Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Gentle Warmth || Chapter 1 - Onee-sama...

Gentle breeze would cruise through the rukongai where a young boy had lived. One boy that had lost a friend due to something she had wanted to do. He wished for her to stay, he wished she would have not gone to that place. The one place he could not go. How he wished to go with her…to be at her side. That time was dying as she had said of going to the academy. He had acted like hatred was toward it. Basically it was them taking her away, his sister that he had wish to keep forever at his side. That was a silly wish in hopeful she would stay forever. His Grandma had told him many times to try and speak to the villagers. Each time he tried; there was nothing but fear in their eyes. He had said many times that he no longer would be peaceful with them. No more…the only person who was not afraid had to be….

“Hey look!” The tall brown haired male pointed to the young white haired boy who was walking in the town. He had on turquoise kimono with his eyes narrowing at the kids. Typical…they think just cause I am small they can push me around. I will show them! He had thought inside of his head while the tall male walked over to him. Toshiro eyes would keep a close look on his victims. He had hated the way they always try to tease him with their attitude. It was one thing that pissed him off in getting into a fight. “Look at the shorty all by himself.” The two boys laughed at his tall friend remark toward the albino being alone. It was some sick game they played. “And why do you care if I am by myself? Can’t you see I am busy?” He pushed the group of kids aside. “Get lost!” 

The three males moved their fist at Toshiro’s head which caused him to fall backwards. When he did the other two boys moved their feet into his ribs. They kept kicking with their feet full of anger as if he was some monster needed to be slain. The white haired male got up with his fist attacking their cheeks not ready to give up the fight. He would show them how scary he really can be. Even if he kills them…it would be great to walk down the street without anyone attacking him. The four boys kicked, punched at each other till their lips were bleeding. A few dark bruises were there with the parents pulling their children away to leave Toshiro with no one. It was his Grandma who came to the scene with her smile across the elderly woman’s face. “You should control that child of yours!” One of the woman yelled at the older woman with a look of anger. “He attacked our boys! At least make him bow and say sorry!” This woman was asking for to be punched though he wouldn’t harm a lady no matter what. 

One female had walked up toward the group of people who seemed to have thought Toshiro was the cruprit. “Excuse me, I have to say it was not Toshiro’s fault who started this. He was merely walking to the shop I work at. I know because this happens all the time. You should at least say sorry to Toshiro you boys have no respect for others…” She would grip her wrists tightly with a glare from within her violet eyes. “I can’t stand those who pick on others like that. Toshiro is one of us yet you treat him like a monster. If you woman are responsible you should be ashamed of yourselves!” The white haired child ran up to the woman with a bright warm smile. He knew this woman who always treated him with respect and never said he was cold hearted or something to be feared of. 

The two elder women complained underneath their breath with their eyes on everyone. Most of the people could feel they set it up so the child be kicked out or at least watched on what he did. With that smile; it had shown that he was not someone dangerous. More so, the women have been quite cruel toward the snow white child. “Melody-sama!” His arms would wrap around the teenage girl who had long black hair with her apron on in front of her. “Silly, Toshiro-san. You do not need to say that ‘sama’ after my name. It is quite alright to call me by my last. It is Hanako!” Rena had walked over to Hana and Toshiro with her smile never leaving her face. “Arigatou, Melody-chan. You have helped my son find something new to hold onto. That your heart is clearly different from everyone that attacks him. I really am quite happy, after Momo-chan left he gotten quite a stubborn streak.” The boy cheeks would puff out at his Grandma’s speech about his stubbornness. It wasn’t true! He just had to put up a strong front or those kids would keep bullying him. It was the way of life for human race to survive. 

The three had spoken a few minutes longer before she gave him the watermelon. The strength he had built was gaining from carrying such fruit every day to their home. “Have you seen, Momo-chan?” Rena voice was low with a bit cheerfulness behind it. Teal orbs would watch the sky seeing it was getting late near eight o’ clock where he noticed a pink color from the sun falling to the horizon. “I have not.” Rena smiled at the child who put up a front to hide what he truly feels. He wishes to follow where she would go—perhaps someday he will. She had believed that he will follow that dream to belong where he should be and become happy with everyone. 

The watermelon was split between the two for a snack before the beef stew was made to share. Rena had the special ability to make something delicious. Every time he tastes it; the more delicious it became with excitement in filling his tummy. “I do hope she comes to visit very soon. I hate to see you act like this toward those boys…” His bottom lip would feel his teeth bite into it gently. His Grandma had always hit the spot that would cause tears to stream down his face. No matter how strong he could be---there was no reason he had to put up a barrier. No…he was stronger than that. Very, very stronger to fight against everything. “I hope so too, Grandma. I hate them very much and will continue to do so.” 

When night came he could feel his Grandma whisper in her sleep. It was constant about Momo-chan, Momo-chan, Momo-chan… He could not handle it if she kept going on about it. Momo was gone for good this time. She probably would forget him anyways. Her life had changed ever since she spoke about that man from the Soul Society. He could feel his place was soon to be forgotten. It was too late for any change to start now all he could do was watch her from the shadows… 

The young boy sat up from his bed slowly, his eyes would shift over toward Rena who continued to sleep peacefully. He knew no one would be after her since the village loved her. On the other hand, he was not so safe from feeling a dark aura heading closer. His body would sit up slowly; feet would lift with each step toward the door where he would hear something from the forest deep within the village. “The forest…I feel it is coming closer.” His eyes scanned around him with not many people outside. Only the kids he saw earlier were there. Great…more disturbances he did not need right now. He turned around; his eyes spotted a shadow creeping toward the three boys who attacked him today. It was then he knew something was very, very wrong…

