Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dark Empire || Chapter 4-Titan's Kingdom

Every eye was on Brittany with them laughing how nervous she was. Even Toshihiro found it hilarious and he was the fault at here! “Brittany, you already met my oldest son. He is quite the looker isn’t he?” Her lips showed a smile to Brittany who was blushing red as an apple. Clearly she knew what Brittany thought of her son. With Toshiro he put her through tests to see if she stay even knowing he is a titan.

“U-Uh, yes! He is quite the looker I mean, I…” When Toshihiro saw Brittany was having trouble, his hand would sit under his chin as he looked the other way. “Mother, she saw me naked twice. The girl was practically drooling over me.” Brittany’s jaw had dropped from his comment. “I-I did not!” The younger boy had leaned back when he felt his stomach growl. “Does that mean…you want me, Brittany?” His head would lean back, looking up at Brittany with his peaceful expression.

H-He so cute! That expression, his eyes look so chibi and…and! Oh gosh I can’t.

Her cheek would nuzzle against his cheek, lightly her arms wrapped around him. A low growl left Toshihiro lips. His teal orbs matched Toshiki’s when he narrowed in a cold expression, “Bastard…you planning on stealing my pet?” Toshiki sticks his tongue out, “Using charm is the best way. You taught me that, brother.”

Toshihiro picked up the spoon from his bowl, gripping the metal part tightly almost breaking it. “Be glad I don’t beat you up for being such a smart ass.” Hearing the crunch sounds from humans bones; part of Brittany skin shaded blue with knowing they were alive. They had to be with their screams. “Brittany! C-Can, you feed me? I am too lazy to do it myself.” He noticed Toshihiro was shaking with jealousy.
I will KILL him! I will after this is done that little brat. Brittany is mine, she is only mine! I allowed him to play earlier. Why am I so jealous? She already said her words to me…Her loving words. I know he is too young and still learning…

“Y-Yes, I um, I…”

“Toshiki Hitsugaya is my name, my Father name is Toshiro, and Momma name is Momo Hinamori. You better remember, my pet.” He spoke the title which made Toshihiro stand up with his fists balled up into his skin. “THAT’S IT!” He raised his voice when seeing Brittany shake her head. Her lips whispered softly, ‘It’s alright, Toshihiro…I am yours.’

His cheeks flushed a light red color when he took a seat and was silent. “I think the word should be called you for pet. Britt, Britt. Come, you should come to my room.” One hand slammed against the table, the tall male had glared his eyes coldly at Toshiki. “Not until you’re finished your food.”
This was interesting…did Toshiki fear eating humans? No, she was sure all titans eat humans without any regret. They had no souls. That what she had thought when Toshihiro had told her to get lost. She wanted to not hear those words….

“Daddy…I-I don’t want to.” His tone was sounding whining from eating humans. Brittany eyes widen when she felt tension. Looking down both her hazel eyes shifted to see Toshiki hair. His bright, shiny hair that was glowing in the light. “I want to play with Brittany. You said I could…” Momo lips formed a smile when she saw Brittany was nervous. She should be. “Brittany, my dear please do not be frightened. Toshiro may act cold but his heart isn’t made out of ice.” “HINAMORI! I am trying to scold our so---“ The brunette eyes shifted to Toshiro with anger, her hand raised when she punched him in the face. “How dare you speak to me like that, baka! I am trying to calm our guest! You should let Toshiki slide from eating just this once.” He used one hand to rub his cheek, “How dare you…tell me how to raise my KID!” Two small hands covered his ears, he started to shake when he felt scared.

They are fighting…Mommy…Daddy…they shouldn’t fight. Brittany was keeping me from running away. Even if I had, my Father would follow and force me. Daddy, has to be strict with me but those humans….I can’t.

“Toshiki, I will feed you, okay? You just got to eat…if you don’t then you will die.” Her lips were slow when speaking to him in a kind tone. He seemed so scared. How could she watch them fight and not do something? Both of the adults stopped when seeing Toshiki looked at Brittany. Smelling the human flesh made his dark side sneak out. He tried to force it back with how close Brittany was. He couldn’t harm her…he couldn’t. He promised he just play.

