Friday, November 16, 2012

Bleach - Lace Affairs - Ch.1-Meeting A Prince

Chapter 1

“Meeting a Prince”

In the town of Cold Stone there was every year that prince or princess would come to visit this small town. The castle resides on top of a hill behind the city of Cold Stone. That is where I use to play as a child with my friend Azumi. We both would play house as though we were sisters. It did say owned by—but the words were craved off to whoever did own it one hundred years ago. It was off limits now due to the police hearing girls being taken there at night only to be killed in this late day in age. It was terrifying to some woman who would take them of their life. In this town nothing seemed to be peaceful any longer… The town had begun to rot to the ground after someone had changed it to their nasty ways. The gold propitious town was no more. 

It was raining on April 1st with the year 1900 in Cold Stone. The rain dripped on the grey tiles that were fading away from its beautiful color. The two girls ran down the street to try and get on time for their job at ‘Little Bakery Café’ the job their boss both let them join together as one. This would be where they are maids at this job. He seemed nice to allow them to come—however his intentions were so much more. The two girls ran down the road, holding hands while they reached up to the shop. The building was arched into the sky; a big window was in the front of the main lobby. “Bri, next time please wake up on time or the boss will chew us out.” Azumi breathed heavily as she spoke. It was cold outside only to be in the twenties. “Sorry…I stayed up worrying about our job with people and…” I started to shiver not from the cold but from the people who I deal with. The brown haired girl hand rose up on top of my head giving it a soft pat. “Come on! We have to go inside or we be marked absent.” 

When we both entered the door a bell rang a couple times to let everyone know someone has entered inside. A large woman ran over to the door in a hurry. “There you guys are! You’re so late…the boss was getting worried.” Her hair was wavy down to her waist, the maid outfit she wore was black with an apron tied on the front. Her shirt was opened enough to show some of her breasts which none of the other girls wore them like that. We often thought she liked showing off her body that way to customers. Some whispered to her as being a whore for show. Or one of those girls that sell off her body to the people around her. Azumi and I left down the corridor of the back where there was the bathroom on the left then on the right was where his office was held. We opened the door to find a male sitting at his desk with a note pad right in front of him. The writing seemed to have names of who had to do what for the day or night. Both Azumi and I worked all day to help pay for food and other things. We always were together. Never splitting apart from one another not ever! We made a vow to never be split apart. The male raised his head up to the two girls who walked inside the room. “Ah, you two have showed up! I was worried you got hurt.” He calmly stated. Azumi did not like the way he stared at Bri or her for that matter. She wanted to get their uniforms, get out of the room and start to work. The sooner they get today over with—the better. “Sorry we are late sir. We did not get hurt by anything or anyone… just woke up late. It won’t happen again.” She lowered her head down toward the man to show respect. Bri soon copied Azumi movements. She was terrified to be alone with this man. He looked at her full of lust. It had bothered her to the point she wanted to find a different job. Everyone else had stared at the two girls with hate in their eyes. They did not think of them as adults. They were like kids to their eyes. The adults here were cruel and cold hearted like the grey stone. “Do not worry about that Miss Hanashia and Miss Haku. We have both positions for the both of you to work in. I had you both work in the café during the day which you two can work together. I have arranged you two to split up once someone wants the room to be cleaned you are ordered to go there. Do you understand?” Azumi throat had a lump in it. Leave Bri side from anyone to hurt her. That is not acceptable. She hated this job! But if they don’t do it… they be thrown out on the streets. “I understand.” The male was tall for his height about 6 feet. He had broad shoulders with large hands. He seemed muscular on the chest part of his body and his arms. “I got your uniforms right here.” He turned toward the locker to take out two uniforms. They both matched with leg stockings to go with. The skirts were short as Azumi had feared this man probably had each woman wear different ones. He was truly sick. Azumi had thought to herself. She held onto Bri’s hand the whole time they were in the room. 

