Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Amore || Chapter 2 - Tempers Rising

Silence filled in the room when Toshio had started to clap. "My son had chosen you. Please do not let us do---" He felt his son step on his foot once more. "What is it, Toshiro?" His expression was angry when he moved the girl's hands away. "She is not some tool!!!" His finger pointed at the girl, "YOU should be more worried what he make you do. H-He could make you bathe me, get me dressed etc!" 

A worried look upon the girl's face, two hands raised with thinking of his small body. The white body that would glow in the tub, his petite body that would glow even more within those teal eyes filled with nothing. Deep down---she knew he had sorrow inside. Those eyes held that deeply for wanting comfort and compassion.

"Toshiro..." His arms would cross in front of the taller male's chest. He begin to get impatient with how his son acted. "You want to get tall don't you?" His face avoided his Dad's, lips formed a frown when he let out a deep cough. "I thought so and you do know she...well, she does have a choice." The small boy turned to face his maid with reaching for her hand. "I want a bath. I-I will not allow you to make her your tool. If she is here to help us, then don't make me wait much longer." He jumped up and down, trying to reach when he frowned. "I-I want up! Please..." 

Toshio nods his head, he had whispered in Brittany's ear softly. "Make him happy with anything you can do. He easily can be upset and that you will see won't be good." His body brushed past the female who stood there confused. "D-Daddy, stop scaring her away! I am a good BOY!" He stomps his foot down when seeing ice formed underneath his feet. The female took one step when her foot slid, letting out a scream the young girl fell on her butt.

The small boy had looked down at his feet, a soft gasp left his lips as his fingers would touch the girl's head. "Sorry..." He knew this girl would leave just as the others would have. The next maids will compete and he never wanted one that wanted to treat him like a child. "....S-So...." Her arms would wrap around Toshiro's back, pulling him closer to her till their bodies were up against one another. "Coool! I-I never seen ice form like that. How did you do it?! Your family is...not human are they?" Teal orbs widen, his lips was wide open when he saw why his Father had chosen this girl.
She was....different.

"I will tell you everything in the bath." Part of her hair would fall in front of her eyes, a single finger would move the hair away when he stared into her eyes again. "Pick me up and I shall tell you everything. Only if you get me in the bath..." Brittany could tell he uses people just like slaves. His Father had found me to help. But...I found them interesting. Should I listen? My job, my life if I don't....T-They could kill me.

"Y-Yes!" Her fingers trembled from reaching for the boy, lightly grabbing him with moving up against her chest. She held him closely which he had a small light pink color on his cheeks. "H-Hurry!" He noticed fear was in her eyes. Suddenly he wondered if she feared for her own life. That they would kill her. "Don't worry...my Father wouldn't choose you if he thought you couldn't do it. He has great power to sense things. He saw you..." Tears had fallen from her eyes over seeing him in this state.

"W-Why are you crying?!" His eyes looked up with worry, raising his small hand up to her right cheek. "Stop crying." The boy tried to rub her cheek. Nothing had seemed to work. What could he do? "I-I am just sad for you to be in such a small body..." He let out a deep sigh, fingers would flick her on the right cheek. "Stop...I will get over this curse. Just you have to care for me. You are...." He wanted to say the perfect match but, then he seem like he likes her. He doesn't! 
Carrying the small boy had her move with his directions toward the bath. He noticed it wasn't filled. However, it will be once she is the maid. He noticed she placed him down on the ground. She was warm... 

One arm would reach out, fingers grabbed the knob and turned it. A stream of water came out when the plug was already stuck in the hole. Seeing the clear water; it looked pure and quite fresh. Even her eyes never seen such high water stock. They must get lots of money to pay for this. "The water is pure..." A sudden sound made her worried when turning around, only to see a boy undressed.
"EEEEEEK!" A loud scream came out from her lips which echoed through out the building. The cup on Toshio's desk shook, he noticed the tea was going to spill. Lightly his right hand reached out, touching the top of the cup a soft chuckle left his lips. "Seems she saw him naked..." That child...he must remember she is a girl.

"Why do you scream? I am just naked is all..." He walks over to the bath, jumping up and down the small boy had turned to glare at the girl who stood frozen. "Well...get on with it." The female arms had reached down, both hands begun to shake when she picked him up upside down and lays him on the water. "W-Wrong way, baka!!!" He kicks her hand when she realized he was the wrong way and had him sit up.

