyo; Japan became the wet city of Rain. Feeling the cool summer air filled the area around. Within minutes a loud BOOM was heard with a flash. Suddenly a female let out a scream. Footsteps was heard down the alley where a store across the street had been her destination. This…was her story of the day she met the boss. One that should not be underestimated. He was the most devious, dangerous, sneaky, male she ever met if only she knew sooner….

Doors opened loudly with a female letting out deep breaths. Softly her hands ran through her long raven hair, fingers running through making her hair let the water drip down onto the floor. “Are you okay?!” Approaching a female with blonde hair walked up with her ocean blue eyes filled with worry. It was a new employer or she was. “Ah…well, yes! Don’t worry I a---“Placing a jacket on top; gently moving close toward her ear, softly whispering two words. The most embarrassing the girl could ever say, “Cute bra.”

N-NANI?! What had this girl uttered right in front?

“W-What are you talking about?!” The petite girl uttered in a loud tone causing eyes to wander over to her. “Why your bra is showing.” The girl spoke with no worry about it seeing how her body had a watermelon inside. Or--- she had been pregnant inside that stomach of hers. The girl was gorgeous like born to be an angel definitely this girl had a mind of----cute things. Quickly two violet eyes stared down, right down there a lacy pink-polka dot bra was showing as the girl said. She was only concerned about the well-being for her new co-worker. “T-Thank you!”

A kind warm smile filled up in the room suddenly by this girl who looked young. “My name is Hana Haku. You may call me that at least for now.” Folding two hands; in front of her belly they lightly rubbed against the big round circle. “Hana…I-I should not be so friendly. I will call you mi—“ Hana quickly gave her the quick glare of ‘you better call me Hana’. Shaking her head, eyes began to widen with fear this pregnant lady had anger issues. “N-Nice to meet you, Hana. M-M-My name is Alice Kazuki.”

“Alice-chan!” Cheerfully speaking with both of her hands moved in front of her chest with excitement. “That’s right! We did hear of someone new starting and the boss been very cheerful well, the boss is young but you should find him down this hall. Perhaps we can go for some coffee later?” A pregnant lady drinking coffee? Perhaps she should lay off the sugar at least till that---thing out of her! “I love to! Thank you, but I should return your jacket. After all, it be rude to take things that are not mine.” Stating kindly she gave the most warmest smile ever to come from her. Usually it was cold words along with rude tone. This girl brought out kindness in a way that you can’t be cold towards. It just be cruel…

“W-Wait!” The jacket was tossed on top of Hana who twirled around after Alice rushed down the hall quickly. She could not go in there with a jacket. It just felt too hot and already was the petite girl fanning herself with the sweat coming in. Someone thankfully helped her. A female about tall of normal size---perhaps too big around the chest area. “Hold on, shrimp!” The female behind reached out and grabbed Alice’s arm. “Come on, let’s go party!” W-What?

Party right now? She has to come in for work and thankfully Hana was here to stop her. “Let’s drink some sake!” Hana felt worried about Alice who joined and right now no drinks could come into contact. “R-Rangiku-san…she has to go see the boss. Please can’t this wait?” Raising two hands; the sweet girl spoke with her trying to calm the busty woman down. “Oh, come on! It be like five minutes.” Alice saw that Hana was fanning herself quickly to distract the woman. Nodding her head, turning around to run toward the two big wooden doors that said ‘Main office’. If not for that----she be drunk and probably lost her job. Which how did this woman get in here?

Pushing the doors open, a group of deep panting came out of her body, with moving toward the main office which had to be the boss room. Looking around the room; books were stacked neatly in order even Alphabetical. This guy must be strict! “Um…anyone here?” Calling with a sweet tone, half hoping this guy was not a total ass.  Sitting at the desk was a short-white haired boy with teal eyes. In front of his face had glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He had his face stuck in a book that looked not professional. Actually---it was about girls who were half dressed. Honestly… did anyone work around here professionally? “Excuse me!”

