Friday, April 6, 2012

Bleach:Taiyo Hime Chapter 1:Shimai {Sisters}

“Orihime what are you so happy about?” Tatsuki asked staring at her wearing her martial arts outfit. “My sister is coming over!” “S-Sister?!” Tatsuki asked sounding surprised. “I haven’t heard from her since my parents left me.” She said in a sad voice looking down. 

“So, I am happy that my Aunt called to let me know she is alright.” “She is coming to visit when?” “Today!” Tatsuki wished she could meet her sister she must be nice. “I wish you the best of luck and say hi to her for me.” “I will Tatsuki.” Orihime ran away humming to herself. I rode in a car by my Aunt. “I am sure she would be happy to see you Miss Inoue.” “You can call me Brittany.” 

“Oh, but I love calling people by their last name very respectful.” My Aunt never hated to be rude she hated her sister for leaving Orihime and I. Our brother Sora was there but I left with my Aunt and I didn’t get to see Sora. After I heard he… Orihime told her Aunt about it later on about his death. He was so good and pure…why he have to die? “We are here.” She stopped her car by the apartment. 

“Have a good time.” “Thank you.” I got out of the car grabbing my suitcase from the trunk. I hope Orihime is home at least… I ran to her apartment number seeing my Aunt’s car drove away. I didn’t hear Orihime or hear the oven had a fire. She must not be home. “I will knock hopefully she is here.” Moves my hand up to the door knocking on it softly. “Captain can you get the door?” 

“Wouldn’t it be Orihime?” “She open it if it was.” She said lying on the ground moving her hands above her head. “Get off your lazy butt!” He kicked Rangiku with his foot. “Orihime, it’s your sister Bri—“ I saw someone opened the door. It was a boy he was cute. I blushed on my cheeks seeing he looked at me. “Hello, how may I help you?” “I-I…” 

“Captain don’t look at her like she a stranger.” “But she is!” I maybe have the wrong door. “Um…you guys do you know Orihime Inoue?” “Know her? We live in her place!” “B-Both of you?” “Yeah just for a while.” “I see. You see I am her sister.” My face was turning red. It’s so hard to breathe with him staring at me. Why am I being nervous? He just a boy! “Come on in.” 

He moved out of the way letting me step inside. I gasped looking at him. “Are you sure it’s okay?” “Well you are her sister.” He moved in the room walking to the floor with papers all around. I walked inside closing the door behind me. “Are, you two her friends?” “We are! But we a—“ Toshiro threw a ball at Rangiku’s head. “Shut up! That is top secret.” 

“Then you two must be her friends and you!” I pointed at the boy. “You must be their boyfriend.” Rangiku laughed holding onto her stomach. “Oh my god!” Toshiro face turned red standing up. “Shut up!” He kicked her with his foot again. “S-Sorry you guys both seem close to my sister.” “We only met a few times.” “I see.” I smiled happy she had friends when I did not. 

My tears fell from my face letting my suitcase fall. Rangiku looked at me in shock hearing I was crying. “Don’t cry.” She moved off of the ground. “Finally you moved from your lazy butt.” “Come, on Captain be more kind!” Toshiro growled looking at me. “Fine you finish my work.” 

He pushed past Rangiku pushing her away. “No way!” I looked at them both seeing they grabbed my hand. “Why are you crying?” They both asked. I blinked my eyes watching them both. “Rangiku, I told you to work on my paperwork.” “You got no talent for this.” I laughed looking at them both. “Thank you.” They both looked at each other. “What did we do?” 

“I am happy Orihime had friends after her brother’s death. I was afraid…I was afraid she be lonely. But I never had friends so I am happy for her yet…” “Then make some friends.” The boy said looking at me. His eyes were like piercing into my eyes. “Go out and find some friends don’t blame yourself.” “Captain…” He must be very strong and had friends or is he pushing me so I don’t be alone no more?

 I couldn’t figure it out. I noticed the sun was setting watching the sun go down I knew I loved watching the view. It reminded me back home where I was with my Aunt. “Rangiku, I will go and take my turn t—“ “No you stay here I will go.” She looked at me wondering if they should tell me about them being soul reapers. “Should we tell her?” 

