Saturday, September 27, 2014

Drabble || Bright As You || AyaHiro~

Chocolate flavor was a taste that wasn't forgetable. That was how I remember him by... That same scent he brushed off against my skin. His lips were against my ears speaking that tone. He was---always willing to leave his world. For one person in his time. That woman was---me.

"Ayaka, don't forget your lunch!" A loud tone came from the kitchen. How did she know? "M-Mom!" Long strands of pink hair swung, when she turned around. "Sweetie, it is your first day of college and work." "After work I should be able to pick you up." Lightly her lips pressed against her cheek, one hand at Ayaka's behind. Mainly her butt which had dressed up for today.

Today was a new day. The start of college. What did she want in life? Nothing seemed normal. Classes for writing all her notes that came from experience. After that last day... It was a  memory never to forget.One night at the library was over studying. The boy of any one dreams would come true. Well, he was the hottest guy out of the class. Why pick the goofy girl? She still questions that today.

April 5th 2013 where was the night to remember. It was in tenth grade where spring just approached. The book on History where a King had been married at least five times. How could they live like that? Wearing her long white t-shirt, the top button for the collar was not buttoned, a black vest covered on top with a black skirt that cut with a V shape on hte back side, black tights would be worn under with round black shoes. Her pink eyes scanned all the words. "It too much!" Her voice shouted, two hands slam down onto the white desk.

Inside a study room with no one else. Some of her friends offered karaoke. She had to study unlike them. It was the thought of romance. "I wish... someone could hold me." A light sigh came from her lips, fingers tap each of he head. It never happen...! How she wish it could...

Suddenly arms wrapped from behind, a cologne came from those arms. They were too long for her friends. His black leather jacket leaned against her, his chest area would lean against her back. Part of his bang would fall, the color white as snow. He had pale skin along with his height at least a few inches from her. "Did I hear a romance reference?"

No, why or how could the most sexiest guy on this planet hear?! She made sure no one else could hear. No, no, no!

"Ah, Toshihiro! You heard wrong I was..." Before her lips pressed down against his fingers would trace down her arms. "Liar." A sound came from her chest. It pounded with each beat, getting louder, and, louder. "Why are you here?! Wouldn't you be with your friends?" She couldn't look at him. His finger touched her chin, he turned her head to look him in the eyes.

Such a beautiful color. His teal eyes were pulling her inside. I have to look away! He nothing but a cheater, a player! So why me?!

Both her hands pushed against his chest, moving the chair back when her feet stood on the ground, moving over to the other side up on the fifth floor. A scenery over Tokyo could be seen.

He was just playing around...I seen other girls get broken by him.

"Toshihiro, I know what you are..." The click from a lighter caught her by surprise. Already he placed a cigarette in his mouth. The white smoke filled the room. Was he insane?!
"Tell me then...what do you th---"

The cigarette was pulled out of his mouth. "Are you crazy?!" Ayaka threw down the cigarette when her shoe stomped on it. No smoking was a few inches outside the building. Didn't he see that?!

"I think you are crazy, a pervert, cheater, and a womanizer!" Tears begun to form in both of her eyes. No... please don't show. "So, I won't fall for your dumb tricks!" She meant every word. He finds her un-attractive now. Just go! I won't take it.

The silence was driving her crazy. Both her hands raised, using each finger with wiping the tears. He stood there without speaking. "So...? You been watching me, huh?" He saw she jumped. His lips curved upward, the boy showed a smirk. Quietly he moved up behind her. I said it! I turned him down now...

When she turned, his body was right there. Why didn't it work?! Men get turne don by girls who want it right? Fear settled in soon after; all she could do was stare. His hands grabbed her wrist, pulling her against his chest. Sliding his hand against her back. He moved down lower, and lower. Ayaka eyes opened widely, using all her might to push him away. This time he grabbed her wrists. "I don't think so..."


His teal hues stared at Ayaka's pink eyes full of tears. Why was he near this girl? He found her quite amusing. Every girl in his class would either want his body for sex or would ask for it. This girl... she never wanted that. Sure, he could tell she liked him. Never would admit it. That why he likes girls like Ayaka. All she ask would be his friendship and that was all. He could devour her if he wanted to. All he wanted was a girl who would not want him for his body and....if he was right, Ayaka would be like that girl he always wanted.