“T-Thank you but….we don’t eat them because we are hungry. Hasn’t anyone told you anything, human?” Toshiki jumped on the table with his feet having some elegance to his movement. “We eat because it is fun. We kill you just to enjoy that blood that runs down our throats. All your screams, your begging. It just turns us on. We will continue this…” He stopped speaking when seeing Brittany eyes were widen but, her ears were listening to every word.

She interesting…why didn’t she run? Any other human would have. She in a room with titans who are in human form. They could eat her but, Daddy has a plan and every human here will have his children. Even if…he must put his seed in humans and himself included. His Father also put seeds in them while Momo helped. They all had to make humanity join them or kill.

“You are cute looking at me like that. Daddy, I will not eat it! I won’t!”

The tall elder had walked over to Brittany when he grabbed her arm, with pulling her up against his body. “If you don’t, I will end your play time and we shall show her how you really get punished.” Toshiki body shook with fear, his foot take a step backwards when he looked at the humans in the soup. They all cried for help. Their lives were against their own control. It not fair! They should have a choice. Father, is wrong! HE WRONG!

DADDY STOP CHOOSING THEIR LIVES! You aren’t King, you never will be. Daddy, why must you take away their lives?! Why? Just like Brittany she had a life. Born in that village with all of us living together. We could have been nice and lived peacefully but YOU… YOU!!!”

One dark aura surrounded Toshiro who had let go of Brittany. “S-Shiro-chan…do you have to do this?” Momo concerning voice filled the room when she looked at Toshiki. “If he won’t learn by words….” The small boy jumped off the table when his arm was grabbed, his body was thrown onto the table by his older brother. “Stop running, little brother. You know our Father will find us no matter where we go and his voice…” Toshihiro cruel words had hit Toshiki hard. The plates were broken with everything a mess.
“We have no choice, Hinamori. I understand you want to keep it peaceful but…Brittany must see what we are like. Toshiki, what he spoke of is true. We do not eat because of food. No, your kind is more of a toy to us.”

Both hazel eyes widen with fear, her lips closed with not questioning their ideals. If they as Titans kill over pleasure. Then…she could die the same. Toshiro hand lightly placed on her shoulder reassured her. “I will not have him eat you. We promised you that and you are Toshihiro’s pet. There is other ways to make him eat whether he likes it or not. You will stay by Toshihiro. Do not worry he is strong to beat his younger brother demon side.”

What…? Did he say, demon? What would his demon be in a Titan? Did he…have another side?
“Stay close, Brittany. I know you’re confused but, it better we show you now then later…” A right arm wrapped around Brittany’s shoulder when he looked at Toshiki. He was frightened just like he was when little. He now accepts it without any regrets. His brother was an idiot…

We all exit the room with Toshiki being grabbed from his hair by the Father. We entered the room with humans chained to the walls being men from the village. “T-That’s…!” Toshihiro looked at Brittany with anger. “Was he….your boyfriend?” The tone in his voice was jealously with him glaring at the male preparing to attack. “TOSHIHIRO!” His feet stopped with sweat falling down his cheek. “Step down that is not your prey. I get that you are willing to kill but, your brother needs to learn.”

The fear strike into Toshihiro was incredible. He could just stop him with the tone and Toshihiro would listen. The training had been this rough…? For both of them? They had no human life because of that. She had not realized he suffered for so long.

Toshiro hand released Toshiki when he saw the male had noticed Brittany. His mouth was covered with a gag. He mumbled when he spoke her name with eyes watching her. The male was naked with being small. This room was also large when seeing Toshiki had sat on the ground. His eyes looked at Brittany, scanned around the room where his punishments were here. The sound of whips along with being forced to eat humans in his titan form. “….Father.”

“Do it.”

The male body started to break with his blue eyes full of fear. “S-Stop!” He spit out the gag when he saw the elder walk over to him and reached to touch his skin slowly. “His skin is fresh, Toshiki. You really want to give that up…?”

