Thursday, August 13, 2015

Giant World || Chapter 3 - Animal Guardian

A gust in the wind would brush against the boy who laid still in the grass. The small white lamb would lower its nose toward the body, slowly sniffing to smell he was strange. Making noises; yelping with the animal cries. Other animals would cry out only to wake the young teenager. 

Long wavy pink hair stood up, her eyes were opened to show two pink eyes. Lips would move a bit when hearing animals rushed into the barn. Her home was further up on a hill which all surrounds but grass. "What?" Her tone was soft when hearing the animals make loud cries. A boy?

The female stood up on her feet; wearing a long blue shirt, the vest was black with a long maroon color skirt, underneath had white ruffles where her skirt looked large. Extra fabric for being warm. Her hands would reach out with feeling the sheep make sounds so she could hear until reaching the boy. Holding a herding staff; it was like the book of the herd of sheep. Only she was the only one who can understand animals. Many had not only in her family. The last of her kind was inside her blood.

Smelling the blood she would sit down next to the boy; he looked to be young, at the age of six, a hand would touch his face to feel it was cold. "Oh no!" Grabbing a knife she would cut her index finger so the blood would hit where he has been injured. Pink bangs would cover her eyes knowing that it did not matter. The vision had seen a shadow of his body. Having spiky hair which the color would not show. All she could see was his aura. It was teal but another had been darker. What did she sense? He couldn't be...

Helping the boy onto her horse, leading him back to the house where the walk was long but gentle. The walls had not been broken therefore no titans from the news she would hear late why her animals scout to make sure nothing goes wrong. Once approaching the door, her hand would touch the knob, turning it so to hear a little screech. "Okay...I will take care of the boy. Please go eat something I will go feed you after he is safe." The sheep made a sound to warn her of him. "Dangerous?"

Nodding her head once; holding the boy with all her might, moving to lay him on the sofa. Taking a seat by the sofa, waiting for him to wake up. Her healing was secret only to her parents who would not return. They were killed in battle going to protect everyone. It was lonely however she had her friends. Animals who only could help her. In her eyes in fact; she was blind.

Being weird was part of it; she could see aura's in people good or bad. The vision from other human eyes was short while hers was long. Seeing far past the walls. No need to tell the animals to watch seeing how she could keep a eye out as well.

It was late afternoon where the female was knitting a scarf, a pink color scarf which the yarn was almost out. "I have to buy some..."

Her fingers would drop the two wooden needles that help with knitting. It was then she heard a noise from the sofa. A groan which made her stand up rushing to the boy. "Are you alright?!" He felt no pain, nothing but his wounds have gone away. The boy had pale skin with his eyes teal, the clothing was half ripped when he saw the girl had her eyes closed. He wondered if she hurt them. 

"...Did me?" He saw her eye lids opened to stare into them. They were different as he saw she only smiled. "Where...." A hand would raise to his head, remembering others attacked him which he looked around. "Do not worry we are safe. No titans, no titans calm down.." Her right hand raised to touch his forehead. This girl....she had saved me but her fears should of been to kill me. It was then he felt her hand on his nose and lips.

"....What is your name?"

A soft laughter came out of her lips, seeing his shadow had a stronger color of teal. He was alright now she could tell when someone will die by their color strength if so little. They will die shortly. His was near that even worse it was close. Had her animals not seen him...

"My name is Ayaka Nashiko. It is nice to meet you um...." The boy white spiky hair would move a little, his teal eyes watched hers. He felt sorry for this woman knowing that now she was blind. No vision to help if she was battling in the war with Titans. No...she would be dead. "Ayaka...I should call you bubble gum head." 

Both her cheeks puffed out with making a face. It was childish but he can't be angry. "I suppose I will rest here...for a bit longer. When does your family return? You can't be the only one." Ayaka stood up on her feet with walking near the door. "Mine....they will not return. They have...perished. Dead. I have lost them two years ago." His body sat up quickly with shock, a sweat tear fell down with seeing her smile. "Do not feel concerned about me. I will live and give food to others. Perhaps you live in village your family must be worried." Ayaka went to grab the baskets full of eggs, milk, other food.
"Would you like to come with, mister snow flake?"

His lips would lower with frustration as he did give her a nickname. "Call me Toshihiro." He spoken with a gentle tone before he got up from his seat. "I will come with. Just don't run into anything." Ayaka laughed with pointing to her animals who lead the way. "I trust them as they trust me. I trust you too, Hiro."

"I told you its Toshihiro! Not Hiro." He yelled when hearing her laughter, it was gentle, soft and kind. His heart felt a shiver from all her pain. Lost of everything even her eyes. "F-Fine only you can say that!" His arms crossed against his chest, he would grumble when hearing the animals make softer sounds. So it was them who warned her. Could she understand them too?! This girl...she is special.

"Isn't it too late for a delivery?" Toshihiro had stood by her side, his hand looked at her where her skin looks peach like color. "I deliver at night, day, morning. Anytime. I wish to help the people." Her head would tilt to the side, a gentle smile made Toshihiro cheeks shade red. "O-Okay, well then let's go!" He would stuff his hands inside each pocket to walk forward when seeing Ayaka walked after him. 

