Saturday, December 6, 2014

Amore || Chapter 3 - Maid Tournament

"Follow me, Master." He walked toward the girl, seeing the young boy took a few steps back. To allow room so he could pick up Brittany and take her to the room she be staying at. "Alright.." His voice was soft when he saw Brittany was still breathing. 

"Please take good care of her, Hyorinmaru." Teal orbs were filled with worry. He couldn't allow her to get hurt. Not after twenty-four hours he already felt she would do anything just to save him. "You are starting to not be so cold. More gentle when she is around..." His voice was deep, both hands went under Brittany's body with taking her toward the little Toshiro's room. Next to it was where she be in case he needs her. 

Walking inside the room; curtains hung above the master Queen sized bed. On above the bed; hanging down was a light pink curtain that had been see-through. On the top of the curtain, red roses would be attached to them. Each step would be careful, he lightly placed the female on the blankets. Seeing her body was hot from all the information. Or did she...get sick? He must not tell his young Master. 

Small footsteps would be heard in the room, he jumped up and down with asking to be picked up. Hyorinmaru shook his head, two hands picked up Toshiro who had no way to see her---at least not by himself. 

Being short had his disadvantages. Which he hated to not be able to do as he pleases. Like with seeing his Maid. She had to rest after this day... He took Toshiro inside of his room, a King sized bed just like Brittany's only his had a navy blue, curtains hung from the top of his bed. "Toshiro, you need your strength. Just sleep for now...We must get Brittany ready." 

"Get her ready?" His eyes felt heavy; his small right hand would raise, lightly rubbing the eye. If only his body was in adult form and then they couldn't order him around. A warm smile appeared on the tall butler's face. "Nothing to worry about, young Master. Only her rest for now and then...her duties for caring for you then the house." freedom like him. Both of them locked in a cage. When this curse is broken, he will free those who have to work just for being tools. Would he treat them all the same? Get what he wants then, toss them away? NEVER! Brittany was a sweet girl---but foolish! 

The next morning a light touched the young King who will take over. Many call him King. However, his body is small and that is why. White strands of hair stood up, it looked like a mess. Hearing noises from outside his window, it sounded like many girls and males. Today was the maid tournament. What a stupid way...these humans were dumb. Why did they join? To get closer, treat him even more like a child? He hated it!

"Master." A deep voice entered his room, his eyes filled with seriousness. "We need you to go toward the dining room." He had spoken with reaching out both of his hands. "I need to bathe first. I do not wish to let my Father see me such way. Looking like a mess. It is not royal like." Hyorinmaru had nodded his head, lips raised into a little smile over his words. Already acting like a King. To show that he wasn't going to be a slob. 

Outside the castle, many of lines of humans were waiting to be let in for the tournament. Once inside; they would compete against Toshiro's Father who senses and all they have to do is do extra chores. If they can't do them fast, they get kicked out. A few females were discussing when they noticed a tall male. He stepped out with his butler knowing that their King who looks young come out. He passed his title over toward his son. Luckily... he will take over until his son can.

"Welcome to my home! I hear you wish to be maids well, some are males. Therefore you will be maids only you wear butler outfits and serve the small King!" A few laughter came out of their lips. "Now, I assure you. Our young King be ready for you. Just...he is busy getting prep up for this." His voice stopped; teal eyes scanned the crowd with seeing their intentions. "Come in and make yourself comfortable. My son shall be here to greet you all as I get you ready." 

All their eyes filled with determination. Many had thoughts of serving him with girls squealing. Not that they know he already has a maid however, she will go under training so that he may work harder. Each day pushing her in knowing what chores to do.  One of the other butlers will wake her up, make sure she comes care for the King after the tournament.

"Miss Brittany."

A deep voice called out with a smile appearing on his face. He knew she would have questions about him. Or who he was however, no time for this when he had her maid outfit worn on the door on a clothes hanger. Two eyes opened, a messy long orange hair had strands standing up when she sat up. A strange men was here! "EEEEEK! W-Who..." A finger touched her lips, when he heard she was quiet the male had moved to grab the maid outfit. 

"Hello, I am sorry for scaring you but..." He moved his finger away. "My name is Sebastian. You will be guarded by me and only me if some other maids..." He paused; his tone was soft, a hand would raise on the side of his mouth. "They will hate you being so close to our King. You do know that right?" 

Two eyes widen in shock, lips opened a little bit when she fell off the bed face first. "I didn't think you harm yourself just to get up." A hand reached out with his crimson eyes filled with warm. Inside those eyes---she felt he could change at any moment. Brittany's hand raised, touching the other's hand gently when he started to take off her clothes. "W-W-W-W-Wait!" 

