Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Playful Lights || Chapter 1 -Lights

Shining lights flashed before each show. Those white circles, following each move on talent shows. Your legs whip through the air with the audience in gasps. Heart beats racing with each clap and cheer. This was a world where everyone paid to get excited. No, it wasn’t the talent show, not even a dance act. Many different shows that a plan to use for the resume when out of High School. The innocent girl who worked so hard for her image only…

                                                            It all fell apart after she turned eighteen.

“Momo.” A sweet tone escaped the lips of an older woman, in the age of her thirties no, maybe forties at least. “Sweetie, it time for school.” The same tone spoken again, only this time it was a little rougher with her tone.

Seconds passed only to have a loud tone leave her lips, the light from the curtains awoke the brunette who had her hair down in a ponytail near the end of her hair. “I SAID TO WAKE UP! Momo, now get up before you are late today.” Her words echoed with hearing the other siblings laugh. Stomping her legs out of the room, the vibrating of her feet echoed like a tall monkey raging about something that upsets them.

“Don’t make me yell too!” The oldest daughter had her hair cut short, chocolate orbs would be seen on her face with black sun glasses over her two eyes. “No, I think I will pass. You are sure banging hard on the whole ‘get up’ thing. She has it easy. You actually poured ice-cold water on me.” The tank top was strapless, a white shirt with a white belt in the middle only to have silver color as the glow effect on the fabric, her pants were black hanging to her middle of the legs, shoes had been round with small high heels. Not too tall where her ankles would break from the fall.

Kiyomi was the Mother of four children. The crazy house hold had been busy ever since the first child. The Father he works early for a company who pays enough for food at the table, at least not enough to get more. Their food had to be eaten even if it tasted horrible. What every kid wanted was a trip to Disney land. That isn’t happening here. Not enough for the airplane cost, or even the trip to go see Mickey Mouse himself. What every Mother wanted is a trip there at least once. It was her painful experience of never taking her children. “Well, you got up didn’t you?”

The tone her Mother gave her was a snotty attitude. Mothers usually are kind, sweet, and generous. Not Kiyomi. She was fierce with not giving them what they want. It taught them to fight for it and work hard. “Amaya, do not be late for Momo’s party toni---“ “Sorry, Mom. I got a job super late tonight.” Amaya answered, using one finger to grab her sun glasses only to lower them with both of their eyes gazing at each other. “What kind of job? You only have one and you get off in the afternoon.” Tension was in the air in this house hold.

Momo could hear them bicker over the simplest things. It didn’t bother her that Amaya won’t be coming. Like every year of her life, never showed up because she was late partying at her friend’s house or getting touched by a man then grounded. Didn’t do any good when a teenager thinks they got it all covered till she does get pregnant. Amaya is smart enough in avoiding so what’s the price to pay? Family was dumb.

Using part of her fingers, with a slow trace the female down stairs had run through her hair. Like models to when they want to look beautiful or trashy. “So, tell her that I am sorry.” Amaya turned around with her legs moving toward the door. Her job was simple being a maid at the hotels called ‘Marriot.’ Standing at the top of the stairs, hands slowly grabbed the railing when her tears fallen down the adult cheeks. Kiyomi had such abusive children who did whatever they felt like. The pain always showed when her youngest children Momo and Aya had knew nothing of the cruel world.

“Amaya…when did you change so much?”

Inside the walls of Momo’s room, inside her butt had sat against the middle of the bed, only things found in there was her trophies from younger days. She played tennis, golf, volleyball, and won so much. It was her parents who grew proud. Momo had not hated her sister for being herself. A tramp. Caring only for herself when others had corrupted her. Until if she only could see what pain, the pain she caused for her Mother.


Pushing up against the bed, her feet moved on the carpet when walking out to see Kiyomi waited. It was too painful to watch. Wait, and, wait for Amaya to return. Hearing that car door slam shut with the motor running right outside where their house was decent but, it only because her husband worked his ass off. Everyone had to work whether be chores or an early job just for the rent was too pricy. The slender arms reached around her Mother’s waist, gently rubbing her head against her back.

Kiyomi jumped just only slightly, tears streamed down her cheeks from shock. She done it again! She cried, and, cried for something that been broken. “Momo…” Lightly her body turned only to grab Momo’s arms with pulling her into a tight embrace. “Please be a good girl, Momo. Please…” Those words spoke true from her heart. Amaya use to be a good girl. Until someone corrupted her. Would Momo follow that same dirty path? Follow until her Mother cries each damn night? “I won’t become like that, Mom. I promise you now if anything I slap myself or commit sucide if---“ One hand raised, a loud slap was heard in the hallway when seeing her own Mother slapped her.