"I tell you why, I will make sure you understand it, Ayaka. So, pay attention to me." His lips were right at the female's ears, holding her against the wall. The glass wall which made her being in the view of others if they looked up. Mostly people wouldn't. Ayaka lips would quiver with fear. What would he do...?! Make love to her right here, right now? This is a library! "S-Stop...please! I don't want this. I never wanted it!"

Why can't he go find some whore to play with? What was so special about her? She didn't understand.

"Reason I pick you out of all those girls...guys like girls like you, a fire in their eyes a reason to pick you out. You don't want me for my body. would have a crush on me however, you see me like a normal guy. A guy who is hot, yet you seen how I act which is why I noticed how you look at me. It with lust never approached. Always kept your distance because you fear that you become like those girls." His lips remained at her ear, whispering so quietly.

"I like that, Ayaka. I love the way you approach me less. Treat me like I don't exist. Well, I am here..." He moved Ayaka away from the glass window when he lightly picked her up by her wrists. Someone has to see this! Of course for her to pick the back study which no one usually goes to!

"I didn't pick you because I knew you just break my heart. I am not a stupid fool!" Ayaka spit at his face when her words were done. "Now let me go and get on with your life. I don't want this and never will want you." It hurt her to say those words but if that won't stop him nothing will. If he a sick guy who likes that shit then she has to hurt him. Physically hurt him.


Did she do it?! Did those words finally stung him like a sharp needle that filled with medicine. YES! Finally...wait. Why is he coming closer?

"I like you! I like you so much for showing me hate when you don't even mean it. You are trying so hard!" His body began to shake, his laughter left those lips that he showed his smirk. He laughs at her attempt. "S-Shut up!" Both of the female's cheeks was shading red, pulling her wrists against his tight grip. It was no use. He still had a hold of her and also...he was showing something quite delicious.
His body.

Those abs that were showing a little six pack, he had worn blue jeans along with his black round shoes. The jeans had a few holes in them along with a chain that hung in the back. His nails were painted teal along with his skin shining brightly in the room. This reminds her of those stories she always read. Vampire stories...where the human girl falls in love with a vampire. If he was one, she wouldn't want to be bitten.
"I will get a cross!"

Toshihiro eyes both narrowed with anger, his lips turned to a frown from his smirk she had admired. "Do that, I will rip out your fucking heart, Ayaka. That stuff is disgusting. You all like God don't you?" He still was talking. "I don't believe in that shit! If I did, it would go against my na---" "Okay, okay. I just...I read a lot of vampire stuff and the crosses usually work. Or garlic. You know, that kind of stuff." She admits; that was harsh to get a cross on another human. He suddenly changed attiude when she said a cross. Did he feel threaten by a cross? The hottest guy in the world! It make a great headline at school. Should she spread those rumors...?

"Ayaka, you into that stuff? Vampires and werewolves...?"

He noticed her cheeks were shading a darker crimson color. He moved to lay Ayaka on the table before his body was above her with holding down her wrists. "I could be that vampire for you. As for tonight...I will feast on you." Both her pink orbs widen, looking up at Toshihiro who looked beautiful in the light that was blocked from his body above hers. Wait...did he say feast?! "I am not your food, Toshihiro! Go find some hooker to eat. I am not up in the menu." Still reisiting his open invitation.

Just go...leave me alone!

He lowered his lip up against her neck, both his lips pressed when he opened his mouth in making sucking sounds. On the nape of her neck, the right side would make her skin change. He saw goose bumps all over her body. He liked seeing her squirm like the prey she is. "Ayaka...your turning me on so much! I can't control myself." "Keep your fangs to yourself! If you really are a vamp---" Toshihiro just bursted out laughing. "What is so funny?!" He kept laughing still. "I will kick you in the balls. Now spill it!"

"I just find you so funny, Ayaka. Really vampires don't exist. If I was one, I would suck you dry right now." His laughter was quite adorable she must say. Never have she seen him with real emotion. Well, he could be lying he is a womanizer. "Still can't you get off of me? You had your fun, now go." She raised her voice; he did not take that offer instead he did the opposite. His sucking had continued which drove her crazy. She can't be brought in! Keep up the fire; keep it burning, don't fall for him. If you do, he will break you...

