Friday, May 15, 2015

Frozen Wings || Chapter 1 -They Are What?!

Sound of rain touched the tile concrete ground in the middle of London. A big clock tower sat in the middle of the city, on the side of the clock town had like a football field of the bridge. Deep inside the city was people who walked around. Some even walked with their Husbands and children. 

There was a female who walked in the rain with herself. In the blue dress that was quite tight against her chest. Length of the hair had been to her waist, style was wavy with bangs cut short for her two ocean blue eyes, lips were small with pink lip gloss that shined. 

Long sleeve fluffy sleeves, a sky blue color was the color of fabric, two cups were out for her breasts, in the middle of her stomach had a corset which pushes lightly against her chest, the bow was on the back was found. On top of her head, there was a hat with a oval kind of shape, ribbon had been tied underneath her neck. Gloves were short with ruffles at the end near her wrists, a long puffy dress that had a tent like size with a object to keep it up, underneath her skirt had a white like pants only length to her knees. Blue round dress shoes wore on the adult female, had a little high heels stool. 

Light clicking came from her high heels, holding up a parasol that was a umbrella above her head. "Rain is so beautiful! Many feel sad, I do not." Tone of her voice had been soft, a kind kind of tone. Part of her hair waved, on her way back home. When approaching her house; the money her parents left her was enough for the week. My name is Isabelle Bloome. I am born in London where my parents travel over the United States for their singing. Only their travel isn't so easy that is why they sing longer. 

"Mom...Dad...please return soon."

A deep sigh left her lips, lifting her chest then lowering it when feeling a hand touch her mouth. Forcing out a scream only to be muffled when a deep voice spoke with turning to see the male had a big X across his forehead. Long green mixed hair were down to his waist, the chest had a muscular kind of size. Arms held two small infants in each hand, fingers looked almost like ice. Was this man even a human?! He one of those mafia bosses!

"Read the note that is attached to your door. We do not have much time, Miss Isabelle."  Staring blankly at the male, her jaw was opened a bit with showing how dumbfounded her face looked. "W-Wait!" One finger raised with showing his ice like claw. "I know you have questions. The paper will say it all."

Eyes stared at the male, lowering her gaze toward the two small infants who both had the same white as snow kind of hair. Sleeping peacefully in a dream until they wake with a mysterious trip. What is this guy doing here?! Why is this happening?


On the paper it was a sheet of single piece only the writing was elegant. This writing made her think of the Father she had. Eyes moved right to left, scrimming through the paper when reading each line after another. It made the English female have tears that were out of panic.

Dear Isabelle Bloome,

I am giving you these children of mine. Teach them, let them grow old enough to know that someday I will come for them. Ms. Isabelle Bloome, you will be their Mother for now and do not worry about feeding them. They are unique children. In fact... you shall see when they grow up and become your children. I do not wish to make you panic. There is only so much I can do but apologize...You will be their Mother and refuseal will mean your death. I have ordered my butler to kill you right here, right now. 

     Choose your life...

Live...or die?

                                     Your boss, Toshiro Hitsugaya

"W-W-W-W-W-What?! I have to babysit them?" Panic filled the woman voice when both her hands touched each side of her face. "I don't know anything about children!" Isabelle shook her head back and forth. "Calm down, Miss Isabelle. He will send you a manual." Tear bubbles were resting in the edge of her eyes, turning slowly with eyes filled with hope. "Mister please send those soon! Babies are serious matter and why he pick me?"

The male had nod his head at the door, seeing the panic in her body acted with rushing to the door. Grabbing the keys from her purse, a jingle sound came from wiggling the keys. Pushing the one key onto the door knob, twisting it to the right with hearing a click and suddenly the door opened with her noticing the house already been modified. "Now, we shall speak of how you care for these children. Here..." 

The two infants would be handed to her, panicking the female had tried to hold both of them when a small hand grabbed her left small breast. "Eeek! N-No don't grab that...!!" Looking back at the male who's name was not told. "My name is Hyorinmaru." He almost said slowly in a slow-calming tone. Isabelle eyes stared at him in shock, mouth had dropped down wide. "Can you read my mind?!" 

Hyorinmaru let out a sigh, lips formed a smile from this woman accusation. "No, Miss Isabelle I am not a vampire although that would be a waste. I rather hear how you feel. I know this isn't easy...and with your life on the line." He breathed in slowly, "My Master believes in you with him searching on Earth for the perfect female. He picked you. Be proud..."

Proud?! Randomly he choose her over all the other females who were Mothers? What caused him to choose her...?

Hearing some noises from the younger child who moved his arms up. "How did he pick me? I just am a single woman!!" Isabelle raised her voice, eyes both looked down at the infants. "You have a pure soul.. It is hard to understand. You will see after we are done with this. It may teach you about raising your own someday, Miss Isabelle." On Hyorinmaru's face he looked happy almost relieved. "I am glad he found you..."