NEVER ever say you kill yourself, Momo! Never would I allow you to kill yourself for being yourself. Amaya just changed because she wants to be like this.” Resting her hand against the right side, it was then she was pulled back into her Mother’s arms again. The world was scary…

Cheerfully her Mother had been when seeing both her youngest daughters were getting ready for school. Well, only one which was me who turned  Momo was incredibly nervous for this was their fifth time to move. This time they stayed since she was born. Momo never remembered each time they moved. It was a blur as an infant.

The wind of change was coming, like the leaves changing from green onto a yellow or red for the fall season. A new change, a fresh change was always good. Doing the same routine as Mother stated can’t be good.
“Today a new school year at High school for you, Momo! Oh, I can see It now…you get a chance at romance like I did!” White liquid spilled on the table where they ate, the small girl clapped her hands with being young. Aya had hit the spoon against the table being small in her age. She was only two and started to think this was acceptable. “Momo, watch your tongue! I did teach you better than that.” Her Mother blurts out such strange things. Then yells about it to teach some manners. 

“Mom, don’t just blurt out like that! I-I am not a rebel.” Kiyomi shook her head, lightly using her fingers to trace down Momo’s right cheek. “It nothing about that, Momo. Mostly you will find someone attractive then…” “MOM!” Her voice raised; finishing the last piece of her cereal, lastly she drank the milk down when feeling it slide down her throat. Swallowing it loudly, all the milk was gone when she grabbed the bowl. “Oh, sweetie your too young and sweet. It may happen and just leave it. I have to do the dishes anyway.” Both her eyes narrowed a bit, in sadness not anger over her Mother’s care.

Would she find love…? No way! Her eyes were set on becoming something in life. Why waste it on love? What could possibly happen if she did find it?

Aya hit the table with her spoon, lightly feeling her head was kissed by Momo. “Have a good day, Aya. I wish I could stay and play with you some more!” Her lips spoke out in baby which looked cute. The way she was dressed had been in a pink small dress, on the sides had white short sleeves, for the front and back of the pink dress had white polka dots. Her hair had been put up in two ponytails which she didn’t mind now. Till growing up.

“Have a great day, Sweetie. Do you need a ride?” Standing on her two feet, moving her legs forward onward to where her Daughter had worn the new school uniform. “No, I will walk my way there. Perhaps during the winter time, Mother.” Kiyomi felt tears lay in her eyes, fingers grabbed each side of her cheek before looking Momo in the eyes. “Give them trouble, dear. Not too much trouble!” Softly her laughter would leave her lips before waving to both of them. She can’t let her Mother down.

“Goodbye, Mother! I will be home late.”

Every Mother worries when their daughters leave for school. The stories at home were about them being kidnapped and never seen again. Rape was high this year with people who have no regards to people. Just out to grab what is out there.

One arm would be raised, her hand waved to Momo who ran down the small steps. “Be safe…” Stepping inside the chilly air felt against her skin. “Now time to clean up! Aya, you be good while Mommy does the dishes.” One hand would raise, a small smile appeared on her lips when she talked in baby with words that wasn’t English. Closing the door behind her, before she started on the dishes.

Right outside it was Fall season; the area around her had been chilly. Her short skirt did wave in the wind, before she stopped in the four way street. No cars would drive down here when many Japan people walked. “Okay. I take this road straight an---“ Just before she spoke, the mischievous paper flew away.

“No, wait!”

Using all her strength, one hand would reach up just barely brushing against her fingertips. When she ran after it without thought, the female legs had pushed further ahead with no eyes on the road. A few times she bumped into people who saw her bow her head. The paper only flew farther and further ahead.

“I am going to catch you!” Momo declared war against the paper that left her hands. When she needed it the most, it flew away in fear. On the last straight a-way street, there was an alley with not many people walking around. Many people called it the ‘thug street’. Her Mother warned her of this street. Never to go too far and the school was close only two streets down. Why didn’t she pay attention?!

