Monday, May 18, 2015

Wizard Wonder || Chapter 1 - Finding My Home

There was a place where magic could be found, a secret home that no one had known about. Magic that could be used for good and evil. Many had a pure mind and heart with grasping in their hands. The evil can become a deep hole in their heart. Magic is chosen by their master, either good or bad. There was a place that could make you decide. Will you do good...or will you be corrupted?

"Mommy, I am frightened.." Pink hair blew in the wind, her small hands were being held. The taller female stood tall, leaning forward with two hands wrapping around her daughter's fragile, trembling hands. "Do not be scared, Ayaka. You will make us proud. We support you all the way." The kind smile appeared upon the female face. "Now go show them what we are made of. Y-Your Father will probably be calling you. Here." Handing a phone that had a pink cover, on the design of the phone cover had small strawberries. "It is a magic phone only you can have. Do not fear we added our numbers and all your teachers. I called them early to let you know you are quite shy."

Both Ayaka's cheeks shade dark red, making her lips form a pout. "M-Mommy! I-I-I will make you proud! You and Father!!" Her mouth opened when yelling out loud to see some other families had stared. "Now, go get them!" Seeing her Father stand by who name was . He and her both were wizards. That's right. I am going to a wizard school!

"Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" 

Ayaka waved her hand being at the age of seven. When she ran inside, the wall felt like another world pulled her inside. The 10 1/2 quarters was seen with a train roaring loudly, seeing her baggage be delivered already thankful to her parents. I have to do my best! 

Running to the only black and red colors upon the train. Not many people would come on trains to a magical place. Teaching students magic where they could learn. Ayaka felt happy about it. Lifting her foot, the skirt on her dress got caught when she was about to fall. Catching her weight, two hands grabbed her shoulders to be a male with pure white hair, his hairstyle was spikey with two teal color of eyes. Besides him stood a look alike only younger. Two small hands grabbed onto the male who caught her. 

"Are you alright?"

The kind tone came from the boy's lips, he looked down at his brother who looked worried. "Why don't you say something little brother? She is hurt." He jumped a little when moving to the female with brushing off her dirt from the skirt. "Oh, no no! Don't feel bad. I-I am...sorry for bumping into you both!" Lowering her head into a bow, both her hands rested at her sides. "Sorry!" Ayaka felt tears fallen down her cheeks, rushing past the two white haired boys who watched.

"Brother...? Did we hurt her?" His young voice spoke from the younger boy, loosening his grip on part of his older brother's black pants. "No, she must of felt bad for bumping into us. Let's go take a seat." The young brother ran ahead with his hair blowing in the wind. Following after Ayaka, he saw she taken a seat inside a small door, that had glass with booths of a redish color. "Forgive my brother Toshiki. He seems to have taken a liking into you, um...?" 

The male was at her height, he walked inside seeing his younger brother take a seat by Ayaka. "Ayaka Nashiko." Jumping up on the seat, the young Toshiki had placed his butt onto Ayaka's lap. Closing the door from the room, he taken a seat across from Ayaka and Toshiki. "This is going to be fun! Ayaka, you can be my sister." The eyes on the older brother widen, his lips formed a serious line. "Toshiki enough with the games!" 

Both Ayaka's eyes stared at Toshiki, watching his tongue stick out with moving both his cheeks up against her chest. "Toshiki, I can't be y-your sister!" Hearing his groan from her words, "Ayaka, is my sister! She can't say no." He crossed his small hands against his chest, lips turned into a frown. 
Toshihiro let out a deep sigh, teal eyes stared at Ayaka who looked down. "Don't worry Ayaka. I actually am glad we could find someone to sit with." Her head lifted when meeting his eyes again. "Yes, I am too! I never got to hear your names." A cheerful tone escape her lips; seeing Toshihiro moved to sit beside her. He had leaned closer, his lips at her ear. "Toshihiro and you know his name as Toshiki." 

The names didn't sound familiar or any that her parents told her about. A dark lord had destroyed many lives. The wizard had been named Aizen. He was stealing lives and death. Her parents helped seal him away by their magic power. Their family crest of a rose with thorns. A healing magic and sealing. The thorns were the deadly spell of the sealing while the rose meant healing. By giving back their life. 

"It nice to meet you! I am happy I ran into you. N-Not to sound rude!" Hearing a giggle after seeing Ayaka so upset. Toshihiro was happy he found a friend. He knew trusting had issues in his family. It was common for him to be cautious. Not sensing she was evil it was clear to that. "Don't worry so much! Your a good person, Ayaka. Let's be friends! I am sure we can still talk when we get there."