Toshihiro removed his mouth when he saw a mark on her neck. It looked like one of those hickey's he had done to females over the years. This time he made sure it would stay on there for at least a week. "W-What did you do?!" His lips returned that smirk, his face always looked charming when he wasn't frowning. "All I did was leave a hickey."

"H-Hickey?! Are you serious...? TOSHIHIRO! Now get off seriously...I hav---" Both his lips would press against her soft lips, softly he would open his mouth when feeling his tongue slip inside. Toshihiro loved when females try so hard to push away from him. Some would offer his fun, when he got bored the guy would push them away, break their hearts into pieces. With Ayaka it always was fun when she pushed away. He loved it!


Ayaka begged with feeling inside she liked it, she admired the way he pushed himself onto her. Moving her legs, lightly she brushed agianst him when feeling his body laid upon her small frame. "Stop what...? Be more specfic. I can't tell what you mean." He pulled away from the kiss, his tongue licked the bottom of his lip. Inside his mind; all he wanted was more time with her. He had so little away from his Father. "Don't sto--- No, get off Toshihiro! I am finished with this."

Her parents will so kill her when they see this little mark. Or was it huge?

When he reached down; both his body froze when hearing a familiar tone. It was his Father who grew impatient. He couldn't keep playing with her anymore. How he wish he could... he do it for eternity. To hear her cries of not wanting. He almost could hear her say to 'don't stop.' He still had his charm. She almost gave in---almost.

"Wish I could stay you wish, Princess." "Please don't call me that." Ayaka whispered softly, her wrists were released after that long begging. He finally had enough or grown tired of her. "Don't think I surrender making you mine, Ayaka. I will return whether it tomorrow or in a week. I won't stop." He spoke with a serious tone. "I am dead serious."

"I don't believe you either way, Toshihiro. Now let me study. I have to get back to doing this." She made her tone serious as well. Her studies are more important than romance anyway. He looked at her with his teal orbs. Up and down he scanned, her petie body was enough for him to want more. He have to wait...his Father would punish him dearly for leaving to this world. He wasn't part of hers...never will be. All he wanted was to find a mate. He found her. Not that she approve of course not. He played around and now it got him into trouble.

"Then I will make you see I am serious. Starting now..." His body moved quickly when he moved his right hand under her legs just underneath her butt. The other hand was against her back. He lightly pressed his lips against hers; when he saw a sparkle in her eyes they were filled with warmth. Ayaka eyes filled with tears had suddenly filled with passion. "Toshihiro...why do you go after me? I am not like those other girls who want sex." He let out a sigh from his lips, "I already told you...I want to find a girl like you. One that won't treat me like a sex tool. You treat me like a normal human being. I may be teasing woman all the time and tossing them out. I treat them like they do with me. If I could, I would snatch you and take you back home but..."

The rest of the sentence he couldn't finish. If only she knew what he truly was...

Ayaka lips would open just a little, "But what?" She had to ask the very thing he didn't expect. "W-What?" Her eyes stared into his teal orbs; those tears dried up with seeing something he never had. Interest. Not only in his body, but mostly his life. "My home is not something for you....Ayaka you are too pure. I can't take you there." What was that supposed to mean? Did he live in a house full of perverts?!

"What kind of house do you live in? Are you all strippers or something?" His same laughter left those lips that always smiled. "Not that kind...anyway I have to get back home. Ayaka, do not forget this. I will come back for you. If a guy steals your heart, do not forget..." His lips were at her ear, "I will break him into pieces. You are mine, always will be mine."

Those words made her shiver, each time he said 'mine' it became a want from her own body. How could she fall for a guy like this? He won't come back. She knew that but...why did he sound so sincere?

"Fine, I won't make any chance at a guy. Even if I do, you break him right?" Her eyebrow raised, waiting for his answer what he would say or do. "I'll make sure he won't walk again or breathe." Ayaka looked at him surprised, both her eyes were widen with shock. He can't...mean that right? "You don't believe me, do you?" Her head shook from left to right, slowly he saw that she was surprised. "I will prove it to you. Right here, right now." His nails traced her chin, slowly he moved them to her neck. His Father spoke again.
Fuck him! He didn't have time for family matters. What about his life? He had his own. NO way would he listen to his orders. He must hurry before his Father finds a way inside his head.