Those words made his heart pick up, his fingers touched the ground with heat steaming from his body. “Shut up….” The brunette male had kicked his legs when he saw Brittany was looking away. Only her face was grabbed gently from Toshihiro. “Don’t touch her, you dick! Let her go! She has nothing to do with this.” Toshihiro eyes narrowed at the other male, he moved his hand down to her stomach gently. “…Oh, I think you are wrong human. She really is part of this. You don’t realize that, idiot!”

Both his eyes widen when he thought about where his hand was. “YOU sick bastard! You filled her with your seed. How dare you… Brittany you got to trick them somehow. Y-You have to!” His voice rose when he heard the ground shake with Toshiki not able to hold his titan form no longer.

The small body had gotten taller with his height at least fifteen meters. It was the tallest she seen when Toshihiro had changed only to steal all the woman with his Father and Toshiki must have been that boy. “I grow tired of you ordering our pet. She is ours, not yours, not her own. Ah, I love that expression you both have… Mainly I will play with you later, Brittany. Be prepared…” His smile was calm only he showed a creepy smile.

W-What had happened? He was sweet but, his eyes held something more….It was dark.
“He has come out…that was quick. Did that man upset him? It seems he tried to fight him off.” Both his arms were around Brittany, softly he grabbed her waist when prepared to get out if Toshiki wasn’t controllable. He couldn’t let her get hurt by his selfish needs. He said play…what did he mean? Play by eating or play by….he knew that his Father will join in and Brittany will have a rough, wild ride she never experienced before.

“G-Get back you FREAK! Brittany, this is how they will eat you. YOU HAVE TO….AHHH! NO STOP!” The male’s arms were ripped off from little effort of the young boy. He stood tall with ripping off his entire limbs only to see blood squirt out. A waterfall of the male’s blood came out making his eyes roll up toward his forehead a bit. It showed that Titans were very strong. Her legs had started to shake with feeling the power inside of them was strong. How could…How could they be this strong?

“You hold such a great expression….human. I love to devour you completely. I hear you stopped begging…” His head turned toward Brittany, he saw her eyes were full of fear. N-No…don’t look at me, Brittany! I promised I give you a nice play time. I can’t let him eat her!! NO.

“My time here is up…if I were to play with you now. You would die just like him and I can’t control my own strength. Although…I think I will eat him now. You can watch as this boy dies in front of you. Your no longer a human, you are…a Mother Titan.” Brittany knew his words were right. She no longer had been a human after her words to Toshihiro was out of love. She knew that… Yet, her people are dying. What could she do?


His voice was rasp, both his fingers had twitched just before seeing Toshiki’s mouth move closer. The large tongue had opened wide when his body was pulled away from the wall with his legs sliding. He quickly used all his strength to kick those legs in escaping. It was futile. He had no escape just like her. If she ran, they would bring her back or worse be eaten alive.

“Such a squishy….guy. He already is fighting his remaining life.” Toshiki chuckle was playful full of evilness. This wasn’t the same boy she saw at the table. He was….different. She knew that her fear was showing with both of her legs shaking. Only the pain made it worse. Why would she run…? She knew that they did. Her whole life the human race was doomed. She gave up when her entire family had died in front of her to save her own life. For what? They had a life too…

The male’s screams echoed when he heard the elder laughter. “Ah, yes! YES Toshiki, kill that human. Make him suffer.” His voice came chills down the skin from the female who watched. Momo had clapped her hands along with Toshiro having fun. They consider this to be…fun? It was something she never would forget how the Titan’s would rule in their Kingdom of human’s falling upon their hands. Crushed, and broken.
“Do you see? This is how we kill…It is not easy for you to watch I know.” Toshihiro’s hands hand lightly rubbed her arms. “Are you afraid…? Are you afraid what be growing inside of you? No matter where you go I can find you…That is how my little brother knows he can’t hide. Father’s voice controls us all.” He spoke softly to Brittany, his lips were right at her ears.

