Friday, March 28, 2014

Forbidden Love || Chapter 2 - Roommates Of...Monsters?

The black t-shirt was on the guy’s waist that rested on his sides.  His jean-blue pants were to his ankles when wearing a black leather jacket which fit him perfectly. The weather was cool for his skin which it was dead. He wished to become human even though if he told Bri. What would she think? Zombies are made like those ones that act like a one year old. Who go “Graaaaaaaah” It was so insulting!

Eyes shifted down to the girl wound that started to close. It was something not simple for normal humans. That was quite obvious she would see the change or he hoped that her eyes opened up. This was no place for a human, only questions how she allowed here.

“Toshiro-kun?” Bri voice had called him back away from his inner thoughts of the matter. What should he do now? He can’t just leave her here after all the idiots in his school are partying like the night will go on forever. “Bri, you should at least get some food. Come on, I will go with you. At least only tonight!” Pushing his hands into each pocket, gently he looked back when standing to see her eyes filled with stars. “Your so kind, Toto-kuuuun!” Twitching a red mark appeared on the right side of his forehead. “THAT…is not my name!” He lowered his voice just in case someone heard of their conversation. He must protect her! All he knew was that she was defenseless human. “Let’s go, Clumsy oaf!”

Footsteps started to move closer, hearing her footsteps soon after had him feeling nervous. Would he be able to keep her secret? Should he tell her? At least tonight he could hide her away. His own secret treasure. He was not going to give her up. Not now, not ever! She was his.

“You seem so tense, Toshiro-kun.” A hand reached out to touch the shoulder from Toshiro who jumped just from her touch. It wasn’t that he was tense-well maybe he was in a concern state. Many will be out during the night at least those blood suckers. They knew him all too well being the only zombie around. Soon that will change he was sure that his family will be around. “Let’s go here.” Ignoring her voice he tried to cancel it out. He can’t worry her at least not now after all if she sees a vampire. Maybe he should tell her or warn Bri that this place is not safe for a human. If he told her, then she will scream or leave. Perhaps that be best. At least she could be safe away from here.

“Toto-kuuun!” Two fingers pulled at his cheeks, softly making him wave his arms out in anger. “Stop that! What are you trying to do, Clumsette?!” Blue orbs narrowed slightly, pulling even harder on his cheek. “I am not a clumsy oaf! I told you my name, Toshiro-kun! Why are you so touchy? There something you’re not telling me, right?” Up ahead he heard some males coming this way. If he wanted, he could let her learn a lesson although that makes her feel fear. Toshiro wasn’t that type to force someone. When he could just tell her the truth. One of his hand grabbed onto Bri, pulling her toward the alley in hiding from the group of fang suckers.

Covering on top of her mouth, the lips were silenced when trying to speak toward him. Passing by her eyes widen seeing the group of white skin people. Was Toshiro afraid? She didn’t know the reason why he was so tense. Perhaps the wolves had something to do with it. Protecting her from danger. Did she come to the wrong city? He had said the school was the same. Surely…this wasn’t dangerous all these people are human. Deep down knowing that was a lie. From the right ankle; the wound that had bite marks already stopped hurting and sealed up quickly. Magic could not be the idea here with how fast it healed. Like he was some demon.

The group stopped with their noses making sniffling noises of the air. It smelled of human at least that what they picked up. Shit! The white haired male quickly picked up Bri in his arms bridal style. Hearing her squeak the group turned to the alley, his body moved out with glaring at them from their eyes staring. “Oh look! It the trashy zombie who picked up…someone.” Laughter left their lips from the horrible bullying. “Haven’t you guys gained enough weight? I don’t have time now move!” Yelling in a cold tone; the group surrounding the two teenagers with their tongues coming out.