Ignoring her the male continued to take off her clothes. "We have no time to wait." His fingers moved fast, too fast for the young teenager with reading his moves. It was only a second and already he had finished with her clothing. "Now go see our Master, Toshio Hitsugaya. He needs to go over some things with you, Miss Brittany." 

When he left the room; a maid outfit would be worn on Brittany. The two puffy shoulders had been a navy blue color, a white aprin was in front with a length down to the middle of her skirt, the skirt also was navy blue along with white ruffles underneath. White leg stockings had little designs, on the leg stockings it had snow flakes that were sky blue with shading of a dark blue. Her shoes were already on as well.

"H-How did he do this?!"

Shaking her head, peeking outside of the door a few butlers would stand in waiting for the young King. "H-He---" The door slammed open when a small boy walked out with stepping right into Brittany's leg.

"OW! Who ran into...." His voice paused, both teal eyes widen when his whole body started to shake. Two hands reached down, picking up the small boy within her arms with gently holding him. "P-Put me down!" He ordered once; seeing the orange hair lay in front of his eyes. S-So much hair! 
"I don't know who you are but....PUT ME DOWN! I have to see the other maids. Wait..." Inside his mind; fingers would move the hair out of the way when it hit him. The only maid he has is her. Did she wish to hold him? Both of his cheeks shade a light pink, he opened his mouth before whispering her name. "Brittany..." 

"K-King-sama?! I thought you were a cat. Oh, I-I am so so so so sorry!" Her body would lean down when his small hands gripped onto her arm. "K-King-sama? You have to let go!" Both of her cheeks puffed out, shaking him up and down with trying make him release her arm. "Miss may take him. W-We tried to pick him up seems he feels comfortable with you." 

Crimson color came into her cheeks, fingers stayed against the young King's back. His body felt warm in her arms. "D-Don't think too much of this, Maid-sama!" Turning toward the left, teal eyes looked away from Brittany. Why did he like her holding him? Other maids will try worse things...he wasn't ready for this! 

The two of them walked down the hall, each step was silent with Brittany feeling his small body against her hands. The maids will kill him! Butlers walked in front with leading Brittany to Toshio. "We have to move over to the other Castle. We use this for tournaments. He can tell you after each of them test in a game like situation." Orange eyebrows raised, "Game...?" A loud yawn would leave Toshiro's lips. "K-King-sama! This is important..." A low sigh left her lips, fingers rubbed his back softly feeling he was relaxed.

"A-Anyway... the King has to watch each maid and greet them. YOU will be learning how to do chores inside the other castle by Toshio Hitsugaya. Toshiro our young King will be busy just waiting to who wins." They explained this with a worry feeling in Brittany's heart. "W-What if they harm him?" The butlers stop at the doors; their eyes looked at the young King who fell asleep. "We will protect him with our lives, Miss Brittany. Your care for him makes our hearts warm. No one has ever cared for him like this...he been longing for someone like you. I am assure of it!" 

Each of their faces looked calm, each one was trustworthy. That butler she had wasn't human. Knowing that maybe all of them aren't human at all. "A-Are all the workers here....not human?" Their eyes widen, seeing the young King eyes opened with annoyance. "You think too much, Maid-sama. Well, since you are the first to notice...I am sure you know this curse isn't human. My Father searches for who did this. That why he does this kind of thing with able to see into their souls." 

Brittany looks down at Toshiro with a shocked expression. "Y-You mean..." Their heads nodded, one of the butler's hand grabbed for the door handle. When the door opened; it showed a cat-walk area that goes across the way to the other castle. The rest of the way was in silence when they reached the throne room for to prep up for the young King. Toshio walked over to Brittany and Toshiro.

"You finally came! Son...aren't you too old to be held?" Teal eyes narrowed at his son, hands crossed over each other in front of his chest. The young King lightly pats Brittany's arm, he noticed she put him down on the ground. "It is easier to get to one place then for me to waste energy. I have so little due to my powerful state." Toshio nods his head, one hand would lightly pat Brittany. "Toshiro, you may go sit on your chair for the maids. They have begun. While you..." He noticed Brittany was shaking slightly, "Do not be afraid. We do not need you to be tested. You may return to the other castle. I have your butler explain what to do. Thank you..."

His facial expression was soft; the young King had also smiled at her. Both were happy that she came by. Right now she can't disappoint both King's. "Don't trip over your own shoe, Maid-sama. I will be waiting for you to give me a bath later. me a story." The young female cheeks puffed out. "I-I won't trip! Don't get squished by women!" Her body turned around, rushing out of the room with happiness.

I must not disappoint him! I have to be on my best behavior while he finds maids for his son. Would able to still handle bathing such a boy? He isn't He just never answered. It best I do not question what or who he is.