Was she afraid…? The truth was yes. She knew what was inside if he got her pregnant. His cum was thicker than any human male could do. The sickness is how it starts but, could she hold the children and worry they kill her. They probably will…

“I-I am afraid…I know what is inside of me if you got me pregnant. Your voices talk to each other? I never knew how connected you guys were…It is amazing your strength, your bond towards each other when killing. I know my death will come after this baby is born.” The brunette eyes looked at Brittany, her body would move next to Brittany with a slow pace. “You are wrong, Brittany. We do not intend to kill you when you carry a baby. However…If you ever harm my sons, or their hearts will get pain. I personally will end your life.” The cold tone left her lips when hearing a sweet tone came from Toshiki. Already he had eaten the male without any regret.

“All done, Father! May I return to sleep now? I want to eat her but…she carrying one of my kind isn’t she?”
His kind tone sounded calm with his eyes not glowing red no longer. Both his blue eyes looked frightened. “W-What did you make me do?” He saw Brittany still was alive only to feel his stomach had been filled by a human. He killed…his darkness left and now. He has a job to do no, he wanted his Father and older brother to join. “Shall we go back to the dining room?” Momo had raised her hand to show the way.

Brittany head nodded with no way of knowing they had planned to all show her something new. It was going to be a ride she never forget. Whether she remembers now or not. His eyes that begged to her…That man now rests in Hell. He must be trying to escape the small child’s stomach where he burn. Or…that’s what she figured.

Everyone sat down in their chairs with being silent. The brunette had saw the plates were destroyed from Toshihiro’s power of strength. “Brittany, will you get on the table?” Toshiro’s voice broke that silence when seeing she followed his order to sit on the table. “Lay down.”

When he ordered; the words in his tone was serious with no way to disobey. Her fear already seeing Toshiki try to do that and he failed. If she disobeyed it would mean the end of her. Brittany’s body slowly lays on her back when feeling someone walk by her to be Toshiki. He looked down at her, his eyes were filled with stars when seeing her body was naked. All of them licked their lips at seeing their desert on the table.

“I love the way you lay, Brittany. I will make sure you get a better show then what you saw.” His lips opened up when the pink tongue came out while licking slowly. In a playful matter; his body moved down to near her legs. “W-W-W-Wait! Toshiki, I think it wouldn’t be…can’t we do this in your room?” Her hands moved to cover in front of her pussy, all their eyes were still on her when looking at them. Toshihiro even enjoyed the view of her face turning darker with each second passed. “Oh, no. That wouldn’t be fair to Daddy, Mommy, and my older brother. If I just play, they might come in anyway…” He grabbed her wrists when moving them away, the slaves had moved her legs when tying her ankles to the chairs with rope. Brittany’s wrists were put in chain handcuffs before the chains connected to the bottom of the table with her lying on the table being open to them.

This is impossible! I am going to be eaten…! They all are watching like it some show with delight. What should I do?! What…can I do? Oh, please God-sama save me…SAVE ME!

The pink tongue rubbed against Brittany’s pussy with a slow motion. He heard her moans with delight he moved his head up and down, feeling her body move against his tongue which only made her more enjoyable. “Mmm…Brittany you taste so good.  I can’t wait to pound you.” His words made her heart pound faster, every eye were on her when she tried to get free. It was impossible… Nowhere to go but enjoy it. His tongue was making it hard for her to resist.

“Daddy, come, come! She very tasty I am sure you been aching lately. Use her dirty mouth for you to clean it with your tasty cum.” His dirty talk made both of her hazel eyes widen with fear. His cum?! She wasn’t ready for that however, what did she expect when they were interested? Toshihiro didn’t even let her suck on his penis. He only pounded her and now she fears that her mouth be dirty even more.

“Ah, good idea…I am sure she could feel even more pleasure with all of her holes filled.” He got up only to get on top of the table, slowly he crawled up to Brittany who struggled even more. “Don’t fight us, Brittany. Though I can see why my son had so much fun with you playing cat and mouse. You are now caught…”
The brunette lady had moved her fan in front of her lips, waving it to create a small breeze with watching. “Hinamori, you are welcome to play with her too. She will have a nice ride…” A soft laughter left her lips, lightly her fingers would drop the fan onto the ground. She climbed on the table with seeing the small girl breasts were moving up and down a little. Toshiki will learn how to pleasure with licking, sucking, even her mouth could be a great tool for him to release his stress.

