Wednesday, September 3, 2014

D a r k E m p i r e || Chapter 5 - Hunt Or Be Hunted

Night passed by quickly from exhaustion over the long hours of the day. It all started that day when everything turned upside down. Their village in Shiganshina. In the middle of that town before the city of Trost.  Inside that safe home they called Heaven from the walls. All the walls were taken from them. That place where they could live peacefully without fear. Crumbling walls broken; a loud sound of thunder pounding with each foot taken. Those fear of the giant monsters that stole everything. It was a lost.

A cheerful tone came into the room when feeling her body shaken by Momo. “Good morning, Brittany.” Lightly her fingers brushed against her shoulder. “Can you get up?” Her whole body was aching with being sore from last night attack upon her body. Even Momo Hinamori the Mother from Toshiki and Toshihiro. Such a beautiful woman who walked around with her head held high.

“I feel sorer than anything…” Brittany expression looked more tired with movement from her body. The empty spot near the bed had surprised her. “Do not worry, Toshihiro go out to hunt.” A soft laughter had left the thin lips of the brunette who calmly approached her. “I do apologize for last night. That was intense for you must already feel different.”

Brittany eyes looked down at her stomach, inside she felt sore from being pounded by all three men. Their bodies were ripped from working out. Her cheeks flushed red, lips opened up a bit from feeling Momo hand lightly brushed her fingers through Brittany’s hair. “H-Hunting…? Does that mean he goes out in the walls?”

Both her eyes warmed with a light; lips curved upward when a small smile toward Brittany’s question. “Of course. He learned how to hunt for you females that way and truthfully I am surprised by his compassion towards you. How much he acted with hiding it. To show his cold heart and toss you away…” Her tears fell from both of her eyes about how hard Brittany and Toshihiro had to say goodbye. “Toshiro, he also had to force me out of his life. I ran after him, ran so much to find out why he left me.” Her breath was heavy, slowly she breathed in when seeing Brittany lightly pat her back.

“He was so upset when I followed him. It was his Father who used me against him in every event to not kill. That was when he forced himself to kill and I accepted him.” Remembering the past had made her smile warmly at Brittany.
“Momo, you really had such a romantic love. I am so jealous!” Her eyes shifted to Brittany’s hazel ones, her arms wrapped around Brittany’s back when they fell on the bed together with their heads against each forehead.

Her skin against her own felt like warmth she never had. Toshihiro also had that same warmth and protection she had. It felt calming with a Mother’s love she never had. “I promise you will have that kind of love too. Toshihiro has been very protective over you. He didn’t want to hunt today afraid you leave.” Her hands lightly rubbed Brittany’s arms, gently moving her fingers along. “He wanted you to also talk to Carla which he never allows. He wants your happiness and that is something a man like that never would do anything for his lover. You should be proud.”

Proud? She was more than happy with knowing he was allowing her more freedom. He never acted that way when younger. To make women at his feet with kissing like a King. That was how he acted when calling her ‘his pet’. Now she feels special by carrying what children would rule this world. It was not like her to agree with him. If he rules, she would indeed follow.

“Come on, Brittany.” The brunette had called in extra guards with helping her up. With Momo’s help the young girl was able to walk again. “We will take you to see, Carla. She has been meaning to talk to you since yesterday.”

Lips slowly shifted upward, both of her hands were raised as they walked with being carried in one of the guards’ arms. They were a Titan at least fifteen meters tall. Their rules were to not eat any females who leave this building. Otherwise their rules are allowed with eating any human from leaving this place.

Once they entered the room; each female was in a room with their names on it for the males as titan’s to have sex with them. Their assigned titan would come in daily and force their way upon them whether the females liked it or not. Momo had not cared about their wants only to make more babies. It was how they were captured in a plan of surprising humanity.

If only they knew….before the females could stop this plan. It was already too late when a day has passed and already the signs were happening. If in a week; the girls may be released quickly. The recent females would be released when Carla and Brittany got here they were pregnant.

