Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bleach:Kori No Shiro {Ice no Castle} Chapter 1-The Castle

There was a castle in the Seireitei the castle of Kori. The most royal and most respected within the Seireitei. “Captain, why do we have to do this? Shouldn’t Captain Kuchiki do this?” “He is busy with a mission and can’t go.” Rangiku whined wanting to sleep in some more. 

“You can just suffer we aren’t going to stay there long.” “Who are we protecting?” She hopes it wasn’t some little child. “Bet it’s some brat who needs protecting.” “Actually, it is the Princess.” Rangiku grabbed Toshiro’s hand being in a hurry. “Captain let’s go!” 

“Oh, so now you are interested?” He asked walking with Rangiku to the castle. “I will have protectors?” “Yes I need to go out for a while and since I am the only guard since your other guard has died…” 

I remember hearing it from him. “Do, not worry I remember his loss will not be forgotten.” He nods his head seeing Toshiro and Rangiku at the gate. “Seems like they are on time.” 

I ran outside moving to open the doors in a hurry to meet my protectors. “Princess, you always were the fastest Princess here.” I smiled at my guard seeing he was out of breath. “Thank you for coming Captain Hitsugaya.” “It’s no problem I was free to do this.” 

Rangiku looked at me thinking to herself. She is so cute… I bet the Captain and her make the perfect couple. “Rangiku you better not be having false imagination about me.” He said looking at her with an annoyed look. “Well you two seem close.” 

“We aren’t dating and I couldn’t handle dating a drunken soul reaper.” “Hey! I don’t drink that much and besides…” She walked up to me slowly. “Princess Kori seems more of your type.” My face turned red hearing what the woman said. “Rangiku I told you not to think of weird stuff!” 

“But you two look so cute together!” “Well she is not married. Well not yet.” He looked at me seeing I was worried. “You have to decide soon or they will keep asking and I fear for your safety.” He bowed to Toshiro and Rangiku leaving the castle. “What does he mean?” 

“The Zana family has asked me to marry but I think they are the reason my other guard has died.” Rangiku gasped looking at me worried. “Do they intend to kill your other guard?” 

“I fear they might so I be unprotected why my Mother asked for some help.” Toshiro looked at me sensing I was afraid of the Zana family. “I heard of them. But I never thought they ask for you to get married since they are the richest in the Seireitei.” 

I nod my head moving up the stairs to the front doors. “They want me to marry maybe to start a family or maybe to take over our kingdom.” Rangiku followed after me walking with Toshiro. “I fear it is the second thing you mentioned.” 

“That is why I sense they have no good intention and I rather marry someone who loves me. Not someone who use me for their own selfish needs.” Rangiku looked at Toshiro moving her elbow into his side. 

“Captain she is still fr—“ Toshiro hit Rangiku with his foot on her ankle. “I told you stop making weird stuff up.” “Oh you two are funny.” I said laughing at them with a smile on my face. 

“Oh Captain can’t we go explore?” “This isn’t a vacation!” “I can show you guys around even if it’s part of the castle.” I said with a smile on my face. I lead them inside seeing the stairs lead up to a few rooms. 

“This looks amazing!” “You like it Rangiku?” She nods her head in excitement. “I love it!” She elbowed Toshiro in his side. “Say something!” Toshiro was speechless he never seen a place like this. 

“Are these made out of ice?” He asked being curious about it. “That’s what you’re curious about?” Rangiku asked being annoyed he didn’t like how big it is, or the castle itself. “Yes it is made out of ice by my parents.” I said showing him their signature. 

“Ayame and Shad Kori… they are very famous in the Seireitei.” “They are the Queen and King but they do have powers high enough to be top skilled Soul Reapers.” I said with a cheerful smile on my face. A small child ran up to Toshiro grabbing his robes. 

“Come play with me!” “Kana you should be in your room. It’s not safe to run off like that.” I moved over to pick her up in my arms. Toshiro looked at Kana sensing she was afraid why she ran to him. 

