Thursday, April 26, 2012

Death Note Chapter 1-Old Memories

It was the day of the funeral of L’s death the one man who I knew when I lost my parents. I went to the orphanage. But I met someone else who was there…someone who was very lonely but I forgot his name. “I am sorry about your lost.” A man said from next to me.

 He had brown hair to under his neck. His eyes were brown as well they looked sad but also he stared into my soul as though he was evil. “Thank you Light…I wish he didn’t have to die.” I said moving my hand up to my tears. Light stared at me knowing I couldn’t know he is Kira but he could ask. No…it is too risky right now she just needs to be left alone. “Miss Bri.”

 A man said walking up to me wearing a butler outfit. “Who are you? This is a funeral!” “It’s fine Light. It is my guard.” I moved up to him happy to get away from Light. I know he was evil when I first met him but…I am not sure if he is Kira or not. “Light please be careful.” I said walking with the man. “Sebastian thank you for coming.” “I got the order from Roger.” “Roger?” I asked staring at Sebastian surprised. 

“Yes. He made it urgent you leave here.” He said in a serious tone. His hair was black to his shoulders while his eyes were midnight blue with his skin pale. We walked up to a limo while Light ran after me. “Wait Bri!” He yelled afraid they take me right to Kira. Though he knows that I was important to L. “What, would L think if you just left with some stranger?” I noticed Sebastian open the door for me. “Please, Light don’t worry I will be fine.” I said having black lines under my eyes. 

“NO! He probably is taking you to Kira.” When hearing that name my eyes filled up with tears. “It is time for you to go Mr.Yagami.” Sebastian ordered Light. “You can’t do this! L he never wanted you to get hurt.” “That is why he ordered me to take her somewhere safe. If you do want to make sure she is safe I will call you later.” “I like that thanks a lot.” Light said looking at me.

 “Be careful.” “Thank you Light.” I said moving in the car fixing my skirt. Light watched Sebastian. “Take care of her.” “I will.” He moved his hand against the door closing the door. “Please keep going on finding Kira.” He said moving to open the door where the wheel is. “I will!” Light said looking at me from the window. He hoped I can get some help if not I probably die so he doesn’t need to worry. 

“Goodbye Bri…” He said softly watching the limo drive away. He didn’t think I be some trouble after all L is dead. I arrived at a place walking inside I felt my eyes were blind folded. I knew they did this just to make sure I wasn’t Kira. “You are welcome to enter.” A man said standing by a small boy who was working on a white puzzle. “You can take the blind fold off…and Bri. No, Brittany Kana.” 

My eyes widened at the familiar boy’s voice. He had white hair, it was a young boy his eyes were black and round like L’s. He wore a pajama’s white, shirt with a light, blue jean pants. “How, have you been Bri?” He looked at me with a smile appearing on his face a small grin. “N-Near…kun.” “You do know my real name but you may call me that. Just in case anyone does hear my real name like Ki—“ 

He felt I tackled him in shock he fell on the ground. “Bri-chan, you should be careful.” He noticed his puzzle didn’t get messed up but a piece of the puzzle was in my hair. “B-But I missed you since I left.” “Who is she?” “Near, only friend and he ordered himself for her to leave.” Sebastian said with a smile on his face. “Near-kun, you had me come here? But why?” “Must, you ask why? I had a feeling whoever killed L it was Kira and he may still be there.” Near moved his finger around his hair twirling it slowly. 

“Kira…” I had my tears down my face afraid of him. Near looked at me hating to see I am crying. “Bri…” He moved his hands up to my arms gently. “Don’t cry I will make sure he is caught.” “Near…kun but you could die.” “I won’t die.” He said leaning closer to my face. “But…” Near pulled me into his chest. The other guys gasped in shock not seeing Near this close to anyone. “I told you they are close. I say very close…as you can see.” Near moved the last piece on the puzzle finishing it. 

“Well now all we have to wait is till Kira acts again.” The men knew Kira would kill again but who would it be? I smiled seeing a box of toys Near always loved those. “Do you want to play with me Bri?” He asked crawling across the floor looking at the box. The men sighed slowly but then their smile came on their faces. “Thank you Miss Bri.” They said whispering in my ear. 

“But…” “He has been depressed lately.” “Depressed?” I looked at Near seeing he took out some toys. “I doubt that…Near never been sad.” “He is human too, he never be like Kira.” “I know bu—“ “You two men if your done with your silly games. Please let Bri play with me.” The two men gasped. “Near how could you! She is only…” “I meant with my toys…who knew such old men have dirty minds.” He looked at them with a smirk on his face. They both gasped with their faces being red. 

“W-What?! No! We never think that.” Near moved a robot toy up to me. “You play with this.” “He is ignoring us.” They whined softly.  “How is Mello?” Near stopped holding another robot toy in front of me. “He is alright…but he may be upset that I be L successor.” “I see.” I laughed softly knowing he go against Near from when I was there they always fight. “Enough about Mello.” Near leaned in closer moving the robot up to my face.  “Um, yes?” He moved his toy up on my head leaving a small doll of himself. “Seems we will be with each other for a while. I won’t start the investigation till 2012.” 

“Why wait?” “I need to prepare my team and also you would be with me so it won’t be so bad.” Near always didn’t care if he was alone or not. He was happy just being with me or by himself with his toys. I played with Near and the spk was growing throughout the years. Near told me he soon we could stop Kira. “Kira…” “Yes and I want you to be there with me when I stop him.” 

Near moved his hand towards my face. “Will you stay?” The question gave me shivers just him asking was like an invitation I couldn’t just say no. I mean…where would I go? L is dead. “I wouldn’t say no Near-kun.” He moved his lips into a small grin he had his leg up against his chest. “I am happy to hear that.” I leaned closer to Near feeling my head up against his. “Let’s find Kira.” 

Near nod his head slowly moving his left finger up to his hair twirling it slowly. “Together we will stop him.” L don’t worry we won’t let your work go to waste. Near and I will find Kira. I knew I be okay since I be with Near… 

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