When Carla’s eyes spotted Brittany; her arms were raised with seeing Momo raise two hands to let her know to stop. “Please do not touch her right ankle. It is broken…” When she said that; the azure eyes in Carla was fierce. “What did you do to her…?” Did Brittany try to escape? No way in hell would she have that confidence! Even if she could escape, they would not let them leave only kill them. So why?

“Watch your tongue, slave.” One of the guards spoke in a harsh tone towards Carla. Her eyes glared at one of the guards who did fill her up. “Shut up, pig! I do not want my friend to be harmed. I was promised…to see her and if you talk down to me like a slave, well…” The titan’s foot was raised when Momo glared at the titan with making him shake with fear. She held just the right authority when he lightly placed Brittany on the bed with care. “F-Forgive me, Mistress Momo.” His knee touched the ground, head hang low with respect towards her.

“Do not forget, Carla. You do not have voice over my order. If I feel Brittany is at all threaten you will not see her again. Do I make myself clear?”

Carla felt sweat down her cheeks when hearing Momo talk. She had authority over all the titans and even the females here. Brittany knew Momo would not allow any harm to her. It was also Toshihiro who wouldn’t allow that as well. She doubts the other two in their family would do anything. “I u-understand, Momo.” Carla responded with fear inside of her voice.

With that said; the females started to talk about everything with Momo standing inside the room with the guards leaving the room to give privacy. “Britt, I do hope your ankle will recover!” Honestly Carla suspects everything can go wrong with her. Firstly, it wasn’t any of their faults. It was her own and Toshihiro barely leaves her side. During the night she heard him check her ankle each time to be careful.

“How did you get hurt anyway?” Carla had asked with her fingers lightly running through Brittany’s hair. Brittany shivers ran through her body at feeling Carla touch her. “It is a silly story really. Um, actually I kicked Toshihiro.” Saliva came spitting at Brittany over Carla reaction. “Y-You…oh sorry! I mean, you kicked that bastard?” Momo brown eyes would glare, Carla had whispered softly. “You kicked him?” Brittany knew how defensive Momo was toward her sons. Carla must know that they are only doing this because it their destiny or future. Their fate. Toshihiro never was like this. He used to be a pure child who would save humans from this disaster. Now…it was different.

“Carla, yes I kicked him because he kept calling me his ‘pet’.” Her fingers lightly touched on top of her stomach. Feeling the rumbling came from the monster in her stomach. She had no idea if the baby was already there. What was it like…to be pregnant?

“You aren’t his pet, Britt! Yell back at him at least show some fire in you.” Golden strands of hair stand in front of her eyes, fingers lightly brushed her hair away trying to see again clearly. “I-I have!” Her voice raised when moving her leg, a little pain left her lips when feeling two hands on her shoulders from Momo. “Brittany, don’t push yourself too hard…” Both of her eyes gaze into the brunette eyes, lips would quiver out of that pain. “Carla, you do not need to know anything more about it. You girls have a job to do.” Her words spit saliva at Momo when she spoke again, “What, would that be? Force us into your sick game? Make us have those disgusting babies! I had enough of your games, Momo. You support them? You are sick in the head!”

Brittany two hazel eyes widen, lips opened slightly when she felt tears down her cheeks. If Carla knew she loved him. Loved everything about Toshihiro. It would make her hate within her soul. Already she thought of Momo like some sick animal. Brittany must be crazy or something inside of her to forgive him. He told her the truth in that bath, had said everything her heart been waiting.

“C-Carla…wai---“ A sudden urge of vibration surrounded the room when Momo color around her had turned red. “WATCH YOUR TONGUE, Carla! I will not even care if my men eat you right here, right now. We have a plan yes. You girls were to be carrying my sons babies if special enough. You have my son’s seed inside of you while many girls accepted it. Brittany has accepted her fate with open arms. We will make sure you receive the best punishment. I think some fear in you.” Both Brittany arms raised, lightly Momo shook her head from Brittany.