A low howl would echo from within a few inches of Toshiro. He felt his whole body shook with fear in facing this beast. Quickly his body had turned to face the three boys who were unaware of the shadow being sneaky. All he could see were two glowing red eyes. “Look who it is!” The tall male spoke in that voice that made you twitch with annoyance. “I bet he came out to fight us alone.” White eyebrow would raise upward toward their assuming about him. Why would he bother even to fight them? They were nothing but annoying. Right now he had no time to spare with them. He has to warn them! “Are you dumb?! You have something behind you!” All three of the boys stared at each other looking a bit confused. “Oi! Stop looking at each other and run!” The tall brunette laughed out loud in a very sinister laugh. “Someone behind me…? Are you seeing things, Toshiro-kun? I seriously think your head sho---“ 

The boy on the right body was slashed in two leaving a red stain of blood leaking out onto the ground. The albino eyes widen in shock as he noticed the hollow had just killed that boy. He knew this was bad! He had to warn someone, but who would come to their rescue? No one would! Not even the shinigami who Momo thinks is useful. Hardly… they are anything but a worthless. Truly pathetic… “AHHH!” The boy on the left was screaming in panic what was happening which caused the tall brunette to run away from his friend. “Leave him! Leave him now, we have to get out of here!” The blue haired boy looked at Toshiro who stood in shock. “This was you’re doing wasn’t it? You can’t bear to see us so, you want us to b---“ The child body became in two pieces with nothing much left of him. 

Toshiro knew this was something he had to run away from, but why is he still standing. Was it from seeing so much blood he could not move? No… he knew that something had to be done. He must help this enemy escape so they can live. “Get out of here!” The tall male eyes would widen by Toshiro’s yelling in trying to save him. He didn’t get why this boy would do such a thing. Perhaps he was wrong about him and how scary he looked. “Thanks…I can see that many are wrong about you.” He left quickly on his feet to hear stomping coming from near him. His instincts told him to hide, yet he felt someone was coming closer. He knew that person would save that little brat. Even if he hated his gust before---today he showed that he wasn’t who he thought.

Toshiro faced the tall hollow that killed his friend’s right near him, yet he still lived. He hoped in the future if he lives that now he would leave him alone. “SUCH A TASTY SOUL…” The monster would speak in a deep tone with a sinister way of saying it. “PERHAPS I SHOULD EAT YOU SLOWLY WHILE THAT SNACK DIES QUICKLY. I WANT TO MAKE YOU SCREAM FOR MERCY.” What was this thing? Why doesn’t he feel scared to face him? Of course fighting something that has red eyes---not a good sign. A sweat drop would fall at the left side of his cheek while he waits for him to strike. Should I beg for forgiveness? Would this be my last time to see the world with my eyes? Grandma…forgive me for giving up so easily. I do not wish to die, yet I somehow welcome it. Forgive me with all my soul that I could still watch you from above. The hollow disappeared moving behind the young boy where his Grandma lived. NO! He had to stop him. He had to! “No, stay away!”
Ignoring his pleading; the hollow moved toward the house where the boy came out of. Toshiro ran forward to search or the rock that he could grab to stop this beast. He will not lose her too! Not Grandma… “I SAID STAY AWAY!” He throw the rock at the hollow who had some white mask on his face. THUD! The rock hit the mask cracking it just a bit. He noticed the hollow had turned his attention on him. “YOU BRAT!” The hollow moved his feet toward Toshiro which he kicked him very hard. A few bones cracked causing the boy to let out some blood. Grandma… I will protect you. I will not lose you as well. Not….you. His body would shake from seeing his enemy face him. “STILL ALIVE…? NOT FOR LONG. I SHALL EAT YOU NOW.” 

Toshiro felt the pain all over his body was hard to get up and run from this beast. The mouth from the black shadow was big enough to swallow him whole. No…I do not want to die. No, no, no! I want to live with my Grandma for a long time. NO! “NO, I DON’T WANT TO DIE!” A arm would be slashed off from the hollow which a female would land in front of the small child. “AAAH!” The hollow cried out toward the blonde girl who had her katana out facing him. “SHINIGAMI!” Her body disappeared slashing the hollow in half not giving him the chance to speak. When she landed; her movements were graceful like a Princess who was practicing her ballet. Moving her blade back into its sheathe, quickly she rushed over to the small child with her hands touching his face. “Gomen…I did not mean to take so long. You are safe now.” She would lower her lips up against his forehead which made his cheeks slightly turn red. He could feel she was cold with her lips touching is forehead. Who was this woman…? She had slain him just like that? Was she one of those shinigami that he hears about? Could she know Momo?! He had to recover in asking who she was. What if she takes him back and doesn’t return? He can’t let that happen… No, he must hear who she is. First if he can speak to her. He will ask one thing of who she was so he could find out more if he could research.

“Who are you…?” The boy voice was soft with his whole body shaking in pain over just speaking. The female would smile softly seeing his vision was going out from losing some blood. “I will tell you when you wake up.” She gently wrapped her arm around his back while the other was underneath his legs. “Though since you asked nicely I will tell you one thing.” Her lips would lean closer to his ears. “My name is Bri Haku, I am a shinigami who has come to save you my little child.” Her voice was soothing to him even if he hated that last word. Still she had told him a name he could refer to soon after resting in the arms who saved him. Whoever she was he hoped to ask her more questions when he wakes up. She had promised him that before leaving on whatever mission she would have. 

Though why did you save me? Why just me? Couldn’t you have saved them sooner? Perhaps she is a beginner which is why she had been late. If only she got here on time. If only…

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