"Ayaka...I will make it up to you."

He saw Ayaka had showed a smile that was warm towards him. He accepted that as a invitation. "I believe you then. Just hurry back, baka." His smile showed a flash of his teeth. "Thank you, Ayaka..." His head leaned closer to her neck. That where he rested his head against her shoulders. "T-Toshihiro...? Don't you have to go home?" He didn't speak. It started to put her in panic. "Toshihiro!! This isn't funny you better move or el---" Just as she was about to finish; a sharp pain came from her neck. It was from Toshihiro who bit into her neck with both his fangs.

A bite...? No, no this felt like a bite but, she heard it was painful at first. Instead when he pulled away for a second later, she felt funny after seeing he only put holes. "Don't worry I only marked you. You are my first."

F-First?! What had he meant by that? Before she could ask he was putting her down only to see she had fallen. "T-Toshiro...wai---"

Everything became black before she could have a answer. If he did have one, she never would know. He was gone, he left, everything was disappearing when it came back to reality. The truth. He lied, he never truly meant it. Only that she was going to college like a real person and now even though she wished it. Still rely on that promise he made. It already too late. She fallen for someone else. He had his chance and he took the other life----his reality of being a player.

Gripping her bag, the bus had stopped at the college when she pulled the cord. It had suddenly stopped with the doors opening. Waving one hand above her head, she had thanked the bus driver who waved back with a smile. This was a life out of Ayaka which she had graduated. That memory always be inside of her no matter how her friends said it probably was a dream. A hot dream.

Toshihiro, were you even real?

Perhaps not.

"Hey, babe."

John arm swung around her waist, he pulled her close when he left kisses against her neck. Ayaka laughed softly, her arm wrapped around his back with returning the favor and pressed her lips against his neck and lips. A scarf always was wrapped against her neck. She had to hide it. The marks never gone away and even the doctors had nothing to say. They always turned her away and said it was a bite. Her parents never found out. Right now she was 23 about the age of a adult growing. John been her boyfriend since high school. He was into manga like she was and writing.

"So, what should we do today? After your work of course!" Ayaka rolled her eyes, giving him that same look. "We shall see! Now get your butt to work." Her foot kicked against his butt before waving to the goof ball. It still wasn't the same as Toshihiro. He had that spark no other guy would ever do. Kissing a guy or female was normal for her but with Toshihiro he always had that spark, something that she needed like a fix for your drink but added something special to make it. That random flavor.

"Now...better get to college."

Ayaka's day was normal, at least normal as anyone would put it. She wrote her essay which the teacher gave her a A++ like school days all 'A's'. The teachers had thought she be super smart and well, she was. The day today went by when her work at the library. The same place where Toshihiro made his mark. A mark against her neck. It sometimes would burn at night making it hard for her to breathe with a flaming passion.

"I must be infected by that leech." Ayaka whispered; her fingers would lightly trace over it. When she walked into the study, her fingers would trace over the table where they laid. Memories of this place was killing her. "Um...can I use that room?" Two students stood behind Ayaka, her lips formed a smile when her body stepped aside and turned away. Knowing they play around. Not like her, the life of a student was usually studying but now and days it was more goofing off. Fucking around like literally.

"Why...did I think he would come back?"

A deep sigh left her lips, both her hands went to put away books. Like every other day of her life. Always a story not being able to tell. She never have one. Just abandon by her first crush. When her work shift was a hour left. All she thought about was writing her story about a broken love story. That she met some hot guy, flirted, and then he left for years. Only...she wanted him to come back.

Sitting in the back row of the building, her bottom pressed against the ground where a book shelf sat behind her waiting. Books sat beside her with hearing his voice. It was so clear, so perfect. "I will make you mine, never forget that." You promised... those be her words if he were to come back. Ayaka, stop dreaming! He never...come back.

He was not real, not reality just some sick dream.

John is my life now.