His words gave me hope to be in his friend. Even in doubt of everything else. This world doesn't seem so bad now...

When they arrived, the trains stopped at the station where they could see a huge castle. A giant ocean was found with a forest. Ayaka got off with seeing Toshihiro carry Toshiki in his arms. Fast asleep where the skies glew with balls of lights. The stars. Her legs moved with Toshihiro when he grabbed her hand, pulling her back the male glared. Teal orbs stared at two brown orbs. His hair was brown with a style that disgusted him. "Yuu..."

"Hey, what are you doing with a filthy scum? She is no good for you!" Ayaka was taken back by his cruel words. Part of her two eyes filled with bubbles of water. Trying to hold back the tears; her hands were about to grab part of her dress. All the kids laughed while some remained quiet in their group. Toshihiro spit at Yuu with reaching his hand for Ayaka, he held Toshiki in the other. "Only scum here is those who laughed... and you Yuu."

The other students followed when seeing how good Toshihiro stood up to Yuu. He was mainly trying to boss around everyone. "T-Toshihiro!!!" His hands scratched through his hair, feeling rage was burning. "Just you won't be the hero much longer I assure you that!" 

The students walked up inside the doors where a female with long black hair at her waist. "Hello, children! You may come inside. Come, come!" 

All the students ran right inside, some were full of joy while others were nervous when seeing a cat sit on the desk. "Welcome children!" Many of their eyes widen from the cat talking. Not usual animals don't speak human. "Frighten? You all should be blessed for I will ascourt you." The male voice from the cat had been a color of black with golden eyes. "Now come line up."

The teachers stood behind with one of them being a older male with white hair. The same eye color as Toshihiro and Toshiki. Ayaka noticed this when standing beside the boy she met. The boy eyes shifted to Ayaka, then moved over to stare deeply into his Father's eyes. "Toshihiro Hitsugaya." The name spoke from the cat had Toshihiro hearing whispers. "That's the son of Hitsugaya from Slytherin." A girl whispered with many others, a squeeze from Ayaka's hand made Toshihiro come back to his reality. 

"I won't run from you, Toshihiro. Even if we aren't in the same house." Her lips formed a smile of warmth, letting go of that hand. Toshihiro felt his cheeks shade a little pink. "T-Thank you...Ayaka. I won't forget you either." He whispered right into her ear, handing Toshiki into Ayaka's arms. Moving his legs over to the cat, up on a stool where they would go to sit with the rest of the houses who already were older. "Ah, the son of Toshiro. Where should I put you?" The cat spoke with thinking where he should go. "So...sinister yet, you found someone to make you feel good. Hmm..."

Toshihiro felt his cheeks blush deeper, still remembering the warmth in his hand from being so cold. She was kind...she didn't run. He...oh how he wishe she could stay with him forever. "You will go in Slytherin." The Slytherin class cheered loudly with seeing a new member was called. The white haired male who stood by waiting. His lips formed a smirk where his hand had hidden. Toshihiro looked back with smiling warmly at Ayaka. "I will find you." He said those words whispering to her. Before walking past his Father, moving over to the desk where he sat with his new members. 

The new students were all called besides Ayaka who held Toshiki still in her arms. Toshiki eyes opened quickly when he saw Ayaka. "Aya-onee! You still here." The small boy felt tears fallen from his eyes. "Toshiki, please don't cry! You h-have to pick." The cat laughed at Ayaka's stuttering. "Not pick sweetie. Only I choose where I think they belong." His voice was stern, yet half joking. He decides where? Perhaps by where their hearts rely. Yuu had been in Slytherin same as Toshihiro. 
", I hope you come with us too!"

The small boy was placed on his feet when he walked up to the black cat. "You seem so pure, so little and this girl gives you a sister you always wanted." Toshiki lips formed a smile warmly, his hands would clap slowly. "I want her as my sister forever!" His words yelled out, seeing the cat had touched the boy's head. "I place you in Slytherin." 

His smile had dropped with hearing bad things. He too was related to the great wizard everyone loved. They also feared because of his cold eyes. "N-N...o..." Toshiki eyes filled with tears, seeing his brother got up to grab his shoulders. "Do not feel sorrow, little brother." Toshiki pointed to Ayaka, "Ayaka, will come see us. She won't be left behind." His fingers gripped on Toshiki's shoulder. 
He nods his head when looking back at Ayaka. "I won't forget to visit!" Ayaka yelled with a kind tone. 

