Thursday, March 27, 2014

Forbidden Love || Chapter 1 - Give Me Your Braaaains

Note: This is a story I wanted to type from reading a rp I done with my girlfriend xD It may not make sense but, hey half my stories don't. You do not have to read this. Alright this is a oc x canon story which means my oc is made up from my own mind. Crazy... XDD Anyways check it out if you like.

Chilly air rubbed against her skin causing goose-bumps to appear quickly in big groups. Where had all the warmth gone? Had she slipped through a cave, magical forest, a dungeon? Questions came after another, fears of being lost in some forest at least all she could see was a sea of emerald colors that hidden any path up ahead with an easy path like the one in Wizard of Oz. ‘Follow the yellow-brick road’ to your destination they said. Long-straight light golden hair blew around, softly with curls at the bottom, wearing a long sleeve white shirt on, the collar was folded on the neck with soft fabric, the skirt was black with ruffles at the bottom of white was seen. On her legs, there had been black leg stockings that rose up to her knees. With no shoes; or any other bags. Many would say the girl looked funny outfit that caused people to stare. Rumor was there called an academy here for learning many things. Although it was a place not normal for people who came here… If there were any in this strange place that had weird noises upon the area. It was scary almost as though—Hell came upon her maybe some dark lord was causing all these strange sounds.

Had I fallen into the pits of hell?

“I must have gotten lost…” Whispering softly; words came out to herself when something caught her eyes. Inside the ocean blue eyes, something with red eyes made her question what was there. It had to be a dream---some kind of dream that would wake up from being chased. What…or where could she have fallen into?

Group of wolves ran over to hover toward the small girl who looked like ghosts had come toward. N-No, no! This can’t be possible at all with animals like this. There had to be someone, anyone that would come to her rescue. Yeah, where would that be…? Screaming the petite girl rushed away; feet pounded against the ground feeling her voice yelled all around the area. It was loud; filled with horror that could be heard and cause more creatures---if any more to come after her. Lips pressed against each other, biting down her teeth pierced the bottom lip in tasting her own blood. I-I have to go! Have to run. There is not time to was—

Teeth marks bit into her leg, pulling her down into the grass with the screaming continuing. It echoed with the pain repeating. Over and, over again the girl tried to call for help which then feeling something grab her body up away from the wolf. All in slow motion; the wolf flew across the forest with hearing a male’s voice with anger rising. “Why is it so noisy?” Eyes filled with teal, spikey white hair stood out within the darkness. The male had a slender body of a teenage boy whom looked like a hot model. Eyes gazed into his without noticing how strong he was just now.

Slowly his feet touched the ground when approaching the girl. Smelling something was sweet as the honey that touched the lips in the morning. That scent… It was of something that he had not encountered in such a long time. “Smelly mutts.” Reaching forward; his hand grabbed the female’s hand moving up toward the road. Not seeing the wolves they knew he would break them apart at least not willing to taste meat from wolves who are disgusting. “A-Ah…um, I…” The albino skin boy moved his eyes to gaze at the girl who stuttered like a little girl seeing something scary before running away.

She had that look of a doll. The doll of Barbie maybe something cute whom he bet many guys want their hands grabbing her butt. “So, will you get on your way?” Rudely he spoke now saving the girl wanting her to take a hike. It was cruel, rude, the attitude showed no care which he knew the girl either stomp on his foot or just walk away crying. He guessed she would just stand there and then….

Hearing his words were ice cold as though he didn’t give a shit. Maybe he didn’t, it hurt like a knife being stabbed. Staring at the black concrete, words were silent without speaking her mind of how rude he was. It wouldn’t matter after all she hated these types of people. “G-Gomen…I won’t bother you again. Thank you, mister for saving me.” The words meant nothing she was sure when he smelled that scent once more. It didn’t come from any animals who bitten. The girl had been the one who got bitten was not the wolves eating bunnies---no. It was this girl. “Wait!”

Coming to her surprise the male voice sounded worried or concerned. That was weird for him to care seconds later. “If you keep going, many dangerous things will come after you. I do not mean those wolves. You do not understand how dangerous it is!” Without warning his hand grabbed the back of her shirt when his strength lifted her up. “W-What…?” Shocked eyes widen from his words, being put on his shoulder, legs kicked with fear he take her to his cult. Or some place to do the terrible. “Put me down! I will not become dinner for you cra---“ Letting out a stressful sigh, his finger lightly pinched the girl butt. “Why would I want to eat you? I am no pig to eat some girl who is lost. Besides…you taste probably like trash.” There he goes again! Acting all cold and rude when he is carrying me with that ‘do not go anywhere’ talk. “Then why do you care?! I don’t understand your logic at all mister whitey-chan!”

Ignoring her nicknames he kept going East down the dirt road that had the forest on each sides. Those wolves did not appear while he carried her even after her little bite. Could the stories be true? What if she changes into one of them? Would she…bite him then continue the cycle? What was he anyway…? “…Stop your sobbing. I told you I will not eat you and you’re still crying like a baby!” Feeling her behind; he kept her on his shoulder in case of a battle which would annoy him. It was this girl who acted like a baby although he loved that scent coming from her. It was sweet, admiring, the addiction of tasting it would be enjoyable. He should tend to her wound once they reach his home. Well, it wasn’t a home more like a school he attended.

