Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Giant World || Chapter 1 -Together Again

The Earth had been born with many things. Trees, life, buildings, and nature. The trees gave us oxygen to breathe, while we gave life to the trees. Many things did not make sense. Thoughts of the future had been clouded. Wherever it may lead, the actions you take will lead the future for a road to take you there.

Where will my road go...?

Footsteps touched the light gravel when approaching the house. It was a large building, bricks were made for the body, with four windows it was enough for four people to live in. The color of the roof was teal, while the body had reddish with the windows wide open. Up to the door a female with blonde hair stood. At the bottom of her waist the hair was wavy, two ocean blue eyes stared at the door. 

A long dress went to her ankles, for the top there was a see through fabric that went on above her shoulders and came down her chest to be tied at the upper part of her stomach. For the middle section, there was a navy blue bow that tied across to the back. Her skirt was large but easy to walk in. Her round shoes were a light blue, that were round with a buckle  on the sides. 

Standing beside her was a small boy; he was age three where he stood by her side. A small hand held her right hand, he had short navy blue hair, with his ocean blue eyes. The child wore a long sleeve white shirt, over the shirt there was a vest that was a dark green color. His shorts were the same color as the vest, small like shoes were black with him wearing socks. "Mama, why are we here?" 

The small child spoke his voice was curious with a angry tone. "I want to go see Papa!" A gentle laughter left the female lips. Bending down on her knees, suddenly she felt her skirt lifted with her knees touching the ground. "Mama skirt get all dirty...Mama should be careful." Two arms would wrap around her son, pulling him up against her chest. "Papa is very busy with preparing...we must always be on guard. You understand, Shin?" His head would nod slowly, two small hands lightly rub her back. 

"Y-Yes, Mama or giant butt butt will come!" The female would hear the door opened to see it was another female. "Isabelle!!" The female voice was over joyed with shocking Shin to move in front of Isabelle. "Back off or I will harm you!" One hand would lightly touch Shin's small head. "Calm down, sweetie. It is my friend Momo." 

Shin relaxed his body posture when he saw a child stand by Momo. He also was holding onto her leg. The brunette had her hair down to her waist, a straw hat would be on top of her head. The long sleeve shirt would show with a long white apron covering it, it was straps on the top with covering part of her chest down to where the skirt would show. The skirt color had been a light purple. "He is so protective! Just like my son."

Isabelle eyes gleam with happiness before picking up Shin in her arm, walking to go inside when seeing the young child had white spiky hair. "He looks just like him!" Momo had nod her head, a gentle smile showed up when closing the door behind her. "I can't believe it is our second son!" Momo Hinamori had been Isabelle friend since they were little with Toshiro Hitsugaya and Uryu Ishida. 

We all were friends back then when escaping the terror of the giants known as Titans now. 
The young child with white hair would sit at the table. He had a long sleeve, blue shirt, his vest had buttons on it when they were shorts attached that were like over als. "" The brunette head turned to the boy who stared at Shin. "Oh, Toshiki you want to play with Shin?" His head nod once, two big teal orbs would stare at Shin. "Mama can I?" Shin had spoken with a warm smile on his face. "Yes, you may!" 

The two small boys laughed with running to go play in Toshiki room. "How is Toshiro these days?" A gentle tone came out of Isabelle, a cup of tea would be offered while Momo took a seat at the table. "He is great! Well, he has been going off to help the army, you know the ones that kill the giants. Uh, excuse me." A hand covered her lips, "I mean the Titans." Isabelle nods her head, a warm smile appeared when thinking about it. "Uryu has become Captain of this small military here. He has lead but all they do is be lazy and he has thought of us moving."

Two brown eyes on the other female had become wide, "NO your can't leave! W-What about Toshiki? His..." Two hands raised with waving, "I doubt he leave here. He knows that my friends are here as well." Momo shook her head with small tears in each of her eyes. "Forgive me...I stepped out of line. Just there not much where you can go." Isabelle hoped her husband wasn't serious but, where could they go? Like Momo said this place was like a cage with those monsters out there.

The hours passed with becoming lunch time over in the forest where the titans remain. "My this is so much fun!" A woman yelled with excitement to have a large breasts, her hair was wavy to be strawberry blonde hair. Her eyes were hazel where she turned her head to the leader. The grumpy leader she should say. A long white shirt was shown, with a jacket that had wings on the back, it was a dark green color where she wore black shorts with long white leggings to have brown like boots up to her knees. The group had the same clothing only some were brown instead of black shorts, or the pants underneath the shorts were tan.

"Can you at least pay attention?" The white spiky haired male was older with his face longer than before. Still his height was short which two teal eyes like human eye shape. His color of skin was albino where he had the same clothing as the woman next to him. "Rangiku, do you plan to get killed?" His hands held the rope that connected to the horse where they led. "N-No sir! I just got excited to play with them." Her hand raised to rub the top of her head. "Well, let's hurry to arrive home, alright?" He would nod his head where his horse lead ahead to hear stomping which was a fifteen meter titan running towards them.

The herd of horses shoes hitting the ground with yelling. "Get ready men! And...woman." He saw Rangiku was already up ahead with her jumping off the horse to use the iron wire to connect to the titan where she screamed in a happy tone. "WOO YOO!" Toshiro raised a hand to his head. "What a idiot..." The titan was cut down with her blades while she laughed happily. Still...she was the best in the team. They had a long way to go. 

