Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Black Butler || Chapter 1 - Banana Surprise..? {AU}

Words froze the human being at hearing something surprising. Would you react if everyone told how they felt of you? Would that love be forever..?  That was how dreams were formed. I tasted the trash---it burned my entire being. Of being betrayed by the very man who said ‘I will be here for you.’ Those words burned what innocence was left from the heart. Gripping on top of the shirt area, lightly the fingers would brush with pulling down.


                                                      My heart aches for something that you left.

Your black heart…

“Miss Bridgett!” A strict tone came within the room with other students who had their eyes on the girl in the back row. I know, it like those shows you see the main character being in the back. Like Light Yagami who finds a death note book and tries to make a better world. Did he succeed? That will be another story to tell here. “MISS BRIDGETT!” The voice was higher only to make the girl jump up on her two feet. “Y-Yes, Ma’am?” Both of her hands laid against her waist, lips shaped a straight line when hearing other students giggle. This was a life of Bridgett Dore Ailsa. The name spoke from last to first. Japan rules are very different from London which originally this was where she had been born.

“I do not care if you wish to sleep. You do it on your own time, got it?” The lady had a few wrinkles on each side of her cheek bones. It looked like hell. She looked like hell. Like one of those subs who are old ladies who know everything being an elder. More strict and cranky like a stick was forced up their butt. “Yes, Ma’am.” Her words were soft with many whispering about how foolish to piss off the teacher. Especially if she was Mrs. Christine. The most serious teacher in Japan with an English name. She moved from United States from afar to get away. What from? Probably everyone hated her with her beliefs. She believed that Japan would someday take over her birth place. What a riot…! What kind of person wishes for that?

Society…if anyone should be hanged it would be her for wishing such a terrible thing. That is why people are to not be trusted. She is like all the others. The black hearted ones.

The entire day filled with students whispering about the ‘Zombie Bridgey.’ Yes. A name that I be some kind of bridge. No, no, no! I can’t be. I hate to admit it but it hurts. Those people who talk about you like a book from a story. Only it about how stupid you look in public. Not the cool comments the character gets if they are cool. Two ears twitched, hearing that nickname again with people chanting like a rule here. This college was such a bad idea. Who knew Japan was rude? Many teens were like that no matter what they were. Lightly her blonde hair sway when she passed the group. Their lips closed shut with those little giggles. “Oh, no! She heard us. Tee hee!” Ailsa stopped her feet when turning with her eyes filled with tears. No… If I cry, it just be a laughing story to tell around the school. All the group looked shocked at how much it hurt her. They began to laugh when a tall female walked by with slamming the guy into the locker. Ailsa two eyes blinked in shock, her mouth opened wide with moving out of the girl way. It was then her hand grabbed Ailsa with dragging her away from them.

“That hurt you bitch!” The male yelled which the tall female stopped before she was about to turn the corner. Long black hair rested at her waist, the school uniform was on when Ailsa was dizzy with being pulled around. “Oh, what are you going to do about it? You have no shame making fun of her when she was being human. Get a fucking life you dick.” The girl stood up for someone who she didn’t even know. Why..?

“T-That’s…! None of your business at least she should stand up for herself wh---“ Her hands let go of Ailsa’s shoulder when moving quickly to raise her foot into the guy’s face. He went flying with her eyes shifting to the girls. “Want to fight with me too?” Terrified the girls shook their head, all their mouths let out was a scream when running away.

Ailsa bowed her head down, eyes closed tightly with feeling her body shake. She felt that fear. The fear of near death experience. Or was that what it called? “Please..do not bow to me. I only wanted to stop them from making a cute girl cry.” The girl stood in front of Ailsa with her hands reaching down to her shoulders. She stood tall with being at least 6’4. “My name is Minakiko. I wanted to put them in their place and really someone should after all, you were just day dreaming. I shall report this and keep it shoved under the rug.” Her dark purple eye was shining from the sun’s light. The other had an eye-patch over it which covered what color it be. “If you need anything come find me. Okay, Ailsa?”

A shy two nods was shown on the girl when Minakiko walked past. “Have a good day.” Kindness was found only in a rare person who stepped up to the evil. That person had been---her. Minakiko.

Afternoon had struck the hour with her job. Well, it was her family which runs a big company with her running after her parents left on vacation. It had been to record albums which her voice was the biggest hit. No one at college knew of this. When singing over with millions of hits; it was like a secret life. Kind of how Miley Cyrus was the only Hannah Montana. Still was obvious she wouldn’t be so immature.

This had run till nine o’ clock which was a late hour for her parents when they did a radio like job.  Mostly with questions from other fans who loved her parents work along with hers. Some were even students at her school who felt like she was some star idol. “You’re so great, Senpai!” Senpai? Wasn’t that pushing it over the edge? Seriously! Long hours…all those long hours are gone. Thankfully…!

All the technology was shut off from wasting electricity. Computer is shut off check. The radio, check.  Everyth--- Oh! The lights are all shut off before leaving today. Now that is taken care of it time to head back to the house of Bridgett.

The home was a estate which to her felt like a poor person dreams of come true. To live here be a dream they say. Not to me. Small room would be thankful however, it was a roof over her head which she thankful in it-self.