Dropping the book he quickly moved it back in one of the doors. Taking out his stack of papers that were put on the desk just in time to meet Alice’s eyes. “What is it?” Teal orbs widen at seeing the girl outfit; along with that look of anger at how the boss could be so childish---or perverted. “What were you doing? I hope you actually get to work and act like an adult." You’re the boss…? How disturbing. Eyebrows lowered down with showing his eyes turned to a glare. “How dare you….! Do you realize who you’re  talking to? I am Toshiki of the Hitsugaya headquarters of this place. You have no right speaking down to me. Now bow down and let me….” He paused his voice, standing up he grabbed Alice by her arms, pulling her forward when he saw how small she was. The attitude fit perfect to be his nurse or some kind of woman who acts mean but deep down is sweet inside. Was she that angry-bitchy type?! “Oh, please be my model!”

“Huh?” Blinking her eyes, standing still in the grasp of Toshiki who tightly gripped on with nails that seem sharp. “Please…I need someone to draw or my Father be really pissed!” Why should she help some pervert? Right now all she wanted to do was work and get some money. Not this…! Maybe she should call the headquarters and tell him to get his son out of here. It was a disgrace! “Do you realize you are the next boss? You should stop playing these games and move on! Stop wasting my time with useless things. A model should be for a MODEL! I am here to work and told to come in which your Father said that before I came.” Smacking away his hand, eyes narrowed in a anger expression at Toshiki.

Lips formed a frown at Alice who was strict just like his Father about rules, the law, and everything. Why can’t they be carefree? “You’re so boring!” Eyes twitched at the little boy’s words. B-Boring? He the one who acting so childish and…enough! “Fine I quit!” Grabbing the cup slowly she moved it on the boy causing his entire clothes to be wet. “I don’t care if you are the Hitsugaya’s next boss. I will not work for someone who breaks the law!” Her body turned fully around with high heels clicking against the ground. Exiting the room caused two other feet to follow which she knew it was either his bodyguards or someone who was going to arrest her. Clearly that was the hint she wanted to be taken outside.

“Aliiiiice-chan!” Instead it was Toshiki who ran out with his hand grabbing her arm to pull her inside. Right against the wall, he pinned her there with his body pressed up against her. A nice scent came from him of a minty-sweet scent. It made her want to stay close to him. Wait…no! I should not have such desires and yet, why don’t I push him away? Inches away from the doors that leave out of his office and now…he staying still. Hands tightly held Alice against the wall, her skirt had felt his knee move up against her. An inch taller than her with his shirt unbutton---only to show his bare chest. “Such a naughty girl…”

N-Naughty?! He was the one not doing his job and now---she was afraid he be those perverts! He wanted a model but, what should she do? Really his scent was clouding her mind, thoughts, and ideas how to get out. What was he…really?!

“I really want to taste you. I want to see why you’re so angry, Alice. I….” His body moved closer, inching closer his mouth was up against part of her neck. “No…stop!” Alice called out with her face having a dark red shade appearing on her cheeks. He was too close! Too close… “You say that, but your face says otherwise.” No, of course the boy has to betray me! Betray how much I worked hard to get here. It was high class working and now….I was kicked out.

“N-No…I just wanted this job so much! I worked so hard in college to learn how to work in the office, with strict people and…and…!” Moving her legs; on both of them had black leg stocking that had a fabric that clipped on the stockings up to her skirt. Shoes were round as well with a flat bottom surface. Toshiki listened to her words that filled with emotion of fear. Inside his two teal eyes; the color had changed to a red when he felt the scent was blowing up his nose. “You wanted to work here…?” Toshiki asked once more, “I-I do. I am sorry for throwing water on you I!” No! I have to leave…. I have to---go… Leaning closer his hands lightly brushed down her wrists, letting his scent rub on her body. Watching the scene before him of this girl struggling to get away. It was like a butterfly in his sticky web.

“Please don’t throw me out…please!” Alice begged him in the most cutest tone he ever seen. Usually the girls right away try to pull down his pants. This girl had a different effect. She was bitchy with strictness that was hard to break unless----he did this. Usually his looks got him easily access to woman’s body parts. Which was disgusting to him. This time his powers were making Alice seem like a harmless doll. Frozen and helpless as he let his trap keep going…

“Oh…Alice. You are so cute this way. How could I ever just kick you out?” Grabbing part of her chin, he tilted her head so both of her eyes stared right into his. Showing white fangs; he had let her in, let her see his secret. Or had he? Was she under some kind of spell? He could feel her trying to pull away. This girl…this sweet, angry girl. I want her to stay in my web forever!