Isabelle felt her heart was warm. It was a sweet thing he said even though she knew he use her. Hyorinmaru saw the sadness in her eyes. He had thought humans would love children. Had she been sad about these children? "What's on your mind, Miss Isabelle?" Hearing the question had her head lifting, both eyes stared into his  grey orbs. Lightly rocking back and forth, each hand would be holding the two infants. "I am glad he choose just, I know the bond will have to end when he takes them away." Lips were trembling, eyes looked away when staring down at the babies who slept peacefully.

"How do I feed them? Do I give them milk? Um, wait! You told me not to use that...or he did." 
Hyorinmaru lips were in a straight line when he thought of an answer. "For food this is something we prepared." He took out a cooler with bags full of red liquid. Opening the lid slowly, turning his head to see Isabelle eyes widen. "Do not scream, Miss Isabelle. I told you they are unique."

They are vampires!! Bags of blood, dropping off his own children to a stranger. How stupid can he be?! Well...not like she harm these poor children who aren't with THEIR real Mother. 

"Their Mother..." Part of Isabelle hair would blow gently, feeling the window as open when feeling the infant in Isabelle's right hand. His small hand would grab her sleeve on the arm. "Miss Hinamori has been sick since birth. He needs to go on a journey with me returning for her safety. He search far and wide for you. A nanny for these children and someday maybe you can go visit our homeland." 
Isabelle felt sadden to hear that their real Mother can't care for them. It the only reason why he choose a human. He wouldn't rely on them. Imagining his anger, their sorrow over having a sick Mother. Wait! His homeland? maybe they live in a cold place!! 

"W-Where is this...homeland?" Isabelle leanded forward, eyes locked onto the grey hues of the elder male. "That is for you to find out. Now if you excuse me. I shall be on my way and here is our contact number." He gave a notebook with all their numbers. "I called to leave them a message ahead of time of you. Do not feel fear to call if you need. Have a good day, Miss Bloome." 

The male body would walk right to the door, a hand reached for the door knob with twisting when hearing a little air came in. The door opened when he walked outside before closing the door. Footsteps could be heard right outside, walking down the stairs before leaving.
What should These infants were unique or so he told. Being a Mother is a big responsiblity. How could she do this?!?!

Laying both infants in her bedroom, seeing two cribs were for them both. A connected crib that had two separate beds where both had teal bed sheets. They had a rocking crib with seeing all the buttons. "W-Wow!" Isabelle had laid one child in the crib, the other one would hold onto her shirtwith whining softly. "Oh sweetie! You must lay down." When trying to pull, his mouth would suddenly bite down only nothing hurt. His teeth hasn't grown yet. Luckily...

"Alright, alright! You may stay but I can't leave your brother...I wonder what their names are." Lowering her head, eyes watched the two of them when seeing on their beds had said 'Toshiki and Toshihiro'. 


The blonde haired female would pick up the baby named Toshihiro. Hoping that this was his bed. After all how was she suppose to tell?! 

Both the babies eyes would open, small hands grabbed her shoulder when they started to cry loudly. "Waaaaah!! Waahhhhhhhh!!!!"

Panic showed in the female eyes, lightly rocking both the baby infants who held on. "WAAAAAH!!!!" One of the babies would nom on her shirt right on top where her breast is. "T-The box! I have to get it." Isabelle had rushed with both her hands gripping on their back and butt. Rushing with her socks touching the carpet, seeing the cooler sat there with the red bags of liquid there. "Aha!"

Both the infants eyes looked up, seeing the lady had smelled different. "Mama...." To them they looked like their Mother who was female. Only seeing their Father who had a male kind of image. "M-Mama?! Oh, no small ones. I am not your Mother." Clarifying those words made her hurt. Say she isn't their Mother when she is. "I mean...I am! I am your Mother I will make sure your fed, clothed, and I'll never let you go!"

Both their crying had stopped; the other baby infant finger pointed to the bag of blood. "Luu!" Softly landing on each of her knees, lightly laying both the infants down who had their hand inside their mouths. "Now, be good and wait! B-Bottles!"

Moving her legs on the ground, running all around the room realizing that she may have to buy some. In the cooler there was bottles sticking up. Grabbing each of the bottles, the bags had been filled full with being quite heavy. How many are these? A red was making her think. If these were humans then what are they?

Shaking her head back and forth, lips pressed against each other when turning to look at the two children. Hearing their baby sounds come from their mouth. They looked like twins which didn't help at all. When cutting the bags open, filling each bottle with hearing the infants had kicked their feet being excited. "Goo, Goo!"

Both children started to speak loudly, moving to crawl over toward both children who moved in a excited motion. "Here now let's feed you both." Moving the bottle up to thier lips, feeling both of their mouths move quickly with drinking the bottles. "I can't believe it. I am feeding a baby!!" In her tone was a cheerful, lips smiled with learning a little by little.

Unique infants...what could be so unique? Their homeland. Where was it? How would she even find out?! 

When both the infants were done, their small baby arms would reach out to her. "Uwph! Uwph!" Trying to speak was the most cutest thing. No baby would feel this comfortable. Why is it that they aren't crying?! 