The journey back had taken all night where the light had shown. He saw Ayaka rubbing her eyes, with one hand he would touch her shoulder which made her lips open a bit. In shock she had whispered his name. "You're tired, Ayaka." He had let her rest but instead she got on the sheep to cuddle, making her legs move up so her knees almost touch her stomach. "...W-W-Weir...never mind! Let's go." He had taken the baskets to deliver them when walking inside the village further. He saw the house of his up ahead. He could not return home. Not just yet...

He wanted to make sure she was safe and even so, he wanted to stay by her side. He didn't know why or what drawn him closer. She was like a sheep while he was a lion. Eating the sheep be normal but with her---nothing is normal. He wanted to protect her. 

Two eye lids opened when seeing she was back home, on the sofa where her body sat up quickly. "Toshihiro! H-Hiro-kun!!!" Of course... He had left. Those were her thoughts when she felt two hands touch hers. Seeing her tears made her look straight. "Hiro...?" Toshihiro had held onto her hands, one hand would touch her right cheek where he felt connected to her. "I decided to stay with you. I don't need to go home...not just yet." His forehead would move closer when his lips kissed her right cheek. "Will you let me stay, Aya?" 

The months went by with Toshihiro staying each day with helping, cooking and feeding. Sometimes the animals would tease them but Ayaka didn't mind. Laughing with the animals having a joyful sound coming from them. It was then Toshihiro had felt his heart had fallen for her. He knew that he couldn't be near her. But...ten years had passed and yet, he had not returned home. 

There were no attacks from the titans ever. Humans had thought they won with the military fighting. Some dying, while the humans in the walls said it was good for them to die. Less to feed. Some of the humans were thankful of Ayaka service. While the human with her had them worried. Some of them offer to help while Toshihiro had known they were worried she die. Pathetic fools... It was on that night he had got tired of it.

That night a group of males came near Ayaka farm where she had been laid down to sleep. Toshihiro had sensed the humans got tense every day with him by her side since they were the same age. He would be sixteen right now. The day they met he was six. A look of anger when he had to do it. His body ran out when making a loud sound, the door slammed into the wall which Ayaka sat up in shock. "H-Hiro...?" 

Hearing nothing but silence until the screams came with hearing loud thudding. Had they?! Her body sat up with rushing outside. Seeing a tall figure fight the humans who screamed in shock. "TITAN!!!!!" Their screams were cut off when her hand held a lantern that was lit. Rushing up to the titan with stopping to see he stopped when the last human was eaten. 


Her words were out of fear, he had turned to face her while shaking. Moving on his knees with tears falling down, the wind made the tears hit her cheek. It was then she felt it wasn't warm, it was cold. His tears... They were... 

" were protecting me again weren't you? These men...they were afraid you harm me to come and kill you. N-N-NO! I can't lose you." Her hands reached up to him, slowly walking to his knees where her small hands could hold him. Both of his teal eyes widen with becoming soft, a hand would help her up where he let her come near his face. "Aya...I will never harm you. No matter what. I will die for you." He said those words from his heart. He had loved her. He would not let anyone take her away even her own kind.

Taking a step closer her hands would touch his face when her lips would touch his. They had blood on them when his eyes widen. "N-No! Aya..." He stopped when she looked up at him where she thought his face would be. Taking a seat on his hand where he had kept staring. Why had she....accepted him? Others did not. "I love you, Hiro-kun. I love you so much!" Her words pierce his heart in a peaceful way. He couldn't take it no more. He had to be with her!

He knew their time was short...he did not care. Not at all. His body would shrink when holding Ayaka with him being naked. "...Aya I am naked..." He saw her step away with being embarrassed to toss him her pink scarf with his name on it. Both his teal eyes would widen, tears fell from his cheeks. "Will you stay...even if I am a..." One finger would touch his lips, before long both their arms wrapped around each other. 

The warmth from his body even naked felt secure. Staring into his eyes wishing to see him. It was then feeling his lips against hers, making her step back a little to regain her balance and push into his lips. Slowly feeling his tongue was inside her mouth, his hands wrapped around her lower back. Their kiss lasted a few minutes before he pulled away out of breath. "I don't care if you are a have saved me, Hiro-kun. You...gave me back the place where I don't have to be alone no more." His whole body was shaking with a place of belonging. He felt it was here. 

"I too. I as well, Aya...feel at home." He held her in his arms before carrying her with one hand under her legs, the other against his back when he walked her back inside the house. He laid on her bed where he would snuggle against her. At his age he would not do against her will. They confessed well, she did and he accepted with a kiss. "I never said this to anyone...I will only to you." Toshihiro lips were at her ear, whispering those words. 

"I love you, Aya. I love you with all my heart...I will stay with you as long I can."

Those words melted her heart before her lips touched his again. He would mimic her actions to kiss her once more. Before both their eyes would close to fall asleep. He had no regrets meeting her was the best thing in his life. Even if he felt the tense aura. It was not humans he feared.... He was now able to feel something. Before he didn't care. Only he cares for her. Only her...

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