Blue orbs widen from them moving so fast in her eyes-it was too quick to pick up. “Move? Oh, no no! We are---“ Toshiro gently put Bri on the ground with him stepping forward. “…Guess I have to do this the hard way. Blood suckers, all you care about is blood. Can’t you get a new hobby?” Their eyes stared at the girl; hands would reach out when they felt a force smack them back. Bri stared in shock at all of them without knowing what to do. Fingernails dug into the ground feeling fear took over. What should she do? If she wasn’t here then…

The metal pipe came out of his pant pocket when hitting the group of vampires. They looked like humans to Bri he was sure. Although they are not. This would not stop them completely though he will report this to the school. It was then he heard cop alarms from camera’s reporting of a fight. Great…! Just what he needed. This would not be good if Bri was caught. They would probably kill her or erase the memory of this when she was accepted. “Come on, Bri!” His hand grabbed hers quickly after putting away his pipe. No way in hell will he let them harm her! This sudden emotion was causing his mind questions about why. Why should he care? Was it because of her being human? How he wanted to just have some adventure.

Both their bodies ran toward the black gates. His card was brought out with putting it inside a card slot. Beeping it opened the gates with him pulling Bri inside. Deep breathing came out; being pulled inside her body was rushed in the court yard. In the back, there had roses, flowers scattered in the back with a dim light shining. Inside the buildings looked like it was for the students here who lived on campus. “This is the school…I do not want to chance it with more students out there. Sorry I wanted to take you out to eat but, seems it won’t happen.” His grip on her hand was tight, gentle with pulling her toward the middle building. He hated this feeling of putting her in danger. Yet, those damn fang suckers.

“It’s alright, Toshiro-kun. I am thankful you protected me again…it all shocking that you would risk your life.” Lips formed a small smile, fingers gripped his own hand that held so tightly. It just felt nice when everything was so frightening. “What are you talking about? Of course I wouldn’t let you die like that. In fact, this is the school fault as you see…they were not human.” Swallowing loudly he moved toward the two doors. With a free hand, grabbing the handle he turned it slowly. The inside room was quiet with stairs going down, then up to the different one hundred rooms. He knew that this all confuse her to speak right now so he had to wait hoping his room-mate would not be there.

Pulling along with the albino male, eyes scanned around in case of more people who will attack. Knowing what he said could not be a joke. He was so tense and to see his changing emotion. Why had he wished to save me? When he was so cold…so cold it was scary. Those eyes staring so deeply, so demanding. It was hard to breathe from what he kept secret. Including that pipe! He could have killed me if he ever wanted to. How scary…

The last step was up to the very top level of the area where he stayed. Usually this would not happen. Him bringing back a girl where he did his studies. Finding her from the forest and leading her to get food. What had gotten into him?! It was confusing himself over what he wanted. Not food, nor her blood. He was not like them! Not a monster…he wasn’t! Reaching for the door knob, fingers lightly brushed against it with turning it to the right, gently he pushed the door open. Then it hit him…a girl he brought with no thought how she feel. Besides why is he bringing her here?! Shouldn’t he take her to a hotel? What an idiot he was!

“T-T-T-This is my room! Ignore the mess after all, I can’t have you staying at a hotel when those monsters ar--- I mean, people are out.” Stuttering constantly he felt as though she was his new girlfriend. Teal orbs looked away from Bri, walking inside he knew that she would feel very uncomfortable. Instead the different had come out of her lips. It was the sweetest sound he ever heard from a human in a long time.

Blue orbs warmed up from watching him stutter. It was like he was nervous over her now when he was with a girl the whole day. Perhaps she didn’t understand males. Feet moved across the carpet, pushing the door shut with not letting anyone else see-or that what he would like. “It’s alright, Toshiro! Don’t feel bad for what has happened after all…I bumped into you. If not, I wouldn’t even be here.” Releasing his hand; exploring the huge-not small apartment that usually would be given. It had a flat-screen TV against the wall hanging, on the sofa it had a teal colors along with design of snowflakes. Walking across the floor her feet tripped over a pile of panties which were lacy. “N-Nani…?”

