Friday, April 6, 2012

Bleach:Taiyo Hime Chapter 2:Taiyo Shinigami {Solar Soul Reaper}

He slashed the hollows arm off feeling his hand let me go. Toshiro moved down grabbing onto me moving on the roof. I opened my eyes seeing Toshiro he was in his black robes. “Toshiro?” My head hurt from being grabbed and my clothes were ripped from my sleeves. “Don’t talk you are hurt.” He moved me on the ground slowly. “I will finish off the hollow and we will help you.” 

He turned to face the hollow. “It’s over.” He jumped up moving his sword down at the hollow cutting him in half. The hollow screamed out in pain. “Damn you!” He disappeared in a blue light being purified. I watched the hollow hearing a familiar voice. “Brittany! Brittany!” Orihime got on the roof by Rangiku running over to me. “Brittany! No…” She was frightened I may die.

 “Don’t worry her wounds isn’t that bad.” Toshiro told her looking at her serious. “And, she is not one of your kind.” “W-What are you talking about? She is my sister!” She yelled looking at Toshiro with her eyes being angry. “How dare you say she isn’t my sister!” “Captain, what do you mean?” 

“She is the solar shinigami from fifty years ago.” Orihime looked at Toshiro surprised. “Solar…shinigami?” “Let’s go inside and you can heal her Orihime.” She knew if she waited I could die but I go to the Soul Society right? But then…she loses another person. They went inside having Orihime use her powers to heal me and fix my clothes. 

“So, you’re saying Brittany is that shinigami from all those years ago?” “Yes she has the mark.” Orihime looked at me surprised. “A mark?” “Our Aunt never said anything about that…” “Maybe your Aunt knows more than you do Orihime.” She knew that must be true she was not just my Aunt. 

She was my Mother we had different Mothers how we were related. “Bri-chan…” Toshiro looked at me seeing my mark was glowing brightly. He covered his eyes seeing my wounds were healing. I sat up quickly looking around. “I…I am alive?” Orihime hugged me tightly. “Bri-chan!” “Orihime!” I hugged her tightly feeling she was here. 

“Sorry, I was so late! I had to do something but…I am here.” “Don’t’ hide it from her.” “What?” She asked being confused. “She knows about us.” Rangiku looked at Orihime. “It would be hard for us to move around if she didn’t know.” “You’re right…but I didn’t want to get her involved.” “It’s too late for that. I will report in about her mark and you must let the Soul Society decide.”

 Orihime knew their rules are rough. They almost killed Rukia Kuchiki but she went with Ichigo to save her. Only to find out that Aizen Sosuke was the one who planned it all. “Will, Aizen would be after her too?” Toshiro eyes widen in shock hearing that name. “Aizen… you may be right about that.” Rangiku whispered in Orihime’s ear.  “You shouldn’t mention that name.” 

Orihime knew that someone close to Toshiro was hurt by him. “O-Oh…sorry.” “No Rangiku its fine.” He said looking at them both. I blinked my eyes looking at Toshiro. “Who is this Aizen?” Rangiku knew that talking about him be a bad idea. “He is the enemy he is a traitor of the Soul Society. He hurt someone close to us…and left to Hueco Mundo.”

 I saw a vision of what Aizen did to a girl with black hair. My eyes were blank while my mark was glowing brightly. “It is happening again!” Toshiro covered his eyes seeing I wasn’t moving. Rangiku moved over to cover Orihime’s eyes. My eyes returned to normal feeling tears were down my face. 

“So cruel…” “Did she…” “Just see what he did?!” Rangiku and Toshiro both were shocked looking at me. Orihime knew that my power was showing maybe because they are here but…what will they do now? Please! Don’t kill my sister. Please… she is the only family I have now! 

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