“You can stay on one condition….” Two purple hues showed happiness, lips opened up with a small circle shape. Awaiting for his one condition the girl finally moved to the corner when he pulled her back against his body. One arm was wrapped around his waist, keeping her against him now that he has caught her. “L-Let go!” Alice yelled with that anger once again started. It was like a fire that never could be put out. He knew she hate him for this next spoken word. He had her where he wanted----at least he never had this chance. All the other woman he fired due to being so slutty. Only few woman who worked here were ones he knew would not even try to get in way. He had a mission and now---he has found it.

“I want you to be my model, only mine…” His words whispered right into Alice’s right ear. Softly filled with a tone that was seductive. How could she ever stop wanting to hear that tone? He was like a magician who placed a spell all lover her. It was magic---with surprises in every turn. “W-What kind of modeling? I thought this was a paper like office.” Oh, how foolish she was! He had hopes his Father tell her everything but, truthfully half of these people are demons. Well, some at least the woman here were not. They were hard working humans who had no clue this was a work---well different jobs for them to live among humans.

Taking in a breath; his two arms wrapped around Alice keeping her close. Closer than he ever let a woman before. “I want you to wear outfits for me. I want to draw you, Alice. Can you do that for me every day? Can you…just do that? Then you can work for me in this office.” Leaning against her back, he laid his head up against her neck finding this position comfortable. Alice had felt that this boy was sweet though scary when she thought about it. Would modeling be fun? She never thought about it before… He seemed like a brat, spoiled and rotten. Deep down he listened to her begging it out personally glad he did not keep her out there where everyone could see. What was his secret? She had to fin dout at least…for now. Thoughts ran deep and, deeper with his white fangs lightly nibbling on her right side of the neck. Teasing her the girl let out a soft moan; feeling weak in her knees.

“What will the answer be?” He kept his grasp around her tight, keeping her close until he heard those words. “Yes, I will. I will do it! Just let me keep my job.” Two arms opened up freely letting her go. This time she crawled on the ground toward the other side. Laughing softly he felt bad for scaring her like that. The boy had lost the scary attitude only to act like a innocent child once again. “Let’s get started then…shall we?”

Groaning was left out from Alice lips when she had worn silly outfits for him. Some were too embarrassing that he made her take coffee to other employers dressed like some sexy maid. Without the maid outfit only he did it for his amusement. “I will not!” Alice voice raised causing everyone head to turn towards her. Raising one finger, he told her to shush with her already in the outfit. The pink dress was down to underneath her butt showing off her pink underwear that was lace with black on the string on each side. On top of her head; the pink hat sat where she felt two bells hang down. “Just go out there and help everyone it be fuuuun!” Arms crossed when she looked away, staring down to avoid his beautiful eyes that force her to freeze up. “No!” Stubbornly he felt like using his magic but, then everyone be shocked to see such events in the office. “Don’t make me do the eye-thing.” Toshiki spoke up this time having her body jump.

“N-No, I…!” Alice took a step back, “Then do it.” Toshiki stepped forward only to see Alice step another step back, continuing this he kept going with it to follow her. He kept following each day teasing till she does what he wants. He could not understand why she didn’t just leave. As if he let her do such a thing. It be amusing if she left like that though men would be all over her and he already claimed her. “No, no, no!”

Everyone laughed at the two who argue right in front. Acting like a child toward the son of the company not knowing the real truth. She tried to get information but Toshiki always avoids the talk of his family. Even his Father with hate in his eyes. Alice all she wanted was to work here and now she being treated like a sexual object. Then something happened she never would do but obey him. He enjoyed every minute alone with her in his office.

The two had been together for four months now with going out together after work. Sharing stories---well mostly Alice. Toshiki never opened up to her when she asked---he avoided. It was not fair but, she could not blame him for he must have his own reasons. Then something happened in her lifetime well, he opened up and for the first time she was happy he finally told her the secret. It was dark, mysterious, and if she went to the news reporter they probably call her crazy. Instead her only secret was hers alone. “That’s very…” Toshiki looked down waiting to hear that one word that pissed him off. A freak! Monster…whatever humans wanted to call him. Alice was different wasn’t she…? Would she call him that?

