Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sunshine Locket || Chapter 1 - Lost & Found

A splash of rain hit against the high heels, clicking down the vines from the trees. Men in black formal suits came after the girl. Golden hair blew in the wind, lightly touching the back of her neck. Lifting both her arms up, legs would push against the ground from the weight of her feet. Why did it come to this? Trusting her Father's friend who betrayed their trust.

He was a cruel man...

Hitting a rock, her body landed on the ground going down a hill. Thinking of a quick death would save her from his torement. How could humans cold? It was then her body fell into the lake. Going deeper, and deeper into the water where she saw a light. "Find her!" The men yelled from above the surface. Pushing her arms further, swimming down to the deep blue sea. The light got brighter with each push toward it. Feeling her breath was going out, arms reached up to the sun that shined from above. 

Father....Mother...I love you both.

Two hands touched the female, lightly hitting her cheek from seeing how pale she was. Long strands of brown hair fell, ocean blue eyes looked down when putting both her hands on top of the girl's chest. "Live!" Her pink lips touched against, two fingers plugged her nose when breathing into the girl's mouth. Tasting the water that plunged her into the abyss. Repeating these steps the brunette felt sorrow. Why? Why?! WHY...?!

Feeling someone had entered in the lake, watching them swim desperately. Only to end their life so suddenly. It was like being hold down watching a loved one die right in front of you. Painfully wishing you could move...but you can't. This girl had been pure.

Water splashed out from the girl's lips, turning her head with a light within them once again. "Oh thank goodness! You live!" Feeling something was brushing up against the other girl would been coughing. Oh no! Both her hands had touched her own five tails, feeling ears had popped out with thinking how to explain. This girl had been a human who traveled from that lake. 

"Are you okay?! You aren't hurt...are you?" Asking her again, part of her brown hair lightly touched her lips. The blonde haired female turned her head slightly, seeing the men in the suits were gone. Had she gone to heaven? Pushing her back off the grass, sitting up straight with feeling the brunette's left hand touch against her back. The light of the sun shining down on them with making the girl shine even brighter. So pretty...

"Those men...! T-They..." Calmly two hands touched the blonde's shoulders, reassuring her that no one would come after. "So...that's why you jumped in. You were running? May I ask from who?" Drops of water was on the brunette, lifting her lips in a warm smile. "I mean you no harm...I wouldn't have saved you if I didn't care."

"Forgive me...I-I...was running because of these men. They were my Father's friend or was until t-they murdered my parents!!" Bubble of tears appeared in both of her eyes, shaking from the shoulders had appeared. Arms wrapped around the petite blonde, pushing her body up against the brunette. "Do not say anymore...I have saved you and actually you must know something. You did not die. Almost...if I had not seen you, you surely would have tragically fallen." 

Laying up against the brunette, hearing the girl's heart with hers beating rapidly. "B-But how? I do not see them therefore this must be heaven!" Lightly moving her head up, looking right into the brunette's eyes. "I will prove to you. Look in the water over there." Her right finger pointed to the lake, seeing water had been splashed a few inches from where they sat.  

Crawling on her hands and knees, moving closer to see the water reflection. Both her ocean blue eyes widen, part of the blonde strands of hair fallen from her shoulder. Resting down against part of her arm, finger tips pushed against the ground. "H-How...How is this possible?! I fallen in the water an---" The other girl moved over on two of her feet where showing five tails moving. "That is because this world is a reflection. I-I should tell you that this world is...." The girl's body fell forward when the brunette caught her quickly with dragging her body back. "Oh dear...I should of at least mention of the tails."

Now what do I do...? I can't leave her here. Those men won't follow because if they do, I will personally kill them. She has suffered enough.

Picking up the blonde female, one arm rested against her back while the other cupped against the back of her small legs. Leaving the lake quickly; running in the forest carefully when approaching a large black iron gate. Moving to see they opened, walking down the long entrance which had a round concrete that had a tree planted. Inside the building was further away with other buildings inside from being academy school ground.

Taking the unknown girl who name she didn't know. When moving quickly to the main office where she ran into the boss. "Knock before you come in it quite ru---" The boy eyes were closed with his silver hair cut short. "Gin! You have to help me. T-This girl was found by the lake." The male named Gin had his eyes opened slightly, lips opened a little. "Ah! Azu-chan, You found a room mate good fo---" Holding the girl against her chest, hearing her mumble softly before she yelled. "She not my room mate!! She was being chased from her world. That was when she fell in the lake and I had to save her."