They took their uniforms in their hands and left to go change into their new outfits. “Bri, if some bastard tries to touch you or asks to have your clothes removed; do not do it! You understand?” She turned her head over to Bri, “I do not want them to touch you like that! You are here to do your job and clean. We are here to serve the customers here. That is all…”  I nodded my head twice. “I understand.” I answered with my hands shaking. “This boss guy…he seems scary.” I walked down the hall with Azumi. We held our clothes in one hand and the other our hands gripped onto each other in a tight firm hold. “I know. He is a fucking creep.”  She hated the guy already and it’s their first day. When they reached the bathroom doors, the stalls had a couple sets of five. Instead the two girls went to the larger one to use for themselves. Azumi had to help Bri into the uniform. Hers had a blue ribbon on the two stockings. They were white with blue stripes down the top of the shirt part of the uniform. There was a small apron on the front. The sleeves were poofy in a circle instead of long sleeves. “They look kawaii!” I yelled in excitement. Azumi narrowed her eyes at me as she held hers up in front of her face. “No not really, Bri.” She started to take off her pants with a button. “Look at how short the skirts are! I mean it’s like the guy clearly designed them to let the customers see our panties.” She scowled. This was the worst. Steven Hockward was the worst boss ever. She wanted to protect Bri from being called all the names that woman had been called. She didn’t care but Bri cared about her appearance. Next was her shirt which wasn’t too difficult. Bri had already got her clothing off to wait for Azumi help for the uniform. “Bri… I see your tummy.” She reached her hands over to Bri slowly with a grin across her face. “Ah, wait!” I started to run around in the bathroom stall as Azumi fingers traced against my left and right side. She tickled me till I fell down to the ground. “Bri!” She laughed with Bri as they continued to mess around. We played till we heard someone walk inside with shoes clicking on the ground. “Bri, Azumi…you’re taking too long. Hurry the fuck up!” A woman yelled in the bathroom hoping it was them. “If you’re not the two I just mentioned ignore this.” The woman left suddenly out of the bathroom with her shoes clicking down the hallway. Azumi glared at the door full of hate towards the people she has to work with. “That girl will never find a husband.” She whispered under her breath. The two girls got dressed in a few minutes leaving the bathroom to go to the café for their morning work. We both were serving orders to customers in our outfits which some men stared at us with those eyes. Azumi gave them the glare and they gaze somewhere else. The woman earlier was prancing around with her boobs bouncing up and down with joy. “You two girls will have to be on your best behavior we are getting nice guests.” The woman said in a cheerful tone. “Sadly to say…I don’t get to serve them.” She looked upset towards the other girls. “Who is it?” Azumi asked. The women nod her head at Azumi and Bri. “You two.”  She said full of hate. “Lucky…the boss wants you two armatures to do it. If it were me; I would be able to do it no problem. No mess ups. Natta.” Azumi hated being called armatures in front of her and Bri. They just started and this girl hates on them as though these people are really important. “We are only doing this job because we want to get paid for important things like food and a place to live.” She let out a low sigh from her lips. “Unlike you; we aren’t here to have sex with every male that gives us the eyes.” Bri sensed the girl was about to raise her fist towards her when the bell on the door rang twice. 
The door opened with two men walking inside of the front door with all eyes on them. “Is that Prince Hitsugaya and Prince Ichimaru?” A few customers started to whisper amongst each other. They continued to whisper at the same time over the two standing there. Azumi looked over toward the two men. No way are these the guys the ones they are serving. No way! They looked well-dressed enough to be at a party or rich. She hated rich snobby people. All they want is money. The woman pushed the two girls over to the guys to help serve them something. “Don’t screw up.” She turned around with a soft snicker leaving from her lips. Azumi and I had no idea what would become of us.  I never thought I have a job where we get to meet the Prince. They are rare to run into unless you are lucky. I knew Azumi hated them for being rich and snobby. She knew what they did to her parents; she was grateful for that. She got to get away from the Hell. It was truly a honor. My parents…they were murdered by people which I was saddened. They truly loved me. I wanted to not lose them…however my only family now. Would be Azumi for she is my sister. We stay by together—Always will be together for as long as we live.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Death Note Ch.2-Kira

“Kira has been killing people still.” Matsuda said telling Light seeing he sat at the computers on his desk. “And we need to find him soon or else…well L died because he pursue him.” Mogi said looking at Light he wanted to hear what he had to say. “Well, let’s say it had to be someone who supports him. Let’s say maybe…someone who thinks of him as a God.” 

The other men gasped thinking that would be horrible. “Who want to support that monster?” Aizawa said with anger in his voice. “I rather support someone who could kill that bastard!” “Aizawa…” Ide whispered knowing he was the strongest hate for Kira. Light looked at Aizawa knowing he be the first to hate Kira. But what can he do? “Aizawa, I know how you feel I want to catch him too. After all Ryuzaki want the same thing.” Aizawa nod his head once thinking is Light really not Kira? 

“What about Bri-chan?” Light gasped forgetting to call after those years he knew that I be at least older. “Well, I forgot to call her.” “But we don’t know her number.” “I do.” Light said looking through his phone contacts. “I just forgot after this case it just…you know.” They all knew if he knew her number could he know her real name? Aizawa had to make sure I would be safe I mean maybe Bri is safe. Light called the number not thinking I be in the way after all. 

I was just with L and since he is dead I left. He heard the phone was ringing so the number still existed. It was in Washington where I stayed with Near. We were talking to the President about the Death Note. “You are saying it can kill?” “Yes, that is a possibility after all L who you hear that is in Japan is a fake. The real one died back in 2007 and they are lying so it wouldn’t spread panic.” “Do you know who this boy is?” “Well, as you hear he is the real successor to L the real one that died.” The President looked at me seeing I sat beside Near in a chair. “And who is this?” 

I looked at the President with a smile on my face. “Hello there mister President my name is Bri.” I said in a soft tone. “She is the person who been by Near side since she left L that day.” He also showed an image of the white house drawn from the outside and the inside of every room in great detail. The President eyes widen in shock seeing such great talent. “That is amazing Miss Bri.” “You may call me Mrs. Bri.” “You mean you are married?!” Near moved his finger twirling his hair thinking adults shouldn’t be so surprised. The man standing by the desk was shocked to hear this too. “Near, is this true?” “It is true. She and I are married I won’t let the marriage get in the way I promise you that.” 