“I will. You go and be on your guard do not let any hollows alive.” “Yes sir!” She left from her gigai leaving to go in the sky. Brittany I wonder how she take the news…but it be easier if she did know! “Orihime is late.” “She must be busy but I need to tell you about us.” “You mean…you guys have that secret of being in love?” He spit out his tea looking at me. 

“Not that…and I rather love someone else than that lazy bum.” “Oh is that an invitation?” I asked smiling at him seeing his face was getting redder. “Forget about that. I have to tell you about us no, about why we are here.” I sat down by his stack of papers. “I will get you a cup of tea.”

 He got up making us some tea. I wonder what he has to say! It must be an adventure or something…  Maybe he was on a secret mission to be a ninja! I moved my hand in the air trying to punch something. I felt I hit the cup out of his hand hearing it landed on the ground. “Sorry!” I went to pick up the pieces seeing it cracked. 

Toshiro moved next to me helping me pick up the pieces. “It’s not your fault.” My heart was racing again it was so fast I couldn't breathe. Ba-dum. Ba-dum… Shh! Heart you need to shh! I felt a piece of the glass cut my finger. “Blood…” I move my finger up in front of my face. Toshiro grabbed my finger with his hand. My face turned red feeling his hands it sent shivers through out my body. 

“Um…I can clean it.” He moved his mouth on my finger sucking up my blood. He licking my wound…it feels funny! Toshiro pulled his mouth away from my finger. “There you go.” “Thank you…” “Don’t mention that to Rangiku she tease you about it forever.” I nod my head knowing she would tease me thinking I like him. He cleaned up the rest of the mess telling me to not pick up anything sharp. 

He had wrapped bandage around my finger and tying it. “Now about what I needed to tell you.” I sat still watching him drink some of his tea. “You won’t believe me unless I show you…” He took out a green pill. “This is a mod soul that we use when we go into battle.” “A pill?” “Yes, this pill if I swallow it…I will come out of this gigai.” A gigai? What is a gigai? 

Toshiro saw I was confused. “Let me show you.” I looked at him curious what he do. Toshiro ate the green pill feeling it go down his throat. He came out of his gigai appearing in black robes, with a white haori and a symbol on the back. He had his sword appearing on his back with a cloth tied on his sheathe. My eyes were surprised seeing there were now two of him. “Two…of you?” 

“That proves you can see spirits.” “You’re dead?” Toshiro stared at me moving over to sit in front of me. “Yes, Rangiku and I are not humans like you. Well…we are spirits which only a few can see us which strong spiritual pressure.” “I have been seeing spirits with chains on their chest since I was little.” Toshiro eyes widened thinking I have power maybe like Ichigo. 

“I see. Well you now know what we are. We had to keep it a secret but if you are Inoue’s sister than we won’t have to worry.” He moved back in his gigai. “After all she has powers too which are different from yours I am sure.” I looked at my chest knowing the mark I had couldn’t be a birthmark.

 “And I have a mark.” “A mark?” “This mark I had since I was little.” I moved my hands taking the ribbon off letting the shirt show my chest a little. Toshiro moved closer seeing a burnt like star mark on my chest. “It’s like a burnt mark…” 

The mark was glowing of a sun of a white light. He gasped feeling the light was warm like the sun. “This is…!” He heard a hollow outside was roaring. I covered my ears hearing that sound it was like pain to my ears. Oh no! The people outside they will be hurt. I ran out of the room. “Wait!” 

He yelled knowing he can’t let me get hurt. He moved the green pill in his mouth swallowing it down his throat. He came out of his gigai moving to run outside. Please be alright! “W-What was that?” A lady asked looking outside. “Must be a crash…” Another lady ran outside next to the lady. “We should call the police.” They both ran to go find a phone. 

Toshiro moved on the roof seeing a hollow was holding something. “Brittany!” He pulled out his sword from his sheathe having it disappear. “I will save you.” My clothes got ripped from the skirt and on the sleeves. “Soul reaper!” He had to end the hollow but that mark… 

He remembered the sun mark he saw it in the books in his office. They must be in the library. He also heard rumors she had died for the Soul Society. She was the most noble shinigami that lived. And she…died fifty years ago. Brittany Inoue…you are important to the Soul Society. I won’t let you die! He moved the sword in front of him. I will protect you even if I die! 

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