"You two...are like twins but, I will promise to care for you!" Telling them this, all they would hear is random noise. Whatever the case is, it was time to maybe think. How would she explain this to her parents?! The school? Work? This isn't good...

Both hands grabbed one child, the other was picked up when feeling they both calmed down. Babies had no chance being alone. Unless...unique is that they can defend themselves. NO! She never could think of leaving them alone. "Oh!" Isabelle walked to her bedroom again, when laying down gently on her bed. Lightly laying her back against the bed sheet, it had white bunnies on it where they had a bowl of carrots. 

"I will protect you both. E-Even if I die...I won't let you disappear." Those words spoke from her heart. Maybe she lost her mind, maybe just maybe. Laying both the infants on the right, having a Queen size bed was lucky. "I love children so much! You both are a joy so far. E-Even if I must explain who you are. I must say you are my children to protect your real family."

Both their eyes were on her, speaking with a kind tone had the babies smiling warmly. "Ga gaa!!" Isabelle had laughed softly when hearing the other baby watched her. Knowing that they could not speak for themselves. "Now...let me clean up. You two can stay here, okay?" Both their lips turned to a frown, the babies would try to crawl up to her.

"Naaa naaao!" 

Both infants crawled to lay on top of her, kicking their feet out of protesting. "B-But...the cooler..." The white spikey hair fell on her face, tickling the girl skin when she tried to not laugh. "A-Alright, I will take you with me!" 

Both the infant children clapped their hands, sitting up carefully with holding them both in her arms. Moving her body slowly, both feet touched the carpet before pushing the girl's butt off the bed. Hearing the infants had giggled when she walked to the living room where seeing the cooler still felt cool. On the cooler there was a paper, reading it had said about it. 

'Do not worry. Even if its left out, stays cool all the time. Make sure my kids are fed or else...

   they feed on you. 

   ---Toshiro Hitsugaya

"F-FEED on me?! No, that's not possible!"

Panicking over the thought; breathing in slowly with worry of being killed. The stakes were high! Now is not the time to run away. I would die...either way.

"Alright, you two can help me right?!" Both their small heads would nod, seeing this her eyes blinked twice. "H-How can you nod?" In her voice raised; both the infants had grabbed her shirt with a worried expression. "Mama..." Both babies said 'Mama' many times before their mouths open to show something. Inside she did not know when it happened.

Their growth had been quick then humans. What kind of creatures are they?, she felt that humans here would shun them. Keeping their indenity hidden was just part of her duty. 
(Mama...don't cry no more. No Mama shouldn't.)

Both babies began to talk, laying their heads on her small chest. (I love Mama's chest. So soft, cuddly.) Isabelle sat on the sofa with placing them on her lap. "W-When could you talk?!" The right infant had pat her hand. Both their lips had not moved, it felt like they spoke to her mind. "Mama..." 
It was making her lose the reality of this situation. Whatever happened she must see this through. 

Eyes began to feel heavy, lips opened to yawn when feeling both infants had lifted their heads. (Mama....) They spoke in her head again; it was like a bonding connection all Mother's should have. When feeling they moved closer to her neck, lightly both of them had kissed each side of the nape on her neck.

Isabelle cheeks shade a dark red, feeling that her eyes could not stay awake no longer. "I feel so tired...eek!" Their lips were cold from touching the girl neck. "W-What are you doing?! You little infants shouldn't be biting." (Mama, we must warn you.) The male on the right looked worried who was a big more larger than the younger one. (Please...d-don't worry! We trust you and know you smell funny.)

Both of their voices were different; ignoring the weirdness in this. Unique children was not the word. Special. They seem so sweet to her even if she isn't even unique. Isabelle cheeks shade a light pink, watching the two mouths suck on each side of her neck. 

The two infants had sucked on her neck for a few minutes. Trying hard to not make any more noise; hearing their breathing was slow. Getting up from the sofa, lightly walking to her bedroom where the two infants be sleeping. Laying Toshihiro first in his crib, moving Toshiki next in his single crib. Moving the blanket on top of their small bodies. The small bottles would be laid next to them.
"Sleep well, little ones. I will go clean up!" On her mirror there was a mark, the mark was on her neck of a snowflake only it made her wonder if she needed to check it out. It wasn't a hickie although they sucked on her skin. What was this?

"...I will have to call no! I can't bother them. It should be nothing..."

Isabelle walked out of the room quickly, footsteps moved when locking the door with the top lock just in case. With these babies she can't let anyone take them. 

Walking back to the room where she stay, one finger raised toward the left eye with rubbing it. "I need some sleep." Isabelle climbed on top of her bed, taking off her dress with only wearing her bra and leggings. It was too hot and later she will wash her clothes. Tomorrow will be a day to go shopping for these little ones.

The new life had begun. A letter of her death written if she had not accepted. These two infants grew a liking to her already. What will happen? I must protect them till Toshiro Hitsugaya comes for his children...I hope I don't cling to them. I love children and these children...are so special.

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