They both walked over to Slytherin table when everyone watched her. The cat slowly kept his gaze seeing Ayaka walked up to the black cat. "My, my the last one where everyone can see. Your family---ah yes. Your family was the one who sealed away the dark lord." Everyone one let out a gasp loudly, their eyes were on Ayaka. "W-What...?" Her pink eyes stared at the golden orbs that had a diamond in each eye. "They didn't tell you? Oh, how cruel..." 

The cat moved to sit on top of Ayaka, the front paws had lightly touched her forehead. "Do not feel ashamed...Your parents saved us all." The entire students eyes were on her. Feeling worried if they hate her parents or would they see them as heroes? "Hate them? Oh no, no! They would see as a hero and some may challenge you. It quite a tragic end I mean your parents defeated him. He was so weak." 

The dark lord was...weak? No, I can't believe that! He destroyed so many lives!!! It isn't fair. 
"Oh, yes it isn't fair..but that is what he was. A monster who took awa---" The black haired teacher had walked up to the cat. "That's enough, Yoruichi! She must not hear anymore of this. Neither of these students..." Her eyes were serious when looking at the cat. "Very well." 

Feeling the cat paws jump off of Ayaka's head, tears were in each of her eyes over the truth. Why did she feel sorrow? Was it because they lied? Lied about everything to protect her? Would the dark lord be after her now?

"Do not fear...we won't let that happen. Now...about the house. I already knew one great for such girl like you. I know you will do well in...Hufflepuff!" The entire class in the house clapped with no fear. Ayaka turned to look at Hufflepuff when looking at Toshihiro. "I am honored, Ayaka you come to our school." The female with black hair smiled warmly. "Now let's eat!" 

Taking a seat at the Hufflepuff long table, her hands were on each side of her legs. Shoulders were stiff standing up, lips pushed against each other. The young girl felt scared yet, happy that she wasn't hated. Only problem was being a child of the parents who beat Aizen. Both her eyes looked at Toshihiro and Toshiki, their eyes met hers. It felt so far away. So far...

After dinner the entire house had walked up the stairs by a female. Her hair was tied in a hair pin, on the back it was a large pin that held her hair up. Chocolate orbs looked at her new house, lips had red lipstick on them when she had touched the tree that was the door. "Welcome my Pufflions! Welcome to Hufflepuff." The female said in the painting being a beautiful female. Her hair was long when stepping out of the door. "My name is Orihime Inoue. You may call me Orihime." 

Inside the house there was a main room; stairs led to the right, then the left. "Boys dorms are to the left, the females are on the right. Do not go after hours and stay in your rooms. Go to class. I will make sure you do not obey.." The female stood with a warm smile, a finger raised with a little flame appearing. 

Ayaka felt sweat appear at her forehead, feeling it trail down with following her fellow students inside. Once upstairs her room mate had long brown hair, green eyes would be shown when she looked at Ayaka. "Ah, the hero's daughter. You are really quite the shy kiten." The girl spoke in a tone that brought chills down Ayaka's back. Seeing the uniforms were placed neatly on their bed. 
"Just stay away from my crush. You know who I speak of...Toshihiro. He so dreamy!" The girl placed her hands on each side of her cheeks. This girl name was Melinda. She seemed like those girls who will get anything. "Got it, little hero?" 

Nodding her head twice, putting on her pajamas. In a small shirt and pants, the design had teddy bears. Ayaka stepped outside of her room after Melinda fell asleep. Hearing her say these words at such a young age. Sometimes girls in love can be scary. When she walked down the school. The long corridors with a candle held by its handle, lightly moving her body down till she saw up in the clock tower it was him.


The teal eyes stared at Ayaka when he walked over quickly. "I left the letter for my owl to deliver. Had you been caught?" Her lips formed a smile, a sweet smile appearing on her face. "No! I wouldn't be here...well, I don't like my room mate." A soft chuckle left his lips, fingers would touch against the wooden stand. "My room mate...well, is my younger brother." Listening to Toshihiro speak had her wondering if she could transfer. Being in that house would of been her down fall.

"Ayaka, you can endure it. Just ignore this room mate..I won't let you be alone." Blue lines appeared near her forehead. "A-About room mate she likes you. I had promised I wouldn't...get in the way even though she like so young." Leaning her head forward, pressing against the wooden stand that was retancle. 
Toshihiro looked at Ayaka, he would touch her hand gently. "I don't care about some girl. She can like me." His hand gripped tighter, "I will make her pay if she hurts you..." The tone had changed when he was serious. A cold tone that made Ayaka freeze in her spot.

What had...Toshihiro said? He make her pay? No, no, no! She couldn't allow that. Fear of his Father's name was true. He claim things. Still it was nice to hear he would protect her. Even as meeting. He was very kind and his brother. She didn't want to break that bond...

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