“I love my boss! He finally opened up to me…he finally…” Tears leaked out of her eyes in front of Toshiki for the first time he felt love. The time spent was cruel when he teased her like that. For his own amusement yes, but now he saw she was a human who accepted him. In a maid outfit Alice wore right outside on their top floor where a table sat only for the two of them. His Father gave him everything so long his secret was kept…well, a secret. His Father kill him if he ever knew. “Alice…” Passionately he pressed his lips up against hers. In a gentle matter he lightly nibbled on her bottom lip, pulling a bit he felt blood. It was warm that gave his cold skin a fire that sparked something in him. Love… “You don’t think of me as a monster? Or some kind of freak?” Shaking her head back and forth, eyes sparkled of the moonlight inside that made her shine beautifully. “No never would I! Though you are a pervert!” Toshiki let out a growl from his lips of that. First time he ever heard of that---a human calling a demon that. Funny…

“Come in…” Toshiki soft voice spoke when the doors opened to a room that had a master bed for two. Alice felt her cheeks light up a dark red color. “N-No, I can’t!” Raising her hands, both of the arms were raised when she had taken out her cell phone. “I-I should call it a night. I…” Really did I want to…? He knew that was a big fat lie. Honest wanting to stay forever as though this place was home. “Alice…stop the lies and come in.” Yep. He knew far too well about how I really felt. Walking inside the two legs slowly entered. Right inside was the view of the magical city of lights across the entire town. It was magic seeing all those colors. “It beautiful isn’t it?” He asked---I answered with eyes sparkling of those colors. “Come…” Turning toward the bed, he grabbed onto the hand, pulling Alice towards it. She quickly stopped when he picked her up in a bridal style to plop her down. Being above her he didn’t care what they thought. He knew that after all of this. He wanted her---he crave for her. It was burning inside of him far too damn long. “Don’t make me wait….Alice.”

Those nights we laid in bed---together. Nothing happened as Toshiki spoke saying ‘’I am scared.” He was scared of hurting the body inside. Alice knew he was a demon and hell---she did not care. All her life many people called her a bitch. Well, she acted like one half the time. Only this sweet side never showed over fear of people hurting her over, and over again. Placing a hand on Toshiki cheek, softly whispering those words of comfort. “If you hurt me, I will just hurt you back just as hard.” Toshiki burst into laughter. Usually the girl said ‘’You won’t hurt me’’. He was not expecting her to hurt him as bad. It was sexy if instead of him controlling her that she took the whip and controlled him. He wanted to feel that deep down. Alice was just that type of girl only---the next two nights. He gave in, gave her the pleasure along with him craving that need. Being inside of her. It was painful as hell but, fire burned inside of his body. Burning at his flesh he felt the passion it sparked inside. He could not let it go. He wanted more….and more.

Those nights filled with moaning, scratching, and their names being spoken for each other. Five nights in a row; he had sex with her each night not wearing any condoms. He asked her---she said I don’t want our love stopped by some protection. We should be open to our desires. Then he threw it and…well magic began. The magic that he never would experience with anyone else…

Those nights were the best----even for Alice. She thanked him and he said ‘’You always can ask for my love because my beloved you caught me in the web of fire. I am no longer frozen in time. I got you…’’

Alice came into work with her hand on top of her stomach. IT felt funny in there with movement and regretting if he found out. The times at the top tower lead to sex knowing no one would bother. Sometimes he take her inside the abandon work place that his Father left for him to sleep when he wanted. Only----he slept with Alice. That felt magical only he wanted Alice to share the experience but---- Those memories may have to end if she ever told him. If he knew, perhaps it was time she should quit. If leaving would help, would he hate her for it? Alice felt a bond between Toshiki even though she hated at first. Now her love was burning for him to touch her, comfort her, sniff her clothing, her neck. Everything he did was so soft and caring. The look in his eyes was enough to put chills down her entire body. She loved it!

Fear appeared upon her face, hands shaking as the weeks passed. Quickly turning to months over time she could not face him. He called her, left her emails, knocked on her door. Nothing! Not even a warning when he heard the news of her disappearance. “Kazuki…? No someone lived here by that name but she gone.” The people who moved in were couples and that when it hit him. Alice left with no words and that struck a sword in his heart by a hunter. Why…? Why did she just leave?! Had he done something? Usually she smack him around but this time----she was gone. He didn’t want to betray his family and leave back to America. If he had, his Father punish him the most cruelest way. Without seeing humans for nine hundred years….

“I quit!” Toshiki yelled through the phone to his Father who out-raged yelled back when he turned off his phone and left. He ran, and ran down the street to the air port. Knowing that Alice would be here. She probably already back to America. Where he search there away from this Hell of a place. Without her it was like the air stripped from him. He had no choice but to face her ad ask why the hell she left. But soon enough he saw someone familiar waiting. Sitting on the chairs; he saw her touching the top of her stomach.