“I-I better…”

Her words paused from speaking, landed perfectly still on the concrete ground. A little crumpled, but still intact. “Finally!” Pushing against the ground, each foot hit the ground till she felt something or someone bump into her. With being taller, his chest was buff from working out. He at least 6’4 from her height, she looked pretty small compared to him.

“O-Ow…” Her brown hair was the length of her back, in the middle at least sticking up a little from contact. The force caused her butt to hit the ground with her legs sliding, both her eyes looked up seeing a male. He looked down in anger from being hit.

“Ow, you bitch! Didn’t you have the nerve to stop and look before you walk?” His words were harsh, almost like a bully would talk down. “I have to teach you a lesson!” His large hand reached down, her legs told her to move but instead she used her head into his side with causing him to fall backwards only he stumbled a little. “That does it!”

One moment came to another with her body slammed into the wall. Instantly she felt over powered by him. His large hands formed in a fist, he hit once, twice and then another before he saw the brunette was lying on the ground with a black eye. Momo eyes glared at him, her lips had blood leaking down. In any moment a female would be screaming---not Momo.

“Why do you look not frightened? I just beat you up, bitch.” Despite his words; there was no fear, no running away. He only grab the part of my hair and thrown me down, beat me until I am left broken. “Why should I be? You just beat me anyway, whether I run or not.” Momo spoke the truth; he hated being talked down to like some stupid kid.

“You won’t speak anymore, bitch. I will kill you and then throw you away in the dumpster. That why you tough girls won’t be talking after I break something.” His movement was slow due to his size. Power like this will be avoided. If only she could move fast enough to grab the paper and run. He only enjoy it.

“Why can’t you leave me alone? You got your fill, now beat it over-grown gorilla.” Those words had done it. His foot stepped on her right arm, he grabbed it and turned it the other way---the way that wouldn’t make it pop. The popping sound of bones breaking. Her entire arm was lost, it had been broken. The only sound left had been her high pitch screams.

They echoed..

“How does that feel? You want to talk now, you dumb bitch.” His words spit right back at her. How could anyone be this cruel…?

The agony in her voice was slowing down, this pain was too great from her arm. It had been broken easily by his strong power. He laughed out loud in enjoyment. How could he…be so cruel? This world, Mother was so cold and broken. Perhaps Mother could have saved her if she drove her home and now…she be trash.

“Now, time to throw you away little birdy.” His lips showed a flash of his white teeth, using his hands lowering them down. He noticed Momo used her other arm to swat at him. In fear, her body was too wounded and with a arm flapping around. His laughter got longer and heavier. It made her sick! “Get back before I kick you where it hurts!” Momo threatened him, it didn’t appeal to him at all.

“How about we say goodnight?”

His fist was raised, her body was giving in slowly with the pain. Why didn’t she learn to look? Now, all her lights was turning off. One moment she waited, and, waited for him to put her out. It was then she heard his screaming instead.

“Ow, ow, ow! You bastard!!”

Both of her eyes opened wide, lips formed a circle from a small teenager male who had spikey hair; the color of the hair was white which made his two eyes look dangerous. “Jack, what do you think you’re doing?” This tone gave the brunette chills down her entire body. “I-I only was disposing of her, Boss. That was all!”
Jack breath had been heavy from the small hands had twisted his arm. Momo could not believe her eyes. He was strong enough to put this guy in his place? What was he? Both of her eyes widen, lips opened up more when she heard him break his arm. “N-No, boss why?! You told us to dispose of any intruders and I DID!” Jack yelled, his body was thrown across the area only to hit the house. Each part of his bones was popping. That same sound she made with her small arm. His feet moved forward, slowly with each step it made Momo scout away.

Teal eyes gazed at her, his steps stopped when he reached down. His hands lightly grabbed around her waist, he swung her over his shoulder with one hand against her butt. “W-What are you doing?! Please put me down.” He ignored her begging when he walked forward down the road. Ignoring everything from his eyes saw fire in her. He noticed many girls had been weak, fragile and so pathetic. Instead this girl had fought off his body guard. A pathetic one at best. Why did he suddenly care what happened to her?

He shouldn’t…that male followed his orders however, to put her down like some dog. He didn’t tolerate that.

Everyone knew his name and feared it completely only this girl was so clueless what she stepped into. He had to take her back and hoped they do not cross paths again. If they do, he wouldn’t know what could happen. Only way he can is to take her back to her own world…away from chaos. His actions didn’t make sense and clearly he saw one thing. They both went to the same school. Great…

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