Is someone in her room with her?” “Well… the Zana’s Queen has come but I don’t think she should be feared.” “That lady is evil Bri!” Kana said holding onto my shirt she was shaking. 

“Kana you’re shaking!” Toshiro looked at Rangiku thinking the Zana family is bad news. He have to send report of this to the head captain. He took out his phone typing in some of the buttons sending the report. He knew us guarding them is our top priority. 

He hopes they will help if not he have to leave and who knows what will happen? Rangiku walked up to me moving to look at Kana. “Did that woman scare you?” “Yes… you seem nice lady.” “Do not worry we are here to help and we are protecting your big sister.” 

Kana felt relieved while she knew my guard had left but she didn’t know about my protectors. “Please protect my big sister! Please…” Rangiku was surprised at her begging for such a young age. “How old is she?” 

“I am five!” Toshiro looked at Kana knowing she is very young to have such powers. He fears that most of the Zana intention is to have a boy marry me and use that to take over this Kingdom. “I fear it is worse…” 

“Captain?” “We should stay a while but that is up to my head captain we can’t interfere if he tells us to pull back.” “I see…” I knew they couldn’t help except to watch me today. So I was on my own… 

I was shaking with Kana afraid to even think what would happen. Tears formed in my eyes I was so happy to have people from the Seireitei come and help. Kana felt tears hit her cheeks seeing I was crying. 

“Bri don’t cry!” Toshiro looked at me knowing what he said upset me. He moved up next to me. “Rangiku can you take Kana back to her room?” Rangiku looked at Toshiro grabbing Kana. I notice Rangiku had already left with Kana. 

Tears were down my face while I saw Toshiro was not next to me. “Crying like this isn’t good for you.” He moved a tissue up against my face. “I…I…” I was lost for words he was right crying won’t solve anything and I am a Princess I should be strong. 

“I am sorry for what I said but I speak the truth… if we can’t help we can’t.” “It’s alright I was letting myself get into hopes that you could.” I started to cry again afraid once they leave Zaku Zana will come out. 

He will come to my room that was when my other guard told him off. Then after that day I heard he was dead… Toshiro watched me cry he sensed someone was watching. “Show yourself right now!” 

He yelled moving to grab my hand he was ready to use flash step and take me with him if necessary. I looked around sensing this energy it was him. Zaku came out with a grin on his face. “

A Princess is crying to a soul reaper?” He laughed with such evil in his voice. “Is that him?” “Yes… Zaku Zana the man I have to marry or say I have a choice.” 

Toshiro even hated the energy he had it was evil. “So, you are the man to marry Princess Kori?” “Yes Captain I heard of you coming but I didn’t think they send a Captain.” 

Toshiro looked at Zaku with his eyes thinking if it wasn’t a Captain he kill off the Soul Reapers and tell them I did it out of fear probably and then, say that they should leave it to him. 

Toshiro walked up the stairs holding onto my hand. I followed after Toshiro away from Zaku. Zaku looked at Toshiro seeing I was holding onto his hand. He growled thinking how dare he touch her! I lead Toshiro up to the top floor finding my room was close to my Mother and Father’s. 

“So you are by your Mother and Father?” “Yes but I know in time I will have to have a room where Zaku will be.” I was shaking with fear thinking of that makes me want to run away. Run from the place he soon is to be living in… 

Toshiro moved me inside closing the door behind him. “Captain…?” “Call me Toshiro. My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya and even if they order me away I will not stop to help even if I am thrown in jail for it.” 

“No Captain I—“ He covered my lips with his finger. “It is my own decision.” “Don’t throw your life away for me Captain! Even if I die… I will not forget you for your kindness today.” 

Toshiro looked at me knowing if I die they be foolish to try and cover it up. “That would be stupid if they killed you.” “What?” “Killing a Princess before she is to be married and become Queen… they are not stupid to kill you why they are forcing you into marriage.” 