Arms came from behind, lightly helping the girl up when she panicked. Was it some guy trying to kidnap her? Only that was actually happening where her body was being pulled outside the back door. Screaming with her lungs, hands raised trying to hit the male who had a jacket on to cover his face. A mask would cover his face with a hand grabbing her mouth. He lightly kept her against his chest.

When he removed his hand; that was when his arms brought her closer with whispering those words. "Ayaka...stop." That voice had her completely frozen. It couldn'! He was...

Toshihiro stood there in front of her, his body grew a lot with his chest area being shown from recent years. The same clothing he wore only that his jeans were more ripped with his hood of his jacket being tossed off. "Yeah, it is me Ayaka." He noticed she would probably cry like a baby or kick him where it hurts. He didn't care. He saw how beautiful she grown. At least in the chest area with medium size breasts and her legs got longer.

Tears came falling down her cheeks, both her arms wrapped around his back when her lips moved against his in a deep kiss. He accepted it with picking her up like he did before. Only he let her legs wrap around his waist and continue the kiss more passionate. "How I missed you...I finally got the family off my back and came for you just like I promised." He whispered softly, hands rubbed against her back. Suddenly a voice stopped their kiss.

It was...John.

"Ayaka, what the fuck are you doing?" John voice was full of rage when he put his fingers into his palm. "I were over him. Didn't you te---" He saw Toshihiro moved so quickly he couldn't speak another word when his arms were broken in different angles. "Shut up, Johnny. She no longer needs a dick like you or dickless. I should cut that off too." "W-Wait, Toshihiro!" Noticing she was on the ground with her hand reaching for him. "You love this guy?"

If she said yes, if she said that one word. "Of course she does! We were going to get married and have children before you returned and I almost got what i wanted." Those words put shock into Ayaka's face. "You actually thought I would have stayed? Hell no! I wanted the money and using you to get it. Oh, how you looked so cute just prancing about. BUT Toshihiro you had to return and ruin it. I mean, look how she jumped at you from your appearance. How you make her do that? She wouldn't even have sex with me!" John continued to speak when he didn't care for Ayaka's broken expression.

She tried to forget Toshihiro and now...John was spilling out the truth. It hurt. Fucking hurt like hell. "!" Ayaka yelled out towards John. "I hope he breaks every bone in your body. I could care less for you." She pulled the ring off when throwing it on the ground. "Wait, babe. I was just angry you know how I fee---" "Get lost." Toshihiro spoke those last words when he ripped John in half only to see Ayaka expression. He had to release it. He felt bad to show her that. Blood came leaking out of John's body. Ayaka just stood there with her eyes opened from shock.

He reached for her hand, running away from the scene where guts flew everywhere and that was when she began to realize. He wasn't human. She knew from his fangs. That alone---told her he was not like other boys.

"Sorry you had to see that...Ayaka. I just hated that guy. I was going to just rip him in half, break some bones but, he went out and spoke like he used you if I didn't return...Oh, Ayaka." His hand lightly rest against her cheek, on the right side she saw his claws was showing with his teal orbs glowing red. He was a demon? What kind of...

His tail felt against her legs, it had scales of a dragon it looked like. He was a dragon? Never had she been near dragons which were fake. "If this is a is a good one. Even if I am dreaming." He let his laughter out of his lips. "I can promise it is no dream." His hands wrapped around her, pulling her body against his chest, both of his wings came out of his back when he wrapped them around her. Keeping her safe inside of his wings where he stood under a tree. Ayaka felt her body was in a safe place.

"Can you make it reality...?" Toshihiro didn't need that reality. He could make it real, make her always say things he didn't expect. "You think I be fake? When do you meet a dragon?" "Only in my dreams..." Ayaka honestly answered him. Both her cheeks were shading red, fingers lightly trace against his face. "Ayaka, if that is your dreams then...I will accept that. Let us make memories together." Her head nodded once, he lightly opened his wings when he leaned down for a kiss. This time he had bitten her bottom lip to make it bleed when his tongue wrapped around hers for a long lasting kiss.

He promised of a return and he would never let any other male take her. She was to be his forever now. Soon...he would make sure she would never see this world again where he will take away that bright light that surrounds her. This light that is you, I want to make it my own. Ayaka you are the light that made me feel. A light I will only let it touch my skin. You are my light...

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