“Of course, my darling. I see this girl is about ready to lose in her little defense. Try to hold on, Brittany. That is…if you can handle my Husband’s rough sex. He even worse once he pounds that small pussy of yours.” Hazel eyes opened up; lips opened wide when her mouth was wide open from Toshiki slipping his fingers in, one by one, slowly he used the teaching and whispers from Toshihiro who told him to put all the fingers in till he could fit his whole hand.

“S-Stop! I don’t want this…I don’t wan….” Her voice stopped talking when Toshiro forced his cock in her open mouth. “Silence that mouth…you should start by sucking on my hard cock. Ugh! She so good at sucking with that open mouth.” He pushed his penis inside of her mouth with moving in deeper to hear her little sucking noises get deeper, and deeper.

Brittany’s body was giving in to their touches with time little spent. She felt that if this keeps going, her body and mind will lose control and they will have their way with her body. She couldn’t stop it, couldn’t control it. 

It was so good with her first ever penis sucking. His was so big!

Momo moved her head down, her lips surround Brittany’s right nipple when she sucked on it. The other nipple would be pinched with two fingers when she pulled it slowly. “Toshihiro…you can have her ass. I am sure you can fit in, can’t you?” Brittany’s sucking noises had spoke with being muffled by Toshiro’s cock. He pushed deeper when he pulled out waiting to see what she would say. “N-NO! Not there…please!”
Her begging made it only worse with seeing their bodies were into the girl’s body. She knew other people would want this. She didn’t want it. Not at all not like this! All their beautiful bodies pounding and fucking every hole. It was driving her insane.

“No? Then…why is my son saying your pussy is dripping wet?”

Hinamori was right…she really enjoyed all this pleasure and they had probably done this before to every woman. More like Momo had experience. “Toshihiro…actually stuff your penis in her mouth. I think if she your pet, she should obey us shouldn’t she? Make her obey.” The female orders were strong. A large smirk had flashed white teeth from Toshihiro. He loved that idea to make her obey. If her being pounded would do it, then he all for it. She did obey when he did it only once.

“Of course, Mother. I agree a pet should be quiet and allow pleasure.” He moved on the table with switching sides from his Father. “Make her beg, Toshihiro. I want to hear her scream for more.” Toshiki eyes had looked at Brittany who looked in fear. Both of their bodies were fully grown. He knew so little. “F-Father, what do I do…?”

He asked with fear that his Father toss him aside. He can’t let him be tossed outside like that. His Mother looked at Toshiki who was having tears down his cheeks. “Son, do not look so in fear. Just do what your body calls to do. Make her have pleasure and yourself. Your penis needs to enter somewhere doesn’t it?”
His eyes looked down at Brittany’s pussy who was moving against the table. She who was a mouse tied down by the Titan’s control. He knew that his penis was twitching. He really wanted to play. “Yes, Father I really need to enter it…I can’t take it. Her pussy is calling to me and I want to fill her so much cum.” His words had spoken out when he saw Brittany’s head had lifted from his words.

 “It time to play, Brittany…enjoy our cocks inside of you each hole you can relax. We all will fill your holes and Mother loves to play with her toys. She will show you how to pleasure a woman later.” His lips showed a little smirk, both his hands touched her legs softly.

The words they said were making it bring fear into her body. The way they moved, their bodies had been built up to pleasure a woman or….kill with charm. It was hard not to resist but she didn’t feel its affect.


Brittany mouth was open when Toshihiro pushed his penis deep inside with hearing her mumbling. His body moved fast when he saw Brittany suck his penis with her tongue against it. He couldn’t take it! He wanted her to do this every day. “Damn….you got a good tongue. I am so happy I found you, Brittany. F-Father…I can’t hold it in.”

A low chuckle left his Father’s lips when he saw Brittany mouth suddenly had cum dripping out. Toshihiro didn’t last that long from seconds later of his tense cock. He pushed his cock in her mouth a lot of times for he wasn’t done until he filled it. Toshiro had stopped him on the fifth time. “Son…the pussy is made for that. You must wait. I will let her mouth swallow all of it.” He saw his son had been so worked up he didn’t noticed she was almost choking.

