Monday, September 1, 2014

Dark Empire || Chapter 3 - Light & Darkness

One of the females in the ground got off of her horse. Her hair length was to the shoulders, eyes filled with sorrow over seeing what has happened here. Every human dead. All of their hopes lost. “Leader, should we let the others know?” His eyes closed shut, fingers gripped onto his pants where he bit his lip to feel the pain. It started to bleed. “Aika, you are my best woman here. I think it best we turn around and….tell everyone we lost our entire village.”

“Yes, leader…” Aika had looked away when losing her best two friends. Carla and Brittany were the only ones who believed in her. They told her she had skill and it was the truth. She never thought leaving would end up losing her two best friends. Well, that hasn’t been said. Why would the titans take the woman? Had they become intelligent? No…that’s not possible.

Their heads hang low when they got back on the horses to leave the village. It was empty with no life as it once had. Their humanity broken, but not given up from the hope that they once had before leaving.

In a large room had four chairs, one had been large for the King. While the others were for the sons he had. One female sat on the chair next to the large one which her long brunette hair fell to her waist. The chocolate orbs stared into the teal eyes where she watched her son enter. “Father, I have done the worst. All females had been filled with our seeds. What would you like to do?” His knee had touched the ground when he bowed his head down in front of his parents. “Was she pretty?” The female had broken the silence when a hand brushed down her back.

Toshihiro head lifted when he saw his Mother walk up to touch his face with both hands. The long fingernails were painted red of blood. “Yes, Mother she was very delicious and beautiful would be the right word.” He closed his eyes when slowly he breathed in his Mother scent. “I want to meet her. Bring her to dinner with your little brother.” The young adult laughed with joy when seeing she was happy. It made his Father happy which he smirked watching the scene. “Yes, Mother I will bring her and our young brother seemed to have done more than I. He filled all the females with his seed. Such growth….he did at first reject it.”

One hand would touch under his chin, a small line from his lips showing a smirk to his oldest son. “I hear he was turning to be a big boy now.” A smaller teenager entered the room when he stood by Toshihiro. “Where is she?!” Toshihiro eyes blinked when he thought about Brittany. “Ah, you want to play with her too?” He felt Toshiki kick his ankle when he ran to his chair. Placing his bottom against the cushion, two arms crossed against his chest. He had such a grumpy expression.

“You didn’t let me play with her!”

The brunette held such a warm expression when she walked over to Toshiki. “Sweetie…she will come to eat with us. You can play with her then.” A spark in Toshiki eyes appeared; both his hands lowered. “I want dinner! Now, now!”

“Well, I have to get cleaned up. Toshiki, be patient she will make you have fun.” His hand rose, waving to his family when he left the room quickly. “He was in a hurry…” Removing his hand from his chin, lightly he turned his head to watch his youngest son. Toshiki lowered his lips with letting out a low growl when he felt his brother was up to something. He has all the fun!

He walked around naked when he approached his room to see the doors were still closed. He smelled inside; the room had a scent of the girl and his scent mixed with hers. No one else dare come in here when he was not inside. If they did, he make sure they don’t walk again. Ever.  His hand raised to the door, grabbing the knob he twist it to open it slowly. Seeing the human girl slept in the mess he left on her. Both his eyes twitched, lips opened when he walked to the female. Using both his hands; fingers tighten against her arms when he shook her so the girl will wake up. “Foolish human…”

Brittany hazel eyes had opened when seeing a bare chest. “P-Put on some clothes!” The movement in Toshihiro eyes narrowed. “What was that? Was the pet of mine ordering me around?!” He used one of his hands to grab her chin, he used his other arm to pull her off his bed. “We are taking a bath.” Both of her eyes widen at these words, “N-No! I don’t want to.” She didn’t care if she smelled. Well, when she thought about it. He would tease her about being in his cum. “Oh, does that mean my pet already likes my scent?” “NO!” Brittany raised her voice at him when he pulled away.

Honestly…most of his pets would be begging for his body right now. Why was she so different…? He used his strength to move Brittany small body against his chest. “You need to be cleaned. My Mother always said being clean is important, Brittany. Now stop fighting me I won’t do anything to you while I already filled you up.” Her lips let out a small sigh, looking up at his eyes with worry. “If you promise not to then…I will go. P-Please do not leave me…I don’t know my way around here.” Her lips were trembling from the thought of any other titan using their body against her. She was so exhausted…

He carried her with his arm underneath her butt, the other hand was underneath her legs when he walked outside. Others had watched her mostly titans who drools at the moment of seeing her. His teal eyes glared at them coldly when he walked to the bathroom used for guests. Those titans wander everywhere in case humans dare to escape. They were safe in their cells by orders. His Father could not promise anything to the girls if they do get pregnant. That baby would be lost. He ordered them to be eaten if they wander outside the walls. He promised Brittany she would be safe so long she stay put. She didn’t have the energy to leave in the first place. Even now he has seen that. Her eyes right now are starting to close.