I knew Toshiro was right but he did cover up or… I know he covered up my guard death. “What if Zaku is after your lieutenant?” “If he thinks he can kill her think again! She is not some weakling… she is very strong and she give her life for Kana.” 

“You both are very kind aren’t you?” “You could say that.” “No Soul Reaper would protect us like this.” “You are wrong.” Toshiro knew any soul reaper would help a Princess in danger and he knows the head captain would not ignore this. 

“Even if it was someone else then me they give their life for you.” I was shocked to hear this even from Toshiro he is a Captain. “Captain Hitsugaya, why must you protect me?” 

“It is my job to do so and if you tell me to stop after all you do need our help don’t you?” I knew he was right I did and telling them to leave be very rude. “But… I don’t want you two to risk your life.” “If they try and kill us that give us the option to kill their family for trying to kill yours.” 

That would be foolish to try and do after all they would be inviting the Soul Society to interfere and that they wouldn’t want. “I hope you can stay…if not I will leave.” Toshiro shook his head knowing me leaving right after they came here just give Zana family the excuse that we took her. 

“That wouldn’t be good Princess please stay here.” He knew he hate to leave me behind. He heard his phone ring while he took it out of his pocket. He read the message seeing it said to keep a close eye on Zaku Zana. “Wait… how did he know?” Toshiro asked being shocked reading some more. 

“Ayame Kori has ordered Rangiku and you to stay and guard the Princess Brittany Kori and the Zana family can’t say anything against the Queen will.” Toshiro closed his phone while he smiled. 

“Head Captain… you sent us knowing this would happen didn’t you?” I looked at Toshiro shocked in my eyes. “He must have heard my Mother’s request before and she must have went before the Zana could say anything about it. “Your Mother is quite the smart one to ask us for help.” 

I smiled thankful that my Mother did decide to help she must of sense the danger and asked to see their head captain. Toshiro put his phone away knowing he needs a room to stay. “Since I am to stay a while…I need a room.” I smiled and laughed softly knowing Zaku won’t be too happy.

 “Yes Captain Hitsugaya.” I said hearing he cleared his throat. “Oh, I mean! Toshiro Hitsugaya.” Toshiro smiled walking out of my room with me. I found a room next to mine or I could find one on the floor below. “Next to you is fine.” “Are you sure?” 

“I am not here on vacation as I told you. I am here to protect you and I need to be close enough to get there in time.” I knew he was right but wouldn’t he feel uncomfortable. “Do not worry for me. I have to deal with Rangiku so you being here is not a problem.” 

I laughed softly opening the door to his room. “There is a bathroom in there as well so you won’t need to leave unless you have to.” “Thank you and I probably will not need any room for clothes.” “But you can’t possibly want to wear that every day.” “I will wash them…” 

“B-But you walk around naked!” I was worried of the thought seeing him naked my face turned red. He smiled moving up to my ear. “I will bring clothes.” “W-Why didn’t you say that Toshiro?! Oh now I am red thinking about it.” He did have to admit I look cute when I was blushing. 

My face was still red by the time Rangiku caught up to him hearing the news. She hugged me against her chest happy to stay. “We will be back for our clothes then we will come…” 

“No Rangiku you go first I can’t possibly leave her alone with Zaku hanging around.” “You met him?” “He came to introduce…though it seems like he hates us being here.” 

Rangiku nod her head leaving to hurry so she could watch over me. She knew this wouldn’t be easy neither would it be for her Captain. Whoever this Zaku person is she won’t let him near me. 

Not even to talk to me. Toshiro stayed in my room just to keep watch which I didn’t mind. I had maids go get us some tea and cake to pass the time. But my question be would Zaku be happy? 

And, what about his family? I wonder what they were like I saw them when I was little but why have they changed so much? They seemed so nice so peaceful… What has happened to you? 

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