Monday, December 1, 2014

Amore || Chapter 1 - Pleasant Meetings

Large white flakes fell from the skies of Japan, a few had touched this girl's cheeks. Color of red appeared on her two cheeks. "It like a Winter wonderland!" A cheerful tone would shout out with many looks at the female. Bright orange hair blew in the wind; a paper came flying towards her when smacking right in the face. Light giggles escaped people's lips when hearing that smack. 


The young girl would raise her arm, fingers grabbed the paper when seeing a ''HELP WANTED". It came from a calling for caring for a small child. Few females had saw the paper when snatching it. "You don't need this. Your too clumsy it seems with how the paper came to smack into you." One girl had said, another joined in the laugh when the orange haired female stood there. Cruelty always was founded here. No matter what you do, it always came here. 

"I don't need it!"

Those words were spoken; fingers gripped on the handle to her suitcase that run on wheels. Feet pounded against the ground, each step with a crunch of snow. Rushing down the road had her able to escape people. Hatred for people since birth had paid off. Most are kind, others are not. How she wish to be important...

The papers were scattered on each pole, inside the stores on the window. This person must really want a maid. Could it be hard? A job, is a job after all. Should she attend? Every female must have wanted to join. Every one would be tested and that be hard to past a test such as this. 
Feeling of shyness always caught the best of me. Always hiding; leaving the fun things behind. Such as going to concerts, to football games. Everything had never been in her interest. Still coming here was the one thing that excited the most! Anime! It was the main thing around here only---- how could she find a store for it? Studying on language for Japan had helped her. 

"Now...I have to find a hotel." 

Inside of her jacket, a map of Japan would be within her hand. Hearing footsteps behind her, a soft gasp left her lips when he reached out. The female took steps back, his hand would grab her right wrist when pulling her close. "Please remain calm, Brittany." He noticed her expression changed from panic to confusion. "I seen you actually calmed down. That shows signs you can listen." The male had long light-green hair that was to his waist. Never had she seen such long hair. His facial look had gray eyes which held a serious expression. There was a X on his face which was a light-blue kind of color of sky blue. 

"H-How do you...know of my name?" A worried tone came out from the girl's thin lips, her arm was released when a black limo appeared. Lights would appear up on the pole light above them. "I know of you because of the Master I work with." He spoke softly, the sound of a door opening by the limo driver. The tall white haired male had spikey hair when he noticed the girl was short with being a little bit skinny. She dressed formal in a way not of Japan however, he even would love her.

His teal eyes were very deep, walking over he had his clothing on to be a black tux. "I hear you came here and thought I bring you to my home." A loud thud hit the ground from her dropping the suitcase. "Hyorinmaru, will you pick up her suitcase? She may have lots of questions and concerns however, you need a place to stay don't you?" Part of her would blow in the wind, two hands would touch each side of her face that was cold. 

One nod she would feel afraid, he had placed a hand against her back. "You are someone in my interest. You wanted to join, well, you can." Her jaw dropped from his words, "H-How?! I...I had to compete don't I?" Turning her head on the right, he had helped her inside the limo. After she had gotten in, he followed and sat beside her. "I chose you. If you keep in my interest then I will let you stay for free. All you have to do is be my maid along with the tournament for the other maids." 

Hyorinmaru grabbed the suitcase which he put inside the trunk carefully. After closing the trunk, he had tapped the trunk with having the driver enter inside the vehicle. "I shall explain while we go there. I live in a castle my son.. he is my only son. However, he is under a curse." Feeling the limo move had Brittany worried for his butler. "A c-curse?!" Who would harm such a child? He must be very in pain! "Right now he is in a small child which he needs extra care. I had picked you for that job and you also will clean. He may not accept you at first." The male spoke over the matters of her job. Why had he chose me? Was it because I refused?

