Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bleach:Iwaku Omoide

It was sunny in the Soul Society where I lived with my parents. They told me they wanted me to stay in the Rukon district. I was scared that they leave me but they told me that I make friends there and be safe. Was someone after me? I asked myself thinking about their worried faces. 

They took me to a hut that I would be staying in but they told me not to leave unless they are around. “Mother, can I go play?” I asked wearing a dark blue kimono with butterflies on it they had a light blue color with black. My hair was to my shoulders since I was only five years old.

 “Yes. But please be careful…” My Mother told me moving some things in the house. I ran outside seeing the sun was shining in the sky. It gave out a warm feeling with the warmth shining down to me. I stopped hearing little kids screaming. “Run! It’s a monster.”

 “M-Monster?” I knew I should run but I had to see for myself. I swallowed slowly walking to where the boys had run away. I noticed a boy was crying he had silver hair. His eyes were turquoise color and he was short. “Are, you okay?!” I rushed over seeing he was still crying. 

He opened his eyes seeing a girl stand out in the sun. It was glowing on her hair and skin, like an angel he thought. I smiled looking at the boy he looked scared almost like they teased him. “I…I.” He rubbed his tears away thinking he should be strong. “I am fine!” He said in a tough voice standing up tall. I giggled softly moving my hands up to his. 

“That’s good to hear.” He smiled back knowing if she stayed by him he want to be strong and…also Momo he thought he should be tough. “What is your name?” I looked at him surprised. “Oh. My name is Brittany Haku.” I said hearing some people drop their food in shock. “M-Miss Haku!” A women bowed her head towards me. 

“Miss Princess Haku!” Another women bowed her head watching me. The boy looked at me thinking of the name he never heard of it. If she was nobility why was she here? “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya by the way.” He moved his hand out to me turning his head to the right. “Nice to meet you Toshiro-kun.” I moved my hand up to his. 

His hand felt very warm and he was so cute when he was shy. He looked at me trying not to blush but his cheeks were red just looking at me. Seeing me smile is what would make him happy. “Nice to meet you to.” He said looking away again his face turned even more red. “Brittany there you are!” My Mother yelled running up to me. Toshiro gasped seeing how I got my looks from.

 She was an goddess shining in the sunlight. “Oh. Did you meet someone new already?” She walked up to Toshiro moving her hand out to him. “Hello, I am her Mother Ayame Haku.” She smiled at him with her eyes being blue like mine. He couldn’t help but stare seeing two girls with such beauty he never seen before. 

He smiled looking at Ayame feeling her smile he couldn’t look away or be angry. “Nice to meet you. My name i-“ “I know your name from Rena.” He gasped hearing Rena came out next to him. “How do you know her?!” “Toshiro, it is quite alright. You should be happy Brittany is staying with us.” I gasped looking at my Mother. 

“Mother, is that true? Do I get to stay with Toshiro?” Toshiro cheeks turned red thinking about it. He knew Momo came to visit but she mostly was busy with her friends. He was still young yet he was alone. Ayame bowed her head smiling at me. 

“Please stay with them we have to go.” I knew my parents wanted me to be safe but I miss them a lot. I hugged my Mother tightly being young and seeing your parents go. I was sad… Toshiro watched me stand there watching my parents leave he knew that I needed a friend. 

“Fine, fine you can stay but don’t drool all over me.” He moved his hands across his chest. I turned around running up to him. “Toshiro, thank you!” I tackled him on the ground. “H-Hey!” He yelled trying to move me off. “But you’re so cute.” 

I snuggled against his chest holding onto him. Toshiro cheeks turned red liking to be close to someone. A friend…he never had someone do this. It was all new to him and living together. He knew I get hurt because other kids call me a freak or weird. He would have to protect me. He would do it so I never have to look sad for him again!

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