"Honestly....do you want to seem like a pervert?" Both the girl's cheeks lit up, a dark color filled them when she covered her eyes. "S-Sorry!!" He noticed the girl was going to leave when he had the door turn to ice. "You can't leave..." He noticed the girl stop with remembering he couldn't get out. "King-sama..." Her legs would lean down when she took a seat on the ground. "A-Ahem!" His voice had cleared the male's throat. 

"Wash me." Both of Brittany's eyes widen, he sat there without being phased by her screaming or shaking. Must he forget that she is a girl... he really is the King. "Y-Yes..." Ignoring her heart that beat so fast. She followed each order with using the cloth that had a bar of soap rubbed against, lightly rubbing his arm with soap till he noticed she got him all soapy. "S-Stop, Maid!" The girl head leaned forward when slamming it into the bathtub.

"You sure are clumsy..." The small boy would raise a hand, lightly moving it back and forth when he rubs her head gently. "Maid-sama..." He whispered those words so gently. Quietly it made the girl feel special. He had to be cared for, loved, just as if she was his Mother. No...did his Father want him to be happy with someone? Never to find darkness.

Slowly the female head lifts up, she lightly embraces the boy. "I will cure you, I promise." The small boy eyes widen, he remain frozen when looking at her. "Yes, but before that......" He points to the soap all around his body. "King-sama...?! How did you get all soapy?" Thoughts earlier became blind when hitting her head. Ah, that's right...I washed his hair then... "Maid-sama, you are a baka! Y-You did this to ME!


He felt the bucket was full of water when it splashes on his whole body. Shaking back and forth, his expression was angry with the boy's hair down. His eyes twitches from her just dumping water on him. "T-Take me out, maid-sama." A soft giggle left her lips when picking up the boy, lightly placing him on the ground. 

The towel would wrap around the small boy, he would stand there when the towel drops. "I-I can't look!!!" A sigh would leave his lips, he had looked at the girl who seemed embarrassed. "What is your name? I never heard of....what you be called." He stood there with water dripping down his body. 

"Oh, my name is Brittany." 

The girl spoke with her using the towel to draw off the boy who spoke of being King. If he was King then....why isn't his Father the King? That question filled up in her mind when thinking how she could cure him. 

"Brittany huh...?" 

Suddenly the door was opened; a tall male who was Hyorinmaru had brought new clothes. "I will dress him, Miss Brittany." A look of disappointment was upon the young King. "Ah, well. Go get some rest, Maid-sama." He knew that she will have it rough from working here. A quick wave appeared in the girl's movement when she left the room.

All inside of her felt hot from just being with him. He wasn't some small child like most people see him as. He was special; very stubborn, quite mature with his actions. Could I...break the curse? His curse. It is stuck for him to bare all alone. I want to help, I want to save him. 

"Master Toshiro, do you really enjoy her company?" The tall butler had asked with his eyes glowing. He had known his young Master to serve after his older Master has died. "...." Silence filled the room when he grown close to her. The caring human had showed him compassion. Only he must not get close. He wasn't like most humans.

"Master..." Hyorinmaru reached out when his hand was slapped away. "Stop treating me like a small child. I do not need your help!" A look of shock showed upon his face when he felt anger against his own. He knew that the only person who could cure him. Was her... "Forgive me, King. I know you aren't a child...that is not why I ask these things." Toshiro knew what he trying to do. Make him answer to report to his Father. 

The ruler of everyone in this town. Brittany...you do not realize he can throw you out the moment I return to normal. Why do I care? She just a mere human who got assissgned this. But deep down, I wish for her happiness and...even I like her to stay. No matter what. I will protect you. 
His eyes looked down at his pajama's. He had on his watermelon shape pajama's that made him look like a kid. "...Thank you for caring, Hyorinmaru. I do not need your words to travel to my Father. He already knows!" The young child walked to the door when he sensed Brittany had not left. 

Hyorinmaru grabbed the handle when he opened it quickly to feel something hit against it. Rushing out the door with able to leave, his eyes widen seeing Brittany got knocked out by the door and he moved to check on her. Two of his hands touched her cheek, lightly feeling a bump had emerged. "Oh...what am I to do with you?" Once the door was able to open; a smile would appear on his lips. Master...you shown care. It means that little by little, you will be healed. 

I only can hope...

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