Thursday, August 13, 2015

Giant World || Chapter 2 - Blueberry & Snow

Two years had passed since Shin and Toshiki met. It was recent visits everyday besides this day. The day where his journey lead to another even more mysterious. It made no difference when he was adventurous. The Mother of Toshiki made her worried where he would go especially after the titans had done one hundred years ago.

"W-What?!" Isabelle two eyes widen when standing next to her son Shin. He looked up at Isabelle. "Mama, we should go look." Momo head would shake, going on her knees with one finger poking into Shin's nose. "You should not go. Your Father wouldn't want you guys searching too far." The blonde haired female looked down at Shin then at Momo. "But...your son." 

A gentle laughter left her lips when she leans to whisper. "I can't risk losing my friends..." Isabelle had tears in her eyes when she embraced Momo to hear her laugh. "Besides he probably just went to go get some food. He will be back soon!" Nodding her head the blonde female would grab Shin hand to walk inside with Momo. Waiting for Toshiki to return hopefully soon.

In the village there was many stands with food, clothes, and other things. From the farms that come to deliver it helped the humans grow and keep living even in terror. The young child walked around with adults staring at him. He ignored them when hearing a sudden scream. He rushed to see who it was; down the alley there was a female where he glared. Using a stick they hit the girl with her long black hair full of mud and sticks. 

"Leave her alone!!" 

His arms raised when the group of kids froze with fear; their eyes widen with dropping the sticks. Hearing the girl cry out of being afraid. "Are you okay?" The small boy would pull the sticks out, his eyes narrowed to see the kids ran off. "How could they do this? You shouldn't be treated like this..." He saw her wounds with stick marks all over her skin. "I will tell Shin's Daddy about this. He is the Captain of this one should be hit. Your skin it so soft too." 

Long black hair would cover her eye which was a dark purple; lips were pink with her dress riipped at the bottom. "...T...Thank you for...for...for saving me." Her head would bow forward, feeling pain all over. "Ow!" The young child would embrace the smaller girl where he rubbed her back. "There, Mama taught me to hug someone when they are hurt and say this. Does it help?" 

Tears started to form in the small girl eyes, her arms wrap around the small child where hearing a adult yell. "What's going on? I heard you did this to this girl some group of kids told me." The blue haired male had shown to be Uryu Ishida. Suddenly the female girl would see the group of kids smirked evil behind Uryu. "N-No he didn't do it!" Suddenly the girl stood in front of the white haired male. "He saved me from those guys!" Her small finger pointed to the group who jumped. "W-What?! We just were helping and besides you have no prove. He obviously wanted to beat you since you look like a trash bag." 

Uryu head turned to Toshiki who looked calm. "If you want to blame me go ahead, but I came to save her just as she said. What is your name?" He saw the girl turned around when she would smile warmly at the boy. "M-My name is Alice...Alice Kazuki." The group of boys froze hearing that name with sweat falling down their cheeks. Like this boy she too was royal. Which meant they be killed or harmed. Uryu would chuckle when seeing the boys reaction. "So I suppose since your sweating that you, would report a boy who couldn't harm a fly. He did the right thing where you boys shall face punishment!" 

"O-Ow we...noooo!" They were dragged off by Uryu where the white haired boy laughed. "Hahaha! They thought I done it? What a joke..." Alice looked at the boy who name was not said. "Excuse me b-but what is your name? I never..." He would raise a hand to her head. "My name is Toshiki. Toshiki Hitsugaya." 

Standing up on his two feet, a small hand would move out to Alice with a kind warm smile. "Shall we go?" Her small fingers would grab his palm where they both stood up. He left to go back home having it be lunch time at noon. Hearing his Mother scold him where she yelled. It was then she saw the girl and understood. 

"C-Come in! Oh my god are you alright?" The brunette embraced Alice where another woman who was the one to marry Uryu. "Miss Isabelle...y-your Father saved me from those bullies." Isabelle eyes fill with warmth when she lightly strokes Alice head. "First let's get you in the bath! Then we can talk all about it and your parents must be worried." 