Up front had a black iron gate which only had security of a butler whom asked who was there. Inside when someone spoke through the microphone, their voice would tell who it was even if they imitate the Bridgett’s. “Hello, how may I help you?” The warm tone in the butler voice was calm and relaxing to listen to after work each day and college. Alisa really hated to hear her teacher who yelled at her to be straight A classmate. No slouching, no sleeping, nothing but nagging all day. Sometimes she thinks her parents had her nag so she be top of her class.

“Albert, it is I, Ailsa.”

A low chuckle left his lips, keys were pressed with a noise after it. “Welcome back home, my dear.” He always so sweet and gentle with her when it is appeared to be her worst day. Like today.  It was dreadful. When her car pulled in; the gate had closed behind with a long line of rose buses along the road. It felt like dreams would be cool to change scenery but, I do agree this is nice.

The car shut down with a her finger pressed against a button to signal through her brain it was time to get out. Everything here is different with technology no longer needing keys. The brain tells you and if your brain is with a headache the car hands out some medicine. Which is painful because it will not go away if you yell at the machine. “GO AWAY!” It doesn’t work---I tried.  Once the car was shut down it slowly would realize was not parked where it should. On auto-pilot the vehicle had slowly drove into the garage which had been opened by the car computer talking to the garage system.

Stress level had been raised with college being like High School where kids have no respect. Kids I call them because they think words can’t hurt. “Another long day, Miss Ailsa?”  Albert voice spoke up from being in the garage area. A hand reached out, slowly the finger tips on each finger gripped the door handle to open it. The black school bag sat in the passenger seat which looked comfy for a bag’s life. “Ah, yes. I had some kids pick on me though it was fine. Someone helped me in that situation which I should have been stronger.” Speaking to Albert felt like he would only listen. It was nice to speak out and have someone listen instead of talk to you after your entire day speech and tell you what you did wrong or could have done. Was even more stress added to those who don’t understand you. Maybe he didn’t…

“Miss Ailsa, I believe what they did was wrong so you not doing something could have led to them being open to it again. You must learn to control emotions even under that situation. We must be strong for the family.” He reached one hand forward, slowly taking the bag away from Ailsa. “Go ahead.. I prepared a bath for you, my dear.” Ailsa felt like it was wrong for a butler in this estate with everything to handle. “Thank you, Albert.” When she complained her parents both said it was fine. Nothing is wrong because he agreed to it.

What if he wanted to be treated like a guest? Not a slave. They said he did not feel that way and loved to work for them. When Ailsa approached Albert he said it was fun. He got a job when no one approved of him. He was the most talented man to be able to handle her since five years old. So, why did others hate him for being such a impressive man? Who knows.

Walking toward the back door, it would be open by one of the maids who escorted Ailsa to the bathroom. “Thank you, Sheila.” One nod of the maid, both eyes looked away once she passed down the hall with a bright smile. Sheila never complained when she was complimented by her parents all the time. All maids, chefs, even all staff. They got paid very well. Only one butler who worked closely on Ailsa and the two parents who owned the estate and had trips to travel the country for concerts.

Both feet hit the ground when walking down to the bathtub. By bathtub it wasn’t just a simple one. No, It was a huge bathtub which filled with warm water and cleaned every day. Water looked relaxing right now---to float away. Fly into a abyss of darkness or wetness. Maids entered in the room with leaving her favorite blue robe. Their hands touched her clothing which was a school outfit to slide the arms out of the sleeves of the shirt, next the skirt came off with her entire clothes. ENTIRE meaning the bra and panties which were taken to be cleaned for the next time to be cleaned and dried then folded in her closet.

“Have a good bath, milady.”

Ailsa did not answer them this time with her body moving toward the water. It felt like something called out to her once the doors closed, the water had a dripping sound within the warmth touching her naked skin. “This feels nice!” Her voice echoed in the bathroom with the sounds of water dripping, voices outside the hall. Normal kind of thing. One thing she didn’t expect was to feel so relaxed, so comfortable that it slip her into an entire different place.

Her dreams.

The petite head slowly lowered, water touched her chin till it went past her forehead to fall under water. It was relaxing like a drug that puts your whole body into a eternal deep sleep. Long strands of blonde hair was spreading behind her. She felt her body soak the water with lips forming a small smile from embracing this deep sleep. Something felt wrong, a change within the water which had been warm---more like something dark. It was not water.

Two eyes opened quickly, raising her body to sit up with a strange liquid on her white skinned body. What was this?! Why did it taste… “Hey! What are you doing in my bath?” A British tone spoke up with his adult body inside. Right in front of him was this blonde. Meaning her.

“W-What do you mean…’your bath’?” Ailsa voice sounded shock with fear she somehow ended up here. Albert never would take her somewhere else. She was sure of that! Why had she somehow traveled and when…? “You seem lost…should I spell it out for you?” His long white finger nails reached out; black paint was on each of his finger nails when slowly he grabbed her arm, pulling her closer towards his chest where he showed his eyes. They were not normal. He looked not human at all! Frozen the girl body stayed still without any power to move herself out and run.

W-Where have I…no! Where am I?! Why have I come to some place I do not know? Did I fall to sleep…forever? Where, when, what am I doing in this boy’s bath? What should I do?

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