Waiting in line to the place known as Colorado. A place with mountains which he went for skiing as a child. Why had she wanted to go there? Escape his grasp? He told her she could not---but if she wanted to leave him. Could he respect that wish?
Waiting in line he got a ticket early in case she was going there. He wanted to follow anyway possible without scaring her if he showed up in line and pulled her away. In a jacket; she looked cute even though she had on those fashion like clothes. In a blue dress she had ruffles underneath like some Princess from England. Quite adorable if he was asked with a white hat on top of her black haired head. “One ticket for Colorado please…” Alice spoke; his heart ached hearing that voice sound so cheerful as thought she wanted to escape.


Walking ahead of the line, he walked up seeing her hand take that ticket when he grabbed her arm and pulled her toward his chest. Wrapping her so tightly she had no way to escape his grasp---once again. “Tell me why! Alice…why.” A gasp left her lips with fear of facing him now. He was here! He…followed me. I was a baka to think he just forget after the time they spent. It was silly… “Toshiki-kun…” Looking him in his eyes he stood there not caring if anyone saw. It was when it hit him how pale she looked. Wanting to travel with her body so shaking, so easy to break by anyone who could be a demon here. He knew she had taken risks but this one was too risky. “What the hell were you thinking?! You are sick! You want to leave me now an---“ “NO!” Alice yelled so loud he stopped talking wanting to hear what she had to say. “I was…I…” Fear creeped up on her which caused panic and that meant her shaking. “I wanted to tell you, I did! It just fear came and I paniced that you would hate me forever. Toshiki-kun, I did not mean you harm I didn’t!”

Silence filled in the room when the person at the desk continued trying to get the guy attention. Alice grabbed Toshiki hand with pulling him to their airplane finding that he got the ticket. Taking him with her was the best idea she knew even though his Father would hate him. He left---to find her even go to Colorado. Alice quickly moved when they took their seats just in time before the plane left. It decended with the person telling them their ride will be smooth and that how she wanted it. To tell him everything that was a secret. Well for now she had a small one inside of her.

“Toshiki-kun, I want to share it---my secret as you hidden yours before we met.” Taking a soft breath, her lips moved closer to his ear. “I want to tell you…I been hiding away for weeks even months from you. I had no choice but to hide in fear that you be pissed and fire me.” Toshiki let out a soft growl, he was silenced when she pinched his leg and hegave her that look. “Can you keep a secret?” Alice had to ask in such a lame question. He just nod his head, eyes gazed into hers causing their silence to drag on. The airplane took aturn when she fell on his legs with his quick thinking he placed her on his lap with arms wrapped around her. “Tell me, Alice. I can’t bare to have us apart…I left for Tokyo, for you. I will do anything.” He spoke so sincere so passionately. He was the one that won this heart and perhaps the secret I had kept.

“Guess what, Toshiki?” She breathed softly, continuing her speech. ” You will be the Father of our child. That’s right…you have a small son or twins inside of me.” She spoke so softly, so happy that she carried part of him inside. He looked up at her with two widen irises of shock. He had a gut feeling his Father kill him. But fuck him! He did not care nor would he let his Father kill her for that. Pulling her closer, just so she could hear his words right into her ear. “Baka…! You thought I leave you because of this?” His hands grabbed onto her back tightly, gently he rubbed up and down softly. “I will stay with you for eternally as long I can.” His lips trailed down her neck, toward her chest where he placed one last kiss. On top of her heart to say…. Tears fell from her eyes of hearing his words. She should have known…after all this time he would not leave over the special child they created. Their memories of everything. He still loved her enough to quit his Father’s company and run away with her.

“Our hearts are now connected along with the newborn baby. I want us to be together forever….can you do that? Alice, no more keeping secrets.” Placing one hand, he put it on top of her stomach along with hers and with one nod she smiled at him happily. He held her the entire ride having her on his lap he did not want to let her go. She had captured his heart and he captured hers. They would not let each other go….he would do anything to keep that child safe and happy. Knowing the risks, he knew she would do anything as well. Placing their lips together they rested all the way to Colorado. Where they started a life and he started his own company where he would keep their family safe and in secret.

They both loved each other till the end…

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