Part of her brown hair would stick up, two azure eyes look right into his sky blue eyes. "Well, you can keep her in your room until she awakes. We can't do much but explain." He moved his eyes over to Azu tails. "My name is Azumi! You always use that nickname we use to share. Until you dated a big balloon lady." A soft chuckle left his lips, turning halfway with looking away. "Ah, you referring to Rangiku-san. Yes, her boobs may be balloon-ish. You do not have to show hatred." 

Azumi eyes glared at Gin who often stares at Rangiku different. She did not hate this woman. She stole her old crush's heart. When they were dating, it was here she remembered many things. "Well, don't worry I do not hate actually this is good. I can now forget someone who would just hurt her heart as well." Turning her back to Gin, walking with the girl in her arms closely. She didn't care if Gin would fall off the planet. He was the worst! 

When arriving at her home, inside there was long corridor with rooms having their last names on it. Her last name had been Hanashia. Feeling quite sadden to see him. Usually she avoided it just he is the boss after he took over his Father's duties. In this world many creatures exist. Humans weren't one of them only on one exception. Gin's rules. 

When she used her finger on the door knob, the light shined green when opening the door. Inside her room was neat with clothes folded in the  closet. Moving on the other bed, resting the girl gently on the bed. "I am were so scared and I..." Her tails would wag in a quick wave, using her hands to grab a few of them. Feeling happy if this girl stayed. Knowing she can't go back till those men are taken care of. 

What should she do...?

The sun had set from the window where Azumi sat, her hair was tied in two braids with a brown ears and tails that had tips of a lighter brown on them. Wearing a long sleeve plum shirt, it had fabric to be thick with fluffy kind of material. Her black skirt was leather, attached to her panties had a clip, attached to the clip was long black leggings that came up to her knees. 

Turning her head to the right, watching the blonde haired female rest. Watching her chest lift then lower with each breath she took. Her dress had been blue, large puff shoulders, the chest had a V like shape, buttons were found on the front of her chest area, a blue ribbon bow would be tied in the back. The skirt had been to her knees where on her legs were white with shoes that looked strange. They were high heels only they shaped more like a V with one button on the side. 

Two eyes slowly opened, hearing footsteps rushed to her bed. The girl suddenly sat up when two arms reached out. Seeing her tails wag again. "Please don't be scared! I know seeing five tails isn't normal. Uh, I can explain...everything." Nodding her head after calming down. Two hands rested on top of her lap, blonde hair would be straight, near the bottom had been wavy with the length to her waist. 

"Our isn't like human world where only pets that do not take human form. This world has many creatures that you never would dream of. Unicorns, bats, vampires, werewolves, don't worry they won't hurt you." Azumi words were serious near the end. "This is a academy for all of us. Normally humans aren't allowed unless our boss allows it. I came here learning how to be a artist. I want to someday travel to your world..." Her eyes shifted to near the back, showing her tails that waved about. "Only problem is...they um, show every time I get excited or any emotion. I came here to learn some control." 

The blonde female eyes soften over hearing this brunette story. "I this world is like a mirror from my world. I do not want to go back." Both her hands gripped her blue skirt, shaking from the fear of the men. "Don't worry! Even if my boss doesn't allow it. I won't let you go back!!" Azumi words were strong with determination. "I mean, I will go back to talk to him and make him let you stay!" Her hand reached over touching the blonde hair's fragile hand. "I promise!"

One nod from the blonde, lips formed a smile at the other. "T-Thank may I ask for your name?" The brunette nods her head once with a little grin, flashing her white teeth with leaning closer. Her fingers wrapped around the other girl's hand. "My name is Azumi Hanashia. May I ask for yours...I hate to call you goldie locks." Hearing the other female laugh, "No, no! That would probably be silly. My name is Isabelle Bloome. It is nice to meet you, Azumi-chan." 

Hearing that name made her smile back with a warmth. "Isabelle-chan, I promise to protect your life so long I live." Isabelle smile didn't lower, or frown. Azumi made her feel like her life could take another road. It was where she wanted to not go back to. 

Running away from a man who promised to protect her family. No way! She never return. Azumi-chan, thank you for protecting and saving my life. I owe you my life...

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