The maids who passed were lined up wearing the maid outfits designed for their jobs. Mostly caring for the entire place. A few girls giggled at the young Prince, others just stood there tall while the males who were to be butlers had a different job. Learning how to protect the Kings and their staff. They will be like knights. This all seemed boring to Toshiro. Why bother recruiting new members? Once they see his form, all they want to do is slay him. What was his Father thinking?

Many females of different skin and hair color came in. Their eyes stared at the young King, each female eyes filled with stars. A 'Tch' left Toshiro's lips when teal eyes stared at the ten females and ten guys. The voice came out of Toshio's voice who talked to the group. "Welcome! You passed the tough test against all odds. The others will be taken back home and back to their jobs." Toshio's arms were hung out on each side, he watched closely when seeing the maids and new butlers would bow.

"You may rest here for training begins tomorrow!"

Many of the girls let out a whining sound when the Young King spoke. "SILENCE!" His body rose, falling off the chair many of the laughter came out. He felt embarrassed. "You right to even complain. My Father is in go to sleep!" His body stood with help from his Father who picked him up. "Toshiro, it is alright.." His lips formed a smile with happiness. "Let us get you washed. Have some food we cooked just for you. Enjoy and find the room you will be sleeping in." 
The tall King left the room with his butlers having the new recruits to their rooms. "Good riddance..." A soft whisper left the young Prince lips. "You had not been so graceful." A hand lightly pat his son on the head. "S-Shut up! Father, it not my fault I had this body. I wish to get big. I hate being small I hate it!" 

"Shh...Toshiro. I will find who did this just you wait." A right hand rubbed the back of his son, hearing him sniffle over the fall. "You done your best and what matters is you did not let them have their way." Toshiro used his small hand to wipe away the tears. "Father...sorry. Acting like a baby in front of you." He took him all the way to his room for the dinner being prepared. "Do not worry. I only want you to act strong toward them. Being weak is learning and to never give up." 

Toshiro had images of Brittany in his mind about him crying. He thought of her rushing to him with that worried look. No way! He can't give up and let her see how weak and childish he is. "I won't give up! I-I will fight...till the very end." give my son hope and a will to keep going. Thank you. I may not need to throw you out after this. No...he may want to keep you. I shall test you both along the way. Keep him safe...

List of chores was on a long paper, it kept rolling down the hall which made Brittany eyes widen. "T-That much?!" Sebastian head nodded, black hair bounced when he kept a smile. "I will do half and you can do half just until you get the hang of it and dress the young King." His finger raised, he begun to speak once again. Circles appeared on Brittany's face for eyes; spinning, and, spinning in circles. 

How can one do all of this?! No human ever could... How I wish to be at your side, forever and even...keep you safe inside my arms. I never will let you go! NEVER!


A soft voice spoke; the young King was placed on the ground when he stood there with his eyes having black lines under them. "K-King-sama!!" Her feet rushed over, dropping the broom with a loud bang against the ground. His teal eyes soften when seeing her. How she worries... "King-sama, they didn't harm you did they?!" Two of her hands touched his shoulders, lightly squeezing them. "N-No..." Both of his small cheeks, they were puffy with a light red shade appearing upon them. "They didn't at all! Father protected me." 

"Maid-sama, can you hold me?" His voice was trembling; lightly his fingers would touch her arms. "King-sama..." Arms would reach around Toshiro, raising him up in her arms he would snuggle his face against her chest. Dark crimson colors light up her cheeks. He was so warm, inside her arms where she held him. Toshio nods his head, he had Sebastian give them some alone time.
Had his Son picked a suitable Wife? No...or did he ask for comfort? He knew she was in here just by sensing. Like him his son had his powers. Even more; he sensed the same thing he had within Miss Brittany.

"Miss Brittany, will you after your done take him to get some food? You may join us. After all, your not just a maid, your family to us." His footsteps left the room with a smile upon his face. He closed the door with leaving them alone in the room where it had a fireplace lit. On the top of the firepalce it had frames with photos in it.

A woman with light brunette hair sat in a wooden chair. On a field with a baby in her hands, he looked small with white hair along with his teal eyes. "That is my Mother..." Brittany walked over toward the photo. Inside the frame a picture holds the moment forever. Even after the person is long gone. Memories of that person safe within their hearts. 


Toshiro laid his head against Brittany's chest, his small hands rested against his chest with  a small smile. "She love to meet you..." Inside Brittany's mind; her thoughts ran amok when thinking of meeting her. If only she could... "I am sure she is looking down on Earth with a smile. Knowing you are happy, you are smiling and living still." 

Teal orbs widen, lips opened wide when he chuckled softly. "Happy? I will be once out of this small body. So... don't get too comfortable, okay?" Her head would nod once when she took a seat on the ground with holding Toshiro. He was small like a three year old. The poor boy suffered enough. There has to be a cure---and when I fix it, I will not let him become this weak again! 

I promise...I will save you! I will! 

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