“Stay awake, Brittany. I promise the bath will wake you up and it shall help get all my cum out of you.” He held Brittany close when he felt her heart race faster. That should get her pumping to thoughts of being clean. He will help her with that. She was cute when she refused him.

When they took a left turn; the doors were opened from two titans who were in human form. He nods his head to them with keeping his hands on Brittany. Both of her eyes opened when feeling a heat inside the room. It was due to steam when she saw a large bath with purify water inside. “I told you this bath will help you. I will help you wi---“ “N-No, I---“ His finger lightly touched her lips. “I wasn’t done talking. Just saying I will help you get it out. You never wanted to be in this mess. You got no other choice but to carry my seed now. I don’t often keep a protection on my pets.”

Brittany never had a guardian before or well, not a human guardian he was a Titan. A titan who had a job to push his seeds into females. How many females had his children? Or did they just start? “You seem like your eye-glaring at me. What is it, Brittany?” His body moved in the water when he placed Brittany on top of his lap. Shivers ran through the girl body after touching his skin. “Y-You!” His eyes narrowed, he opened his lips when blowing air up against the back of her neck. “My name not you. It is Toshihiro Hitsugaya and don’t you forget that.”

How could she ever forget? He was in their village since a small child. That child they trusted, the man who grew up to give his life for them only to be broken by their betrayal… She had a crush on him since a little girl. Only staring at him, with her eyes wanting to be in his arms. How would she have known he was a titan baby? How could she….have known to carry his child? It was crushing against her chest to breathe. She was now against humanity? After he is done with his job….it only a job. Brittany! You can’t love him you can’t…

“I never forget that name, Toshihiro. Never…I always remember when we have trusted you. It just a job, I know that but…” Teeth had pierced into the bottom of her lip; softly her fingers grabbed each part of her top of the legs. Pushing against the skin till it hurt. “Brittany…can I tell you something? Why I have to do this…” He reached for her wrists, pulling them away from her legs. “Um…sure.”

He moved Brittany next to him with grabbing her leg, a little gasp left her lips when he reached for the soap. Rubbing his hands to start cleaning from her feet which he saw she was trying to not laugh. Was this girl that ticklish…? Each time he touched her feet; the girl would pull away or try which she had not much room to go. “I will tell you while I am cleaning you. You are so jumpy, Britt.” Her lips closed tightly with looking at Toshihiro’s eyes that looked calm. He had the most beautiful eyes she ever seen.

“Back when I was small, a four year old. My Father was strict about making friends with humans. I saw the way you looked at me back then…” He stopped rubbing her leg, his fingers grabbed her leg when he quickly moved his other hand behind to lay her down gently so he could clean further up. “I wanted to approach I really did…” His lips opened up when he pushed his fingers inside of Brittany’s pussy with soap on top of his skin. He felt her pussy hold was open with her mouth letting out a few moans. Brittany’s body sat up when he moved his hand on her shoulder just to let her know. It was okay…It wasn’t him trying to get inside of her again.

“Let it out, Brittany…let it all out. My cum still inside of you and back to the story. I actually wanted to be friends. When I did talk to you all I got was your red face.” He heard Brittany mumble softly to herself. All those times he tried, she would run away when he finally caught her. He said ‘Hello, my name is Toshihiro.’ Introducing himself was so hard when the girl was clearly having a crush on him. Never had he tried to force himself on a girl. When she saw he wouldn’t let her go. The young girl finally said her name. “My name is Brittany. It nice to meet you, Toshihiro.” After she said that, his approach been quicker and more peaceful.

I would tell you everything…anything that happened of the secrets. Only that day….my Father had told me to stop being your friend. I had to do it, I had to end the friendship we shared up till I was sixteen. You were so hurt that day----I hated it. I hate it! That expression of tears, all those words you said. Then I let you go…let you run away when we avoided…I couldn’t take it! When I finally caught you with those females, I truly was happy that day. Finally you were mine…

                                                                              All mine…

“I do remember that day…the day you told me to get lost. It really hurt and I had thought it was the end.” Both of her fingers lightly pushed against each other, lifting up her chest, the breath of air would leave her lips. “It hurt…” Toshihiro pulled his fingers out when he saw the remaining cum left her pussy. He never will let her go again. His Father only wanted to keep the females until they are pregnant. Then he must let them go. He would not just do that. Even if his Father wishes him to. Their plan was for surprise. Sure, he will do that. He would also not let her go and handle this alone.

Brittany body slowly sat up when she noticed Toshihiro looked more calm. Did he want this to happen? Was he in pain just telling her that? He looked like it. “I am sorry, Brittany. I never wished to hurt you….my Father is very cold and cruel. I couldn’t be your friend so I….” He didn’t need to say it. Nothing would stop what pain they both experienced. Both her arms reached forward, fingers ran through his hair when she pulled him closer. His head was against her chest with the medium breasts in his eye view. “You did nothing wrong, Toshihiro. It hurt me but, I still love you. I really do…”

Why did I love him? Many would question why you love something like a monster? I didn’t consider him like that. He was not one in the least. Well, only to humans he hasn’t met before…She known him before his life was to change. Into a armor titan that destroys walls without ease. This feeling inside the heart of aching pain. It was calling for to be in the arms of her love. It was him…

“Brittany, you really mean that…? Do you really…ah, I shouldn’t fall for a human.” His head would lay against her chest. Lightly his hands moved around her back, hearing a female tone came in the room. “Master Toshihiro, dinner will be ready in ten minutes. I suggest you finish along with your pet. Miss Brittany, the Lady Hinamori has requested you eat with the family instead with your other humans.” After she left; the female had closed the door behind her.