The night was coming closer when Isabelle had stayed all day. "Oh! Look at the time." Momo looked outside seeing the sun had set. "My, look it is. You two should hurry back home before Mr. Ishida worries." The two females embraced each other before Isabelle went to get her son who laid next to Toshiki sound asleep. He held a toy train in his hand while Toshiki held another train that was teal while Shin's was blue. 

"Aw, look at them!" Isabelle admired the scene where Momo had started to cry. "Such precious angels..." The two kids were picked up by each of their Mother's. "I shall go lay him down for bed. Please do come back tomorrow. I am sure he love to play with Shin again!" Isabelle nods her head with waving one hand before she left out of the house. Seeing Toshiro had walked up just then with some blood on his face. "....Isabelle. I haven't seen you in forever." He had seen Shin in her arms. "Your son I assume? Did he play with mine?" Her head would nod with waving one hand before she left. "Wait."

Her legs stopped when feeling a hand grabbed her arm. "Will you be coming back again?" The smile would appear when she nods her head twice. "Yes, I promised Momo I would!" His smile showed when nodding his head. "They both will love that. I...can't spend time with him so I am thankful." Blue orbs became sad whe she nods. "I feel the same...but, I am sure we can get past this. You are our best fighter for human kind." Her legs would move when Toshiro had entered inside his house. 
He had killed many but it wasn't enough. He must kill more, and, more. 

"Welcome home, darling!" The brunette ran up to him after laying Toshiki down for some rest. Her arms wrapped around Toshiro, fingers would grab onto the back of his shirt. The male would lean into his wife before he would nod once. "Yeah. I am home..." The two of them went to the bath where Momo sat in the tub being naked with Toshiro. His arms pulled Momo up against him. "Did Toshiki feel healthy today?" Her head would nod once with the soup she made. "He felt better. Playing with Shin made him happy while I hope they can come over more."

His hands would lightly wrap around her waist, gently he had placed his chin over her shoulder. "I hope so as well...I am never home so he can't really spend time with me. Company will make him happy." The two parents had thought about their son future. "The Titans are going to be killed! We will be free and can explore the land. I won't let them win!" Momo head nod once, after washing their bodies and hair. Both of them got out of the shower where she put on her dress again without the apron. "About our oldest son...."

The stars were shining bright where the night was upon them. Toshiro had changed out of his military outfit. He wore a blue long sleeve shirt, the button on the top would show his chest a little. He had worn pants which were black where he thought about his son. One hand ran through his white spiky hair. "I have not seen him as of yet...." He spoken with worry for his son loves to travel even skilled he has killed titans.

"I do not wish the end of him!" Momo tears fell from her eyes where Toshiro kissed her cheek up near her eye. "They won't get him. I promise you!" He embraced her when they both laid down on the bed, embracing in each other arms where Momo had already fallen asleep. My son...where are you now? I hope you live to come back home. We all miss you.

Once Isabelle walked in her home, there was a male sitting on the sofa with a angry expression. "Where were you?!" Her head would lower when hearing Shin groan to move in her arms. "I was worried sick!" He yelled again, seeing Isabelle held Shin where a toy train would be in his hand. "Did you go to see Momo? Oh...I am sorry. I just, I feared the worst seeing how these idiots won't defend us." Uryu had sat on the table where he made dinner. 

"I am sorry Uryu...I-" Her body would walk to lightly sit on the chair at the table with holding Shin. The noise he had sat up to wake up when seeing the food. After eating his dinner; they both laid him down to sleep which he slept peacefully. "Please leave a note. You know anytime these titans could attack and you need to be around. I know it down the block but with their strength..." He paused seeing Isabelle bow her head, tears fell from her eyes before he stood up.

His shirt was unbutton with showing nothing but his chest. " know I worry." Her head would nod when she stood up to embrace Uryu. Both arms wrap around his back, before their bodies would lean against another. "I understand, sweetie. I will leave a note before I leave. I did not mean to worry you...talking with Momo was fun I haven't done it in so long since we have been...well, our lives have changed." 

Uryu started to clean up when Isabelle helped with the food being delicious. "I know of it. That Toshiro had found a way to kill those titans. I am not surprised however, they think this wall is good enough. I keep trying maybe tomorrow." He would run his hand through Isabelle hair, before touching her cheek. "I love you, Isabelle." Her lips would lean up against Uryu's lips before they went to their room for to sleep. 

"I worry about you...if it were to happen I have to run to the boats." The male eyes would look into Isabelle's eyes. "Yes, I told you to just take Shin and run. Do not hold back anything back and run." He told her this every night. Their arms around each other, Isabelle eyes had closed with falling asleep while Uryu had kissed her forehead before rubbing her back. He had heard Shin walks in the room to cuddle with them both. It had not worried him. He would allow it seeing how their world wasn't so peaceful.

They were at war with these giants now called Titans. They do not have a motive. Only their plan to kill humans is unknown. Without knowing they must research more about these creatures. With a way to kill now their mission is to kill more enough to get their world back. This is theirs. They will fight till the death! 

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