"I assume you are wondering why I chose you." He had on a silver ring, a name was carved in it which he had moved his hand away from her view. "Y-Yes, I have just arrived. There is no way you could have known I be here." Fixing her hair, fingers would run through the side of the young girl's hair. "Actually...I know of everyone who comes into Japan. They can hide, I will find them just as you are found by me. I had my butler watch your actions and how cruel everyone was. You refused to join however, in your eyes he said you were interested feared something. Deep down you really wanted to join don't you?" His hands lightly folded in front of his chin. 

"Y-You must be the leader of this city." Brittany felt nervous being in the car with such a great leader. "You can say that...more I rule the entire world in Japan. Set rules right, make sure everyone follows." He had felt the car turn right when his eyes looked at the girl. "I chose you because I sense you will be the right person for my son..." He closed his eyes slowly, his hand lightly touched the girl's head. "I will test you on caring for him. He may be cold towards you out of losing his Mother." 
Hazel eyes looked directly in his teal eyes, a nod of her head over saving this family. Hers had died a long ago. Always seeing her parents dead in front of her. This boy must feel loneliness Without a parent, even just one is scary. 

"I will help him and your family. I will do what I can to keep him from feeling sadness." The driver had a smile on his face. He had approved of this girl who had been taken in by a stranger. If they really did lie, then this girl be a fool. However, his master could not even stop the sadness in his son.
The drive up the mountains led to a place hidden within the mountains with a field of green. That would be green, it had been taken over by a color of white. The snow. When the limo pulled up, iron black gates would open slowly to allow the sight of a long drive up ahead. When the limo parked, the driver had gotten out with his hand grabbing the door, opening it slowly to see his Master had gotten out. 

The female had help getting out when seeing Hyorinmaru already was opening the trunk. "W-When..." The white haired male had touched his the girl's shoulder. "Do not worry about him. We must have you meet my son." Her footsteps ran after the unamed male. "W-What is your name, sir?" A soft chuckle left his lips from her cheerful expression. 

He grabbed the door handle, pulling it with all his strength till the inside had been lit with a smaller child standing on the first stairs. His facial expression was cold when seeing the female. Brittany stood beside the taller male who looked down at her. "My name is Toshio Hitsugaya and this..." He paused,  a quick moment the boy moved in front of the girl. 

His movement was so fast! Did...he take a track team? That only had to be a way he could move so fast. His hand lightly trace the female's cheek with being small. Rubbing the girl's cheek, seeing her cheeks lit up with a light pink color. His teeth bit into the bottom of the boy's lip. "This is Toshiro Hitsugaya and..." Toshio leaned forward when speaking into the girl's ear. "Do not say about his height. He hates it completely being so shor---"

The smaller boy had moved his hand when feeling the girl broke her trance. She was so soft...warm, and gentle like a rabbit. They had the same hair, same eyes only----the height was slightly off. 
"I am not short! FATHER!! You did that on purpose." He used his small foot to step on Toshio's foot. "T-Toshi---" The girl went to reach for the boy, picking him up in her hands where he froze still. He felt this girl had calmed him just by a simple touch. Impossible! No one can apprehend me! "Father....find a cure." A deep sigh came out from his lips, "Do you think I just gather a female here just to tease you? I had her take the job to care for you and it seems....she already has been chosen by you. You find her beautiful, don't you?" 

His smaller body would move his head to look up at the girl. She is indeed beautiful...but I can not be defeated. "Put m-me down, maid!" His order was loud with seeing she had placed him on the ground. A hand would brush off the dust when he saw she was on her knees in front of him. "You entertaining for me." His small hands wrapped around her tightly. 

Brittany whole face was red; lightly she brushed the back of his face slowly. "I will cure you, Mister. I---" His eyebrows shift downwards in a angry expression. Lightly using one finger, he hit the female's head. " are to address me as, King-sama." The posture from the small boy was tall, with a stance of being a adult only his body was small. 

A smile appeared on the female who raised her hands, each finger would stroke the boy's pale cheeks. Watching from behind had been his Father who had a small smirk upon his face. He had found the perfect cure. Only his son can send her away. He seems interested. 

I will protect this boy with my life. I had a feeling if i do, he can become a true leader. Although my own mind questions why I risk my life? I question this...but deep inside I knew that my life can live on with these people.

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