D-Dinner…? With all of them? I don’t know what I do to meet his Mother and Father. Also that young boy she saw with Carla. Did he get her pregnant too?

Toshihiro hands moved when he quickly washed Brittany’s body and hair before he washed his own. His body looked like he worked out all the time. When her eyes met his abs; all she saw was a body that looked delicious. “Brittany, you must be ready to act like an adult around my family. Do not fear them. They will eat you alive---not physically of course.”

Both of them stood up; towels would be brought out when he helped her get dried off first while he was second. His white hair was hanging down after getting wet. Brittany did feel better in that water. Better than them bathing in the lake around their village in fear. Their water source was very little.

Every eye was on her even the human girls who were thinking she eat with them. Carla’s eyes were on her when she ran up to her. “Brittany!” Toshihiro stopped when he slapped her hand away; his glare was cold with his arm around Brittany’s right waist. “Keep your hands to yourself, slave. You are not to touch Brittany with your filthy hands.”

Azure eyes widen slightly at Toshihiro actions, both her hands reached again when he snapped his fingers. Her arms were grabbed with being pulled back to be punished. “B-Brittany! STOP HIM! Why…why aren’t you moving away?” Both her eyes looked away, lips bit into each other  with feeling bad. Carla… I am so sorry! Please forgive me for not standing up for you. I…couldn’t. “I am sorry, Toshihiro. She just really wants to protect me why her hand was in my reach.” Toshihiro didn’t say a word only he pulled Brittany in his room to wear some clothes. Although he knew his Father would be naked along with his family.

“Don’t apologize to me, Brittany. She stepped out of line when touching my pet. You will have to speak to her later about it…If I allow you to go back there.”

His pet again?! Why did he refer to her like that…?

“I-I am not your pet!” Her leg would raise when hitting his leg, only tears would come out of her eyes when hitting him. He had forgotten that his skin tends to be----harder. That would at least break her foot. “Idiot…” He moved his hand down to her foot, lightly he touched it gently with his fingers when hearing her sobbing. What an idiot…now she can’t walk. “Idiot! You should have not kicked me.” He let out a sigh from his lips, both of his fingers would run through his hair after seeing her foot was indeed broken.

“S-Sorry!” The girl sobbing was louder with falling on her knees out of the pain that was aching. Brittany continued to repeat those words after hitting him. Now he might be angry with her… “I-I go back to the dungeon.” Her body tried to stand up, his hand would grab her arm gently when moving her in his arms. “You are requested to see my Mother whether your broken or not.” She looked down at her body when seeing she was naked.

“I-I am not dressed properly! Toshihiro, do not make me go out there naked.” When he picked her up, hands were against her butt when seeing she was kicking. “I got no choice. Now stop squirming so much…”
Brittany cheeks shade a dark red when feeling embarrassed. He pay for this! He pay, he will pay! When she noticed he moved down the hall toward the main dining hall. The lights had dimmed with hearing small screams from other females. The ones who couldn’t be pregnant must be the ones that die tonight. Hearing those screams made her tears drop down her cheeks. Toshihiro had brought her inside when he noticed all their eyes were on them.

“Mother, I have brought her the woman you love to meet. She is here…” He moved Brittany in the chair next to his on the right side. The other slaves were presenting the food which they given her food to eat that is healthy. The bowls in their food was red with humans inside. This room was gigantic for titans no doubt.
When she noticed a small boy move to sit on her lap, his hair was white just like Toshihiro’s. He had those teal orbs where his head leaned against her chest. “I want to play tonight. Will you play with me, Brittany?” His cheeks were chubby with his cheeks shading a red color. The boy was in his teenage but he felt light. Toshihiro had pulled out his chair when he took a seat beside Brittany. He promised she would not be hurt.

“Ah, Brittany so good to meet you. Although it seems you already grown interest with my husband and my younger son.” The female looked beautiful without any clothing when her breasts were larger than hers. The long brown hair went to her waist which was put up in buns. “Welcome to our home, Brittany. I think Toshihiro has taking a liking to you. We also have as well. Please do stay with us. I assure you that he probably may be the jealous type.” When she spoke; the words were entering her mind while the other over why she was so interesting. She was just herself.

“I-It nice to meet you, um, um…I…” They all started to chuckle with being more interested while there was a young boy on her. He seemed more like he wanted to have a taste of her.

What have I got myself into…? Why has all of them want to know me and why? This was getting too intense! I must find out what they are after and…will I become a plate for their food?

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