The man knew he wouldn’t but he had to ask another question. “The children…are there any?” Near looked at me with a grin on his face thinking what answer to give them. “Are, there any?” The man asked again in a serious tone. “No. There are no children as of yet.” My cheeks turned red sighing slowly the thought of having children with Near they get in the way of his work and I be traveling it be hard to keep up with him then. “I hope you two don’t. Well not unless Kira is caught at least.” 

The President smiled looking at me and Near. “I wish you the best in your marriage.” “Thank, you sir.” I said hearing my phone ring I forgot to turn it off. “Oh excuse me.” I got up leaving the room with my phone. The ring on my wedding finger had a round silver diamond on the front where the ring was on my finger. We made sure not to have my name written on the ring in case Kira were to see it. I saw the name on my phone which it was new it had said Light Yagami but of course if someone not added to my contacts called it would be traced and someone would make sure their phone would never call mine again. 

Near had the option for anyone who ever go after me. “Light…Yagami? It’s been so long I wonder why he is calling.” “Hello.” Light was surprised to hear my voice it didn’t sound like mine it was by a computer. “Hey Bri.” He said. “Hello Light, sorry if I answered late I was in a meeting.” The Aizawa was listening to my conversation with some headset. “Meeting? Why are you in a meeting?” Aizawa looked at Light thinking if he was Kira he ask her that. But why would he care where she is at? 

Near left the room walking up to me taking the phone and he hanged up. “I told you no phones.” “B-But I was talking to Light Yagami.” “Light…Yagami?” Near thought about the Kira case he has to look at the papers on L team. “We should leave to go to New York.” “Oh yes Near.” I said feeling bad for hanging up on Light but maybe I could talk to him another time. Light heard the phone ring for a long time. “I wonder what that was about.” Matsuda thought about it.

 “Well…maybe she got caught leaving the meeting.” “I doubt that Matsuda she probably is in trouble but can we trace the call?” “Well this is the weird thing.” Aizawa saw no location of the call or like it’s not even in the papers or state. “It seems the number can’t be traced by us or by anyone.” He said looking at Light again. “Dad, what do you think of this?” 

“I have no idea I don’t think they know about L’s death.” Light thought maybe someone knew but whom? He had to just wait to call me again. I left with the SPK members to the airplane so we could be in New York. But it took several hours but not too long. I was drawing thinking of the building we would be in. It would be different from where L was but at least for now I can be away from Light Yagami. I had a feeling like he could be Kira but just assuming wouldn’t do anything. 

Near turned his head watching me, his eyes were staring deep into mine. They stared deep into mine watching my every move. “You’re thinking about something?” “Well…” I looked back at him seeing he was closer. “Near you shouldn’t do that in public.” “It’s not like I am stripping her Gevanni.” Gevanni shook his head watching Near thinking why is he with such a strange boy. “I was thinking on who Kira would be.” Gevanni eyes widen looking around hoping no one heard. 

“Don’t worry Gevanni.” The women next to Gevanni smiled. Her hair was blonde to her shoulders with red lip stick on. “Tell us Bri what is it?” I had a feeling they ask me what my ideas or thoughts were. But would it be alright to say? “But…there are people around.” Gevanni saw we were are our stop. “Well you can tell us when we get to headquarters.” I sighed in relief seeing no one was near us mostly up in the front. We arrived at the airport moving away from our seats to find our bags. “I will drive us there so please enjoy the ride.” Gevanni said opening the door for us. “I think you be a fine butler.” 

Gevanni eyes glared at her. “Alright, let’s go Bri before he blows up.” She moved in the car helping me in the seat near the window. “Hey!” He sighed moving to the driver seat. Near moved in the sea next to me handing me his toy robot. “Um…sir shouldn’t she be telling us now?” “That is true we are alone.” Near sighed. “Alright, Bri can you tell us now?” 

He just wanted to talk to me about what I did in the past since I been gone. He didn’t want to talk business though he should be serious. But would he ever get to be alone with me? “Can you tell us?” The women moved in the car next to Near on the other side of the car. Rester sat in the seat next to Gevanni. “We should find out more from you.” Near had his two robots in his hands thinking about L what would he say? “Well…from the police force I say one of them is Kira. 

“Near, you already looked at it?” “Of course I am supposed to be a detective but I am only guessing.” With L he did suspect Light Yagami but he was proven then he acted different…before L’s death he was back to his old self like he lost his memories… I could be wrong but if I am we could all die. Gevanni drove to where the headquarters would be. 

On the way there I told them what my ideas were. The woman smiled at me sweetly. “By the way my name is Halle Lidner.” “My name is….” “You can tell her your real name. Besides I got rid of those who know your name so it’s a fake now.” Near said moving the robot in front of him. Halle sighed watching Near play with his toys. “Do you ever stop with those toys?” She asked afraid of the answer. 

“So, Bri what do you want to eat?” Halle looked annoyed at Near. “Ignored again!” We got to the headquarters seeing how tall the building was. It was tall enough to reach the sky almost. “Wow!” “Amazing huh? Well we do need a big tower and Kira won’t find us that easily.”