Rushing over to Bri his hands reached out in concern. “Bri!” Feeling his chest lift, then lower from feeling these emotions. This girl…He must get away! The girl words, her actions, even that smile. It was all fake right? He knew humans were greedy but, if she was, wouldn’t she be like most the others? Meeting her feels like destiny or that lame crap saying with ‘red thread of fate’. That wouldn’t work with someone who dead. Rotting from the ground where he should be in Hell with the deeds he done. Losing someone important he could not even imagine. The things he done were not normal.

Looking up her eyes met Toshiro’s with a kind smile upon her face. “I-I am fine, Toto.” Ignoring the annoying nickname. His hand would lightly touch hers, feeling the electricity through it his body jumped. “Eek!” Bri stood up from seeing something wiggle out from where she been sitting. It was then the voice came out from the blue dragon that flew in the air. On top of him was a yellow panties stuck on top of the forehead from the creature. “Master, why were you so late…? You said five minutes! I…” His voice paused when seeing the female creature inside with ideas running through his mini mind.

Letting out a deep sigh, his hand ran through his snowy-white hair, fingers felt the hair was dry a bit. He needs a shower although he knew that being dead it wasn’t like he would smell good. Though Bri has not said anything from him not showering more so-she kept complaining about his attitude. He felt that his cold barrier was useful toward being hurt from the past. This girl-her power seems to break through with him caring. “Excuse my pet behavior…and attraction to female underwear. This is Hyorinmaru an ice dragon.” His hand rose toward the animal when the panties flew off. It smacked Toshiro right in the face which pissed him off even more. To present such naughty behavior for Bri. It was disgusting!

Two hands clapped in front of her chest, leaning forward at the creature whom moved his body toward her. Gently his head nuzzled against her, softly rubbing with hearing little giggles out of Bri. “Soooo soft! If only master treat me like this then I be happy. Let’s take a bath! Oh, I am sure Master be happy to peek wouldn’t he?” His laughter was soft with feeling a hand lightly pet the dragon. “Can we add bubbles, Hyo-kun?” Asking the sweet tone caused the dragon to have hearts in his eyes. “Of course, Master’s girlfriend.”

The new name caused Bri whole face to turn dark red of the title. “G-G-G-G-Girlfriend? N-No! We aren’t…” Two hands moved out trying to tell the little dragon it wasn’t true. “Oh, come on! You look cute, he brought you here, and your about to take a bath. I am sure he treats you well.” Well…they just met. That would be weird if already they dated. “HYORINMARU! Treat her with respect and she is not my GIRLFRIEND! I just met Bri off in the forest.” The small dragon knew many ways to tease his master about this. “Oooh a forest? I wonder if you took her there for a great hiding spot. Well, I am sure she liked it more.” His grin was devious with many thoughts running through. “What are you talking about?” Raising a white brow, his lips formed a straight line from feeling stressed out already.

Bri pat her cheeks softly feeling bad for all the trouble caused from her. This was all happening too fast. Even though she had bumped into him, even made him save her, protect her, and he didn’t leave her. Why didn’t he? It was like a mysterious puzzle that the pieces didn’t seem to fit when you looked for it. It had to shout out and light up waving glow sticks like ‘heeeello I am here.’ “Sex in the woods, in the cave, out where no one would see you two. I am sure you both had a hot, warm time didn’t you?” It was then that the white haired male chased after his pet causing a ruckus. Bri just stood there with shocked blue orbs at how bad his pet was.

Although she admired how he protected her once again with his pet being quite out-going. “We should take that bath, Hyo-kun! I am sure Toshiro-kun wants to relax and probably rest since it was my fault.” Clearing away the sex scene was hard after all. He had the body to be quit sexy in her eyes-it was hard to look away. Raising one hand, slowly it brushed through her blonde hair that shined from the light. Turning around her body walked around the room trying to find the bathroom out of embarrassment. It was Toshiro who grabbed her arm with pulling her up the spiral stairs to the upper level with the two doors that opened automatically in showing the largest bathtub she ever seen.