“B-Brittany…I am sorry your mouth…” He saw Brittany wasn’t angry only her cheeks were dark red from tasting his cum. “Brittany…you’re such a good pet.” He smiled warmly at her when his head lifted, his eyes looked at Toshiki who waited his turn. “Little brother enjoy her for a long time. She may be giving us lots of fun…Lots until you find one for just you. Keep searching for that one who makes you connected.”

The young brother listened to his brother when he saw it. His older brother had loved this girl. He had to give up his possession of her to them. It must have been hard however, he will make sure she doesn’t get to move for a while. “I will do just that. Be prepared, Brittany. Your pussy will be ours forever.”
Those words made her heart shiver with feeling that escape would be hard right now. Inside she felt something was stirring. What had possibly could it be? Maybe it was the baby they seen.

It couldn’t be…..


The male’s penis entered her pussy slowly, his entire face was dark red when he pushed slowly. “No, no Toshiki push harder. Push deeper. Make sure she feels it and with fear can’t escape you. Make her yours!” Toshiki whole face shade darker red, he closed his eyes when he nods his head. “Make her ours….I think I got it this time.” He moved his hips harder, his penis hit inside of her with seeing her eyes were opening wider, the girl mouth opened wide enough for any penis to enter. She was enjoying herself now.

Hearing the sounds of her moaning had the family eyes on their younger son. Watching him pound Brittany with a faster rate. His cum was pushing out into her each thrust he felt she was shaking with pleasure. Each pounding was getting her stomach higher. “Good girl…you are now feeling how strong a Hitsugaya can be. I will learn and make sure the girl I love will feel this good.” He pushed even harder, his body moved faster with his hips pushing inside of her. The hours passed with his body feeling so good inside of her tight pussy. The more he pounded, the more she opened up and started to say ‘more’.

Like his brother said, every girl can’t stop it from happening. They make them beg but, Brittany was one girl who will beg you to stop till her holes were all filled. He knew that this girl will be their pet for a long time. The trap they will sent be soon. His penis pulled out after his long hours of sex. His brother took over when he saw how fast he worked with showing him how to move. Toshiki nods his head with knowledge when he next time tried it.

Brittany whole body was sweating with her body full of pleasure. Even their Father had sex with her which his penis was bigger and each pound made her moan louder. The hours of sex didn’t stop till the next morning. She had sex this long would mean each child would be three of them at least. Three children…

“Toshihiro, take her back to your room and make sure she is fed.” The arms reached for her was huge when she heard loud stomping. Slowly the girl eyes closed, white stuff came out of her body when he moved back inside of his room with laying her down onto the bed. His body got smaller when he knew carrying her in human form would make her wiggle more. “Brittany, you done well. You pass the test I am sure…Next time you should obey us.” His fingers ran through her strawberry blonde hair, slowly he felt the sweat from her body. After the few seconds his body fell next to hers. He wrapped his arms around her, hands ran through her hair when she laid against his chest. Both of them had been laughing softly.

“Baka, you shouldn’t be laughing. You got our seeds now…you could have our children.” A quick peck would be placed against her forehead. “I-I know that! It just so sudden…to have Titan children. I do not know if I be a good Mother. I fear when I do something wrong and…what if they eat me?”

Toshihiro would keep his hands against her back, slowly he rubbed her back when he whispered into her ear. “A child will never eat his Mother no matter what. He will have your kindness and my toughness. It will be fine. You worry too much.”

Was she worrying too much? Any girl would with a different kind inside of her. However it wasn’t just her but the whole females from that village. Brittany had worried if she could talk to Carla. After tonight…she had doubt it. It was sore everywhere from her body pounded by all three men. She couldn’t even move…All she wanted was to sleep.

“Good night, Toshihiro.”

Brittany words were gentle when he held her close against his chest. He had no idea what is in store for her. The one word he will promise is to protect her and that is what he will do. His eyes slowly closed when he fell asleep after her. His arms would still remain around her. To give protection.

He promised to protect her and make sure their children will be safe. That is what he promised…he will do just that. 

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