 He drove inside a door that lead to the basement area. The scanner scanned our eyes so it could check if we were the real ones not fakes. But, Light Yagami are you really Kira…? That echoed in my mind. It was there saying he was Kira. I was so lost in thought that I couldn’t hear their voices anymore. I just wanted this to end…L I won’t give up! I will fight to see you will not die in vain. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bleach:Dark Souls Chapter1-The Peaceful Times

“Brittany you finally came!” Rangiku called out to me sitting at the table. This was a meeting for woman in the Seireitei I was invited to go since I was a girl. It was fun to hang out with everyone and everyone was very nice to me. We did this around holidays as well. “We need to celebrate!” “For what?” “Our victory of course.” 

Soifon said crossing her arms against her chest. Momo knew what she was talking about. She had past images in her head but she had forgotten about him since what he did to her. She felt better now that she had someone like Steven with her. “Momo-chan, it’s alright if you want to leave.” I whispered in her ear softly knowing this subject was hard for her. 

Momo shook her head not wanting to run away and cry in tears over Aizen. “I am not going to leave he was our enemy.” Rangiku nods her head taking out the sake. “Then let’s drink!” I laughed at Rangiku seeing the entire woman agreed. “It has been a while and Captain Kyoraku may hate me for it.”  

Nanao said pushing her glasses up on her face with her finger gently. Isane smiled at them watching everyone she felt she could finally be in peace. We all ate some cake while Rangiku got drunk with her sake again. Isane and Nanao helped Rangiku get back to her home. “Bri-chan, are you okay?” Momo asked me seeing I looked pale. 

“I… just am a bit dizzy.” I hiccupped feeling my vision was blurry. “I will go call Toshiro.” “W-Wait you don’t have to do that!” “You can’t walk home by yourself.” Momo said knowing she leave soon and everyone else had left. I knew I couldn’t just come back I be well drunk. Momo had taken me back telling Toshiro I was drunk. “You guys are so crazy.” 

He sighed having me lay down on the sofa. “Rest for now.” He moved his hand up to my face. He felt I was cold my skin looked very pale almost as though I had a cold that was draining the life out of me. “Shiro…chan.” He leaned down moving his lips up against my forehead. “Just rest for now.” He moved away from me walking to his desk. 

He finished his work seeing I was asleep he watched my breathing of my chest going up and down slowly, he just wanted to lay with me or listen to my heart. “Brittany…” He moved away from his desk sitting in front of the sofa. His hand moved up to my face slowly feeling I flinched against his hand. “You still always do that.” 

He sighed knowing I couldn’t hear him but he always laughed knowing I looked cute while sleeping. “Captain!” Toshiro looked at the door hearing one of his members came in. They looked serious like something has happened. “Menos in the world of the living sir.” His eyes widened in shock he looked at me. “I can’t leave her…I have to—“ 

“Captain this is no time to wake her. She be fine as long as you put up a barrier.” Toshiro knew that but still he never leaves me behind. “Fine.” He left the room shutting the door he moved his hand up to it. He hated to leave it was like saying goodbye and his heart would break if he never had to do that. “

Captain…I know this is hard but you won’t be there long.” He bit his lip knowing that but what has this person know how much he cares for me? “I know.” He sighed slowly creating a barrier to only let Rangiku in or people in the squad. He left running down the hall he had to hurry. He couldn’t think of anything to do other than to return to me. 

He be back…he had to promise. Brittany pleas would be safe! The next morning I woke up alone not seeing Toshiro at his desk where he would be. “Toshiro?” I asked looking around I sensed a barrier was up. He only does that if he couldn’t stay or he had to leave so suddenly. What has happened? Captain… where did you go?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Death Note Chapter 1-Old Memories

It was the day of the funeral of L’s death the one man who I knew when I lost my parents. I went to the orphanage. But I met someone else who was there…someone who was very lonely but I forgot his name. “I am sorry about your lost.” A man said from next to me.

 He had brown hair to under his neck. His eyes were brown as well they looked sad but also he stared into my soul as though he was evil. “Thank you Light…I wish he didn’t have to die.” I said moving my hand up to my tears. Light stared at me knowing I couldn’t know he is Kira but he could ask. No…it is too risky right now she just needs to be left alone. “Miss Bri.”

 A man said walking up to me wearing a butler outfit. “Who are you? This is a funeral!” “It’s fine Light. It is my guard.” I moved up to him happy to get away from Light. I know he was evil when I first met him but…I am not sure if he is Kira or not. “Light please be careful.” I said walking with the man. “Sebastian thank you for coming.” “I got the order from Roger.” “Roger?” I asked staring at Sebastian surprised. 

“Yes. He made it urgent you leave here.” He said in a serious tone. His hair was black to his shoulders while his eyes were midnight blue with his skin pale. We walked up to a limo while Light ran after me. “Wait Bri!” He yelled afraid they take me right to Kira. Though he knows that I was important to L. “What, would L think if you just left with some stranger?” I noticed Sebastian open the door for me. “Please, Light don’t worry I will be fine.” I said having black lines under my eyes. 