“Please do not be frighten by Hyorinmaru. He means less harm and…I didn’t mind saving you.” His words whispered right into the girl ear, softly with a smile across his face from seeing two pink color in his white cheeks. “B-Bri I…I am glad that I ran into you. Ah, well, enjoy the bath. The towels are in the room on the right in the small baskets. I…uh,” His lose for words over what he just uttered. What had happened to him? Spending time with her it was like the coldness had gone away. NO! He must keep distance with his thoughts running wild it could do something harmful. Bri only smiled warmly at Toshiro who seemed to show compassion for her safety. “Toshiro-kun…thank you. I am so thankful you do not blame me for everything. Even though it is my fault and I really hope I can fit in here.” The blush upon her cheeks were a light shade of red. His eyes didn’t leave hers for a long one minute in watching her face, slowly moving down to her waist, then down to her feet. It was true he wouldn’t even consider keeping a girl or any species. He really did feel like she was…someone he could get along with.

“Come on, Master just kiss her already!” The small hand lightly smacked Toshiro in the face. His eyes narrowed when grabbing Hyorinmaru in one hand. “Shut up!” Stomping down the stairs he left without speaking anymore. It was then he rushed back upstairs with moving to Bri quickly. “T-Tomorrow I will take you on a tour of the school. I promise to help you! I-I well, enjoy the bath!” His feet pounded against the ground when he waved toward her. IT was the little he could do after all, she was just here for the school and so was he. Being his first year here-he was thankful she came along.

The two walked inside the bath with the small dragon jumping in the water with his tail wagging. Splashing the water along the floor, his small laughter with talk about how his Master was. It made her blush along with yelling at the dragon over how he thought up these strange things. “Master is quite lonely…I am glad he brought you though, Bri-chan.” Softly the water would move with Bri stepping in naked without a towel knowing Toshiro would not come in. “You care for him a lot, Hyo-kun.”

Bri could see their relationship was often times loud from Hyorinmaru’s outburst although he cared for him enough to worry. “Bri-chan, you promise to stay by his side. I really want him to stop acting so coldly, but I never seen him stutter like he did. It was funny!” Swimming around the water it made her watch with the events today. Already dark outside it felt like time went so fast! “I am shocked too after his coldness to me. He seems different and I wonder if it’s his nature or…well, I am shocked to even see you! Only pets I could have are dogs, cats, horses, donkeys.” Lightly her body would lower with floating on her back. Slowly going across the bathtub that was big enough for at least a party. Like those Japanese bathtubs you see in Anime where the person was rich enough to have a large tub like this.

“Are you saying you never seen me before? Oh, Bri-chan! Of course this wouldn’t be normal…after all, we are in a different world.” That caught Bri’s eyes when she stopped seeing Hyorinmaru fly on the ground. Different world? What had he meant by that…? “What do you mean? Are you saying tha---“ Her lips stopped seeing someone walk into the room with a female who had a slender body. The girl long orange hair fell at her sides, a large chest was seen with her half naked. Hyorinmaru looked at the male with his eyes narrowing. “Gin…big booby lady.” Bri moved over to Hyorinmaru with fear of who these two could be. Panicking her body started to shake. The images of those group of no-humans were causing her to shake constantly. No, no, NO! I do not want to be food. What is this place? Why everything had seemed so different? It was like this world never appeared before.

“Well, well…look what we have here.” Gin’s voice spoke with his eyes opening up from their closed state. The female kept her hand on her right hip, eyes looked at the two with her hazel orbs seemed interested. It seemed the two were hungry for dragon and human. At least that how it looked of course her wanting to run would be impossible. This wasn’t her home, it was Toshiro’s and now the eyes looked at them.

Did the doors open up to a world no one could enter just walk into? That what I had thought…Knowing that my life had changed ever since I ran into the most handsome male. Still my heart felt like I belong here, I was needed here. I wanted to keep staying even if it harmed me in any way. My heart has started a new journey and I want to keep that want even if it dangerous.

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