“I am not crying! You’re the one who said such cruel things…” Turning her head away, tears kept falling down each side of the two cheeks. It was stupid to cry over words that he said when it was true. Perhaps some of it… Arriving at some city it looked clean at least excited when lights were decorative with flowers tied onto vines that had a color of blue. Stopping by a bench his body would lower the girl down. Gently he put her on the wooden surface, gently making sure her leg did not come any harm to her. “Sorry…I didn’t mean any harm at least not to you. I can see it was too far although how did you get here?” Humans were not allowed here if she was found out then… Well, you could say she be food quickly and pain would be seen on her face. He wasn’t that type of demon to just gobble her up. “Tell me…why you came here. If you tell me, then I would ask for your name after all I saved you and it be right to tell your hero.” He sounded like a jackass maybe even taking things too far. His conversation always brought girls to tears or at least half of them rubbing against him from the looks. Those females made him sick the reason why he put up a barrier.

Those eyes---they were on me. How could he ask such bizarre questions? Why I came? He sounded like this place didn’t see humans often. The wolves were one thing in the forest but, why did he act so careful? Why did he even…care? Swallowing loudly her lips opened up once more, “I came to join a academy that I heard was the best. I wanted to learn art even though the other schools would not do.” Her words made little sense to everyone else. Of course no one would get how much it meant to her. Using one hand, slowly brushing part of her blonde hair out of the way to look at this unnamed boy. “Sounds like a silly dream although, the school what was the name?” His lips formed upward with a grin that caused her heart to skip a beat. Why was he so damn gorgeous?! This shouldn’t have some dreamy guy. It shouldn’t!

“The name…it is Iceward Academy. I had signed up which it was accepted by me so, I came here though I didn’t bring anything.” Running fingers down her hair, lips pressed together from the stinging pain that came from that bite. Pain expressed across her face; words could not come out any longer with something next happening.

His white teeth were shown, “Hold still…” He had to save her at least from all the pain. She answered honestly which he knew those other girls tried to unzip his pants. This one----she was more clumsy even ditzy. To not bring anything? How stupid. His skin white as snow was shown on his entire body. Those teal orbs that remind of a deep green. It held her blue eyes from looking anywhere else. “Just…stay there. I will save you from this pain and…tell me one thing.” He breathed in; lowering her head down on the bench, he lifted her wounded right leg toward his mouth.  Holding her foot right in his hand, softly taking in that scent that caused him to go insane.“W-Wait! What are you doing?! Don---“ Leaning forward he had his tongue lick against the skin, tasting that sweet scent that caused him the longing of blood from humans.

“…I should tell you my name at least so you don’t call me such ridiculous nickname.” Pulling away from her ankle, he took in the scent with sniffing the air of anyone around. Luckily he knew everyone was at that damn party. They were probably wasted in this town with everyone who is a different creature. No one here would believe a human was here so long he had found her. The feeling inside of him from this wound caused worry. He lost someone before…the same way although he could not save them as his Mother was badly murdered. All he could do was watch, keep watch from the hunters who feared for their life. “Call me by this name…only this name. My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya, miss clumsy Princess.”

Shiny white teeth shined within the dark colors in the sky. Clouds covered this sky with no blueness. Nor would it be seen at all. From hearing his name it was something to remember. Feeling the heartbeat fast with a rapid speed. He had calm down the pain that ached each time of walking earlier. Now it felt like numbness came. “Toshiro-kun…thank you for saving me but, I should at least get you a gift o---“ His finger lightly touched her lips, leaning toward her ear, his words spoke softly. “Do not give me anything. I do not want anything from you…not out of cruelty but, well…” Chuckling softly his laughter was happy from the truth. He actually had to tell her something. “I also go to that school you mentioned. Seems I have to help you get there. Until then…let us b—“

The girl lightly moved away from him; seeing his eyes widen from her moving away so suddenly. “D-Do not call me clumsy! I am not! I told you that…I will be stronger.” AH, actually I did not even speak of such. I must not show him any weakness or he just toss me aside. Why did I care…? He was cold, rude, a jackass, and…I really did want to make friends. “Please do not break your promise. T-To help me! I want you to promise that as you hear my name. I know I am not strong, nor do I know hwere I should go. I just want us to be friends!” Hands place on top of her chest, softly breathing in one more scent of the air. “Call me Bri Haku. Toshiro-kun, I do hope we become close friends.” It was so sudden that he stared for a long time at posing like she had some great speech for the world. He felt intrigued for her silliness that could not be found.

“---Heh. I am sure you will fail if I am not around but, Bri…stay by my side.” His finger poked into her forehead. Softly poking each cheek till she whined. He really could learn things from her or new things about humans. They were clearly amusing to him….it been five hundred years since the last came along. This should be interesting…

You think of me as some blood sucker who take human life? Yeah…I like that. Although I am not a vampire who needs crack. That crack----would be blood.  If you mistake that, I will have no problem breaking off your limbs. As you may recall. Some creatures are different as I am not a vampire, nor a werewolf, or some butterfly that would be called gay. No….I am a zombie.

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