“NO! He probably is taking you to Kira.” When hearing that name my eyes filled up with tears. “It is time for you to go Mr.Yagami.” Sebastian ordered Light. “You can’t do this! L he never wanted you to get hurt.” “That is why he ordered me to take her somewhere safe. If you do want to make sure she is safe I will call you later.” “I like that thanks a lot.” Light said looking at me.

 “Be careful.” “Thank you Light.” I said moving in the car fixing my skirt. Light watched Sebastian. “Take care of her.” “I will.” He moved his hand against the door closing the door. “Please keep going on finding Kira.” He said moving to open the door where the wheel is. “I will!” Light said looking at me from the window. He hoped I can get some help if not I probably die so he doesn’t need to worry. 

“Goodbye Bri…” He said softly watching the limo drive away. He didn’t think I be some trouble after all L is dead. I arrived at a place walking inside I felt my eyes were blind folded. I knew they did this just to make sure I wasn’t Kira. “You are welcome to enter.” A man said standing by a small boy who was working on a white puzzle. “You can take the blind fold off…and Bri. No, Brittany Kana.” 

My eyes widened at the familiar boy’s voice. He had white hair, it was a young boy his eyes were black and round like L’s. He wore a pajama’s white, shirt with a light, blue jean pants. “How, have you been Bri?” He looked at me with a smile appearing on his face a small grin. “N-Near…kun.” “You do know my real name but you may call me that. Just in case anyone does hear my real name like Ki—“ 

He felt I tackled him in shock he fell on the ground. “Bri-chan, you should be careful.” He noticed his puzzle didn’t get messed up but a piece of the puzzle was in my hair. “B-But I missed you since I left.” “Who is she?” “Near, only friend and he ordered himself for her to leave.” Sebastian said with a smile on his face. “Near-kun, you had me come here? But why?” “Must, you ask why? I had a feeling whoever killed L it was Kira and he may still be there.” Near moved his finger around his hair twirling it slowly. 

“Kira…” I had my tears down my face afraid of him. Near looked at me hating to see I am crying. “Bri…” He moved his hands up to my arms gently. “Don’t cry I will make sure he is caught.” “Near…kun but you could die.” “I won’t die.” He said leaning closer to my face. “But…” Near pulled me into his chest. The other guys gasped in shock not seeing Near this close to anyone. “I told you they are close. I say very close…as you can see.” Near moved the last piece on the puzzle finishing it. 

“Well now all we have to wait is till Kira acts again.” The men knew Kira would kill again but who would it be? I smiled seeing a box of toys Near always loved those. “Do you want to play with me Bri?” He asked crawling across the floor looking at the box. The men sighed slowly but then their smile came on their faces. “Thank you Miss Bri.” They said whispering in my ear. 

“But…” “He has been depressed lately.” “Depressed?” I looked at Near seeing he took out some toys. “I doubt that…Near never been sad.” “He is human too, he never be like Kira.” “I know bu—“ “You two men if your done with your silly games. Please let Bri play with me.” The two men gasped. “Near how could you! She is only…” “I meant with my toys…who knew such old men have dirty minds.” He looked at them with a smirk on his face. They both gasped with their faces being red. 

“W-What?! No! We never think that.” Near moved a robot toy up to me. “You play with this.” “He is ignoring us.” They whined softly.  “How is Mello?” Near stopped holding another robot toy in front of me. “He is alright…but he may be upset that I be L successor.” “I see.” I laughed softly knowing he go against Near from when I was there they always fight. “Enough about Mello.” Near leaned in closer moving the robot up to my face.  “Um, yes?” He moved his toy up on my head leaving a small doll of himself. “Seems we will be with each other for a while. I won’t start the investigation till 2012.” 

“Why wait?” “I need to prepare my team and also you would be with me so it won’t be so bad.” Near always didn’t care if he was alone or not. He was happy just being with me or by himself with his toys. I played with Near and the spk was growing throughout the years. Near told me he soon we could stop Kira. “Kira…” “Yes and I want you to be there with me when I stop him.” 

Near moved his hand towards my face. “Will you stay?” The question gave me shivers just him asking was like an invitation I couldn’t just say no. I mean…where would I go? L is dead. “I wouldn’t say no Near-kun.” He moved his lips into a small grin he had his leg up against his chest. “I am happy to hear that.” I leaned closer to Near feeling my head up against his. “Let’s find Kira.” 

Near nod his head slowly moving his left finger up to his hair twirling it slowly. “Together we will stop him.” L don’t worry we won’t let your work go to waste. Near and I will find Kira. I knew I be okay since I be with Near… 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bleach:Iwaku Omoide

It was sunny in the Soul Society where I lived with my parents. They told me they wanted me to stay in the Rukon district. I was scared that they leave me but they told me that I make friends there and be safe. Was someone after me? I asked myself thinking about their worried faces. 

They took me to a hut that I would be staying in but they told me not to leave unless they are around. “Mother, can I go play?” I asked wearing a dark blue kimono with butterflies on it they had a light blue color with black. My hair was to my shoulders since I was only five years old.