Toshiki looked at Momo then at Isabelle when he nods his head. "I want her to play with Shin and I too!" Alice smile was warm when she jumps up and down happily. "I wanna play, I wanna play too!" The two Mothers had smiled at each other with delight. Finding a new friend for Toshiki. Only problem was...who was her Mother? 

Momo and Isabelle had took Alice to the bath where they washed her hair and body. Her entire body was dirty with marks. "This is sad...who would do something like this?" Alice sat still humming with the two woman laughing. A child happiness really does change everything. 

After the bath; they had a towel to dry Alice off before having her wear a blue dress. It had ruffles for the skirt with her bow tied. They gave her a hair piece that Isabelle had made. "You can go play now. But! Before you go...what is your Mother name?" Alice blinked her two eyes with happiness. "Emi Kazuki. She lives in this village I know she does. I...went to get food because she is poor." Momo looked sadden by how their humanity has gone. 

"W-We will go find her!" 

Alice nods her head once last time before running to go play with Shin and Toshiki. The two search with telling Uryu of the news. He has his team go find the female which she was laying in a alley way with no home. Uryu made sure she had one with paying his own money for it. Alice would have a home with the two woman. Emi had thanked them happily. Tears fell from her eyes, with a warm smile she had finally had a home. "T-Thank you so much! I couldn't ever pay you back." Isabelle embraced Emi. "You done so much for her. We want to thank you and you can come visit us everyday. Alice loves her new friends."

Emi laughed with joy before embracing Alice to pick her up. Seeing how she fell asleep with a toy train being purple. "I would love that! I will come back everyday. I don't see why I shouldn't...thank you!" Emi walked away with having a bath and new clothes. "I am so happy we could save her. What would of happen had my son not found her?" Both their eyes were sadden; thinking of what would of happen. It would mean both their deaths. 

Toshiro had come home early while Isabelle took her son who had fallen asleep as well. "See you tomorrow!" Momo waved her hand with leaning against Toshiro. "...So you saved someone today?" Her head would nod before leaning up against Toshiro's chest. "I am so happy! We have a new friend as well. But...I wonder about her Father. I mean, Alice Father." Toshiro lips became serious; hearing that name from reports he was turned into a crazy man.

" reported missing but only because of his crimes." Two brown eyes would widen, looking up at Toshiro. "W-What kind of crimes...?" Toshiro had led Momo inside with closing the door to lock it. "He was..." Toshiro paused when he walks Momo down to their room where they got ready for bed. 

Once they both were dressed; Momo had worn her night gown while Toshiro wore no shirt just shorts. He got into bed with Momo. Her hand would lay on his chest, while her head laid next to her hand. Toshiro had his hand against Momo; laying very close. "He dissected humans and tried to figure out about Titans. He would get one captured and would test them." Momo sat up suddenly with fear. "T...Then Emi was married to him?" The white haired male would nod his head slowly. "Was... is a term she would never had thought would end. He...He almost would have made his wife and daughter turn titan. That was when Emi saw what he done and took Alice almost dying for it. She fled through the cities to end up here."

Toshiro had shook his head, a hand touched his head with worry. "We been searching for him with no luck. He is on the run not very far as you can see." Two hands gripped the blanket, a look of anger and sorrow mixed on Momo's face. "We will find him and make sure he pays for what he almost did!" A soft chuckle left his lips before he had Momo lay back down. "Don't worry I will make sure personally he is dealt with. His worries had been more about the people. Such a crazy person to turn so deadly. He would not rest until the titans and that man is dealt with. "Let us sleep now...we have to still deal with what could happen to our son."

Momo bit her lower lip in frustration; worried where he be. "I am sure he will find us." The albino head would slowly move before closing his eyes. Son...whatever you do don't get killed! Toshiro wrapped his arms around Momo before falling asleep once again. In peace; yet his mind was full of worries for they could fear the worst.

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