“It’s okay, Brittany. I am done here with Carla. I understand she is on the list for being exposed of.”
Her lips were harsh like a true Queen towards people who do not accept what given. It wasn’t fair that is true. Carla has a Husband and giving birth to another baby would bring their relationship to an end.
“P-Please, do not kill her Momo! I-I…she has a Husband like you and if you were to be forced into this against your will. I…do accept it b-but, I want her to have a choice.” Her eyes shook with fear; lips closed tightly with knowing she could be punished. “W-What if you had someone else baby other than Toshiro’s? W-Would you still keep that baby?”

Both her eyes soften by Brittany’s words; lips opened up with a soft voice coming out. “When you put it that way, Brittany. I do see why Carla is so upset over it. You accept it because your love for Toshihiro always been there. Always…” Her eyes shifted to Carla, “Still…you insulting my sons is a different matter.”
Carla eyes closed for a moment, “Momo, I do also apologize for insulting them. T-This just isn’t right. Forcing us into having Titans. You do realize what could happen if they eat all of us?! Don’t you? That is not acceptable!” Hinamori knew not everyone would approve of them. Titans do end humanity and even so, her heart will be towards protecting them.

Carla had saw that the guard picked up Brittany on her palm. “WAIT! I wasn’t done talk---“ The brunette chocolate orbs narrowed coldly at Carla. “You are done here. I choose when you can speak to her. You crossed your line and now…you may never see her again. Have a good rest of your pregnancy, Carla.”
Those words struck harshly with Brittany feeling her tears fell faster with each second away. Carla screamed at Momo when her body was thrown to the ground. Only to be picked up with her being licked by the guard that was left for her alone.

B-Brittany… please don’t accept this! It isn’t by our choice. W-We should choose what we want to do. We should! I will save you, I will!

The brunette body moved with being furious with Carla. How dare she say what is not right! In her eyes; she knew Brittany’s words were true. If she had forced to have someone else baby it be not fair. It was the same but…she already accepted them for whatever would happen. She no longer cared for humanity. They were a lost cause. “Brittany, I am sorry for bringing you into this. You were forced like her yet, I see something different when you looked at Toshihiro that day. You were planning to stop them and…we couldn’t have that.”

Brittany knew what Momo meant and on her side these are her sons. Family that she must protect no matter who thought sick of her mind may be. That not how Brittany saw them at this moment. “No, do not apologize, Momo. I do not see you that way as I have fallen for Toshihiro. He is part of my heart now…No matter if I was forced. I am glad it was him.” Their walk down the hall was quick when the guard let Brittany down in front of the doors. “Please get some rest, Brittany. No matter how far you are from Toshihiro he will know. Even that little ankle wound he knows…It was good I stayed there. He would have appeared at that moment and ended Carla’s life.”

What she never knew was how their bond could be from her this far from wherever they were. Even that slightest words had shocked her deeply.

                                                                They never were far away….

“Y-You, mean that he can see me right now?” Her head would nod, “Yes, of course he can. He knows where you be and just a slight pain from you. Well…he will hear your voice. Toshihiro has the special ability to appear at any moment with his time traveling. His skin may be rock solid however, if he needs to come, he will. Do not worry about these other titans. My guards will protect you as other titans may be jealous just do not leave your room. I had left food inside for you.”

Her speak was quick with elegance when her body walked down the hall with the guard standing by the doors. “Get some rest, Brittany. I will stand guard and promise you that I will not eat you. Unless you act like Carla.” Brittany bowed her head down when Momo had left, turning her body to the guard when entering the room quickly.

The truth had shocked Brittany with Toshihiro always watching. If anything would to happen to her. What would the outcome be? Never would she disobey Momo’s order. Even if it not fair, her life has forever changed that moment she met Toshihiro. She knew that… It was time for her to accept what will fall into her life. Should she…allow it? These questions cloud her mind with wondering how it all end.

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