 “Yes. But please be careful…” My Mother told me moving some things in the house. I ran outside seeing the sun was shining in the sky. It gave out a warm feeling with the warmth shining down to me. I stopped hearing little kids screaming. “Run! It’s a monster.”

 “M-Monster?” I knew I should run but I had to see for myself. I swallowed slowly walking to where the boys had run away. I noticed a boy was crying he had silver hair. His eyes were turquoise color and he was short. “Are, you okay?!” I rushed over seeing he was still crying. 

He opened his eyes seeing a girl stand out in the sun. It was glowing on her hair and skin, like an angel he thought. I smiled looking at the boy he looked scared almost like they teased him. “I…I.” He rubbed his tears away thinking he should be strong. “I am fine!” He said in a tough voice standing up tall. I giggled softly moving my hands up to his. 

“That’s good to hear.” He smiled back knowing if she stayed by him he want to be strong and…also Momo he thought he should be tough. “What is your name?” I looked at him surprised. “Oh. My name is Brittany Haku.” I said hearing some people drop their food in shock. “M-Miss Haku!” A women bowed her head towards me. 

“Miss Princess Haku!” Another women bowed her head watching me. The boy looked at me thinking of the name he never heard of it. If she was nobility why was she here? “My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya by the way.” He moved his hand out to me turning his head to the right. “Nice to meet you Toshiro-kun.” I moved my hand up to his. 

His hand felt very warm and he was so cute when he was shy. He looked at me trying not to blush but his cheeks were red just looking at me. Seeing me smile is what would make him happy. “Nice to meet you to.” He said looking away again his face turned even more red. “Brittany there you are!” My Mother yelled running up to me. Toshiro gasped seeing how I got my looks from.

 She was an goddess shining in the sunlight. “Oh. Did you meet someone new already?” She walked up to Toshiro moving her hand out to him. “Hello, I am her Mother Ayame Haku.” She smiled at him with her eyes being blue like mine. He couldn’t help but stare seeing two girls with such beauty he never seen before. 

He smiled looking at Ayame feeling her smile he couldn’t look away or be angry. “Nice to meet you. My name i-“ “I know your name from Rena.” He gasped hearing Rena came out next to him. “How do you know her?!” “Toshiro, it is quite alright. You should be happy Brittany is staying with us.” I gasped looking at my Mother. 

“Mother, is that true? Do I get to stay with Toshiro?” Toshiro cheeks turned red thinking about it. He knew Momo came to visit but she mostly was busy with her friends. He was still young yet he was alone. Ayame bowed her head smiling at me. 

“Please stay with them we have to go.” I knew my parents wanted me to be safe but I miss them a lot. I hugged my Mother tightly being young and seeing your parents go. I was sad… Toshiro watched me stand there watching my parents leave he knew that I needed a friend. 

“Fine, fine you can stay but don’t drool all over me.” He moved his hands across his chest. I turned around running up to him. “Toshiro, thank you!” I tackled him on the ground. “H-Hey!” He yelled trying to move me off. “But you’re so cute.” 

I snuggled against his chest holding onto him. Toshiro cheeks turned red liking to be close to someone. A friend…he never had someone do this. It was all new to him and living together. He knew I get hurt because other kids call me a freak or weird. He would have to protect me. He would do it so I never have to look sad for him again!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Bleach:Taiyo Hime Chapter 2:Taiyo Shinigami {Solar Soul Reaper}

He slashed the hollows arm off feeling his hand let me go. Toshiro moved down grabbing onto me moving on the roof. I opened my eyes seeing Toshiro he was in his black robes. “Toshiro?” My head hurt from being grabbed and my clothes were ripped from my sleeves. “Don’t talk you are hurt.” He moved me on the ground slowly. “I will finish off the hollow and we will help you.” 

He turned to face the hollow. “It’s over.” He jumped up moving his sword down at the hollow cutting him in half. The hollow screamed out in pain. “Damn you!” He disappeared in a blue light being purified. I watched the hollow hearing a familiar voice. “Brittany! Brittany!” Orihime got on the roof by Rangiku running over to me. “Brittany! No…” She was frightened I may die.

 “Don’t worry her wounds isn’t that bad.” Toshiro told her looking at her serious. “And, she is not one of your kind.” “W-What are you talking about? She is my sister!” She yelled looking at Toshiro with her eyes being angry. “How dare you say she isn’t my sister!” “Captain, what do you mean?” 

“She is the solar shinigami from fifty years ago.” Orihime looked at Toshiro surprised. “Solar…shinigami?” “Let’s go inside and you can heal her Orihime.” She knew if she waited I could die but I go to the Soul Society right? But then…she loses another person. They went inside having Orihime use her powers to heal me and fix my clothes. 

“So, you’re saying Brittany is that shinigami from all those years ago?” “Yes she has the mark.” Orihime looked at me surprised. “A mark?” “Our Aunt never said anything about that…” “Maybe your Aunt knows more than you do Orihime.” She knew that must be true she was not just my Aunt. 

