Friday, April 27, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter1-The Peaceful Times

“Brittany you finally came!” Rangiku called out to me sitting at the table. This was a meeting for woman in the Seireitei I was invited to go since I was a girl. It was fun to hang out with everyone and everyone was very nice to me. We did this around holidays as well. “We need to celebrate!” “For what?” “Our victory of course.” 

Soifon said crossing her arms against her chest. Momo knew what she was talking about. She had past images in her head but she had forgotten about him since what he did to her. She felt better now that she had someone like Steven with her. “Momo-chan, it’s alright if you want to leave.” I whispered in her ear softly knowing this subject was hard for her. 

Momo shook her head not wanting to run away and cry in tears over Aizen. “I am not going to leave he was our enemy.” Rangiku nods her head taking out the sake. “Then let’s drink!” I laughed at Rangiku seeing the entire woman agreed. “It has been a while and Captain Kyoraku may hate me for it.”  

Nanao said pushing her glasses up on her face with her finger gently. Isane smiled at them watching everyone she felt she could finally be in peace. We all ate some cake while Rangiku got drunk with her sake again. Isane and Nanao helped Rangiku get back to her home. “Bri-chan, are you okay?” Momo asked me seeing I looked pale. 

“I… just am a bit dizzy.” I hiccupped feeling my vision was blurry. “I will go call Toshiro.” “W-Wait you don’t have to do that!” “You can’t walk home by yourself.” Momo said knowing she leave soon and everyone else had left. I knew I couldn’t just come back I be well drunk. Momo had taken me back telling Toshiro I was drunk. “You guys are so crazy.” 

He sighed having me lay down on the sofa. “Rest for now.” He moved his hand up to my face. He felt I was cold my skin looked very pale almost as though I had a cold that was draining the life out of me. “Shiro…chan.” He leaned down moving his lips up against my forehead. “Just rest for now.” He moved away from me walking to his desk. 

He finished his work seeing I was asleep he watched my breathing of my chest going up and down slowly, he just wanted to lay with me or listen to my heart. “Brittany…” He moved away from his desk sitting in front of the sofa. His hand moved up to my face slowly feeling I flinched against his hand. “You still always do that.” 

He sighed knowing I couldn’t hear him but he always laughed knowing I looked cute while sleeping. “Captain!” Toshiro looked at the door hearing one of his members came in. They looked serious like something has happened. “Menos in the world of the living sir.” His eyes widened in shock he looked at me. “I can’t leave her…I have to—“ 

“Captain this is no time to wake her. She be fine as long as you put up a barrier.” Toshiro knew that but still he never leaves me behind. “Fine.” He left the room shutting the door he moved his hand up to it. He hated to leave it was like saying goodbye and his heart would break if he never had to do that. “

Captain…I know this is hard but you won’t be there long.” He bit his lip knowing that but what has this person know how much he cares for me? “I know.” He sighed slowly creating a barrier to only let Rangiku in or people in the squad. He left running down the hall he had to hurry. He couldn’t think of anything to do other than to return to me. 

He be back…he had to promise. Brittany pleas would be safe! The next morning I woke up alone not seeing Toshiro at his desk where he would be. “Toshiro?” I asked looking around I sensed a barrier was up. He only does that if he couldn’t stay or he had to leave so suddenly. What has happened? Captain… where did you go?

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