She was my Mother we had different Mothers how we were related. “Bri-chan…” Toshiro looked at me seeing my mark was glowing brightly. He covered his eyes seeing my wounds were healing. I sat up quickly looking around. “I…I am alive?” Orihime hugged me tightly. “Bri-chan!” “Orihime!” I hugged her tightly feeling she was here. 

“Sorry, I was so late! I had to do something but…I am here.” “Don’t’ hide it from her.” “What?” She asked being confused. “She knows about us.” Rangiku looked at Orihime. “It would be hard for us to move around if she didn’t know.” “You’re right…but I didn’t want to get her involved.” “It’s too late for that. I will report in about her mark and you must let the Soul Society decide.”

 Orihime knew their rules are rough. They almost killed Rukia Kuchiki but she went with Ichigo to save her. Only to find out that Aizen Sosuke was the one who planned it all. “Will, Aizen would be after her too?” Toshiro eyes widen in shock hearing that name. “Aizen… you may be right about that.” Rangiku whispered in Orihime’s ear.  “You shouldn’t mention that name.” 

Orihime knew that someone close to Toshiro was hurt by him. “O-Oh…sorry.” “No Rangiku its fine.” He said looking at them both. I blinked my eyes looking at Toshiro. “Who is this Aizen?” Rangiku knew that talking about him be a bad idea. “He is the enemy he is a traitor of the Soul Society. He hurt someone close to us…and left to Hueco Mundo.”

 I saw a vision of what Aizen did to a girl with black hair. My eyes were blank while my mark was glowing brightly. “It is happening again!” Toshiro covered his eyes seeing I wasn’t moving. Rangiku moved over to cover Orihime’s eyes. My eyes returned to normal feeling tears were down my face. 

“So cruel…” “Did she…” “Just see what he did?!” Rangiku and Toshiro both were shocked looking at me. Orihime knew that my power was showing maybe because they are here but…what will they do now? Please! Don’t kill my sister. Please… she is the only family I have now! 

Bleach:Taiyo Hime Chapter 1:Shimai {Sisters}

“Orihime what are you so happy about?” Tatsuki asked staring at her wearing her martial arts outfit. “My sister is coming over!” “S-Sister?!” Tatsuki asked sounding surprised. “I haven’t heard from her since my parents left me.” She said in a sad voice looking down. 

“So, I am happy that my Aunt called to let me know she is alright.” “She is coming to visit when?” “Today!” Tatsuki wished she could meet her sister she must be nice. “I wish you the best of luck and say hi to her for me.” “I will Tatsuki.” Orihime ran away humming to herself. I rode in a car by my Aunt. “I am sure she would be happy to see you Miss Inoue.” “You can call me Brittany.” 

“Oh, but I love calling people by their last name very respectful.” My Aunt never hated to be rude she hated her sister for leaving Orihime and I. Our brother Sora was there but I left with my Aunt and I didn’t get to see Sora. After I heard he… Orihime told her Aunt about it later on about his death. He was so good and pure…why he have to die? “We are here.” She stopped her car by the apartment. 

“Have a good time.” “Thank you.” I got out of the car grabbing my suitcase from the trunk. I hope Orihime is home at least… I ran to her apartment number seeing my Aunt’s car drove away. I didn’t hear Orihime or hear the oven had a fire. She must not be home. “I will knock hopefully she is here.” Moves my hand up to the door knocking on it softly. “Captain can you get the door?” 

“Wouldn’t it be Orihime?” “She open it if it was.” She said lying on the ground moving her hands above her head. “Get off your lazy butt!” He kicked Rangiku with his foot. “Orihime, it’s your sister Bri—“ I saw someone opened the door. It was a boy he was cute. I blushed on my cheeks seeing he looked at me. “Hello, how may I help you?” “I-I…” 

“Captain don’t look at her like she a stranger.” “But she is!” I maybe have the wrong door. “Um…you guys do you know Orihime Inoue?” “Know her? We live in her place!” “B-Both of you?” “Yeah just for a while.” “I see. You see I am her sister.” My face was turning red. It’s so hard to breathe with him staring at me. Why am I being nervous? He just a boy! “Come on in.” 

He moved out of the way letting me step inside. I gasped looking at him. “Are you sure it’s okay?” “Well you are her sister.” He moved in the room walking to the floor with papers all around. I walked inside closing the door behind me. “Are, you two her friends?” “We are! But we a—“ Toshiro threw a ball at Rangiku’s head. “Shut up! That is top secret.” 

“Then you two must be her friends and you!” I pointed at the boy. “You must be their boyfriend.” Rangiku laughed holding onto her stomach. “Oh my god!” Toshiro face turned red standing up. “Shut up!” He kicked her with his foot again. “S-Sorry you guys both seem close to my sister.” “We only met a few times.” “I see.” I smiled happy she had friends when I did not. 

My tears fell from my face letting my suitcase fall. Rangiku looked at me in shock hearing I was crying. “Don’t cry.” She moved off of the ground. “Finally you moved from your lazy butt.” “Come, on Captain be more kind!” Toshiro growled looking at me. “Fine you finish my work.” 

He pushed past Rangiku pushing her away. “No way!” I looked at them both seeing they grabbed my hand. “Why are you crying?” They both asked. I blinked my eyes watching them both. “Rangiku, I told you to work on my paperwork.” “You got no talent for this.” I laughed looking at them both. “Thank you.” They both looked at each other. “What did we do?” 

“I am happy Orihime had friends after her brother’s death. I was afraid…I was afraid she be lonely. But I never had friends so I am happy for her yet…” “Then make some friends.” The boy said looking at me. His eyes were like piercing into my eyes. “Go out and find some friends don’t blame yourself.” “Captain…” He must be very strong and had friends or is he pushing me so I don’t be alone no more?

 I couldn’t figure it out. I noticed the sun was setting watching the sun go down I knew I loved watching the view. It reminded me back home where I was with my Aunt. “Rangiku, I will go and take my turn t—“ “No you stay here I will go.” She looked at me wondering if they should tell me about them being soul reapers. “Should we tell her?” 

“I will. You go and be on your guard do not let any hollows alive.” “Yes sir!” She left from her gigai leaving to go in the sky. Brittany I wonder how she take the news…but it be easier if she did know! “Orihime is late.” “She must be busy but I need to tell you about us.” “You mean…you guys have that secret of being in love?” He spit out his tea looking at me. 

“Not that…and I rather love someone else than that lazy bum.” “Oh is that an invitation?” I asked smiling at him seeing his face was getting redder. “Forget about that. I have to tell you about us no, about why we are here.” I sat down by his stack of papers. “I will get you a cup of tea.”

 He got up making us some tea. I wonder what he has to say! It must be an adventure or something…  Maybe he was on a secret mission to be a ninja! I moved my hand in the air trying to punch something. I felt I hit the cup out of his hand hearing it landed on the ground. “Sorry!” I went to pick up the pieces seeing it cracked. 

Toshiro moved next to me helping me pick up the pieces. “It’s not your fault.” My heart was racing again it was so fast I couldn't breathe. Ba-dum. Ba-dum… Shh! Heart you need to shh! I felt a piece of the glass cut my finger. “Blood…” I move my finger up in front of my face. Toshiro grabbed my finger with his hand. My face turned red feeling his hands it sent shivers through out my body. 

“Um…I can clean it.” He moved his mouth on my finger sucking up my blood. He licking my wound…it feels funny! Toshiro pulled his mouth away from my finger. “There you go.” “Thank you…” “Don’t mention that to Rangiku she tease you about it forever.” I nod my head knowing she would tease me thinking I like him. He cleaned up the rest of the mess telling me to not pick up anything sharp. 

He had wrapped bandage around my finger and tying it. “Now about what I needed to tell you.” I sat still watching him drink some of his tea. “You won’t believe me unless I show you…” He took out a green pill. “This is a mod soul that we use when we go into battle.” “A pill?” “Yes, this pill if I swallow it…I will come out of this gigai.” A gigai? What is a gigai? 

Toshiro saw I was confused. “Let me show you.” I looked at him curious what he do. Toshiro ate the green pill feeling it go down his throat. He came out of his gigai appearing in black robes, with a white haori and a symbol on the back. He had his sword appearing on his back with a cloth tied on his sheathe. My eyes were surprised seeing there were now two of him. “Two…of you?” 

“That proves you can see spirits.” “You’re dead?” Toshiro stared at me moving over to sit in front of me. “Yes, Rangiku and I are not humans like you. Well…we are spirits which only a few can see us which strong spiritual pressure.” “I have been seeing spirits with chains on their chest since I was little.” Toshiro eyes widened thinking I have power maybe like Ichigo. 

“I see. Well you now know what we are. We had to keep it a secret but if you are Inoue’s sister than we won’t have to worry.” He moved back in his gigai. “After all she has powers too which are different from yours I am sure.” I looked at my chest knowing the mark I had couldn’t be a birthmark.

 “And I have a mark.” “A mark?” “This mark I had since I was little.” I moved my hands taking the ribbon off letting the shirt show my chest a little. Toshiro moved closer seeing a burnt like star mark on my chest. “It’s like a burnt mark…” 

The mark was glowing of a sun of a white light. He gasped feeling the light was warm like the sun. “This is…!” He heard a hollow outside was roaring. I covered my ears hearing that sound it was like pain to my ears. Oh no! The people outside they will be hurt. I ran out of the room. “Wait!” 

He yelled knowing he can’t let me get hurt. He moved the green pill in his mouth swallowing it down his throat. He came out of his gigai moving to run outside. Please be alright! “W-What was that?” A lady asked looking outside. “Must be a crash…” Another lady ran outside next to the lady. “We should call the police.” They both ran to go find a phone. 

Toshiro moved on the roof seeing a hollow was holding something. “Brittany!” He pulled out his sword from his sheathe having it disappear. “I will save you.” My clothes got ripped from the skirt and on the sleeves. “Soul reaper!” He had to end the hollow but that mark… 

He remembered the sun mark he saw it in the books in his office. They must be in the library. He also heard rumors she had died for the Soul Society. She was the most noble shinigami that lived. And she…died fifty years ago. Brittany Inoue…you are important to the Soul Society. I won’t let you die! He moved the sword in front of him. I will protect you even if I die!